e� ? �.� 'S�.� - _ _ -'... . -
<br /> —F Y�,� '�� ' � i `� ' S . . � - . ' - . - ' �i���Y���� � . _
<br /> _� . . • ' . . . .. . . . � c � . . . . i�. .. . � . � .. '
<br /> s. -s � � - e ' °'� -' c— — — - - .
<br /> , - - —-_�1C�6�C jt�y mtjt ipOCl{y fOC1�fME�IQIt�blfOlit St1G Cf tbC�OQCI�����Y�M��l�1C 00�l��R� �. �
<br /> , ' ' . ,��;C[{��.pMi�d������' ��IO�E OOf�O�it 1��!O'IMC�: (�) `
<br /> � �l�t�,�lOQlf i�l SItlM�Yb�$ICA MOY1d bC blt Odt1Ct 1�3� ��Od 16E rICIC ii.lf AO��WII� ."
<br /> --- -- _�N��tr�es a�►y"detaniE c€my athe�ca�rat�aa�Oeanems:tc2 F�J►s�11 expa�inc�rod!P°��8 this S�ecarfty
<br /> - �,..i�aeat.ioc�dinj:bet nat lioaoui�ed to.�o�uble_�twmeYs'feex aod�(d1 t�tes sach�r.�ti�n as Lenda may!�aronWtY ,
<br /> e�aquie��a�t�t We lien of this Secvrlty�Ler�d�ech rig6ts in�he Ptqiaty aod Bamwer�s obii�tiou�o ps9!b�-` ,
<br /> amns ��by► d�s.Sec�ity In�nm�ait sh�II eo�atL�re mchan�ed. UFa'a r�e�a�ent bY 8��, � �h!
<br /> ' �mt�dd @re abli��ec�ed de�eby aball te�asn�faliy effaarve�s if no aa�ek�anan iwl occ�uod. Howeva.dus '
<br /> - •-- �
<br /> _, naLt to meiiQaw�e si�ti net apply io tt�e c�ase of aooekration mWerPata�#? ' = - . - - ' _- - -
<br /> w�
<br /> ' . i!S�le d NMe;t,'r�e ot Lo�t See�toer. 7Le Nde o�a p�nal intete�t in tbe Nou(w&e11�t wid!this Set�mity �
<br /> Ia�aam�eatf miY be soW 4ee or mo�e timts�ri�ut jiriar tbtict to Hormwa A s�k.mi�y.t�esult in�Chiinge�n the aKi[y,
<br /> • (ImoMU as t6e"L:o�a Secvioer'7 th�t cdlecta a�oMhl�PaYmaats due w►dar ihe Note a�id,iLls Secaricy In�- 'Z1�es�e aiso
<br /> F � may be aoe ar mae cA�g�of tlr�La�o 5wiar u�ted ta s sak of the Nota If thaie ic a cWnge of d�e Lo�n 5��.�
<br /> Harmwa�I be�ven writoea notice of tbe ci�mge in aoeoN�nx vriW paragrap614 abave and�ppl�cable law. �rn noao�.
<br /> � �1 sWe tbe mme aod sdd�ess of tbeaew I�w�n Se�vtox swd tbe sddress ib�vhicb payments shopld be mada.7be notice w�71
<br /> atso ca�in any a1�nF.infa�m�m t�q�f►!'�PPlicabk 1a�r. : •. .-`• ' ': ;
<br /> - b Batar�!�sS1i�[�pes"Banow��notCauseotpetmitthepeesence.usG�i�4:�.•���: :. r.;;;�:-:',:;
<br /> �S�bs4qpesan oc i�i:xUe�c�ape�y.::��t.4�do,aor albw aayooe r�:�"c'f�*.:,.' a�ff .
<br /> ,� �Hnpeitgd�t is��.of au���?v� '�fie�oedia8 two seiuenvcs s�i4 ise�,`�14�.�s•�e.�use�.c�' ,
<br /> � �oQ�p�v�f s�itq aam�s_��sa�s�thu aie saxdilir neoo�b�.��ntxt� .-
<br /> . resideatiwl uses aodt4�����k=�� ,:
<br /> � . �a�anwet efiaill p�ompdY 8►ve l.ender.v�itFa�aot�oe of wy invesdgatiaa,claim,dea�nd.laws�rit vr.i�tier actian by any
<br /> ., . gavannea�t a nB�aY aS�Y a PnY�P�S'involving the Y�+ape�ccy and any Ha7�tdais Substance or Emrimnmental
<br /> � Lmv of MGicb'Bamwer las actual Iwawkdge. If Banower tams.or is natif'�od'bY u►x Savant�nt�! a tegul�torY
<br /> , awira�ity,�at a�y niriovai ar aWec remediuian of any Hazardous Subsmna Affeetia8[he PmpettY is nceessacy;eamwer .
