_ _ _ . ;
<br /> . .
<br /> _ . _ � .. .. - . :. ... . _ . _ -
<br /> :--._---- =-�--�--=� --------: - -=--,---- -�_ =--_ z. -. _ . � �_ _ �9i�iQ49��_ �_ � :�
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<br /> . __._ _ �. __ . .. , . - - -- -
<br /> . . - . �
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<br /> : ._ , _ .- -- - - - -., . . .- -_- . --- -
<br /> . .., 7tiQEi'�'wn�r.N aUe i�pro�aNeats oo,r«ii�liQ ca�eaedas aK prap�ny.aa�le a.�e�.e.1s.�pp�et�a�. ` � .
<br /> _a�d tislre��ar a�ie�n11�a p�rt d tba pqwtr AtL�ad ad�t�a�a�Yli dMa be c�e�ed,�r d�is�e�r�eT.. ., . .•
<br /> I�i�t.�JUt d Iba taeldnE a n�f�se�b i�lii�SecrritY L�pw�eet as It��:` � - �- `.
<br /> � t HORROYYER OO�Y'PNANtS t�t Famwes is 1awfW{y se�cd af d�e est�e blt�by danreYed.and hIs 16e�i�Yt w pa� .:, .
<br /> `anc!�arr�Y t 6�E�opa�Y i i n n d d n t l i i e P t o p e�c y i s u a e o c u m b�r e d:e�u e p t f a r�u�b r�o�°�`�.Baria�er�va�tanii�xt �.
<br /> � w�1 de�a�d�Y t6atale ta the piopesty ap�nst aU cWms and dem�od�.srb�ctla�Y�bf maed. `- . . .
<br /> TH[S SF�GUttil'�' IN5IR1I11�N'f aimbina mifarm cavea�fa mtion�l nx aad uoa�adfdnn owc�a�es.�b`
<br />' - , �WaiOedrmafioesb�►�-Ittca�i►ulaauaifanrnsea�ritYm�teavedn;?[a1p'oPectY• .- - - --._– -----_ -- –
<br /> � � � !?1+ItE�QRI�E L'OVENAKTS. Batow+a atd l.eodel oovauiat and stnx as foibws – - - .
<br /> ` : 3. h�l�ed�[lri�et/�1�i I�tee+e�heM7�e�taM Lwle C�e�. Bo�aw�er tMU Qe�anpd!P�X w�l�+�due i6e .
<br />' �a f a o d i o t a e s t a a t h e d e b[e v i d a i o e d h Y t h e N o�e a a d a n y p R p t y m e n t a a d l�t e c l a r�e s due uader d�e Nale:
<br /> FiMi��e'13ro�aal I�raroa S�bject k��pplics�ie 4w ar w a wml�a�vaiva by I.e�det.Batowc�s�a11 pry.�o '
<br />� � t�ada m uk aa�r mamNr rayn�s a�e ane�mda nie,No�e.�tou7+be NoiF is p.�a in tW1.s smn t"�'��t�)Y�► � .
<br /> � �.�a�a��m.,,,����s�c,►r��iu�ooa��:royr�+st�oia �� �
<br /> � pay�eat�ar�caod�a1s an die Pl�opaty.if aty; (c)Sre�rtr hazsM er popaty aau�aoce ,p�emrt�s' �: t��� �
<br /> . ;v,s�anca p�ums.�aay;c��r�y�a+��P�•if mr:aM t��!�ay g►.
<br /> �Lender.in accatd�rice wbh We p�o�riswes of pes�raph�.in liat of die pryment of noo�tgrge im�u�nce p�._ '�x
<br /> - . ikmi�cdted"Facnow Ylems." I�eader.may,at aay 6rue.c,oib�and hvid H�ods in�ai�owu aot w eac�oed tbe mu6aam
<br />` � smoamt s kades fs�fedaraU�r rel�d mo�tgsge Wan msy ioquirt fa Boaowab esc�o�v aooaunt w�da d�e fedaal Rea1
<br /> F.�tate Setdaneat Ptocedi�es ktof 1974�s�Med frvm m�e to time,12 U.S.C.;26Q1 a seq.("RESP�►").unless ac�a� .. - -
<br /> u►w mac aQplia w d,e Fuads aea s kssa amoim� tt so,l.enaer may,at any wne,cakcc ana how r,�nds;n ae.moaat mc to
<br /> : O1�0E0<<-d1E kstCt�11104�t. I.dldCt lRiS► ESf��tG dfE ll�olAlt Of RIOdS dfiC 01!tfiC bLStS Of C1ufCIlE diEi aOd!li9o11fbiC
<br /> ,�Ii�S Of E7��Of�lC ESC[OYY Til�11.t O�OtIICiYV13E ld�OCO[�i11CC VY11�1�1C��C ji�Y. �
<br /> '�.�''vidi t�l�C�ICb 10�li IIIS[I�101�iYt10i0 dC�6l1t�111511[Cd�/a fCdCl�l�Cj�a�±';�.�. '�� �. ',:
<br /> `�1�t.�'O�lf��l.!lI�F.1S��I IR�}Or�Q�x.�Gf���.�0 B�It�G t.la1�[S������Et,��! .':..;�.';.'.:..
<br /> iL�Fscian►�Ioam. I.eader:�g aa ch�e Sa�oker.fnc�oi�g aua��aS��,�����iir.�!�iaa�v. °-��`.�.
