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<br /> � � � }►�xiodi drt i�der reqwi�es. 7't�E ia�c�r�ier p�a'yidi��!e i�oe shdl be cNo�en hy�oaa�a wbjaet b L�der1� `
<br /> approvat��U ua tie w�auap�i�i!wpbheld. If,Ba�ower f�'b ta n�Maia ooverye danibed�bove.l�eedf*�•�t
<br /> L�eaderboption.obtw�oe�vex�e b Prolect tender3 ri�qs in die Pbpcity in'accad+nce wid�i p�ra�r�pb7. <
<br /> ' � _ � - Ali im�raea policye9 and raiewitc siss�it be xccptibte w_E�+�Gr�sl�Il ineiude�sandrer!enottp�a,cli�uee:.Leedqr .
<br /> �Uare the sylM to.hold d�e policief aac�rmew� I tRnckr�quices.Barower+�Iuli P�D��'i�ve W Lender�1 Ea�eipb
<br /> �P�P�'and re�wd naticta. !n thF event of Toas.8o�mwa shall�ive prMnpt notive w tAe irocur�nce carrier aad � ,
<br /> ` t,e�r. Lender eiay maice poduf iass if.not made P�'aup�tlY bY Bomowe►. � .
<br /> . -, -Unkss Le�der aad Bamw�et ethe�v�'ise spee in writieg.insur�ce p�a.s�ds shsil6e�pplied w resientlon ar Tepic uf .
<br /> � ' ,die ptr;paty d�ed,if�he iiest6iati6n or tep�ir�s econamicalTY feaw'61e auid Lencless sscwn[y is�ot iesseAed. �f the - —
<br /> ` re�torntion a�ep�ir�s not eca�omicaliy fsssibk�x Lender�s sona�ity wau�d bc kssened.the insurante p[ocads sm(1 be �
<br /> • spplied to tt�e soms savied b�►this Seeurity in�me�t,wf�er or not thar due with�ey.ea�p�id ta 8amwer. It. �
<br /> . . Bonawer abmdo�s the Ptoge�ty.or does not a�urver within 30 days s notice fcom I.eoder that ihe inua�nce carrier hi►
<br /> ef�Od to seuk�ciaim.ska L�r1er mxy collect the inwran�x pruceeds. I.rnder may us�the p�a�to re.�ir ac� '
<br /> � . n�e Ptapetty or to y sums sec,nea ey this securiry in.s�u:vvheWer ar,ac meo aue.�The 3o-aay period b�
<br /> � the hotioe is�ven. ` shall not extepcl ar
<br /> . : Uniess l.eadet and Sbe�wer od�rr-ise agKC irt wtiting.anY aPP����Of P1O�s�Pa�P�
<br /> ' . postpo��e dre due d�of the mandil9 PaY�nts refemed w in paragr'aphs 1 and 2 or change the arrioimt of the psyments. If.
<br /> ' ooder p�sgapi�2I the P�operty is acquirod bY Lender.Bomnwer's right to any iasnrana pol�cies and pmcoods resWting
<br /> frdn�re�e m the P►operty prior t�tl�e acquisimn sluli p�ss w Lender to the extrntof tLe smns sec�a�ed by dus Soc�itY
<br /> tns�nmrt i�atelY Priari°1h�xquisWon.
<br /> i. oes�c� Praesvado.. Maincera.oe a.a rroteccrco ot tie rroperty;-soRVRa�s e.o.. App�;
<br /> IRa�eidi� Bumwer sfnp accupy,est�blish,and use the PropenY as HaROwer's principtl�sidenee withia siucy days af�r -
<br /> tbe execatian of this Secaiity Iestr�mirnt aqd shatt codu�ue w oca�px the Ptupaty as Bortower�s principal cesidence fa at
<br /> . �.kast ana yar xfter d�e d�ue of occupaacy, unkss Lender atixrwise agce+es;,i� writing. wtich consent sl�aail na 6e
<br /> - a�o�abiY with6etd,or untess extetwating.ca�c�s exis-�whi�h.�be�-c�i£$a�+nwer's rnatoni. Bortawer st�U nat
<br /> , �yy,�a�mp�ir d1e Pm�i�:q�OPr 1he P[ope�tY w�ae�:�asu da tEs� Bonovver sirr�!!.,
<br /> . �:Iie:''u�iiet��if�ty fafeitutie actian uF'�eicecdic�.vcfidher civ�ar_�-:�*sR-"s�'�c es�.y��s good fait�1Na�n�t� �
<br /> �;.. �outd resa'i¢Yn.farfeu��rfi.she PcoQea¢y'vr��sa��[aferialty�i�:tiest.��:'+�;Securi[y IastnunetK cr:,:-�. .