<br /> - sbi[proaKRly piloe�A naxssa�y�anedi�l sctions in aocordaace witi�Lnvtaonmental Law. � ;
<br /> - A�u�ed in this p�ag��ph 20."tluu�dous 5ubsta�es"arc those au�star�ees tkfined as toxic or�zudous subsE�nces by� �
<br /> - Urvimnroental Law and tde foltowing aabstuxes: g�.soline.iceraseae,aher itammaMe ar toxic peuoleum�produc�s.toxic�
<br /> p�sticidcy and herbicides.votatik solvrnts.muerials containing asbestos or fam�tdehyde.and radin�cUve materisfs. As
<br />'� - - _ ..__._ . , ._ usod u►tids p�a�graph 20"Fnvim�rtxntut l.aw"means federal laws and Isws of the Jutisdktinn where the PtopertY is lorakd
<br /> - thu nfau t�fKalth.safety ar environnmentai pc+�tect��. - ---�--- -- — - -- - -� -�' � --� --; .
<br /> NON=UNIFORM COYENANTS. B�mwer and knder t�r�txr�v��+����folbws: �
<br />- 2i.AEakrstio�:Reweaia. l.e�der st�li�ire�otke to Sornrwer pe�ov to seakeatlow tdbwt�B�rrowe►'R .
<br /> b�a�c�d�y eove�t a a�i�1M6 Sec��ity l�u�t(but ea1 pri�to�oceier�lb��ader puKrapb 17 _
<br /> - � w�k�a appl�cable 4w peovides otherwbe).Tbe�adce s6ali spa�fy: f�l tlre defwit:t6)tlu�ctios req�ired!o c�ue tl�e . ,
<br /> ap b e
<br />= � �ebMt;(e)a�Not ks tl�3�davs fFaa�tie dsfe ttie�otice is Live�to Bonawer.�y whicU IMe defsdt ww�t be
<br /> °- cMre/:s�d l�)tLat failrr+e to e�u+e tre defa�k o�ar befor�e 1Me dste apecifled i�tbe waNce May�It i�aooekatto■of
<br /> - �u
<br />.;-�t-�, I�!!rr lEC�Ed bj��I!S�y��1'YNl�t ab f�I!O��M!PPOplr[S: �I�!qM�l'@�II tY�II�l1'(II�0�10�Of[Oi11K 0�
<br /> -;z' 1�!!���0�aRlf�l'!!�!l�Ow��!'��t0 bi'I/g��OYM��t0�ul!A0�!]r�l11!!4����II�Or
<br />-= f�]d�K�!w!6 Or�r0�1'K�O�OO�OA Sdd Sall. IflhC t��Ylt b A0�At�A Or bl�Or!tbE d��!l�EtMEd 1�
<br /> - ti�e�odeG l�e�der�it its opliuw aa�y etiq�irt imracdiate PsJmeAt in tlaU d all sean secpred 69 thb SrcuritS'I�ste��t
<br /> witYo�l ffarther daaaad aad msy invoke the pa�er of sak and aay Mher remedies permitted by applicable Isw
<br />' � . L�der�sli be e�titled b ootlect�iii expe�s iac�rred in pnrsniu�the renKdid provided tn tbl9 pars�'spb 21,
<br /> - iadadi�,6at ad Ibpited ta,resaonnbk attorneys'fees a�d msts ot Ntk evideece.
<br /> It tk pmrer of s�le is invoked.7lrustee sball reonrd a notke of defpuTt in eac6 county in�i�icb aey par/ot t6e
<br />--- Propest�is Ioc�tM�ad siaU msil copks of such aoGce is fMe uasees presc�ibed by aPD���la�to Borrower and to
<br /> ��' i6ed b a lic�bie Istw Attev t�t�sae e�s�sed by applkable tsw,71r6tee shs�il give p�611c
<br /> -- tMe otbtr Pe�s Vr�r 9 PP
<br />'';�r� �atke of�aie to t6e persons snd in tlie m�nuer prescn'b e d by A p p l i c a b l e law 'lir�e�witlaut demaad as aoKrower,
<br /> --•` �seY tre Property st pabik 9ucNon to t6e 6ig6est bidder At the tiaie aed ptsoe aKd oedn'16e terms d�iw
<br />_�"s; t�e�uticc a�sate in one or more parcds aed in aey orde�7Yustce dda�mines. 'llrusta msy poetpone sak ofial ar any
<br />.�:�.;;r, p�d tic Ysipperty by public aanouncw�ent At the time and plxe ot any pr�basty schedr�ied sak. Le�er or its '
<br /> '�r°,;, ����TClli7!1bt Pf�tMy Al31Rf S1�C.
<br />° '�' Upon receipt ot payment af the price bid,7lrasta siwil deliver to the purchaser Tivstee's deed ooevesdg the
<br />��' property The recNsl�in the Tivsta's deed sha116e Prima fACie evidence M the trutb o�the stataeenv made tbereta.
<br />_�-'f" .
<br />_:�� . 7lraatee shsll spply the prooads at the sak i�the td[owing order: (a)to all costs and expenxs n�e�cet�cl�ag the pawer
<br />._�-i.1 . . � .
<br /> _��
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