<br /> :•, � �ocaimf,ar v�ih EqGSrir�items. �,:i'�der.�'s`Bo,�tuwa,i�an�6c._�'b't�ds and applcahle 1ii1�'•pxeeMRS°...'� ;,. '; .
<br /> - . Lendec to msica sai.fi�cb�i�e::HaWe�`er•��naY��.Bortov�er t.�,pag a�ch�e fis aa In�epe�is iea� : .
<br /> - —�tax_tePa�i!5��,��I.eader ui oc�aaection vrith tius Mm.t�ess applicable ta�v pavides Ptt�etwix Unless aa ;;;'�;,�
<br /> - –- �.. .�.�., t�terest o�.. .....:.:::..
<br /> -- --agnoeeu�isa�sdGarappIicabieiawseqauesmteresNo6epaicf��e�sdersA�lstatbes��ag�E�tie�er.�q►� _
<br /> ' eamings on the Au�ds. Bortovra an�1 Leader may agroe in wri6ng,hawtve�that i�shatt be pai�a��e f§usds:=I.cndcs --
<br /> Au ds
<br /> s6all give to Bociuwer.witho�it charge.an am�ual accoanting of th�Fund.a,sdowing cndits and de6ics'to the Funds arid the
<br />� ',� pu�pose fo�vvh�ch exh debit to the Fvnds was made. 71x Funds are plodged as additional security far aII s�ms secu�d by
<br />' - tlus SecuritY Iasoiumea�
<br /> � :. If tbe Fwids beki 6y I:eMer excad tde amounts pemutted w be held by applic.abk law.L.ender shali accatmt w
<br /> i Barmwer fa the e�ccess Funcls in accadance with the nquimnents af�pplicabk litw..If�he amoune of che T�mds deld by
<br /> L�da�t any dme is aot su�'kient to pay the Escrow Items when due.Lender may so notify Bormwu ia wridn8.and.ir1
<br /> such esse Borrawer sfwll py to L�endes tbe amount neoess�ry w m�lce up the deficiency. Bo�rower siu�U malce up the
<br /> deficiency in no mo�e th�n t�relvr monthlY PaYments.at Lenderb�ole discrctia�.
<br /> tlpon p�ymcrK In fuil oi all sums secuad by this Securiry Inswment.LenAer eh�lt pomp�lY nfund a Bamwer any _
<br /> Funds held by Lender. If.under puYgtapf�21.l.ender shall acquine c►�sRCll thc Property.l.endtr.prjor to the acqaisitiae or
<br /> ssk of the Property.shall ppP�y any Funds held byr Lender at the timc of x�uisitian ar�sak ag�credit sgainsi the sums
<br /> secu�d by tMls Securlty Inswment.
<br /> 3. A�lic�tio�o�P�7�ts. Unkss applicabk law provfdes otherwisc.Al! psyments.rcceived by 'i.eixkr under
<br /> p�rngwphs l nnd 2 shall be st'pplied:t�rs�ta anY P«P�Yrtknt charges Aue u�der the Nde:second.w amouets payabk unde�
<br /> paragr�ph Z;thir0.co inurest�du�founh.to princIpat dne:and lut.to any late charges due under tLe Nalt. . .
<br /> 4. Cp�e�es; Lka. Borrower sMafl p�►y all axcs.assessmernta.charges.fines and impositions attributabk to thc
<br /> Pevperty which msy su�ia priority over thts Security Insauma�t.and laisehald payments or ground nents.if any. Hormwer
<br /> ' shall p�y tNese obliguions in the manner pcoviGed ln para�raph 2.a if not psid in thu manner.Bortower shall pay them an
<br /> time dir�xtly to the person owod payrtkn� Borruwer sh�U prumptlY fumish to Lender all twtices of amounes to be paid under
<br /> this p�ragraph. if Botrower makes.these p�►ymeets directty.Borrower shall promqly fumish to Lender ieatpta evidencing
<br /> f �P�Y��
<br /> Borrower shaU pcoinptiy discharge any lie�which has priority over this Secudry Instrurn�nt unless Hortawer.(a)agrees
<br /> in wridag to tNe payment of tl:e obligaUon sccured by the lien in a manner acceptable tu Lender.(b)contests in good faith the
<br /> lien by,or defends against enforcement of the lien in,legal proceedinga which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the
<br /> eaforcartrent oP tha 1ien;or(c)secures irom the hokter of the lirn an agrcement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien
<br /> ' to Ihis Sxuriry lnstrumenG if l.endcr detettnines that any pan of the Prvpeaty is subject to a lien whkh mry att�in priorlty,
<br /> ' over th�Security lnstrument.Lender may give Barower a notice idendfying the lien. Borrower shall satisfy the lien a take
<br /> . one or more oP ihe actions set fath above within 10 days of the giving of notice.
<br /> S, Ha7arQ or pra¢trtp In�urancG 8orrower shall kap the improvements now existing ar i�etrafter encted on the
<br /> Pmperty ins�xed sgainst loss by fire.hazards included within the term"eatended coverage"and any ather hazards.lnctudmg
<br /> floods or flooding,for wfiich Lender requlres insurance. This insurance shall be maintained in tlte amounts and tor the
<br /> ' , Fara 3�2i 11'!�_(paRe 2 ojb pa�eal
<br />- _.__--��;:�-f-r=r° ----- ----•--- ; -� _- ----•-.---.i:k-r5a�=s-i��=-=�=`-�------ ..- �
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