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<br /> s S�ei ir`�et� bwraioa�BbRa�er�it"loee�p-dre impc�eats�o�►aat�-at�endciea a�ti�a--,=
<br /> Peopeety.iawted a�ainK lon bY fur��incJuded�vit6in tbc Ktm'e�ead�ed awea�e'aad say c�ha 6m�ds.irwcju8i� �
<br /> � � . �oodt at ltoodii�,6ar w�ich t�e�ader t�equire�i�taooe.'['6is imYt�uoe tl�it 6e m�inufood is die aowu�a�d for 16e peiiods _ �
<br /> .. tlwt[apder ia�aita.The imucmoe ca�siC�Pc�vidiaS dee imurwoe alwtl be clioFm by BoROrrer aabjxest to lfade�'a�ippo�at
<br /> , . wl�kh a1r11 aot 6�ennaoe�biy iQid�hdd. ff Sam�res�iits to an�iwin aovet�t de�b�alx�ve�.i�eader�y;-�t tssder's � �
<br /> . option,optaiQ coveas�e to p�ttct Leader's rigRns ia the�rnpety ia aocadanae�rit�psra�nph?. ' - `- -
<br /> All i�a pqlicees�d i+mewais:htU be aoaept�blc to I.sader�ud slWl include a sraoda=d m�da�ue.L�eedee
<br /> ' �ll lnve t6e rf�t to 6oW tl�e policies sod RatMals.ff I�eader ra,�,uins,Borrn�er s6a11 promgtly�ive w Lea�a dl reoeips df.
<br /> � p�id�and�eoeMai mtioes.In 1Ge eveat of�toss,Bo�wer�Infi3 givt piat�pt eoEiee to tbe ias�aoa c�rcirr aoa L�ode,e. .-
<br /> . i.eader maSt ao�loe pbuof of loes if�t m�de prooaptiy by Hoci�o�rer.. ` `. • . .
<br /> - '; Udaa Leader aod Bonu�rer ut6mrise ag�ee in writiag,�uwnaoe procEOds slnli be apptied�to nswntion a�ir ef tl� �
<br /> Pmpetty d�nnjod,if the�ssonion or�ir is ec000mically feiv'bla aod I�nder's secarity is noE ksseaed.If tbe resW�tion or
<br /> ' t�qir is uat�ooaomically feav'Me or Leader's s�oistY waaid.4e 1es�seaod.tbe iuwtao�x prooeeds s�il be applicd w the`�umt
<br /> secwied-1y tbis'Sx�rjty �uaia�E, w6uher or mt then�e,with any excess p�id tQ Bortower. lf Bormw�a ab�udoot tl�
<br /> Pcopaty.or does not maer�rithin:3�drys a natiee from I.endtr that tba i�ttaqce ca�riec bas of'�'e�ed to sdtk s clai�n,tbm
<br /> I.eader may cdbR tde iasaranoe pinaeds. i,eader may tue tbe procads w'rep�ir or restote tbe Pmperty or to pay �
<br /> - — saucod bL tbis Secvriry Ia�ment.w6emer or not thea due.The`30�day period an'It begin wixa tfie mtice is given.
<br /> Uiikss I.endei rd Barmwer dhetwise agree iw writing, aa►y apptic�tiod of procaods w principal s�alt aot exteod or'
<br /> pc�stpare t6e doe date of drc mont6ly prya�s iefernd to in� 1.aad 2 or d�anga t6e:amu�u�of tbe poymmts. If ._:_
<br /> = � qnder pausgr�6 21 the PtnQetty�is aGqwl�ed b��tder,Bomawec's rigbt tar any instuance policies�d pmcocds rcsuhiag from ,
<br /> -. _ : d�m�geto tLe PmpeRy p�oc t�tde acqaisition s1iaU p�ss to i.eader W the extent'of Wc a�ssewced�lry thia Secutiry Iastrnmmt
<br /> __ immo�i�te�Y p�ior w d�e acq�isi6°°. '. . •:.. . . �. � c .
<br /> - • �Oee�,l4�n�ati�,Mairtea��e a�d P►�tia�at tl�e P�+o�eciy;Boii�ds Lw�.Appliaitios;l.��eYfd�.• • .
<br /> --- Bomn�ter atall oocopy.estabtis6,�nd use the Frnp�ty�Bormwer's pcincdpat nside�oe wNiia sn�+da�s ifter tbe eaowtiou of
<br /> - � ` tbts Sxocity Im�and sb�U coaliaue to oxupy the Propaty as Bocta�et's principal neside�ce for at le�t�e:yezs aRer ..
<br /> '`� the�of ocaipre�.y.unless I.eader atht�ise agrcts in writing,whicb coaseat shall aot be ua�asoua�Iy wittideid;oc unl�ss
<br /> ;,�
<br /> .-:.,; extmwtimg cinum�nces e�ist.!�fiich are beyond Borc�nwer's oontrol:'Borrower st�all aoE des�uy,.d�ge oc uapair the
<br /> .:.