<br /> :.�: ��se�viit�l m�e.es?.;:t�►i�ver map care s:�c���€ault aad t��s�i�as ps�i-eiec€�p�agr.iph I8.by c�.^r�tiie action
<br /> � . ='-�r,p�viceemng.xab�d�ssa��vithaculiag that:int�dec�s good_ .�`–'"t3�.+�����., pce�.`ludes forfeitute of._sbe8orrower's _
<br /> interest�thc R�tY:ciz s�ita materia!impaament oi the iien o�t�d by`t7tis Securiiy tnsuii�let�c�ri.errdePs secarit}i .---
<br /> iMecat, •��oeirower sbaU.aLso 6e in default if Barower. during t�e [oan apptication process. gave materially fatse or
<br /> . inacc�rate infotmarioncx.stetemsnts ta Lerxks(or failed to pr�vide Lender with any material infonnaaon)in cunnxtion with .
<br /> the laaa evidenced by�tl�e Note, incluting.but not ]imited to.representations conceming Bortower� oceupancy af the ,
<br /> pmpecty a4 a ptincipal res't.dence- If this Security instrument is on a teasehald.Barrower shall campty with all tho prav�s�ais - �
<br /> of the kase. IY 8orrower acquires fee tittc to the Prope¢q.tl�c Jeasehald and the fee titte shal!nM merga unles�Lender agms
<br /> to thc merger in writing � : •
<br /> 7. protedjoa a[l,eoder's Ri�its in the Proputy. If Bormwer fails to perfortn tt�e covenants and agrceme�c� ,
<br /> eoptained in this Sa;urity Msuumen�.ar tl�ere is� te�at proccediAg that may sigmficanAy affect l.ender5:rigt�ts in the
<br /> PiropeRy�such�c a procooding in bankrupccy.probate.for c�andemaation or forfoitute or to enforce laws or rcgutatians).then '
<br /> L.ender may do ad pay for whatever is necestiary to protcct the vatue of the Propeity and Lcnder�rights in tbe Ptupccty.
<br /> l,ender�actions may include paying any sulns secured by a lien which h�s priodty aver this Secarity lnstrument,appearing
<br /> in caurt,paying reasonable attomeys fees and entering on the Property to make apairs.Althougi►I.tnder may take act�a�
<br /> under this paragraph 7.Lender does not hnvc to Ao ro.
<br /> Any amounts disbutsed by Lender under this pa�gruph 7 shall become additianal debt of Boaawer r,ecured by this
<br /> Security In.nrnmenG Unlcss Bomowcr and l.ender agrec to ather terms of paymen�these am�unu shall bcar intemst from the
<br /> � date of d�.abui:serttent at thc hiote rate und Shali be payable.witi►interest.upon notice from Leader ta Borrawer requesting
<br /> — payment.
<br /> 8. Mort�e Ia4arance• lf l.ender required martgage insurance ac�canditian of making the loan secured by this
<br /> Securiry Instrnment,Hoaower shull pay the premium.�requued to maintain the mortgage insurance in effecL if for any
<br /> reason. the mortgage insurance coverage requ�reA by Lender lapses ar ceases to be in effect. Borrawer shall pay the
<br /> prcmiums iequhed to obtain coverage substantially equivalent to tfie mortgage insurance previousty in effect,at a cost
<br /> substantially equivalent to the cost to Bosrower of the mortgage insurance preL��s1y in effec�,from an alte�aata mortgage
<br /> insnrer a�pmved by l.ender. lf substanti311y equivalent mortgage insurance cove:zo�is not available.Botrower shall pay to
<br /> Lender cac6 month a sum equal to one-twelfth of the yearty mprt�t insurance przmium be�rv paid by Bartawer when c�
<br /> insurance caverage lapsed ar ceased t�rbe in effecl. Lender w�ll aca.�st.use and retain these�ments as 31oss re'serve in iieu
<br /> of mo�tgage insurance. Lass reserve paymen��:may no longec be required,at ttse aption of 9,:trider,if mortgage insura�ecv�
<br /> wverage(in the amou�:R aasd far the periad that Lender requlres)provided by an ansurer Appraved by l.ender uga�n becames
<br /> � avail�bte�nd is obtaines�.Sormwcr shall pay the.premiums reyuired to mainta�n s:�rtgage in.rurance in effect,or to provide a
<br /> loss rcserve.until the requirement for m�rtgage insurance ends in accordance wish any w�itten aareement hetween Boirower
<br /> � � and t,ender or applicabte iaw.
<br /> � 9 lnspeeNon. �l.endcr or itc agent may makc rc�.tionahle entrics upan and in�pertion�af thc Property. Lendcr shall
<br /> givo$orrower nntice u�the time of or prior ta an inspection 4pecifying rcasonablc rause for thc iacpcction.
<br /> �p Condemnatia�. 'Phe proceeds oi any uward or claim for damages,direct nr ronuuyuential,in cortnectian with any
<br /> Singic F:uni�y..Ynnnie h1�elFreAlk lfac 1,':�iiYURN Nb`TRUSIY.YT•-Unifrnm C�venan4� !f� //x+xe 3 ujA fwx�s)
<br /> -- r�ra IaYee euerrw iar.ac.■
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