<br /> _: °--- _ --_'''- FIi1p�lly.�IOiP`tjlC FlOpetfy► IO`�ICtlOtBi�Ot COII'fiil�f WSSiE 6II-i�i0 Pl�jSEt�(. B�i�9�C�'S�lt EfC"[�i�..^'f�i if�iijFfifl�CllQtC--
<br /> �::�•:} �etion or peeceediag,whaher civii or crlmiinal;is 6egun that in I.ender's gi�od faith jeidgmnt coutd�suit in forfeIture oE tbe ..
<br /> - Pmpetty or othe�wise a�tetiaUy impatr the lien crcated by this Saudry Itr.strament or Le�der's secuQity,iatetest.Bormwermny���,..:'
<br /> cuze socb a defrwlt and reIastate.as pmvided in paragrapb 18,bY Gwsing thc accion or p�acading ta i�e'dismisscd witb a ruling :
<br /> - th�t, iu Lender's good faith detennination, pnectudes fosfeiture of the Bamuwer's inte�est in the Propecty or othu nisterial
<br />= imp�imoent of tha lieu cnated by tlus Socur�ty Instnunent or Lender's saa�rity i�. Bornower shall atso be in defauIt if
<br /> ". �` Bomower,dudng the loan applic�uion pmcess,gave m�terial3y fatse or ia�ccurate iaforn�ation or state�neats�o I.enckr(or fiiled
<br /> '-'•' ' to piqvide Lpider with aay materi�i infomwtion)in connxtio�with the luan evideaced by the Nofe.�odiAg.but not limited _
<br /> r`�'�';� to.i�eatattoas concerning Bor[ower's oaxtpancy of the Property as a principal nsidence.If this Sa�aiity Instrament is on a
<br />- f� .
<br /> • . �, Borrower_shall comply with all the provisions of the tease. If Bomnwer acquines fee titte`to the P�vpetiy, We
<br /> leas�otd and the fce titte shaU not merge wiless Lender agr�s to the merg�r in writing.
<br />. � - �7 PrutecNon ot I.ender's Ria6ts in t6e Property.If Bormwer fails to perform the covenants and�ne�nents coatainod in
<br /> tfiis Socarity Inshume�st, or thene is a legat proceoding that may sigaificantly affect l.ender's dghts ia Efie Pmperty(s�ch a+a
<br /> ` pt0000ding ia 6ankruptcy.probate,for wndemnation ar farfeiture or to enfom�e taws or regulations),ttrea Lendec may do and
<br /> `- psy for whatevu is neccssary to proted ttie vatue of the Property and Iender's rig6ts in the Propecty. Lender's actions msty
<br /> include paying any samc secuted by a lien which has priority aves this Security tnsrrument, appeadng in caurt, piyiag
<br /> reawnable attorneys'foes and entering on the F�operty ta make repairs.Altt�nugb l.endcr may tatce action uader this par�gaph
<br /> "�' ?,Let�der does not have to do so.
<br /> ;,�,.
<br /> • Any amopnts disbursod by Ixnder under this paragraph 7 shall become additional debt of Horrower sccured by ttus
<br />_ � Securiiy Instrument.UNess Borrawer and 1�eMer agree to�thsr terms of payment,these amounts shall bear interest from the
<br /> date off�isbursement at the Note mtc and shall be payab."$,with interest. upon naticc from Lender to Borrawer requesting _
<br /> � PsYa�ene•
<br />� S.Mort�ge Inwraace.If Lender requir,�d mortgage insurance as a�s,inion of making the loau:'secured by this Security
<br />_ ,_ Inttrumem, Botrower shall p�ty the premiu��;required to maintain thc�ci�agc insurance in eff�ct..If,�for any rcason. tho
<br />° mortgage insurance doverase�u�..-:d by Lcndcr lapses or ceases to be in effect.Boir�wei shall pay the premiums required to
<br /> �• obtain caverage sabst�atia[ty a:�i::ralent to the mortgage insurance previously In effecs,.€�a�st snbstantlally equivalent to the
<br /> - cost to Borrower of the moRg�ge insurance pmvions{y in effect. from an altematc rea�re;ago insnrcr approved hy Lcnder. I!
<br /> -�- - - substantially equlvaYetrt mortgage insurance coverage is not available.Borrowet shall pay to L�ender cach month a sum equal to
<br /> . ''�;,�`�; i. onatwelfth of the yearly mortgage insurance premium bcing paid by Bm�xcr when thc insurance aorerage tapsed or ceasod to
<br /> '�'`:`i;;; , be in eNect.Lendcr wIU paymee.ts as a toss re��esve in lieu of mort
<br /> acaept,..usc and retain these gage i�surance. 1�.oss nserve .
<br /> �1:;,�• - .
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