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<br /> ` Wt ldar �e�}l�idad�rs����ll�'�'��9r L�eMer+M�beoo�es a�r�bie ad i��btwM3.�►ono�r.i�il�r ;
<br /> tie pe�■s reTit�ad OQ a�i���Q i��dio1.ar io/�o�►ida a fou n�aieY+e.�w1E die�eq�i�e�e�t faa`ao�l��
<br /> �< i�wr�oe ad�iraocoidi�ae,wi1��r�ri�ea���loetv��c�Issdr;�oc a�lie�biP�_ ' <.
<br /> - --;.-�efi�l,eober-ar-itt�eat-coe�r mvns.in�os�6k mtda�pae�sd irpe�ic�s af�c Ptopetty,�.aidec��Wl pre _, ._
<br /> . Boe�aotioa at!be time of ar ix'ior at at i�pectSo��ecit7►ai re��k�a�a far�impeetioo. � ..-. .
<br /> 1�,:p�1r:'l�Peoowds.of MY i+naid cr�tLim for diorjes.dira.�t ar�meq�eati�i,Ie ao�actiou�e rry► � . �
<br /> oosdemo�lioo a athec tatiaE of aay►P�t cf tbe P�ope�tY+a�OO�Y�ia lieo of c�dem�tioe,ae�I�eby►wiped aNd ,
<br /> �be pia t�L�eedet. �:_ •. � - ' � ` ` -- -
<br /> . In t!�cvs�e of soout taiva�cf t�e Peop�ety,tlK pi�ocaedt s�tl be applied to the sm�s�eaueed fiy t�is Sauiiy►Ta�oer�t, ` ,
<br /> ' �r�ad�ec or nat tl�ea doc..�h aa!►e�F�id to Ho�er.Ia t6e eveeE of a p�ti�l hlcioa af t�e P�oQaty in whicb th�b�r
<br /> . muiret valae ot tt�Ptapeity:immedi�etY bda�e the t�tin��s eq�ta or gceaoer th�n the auaant of the sums se�vred by'!tiic `
<br /> Searity TaKnmeat imed�elY befae We talci�E,n�ies��a�d I.cadec cthenvi�e a��oe in writiui•the sami tawred Dy
<br /> � • �iia Saa�ritY Imt�mait�1[ba��oed bp die�op�t of t6e p�ooeeds uauhiplied b7►the foljowie�f�tio�= (s).16e to1�i .
<br /> �moaat oE the�oms aecuted immed'��6eiY�befa�e t6e t�t�*�vidm bY(6?t6c fiir a�t'vatne of tbe Pmpe�ty i�difld�►
<br /> ' befc�e tie�. Any bdinoe�Enll he p�id w Bam+rer.ls t6e�evmt of a puti�l taitiva of tbe Pc�upeRy ia a6ica tie bic .. .
<br /> n�r�et vslue of ti�e Prope�ty imrnedi�dY befae d��°°t is less th�n ibe�nouoc of t6e aum�aeaued iamedi�tely Defoc+c t6e
<br /> �,unless BaQOa�er aod Lmder atlrenvise�gcee ia writ�a�ank��pP��k law otbecwise p�ovides.the pmcxeds�hdl .
<br /> "= �e�pplied to t6e wm►secacsd 6y.diit Sewrityi.iast�ummt wl�thet or not tAe suffi are d�en due.
<br /> If the Pmpaty is ab�oda�ocl by Horrower.or�£atta�botice by I�odet w Bormwer tME dic cwidemoo�offers W m�ke�n
<br /> ''`�s�rnd a�eqttla s elaiat for daoo�es.Borrower f#�s to cespond w I,ender within 30 days sRa the d�e tlie notice is gires. .
<br /> � I�ader`xs;�o4iaed to cdbct and apply the pcaoeeds,at ia opdan.eit�et�to resoarati�aor�of tbe Piopetty or to tt�wms
<br /> �ecaeed�!�s Seauitx I�u°°�+wb�ether or not then due. :�.. ,. • •
<br /> — UaTas I�a�der-�8orrower ot6erwise agt+ee in writin8•�Y aPPGcac�pti of pio�ee�s W�incipat abali noc eamod or
<br /> poqpone t6e doe ds0�;ofe�e monthly;paymeats nferred w ia paragniphs 1 and�u�d�a tbe�anount of a�ch paymeats.
<br /> 'il.�or�owec Ni�,,. '�otbe�ca�oe E9 I.�e�Not�Il[fa[ver.Eatensioa of We dme•for paymeat or modificition ,
<br /> of a�notti�atiaa of the smns 9�cafed:by cbis Sauriry Ltsuument granted by Lender to aay snoaasor in intaest af Bormwa sbull
<br /> _� ., �._,_��ta releaxeshe,3��j,c::af�ndgin�t ia inteiest:Lender sha11�..,,,�'..,,1 w
<br /> BG .:..:.. . . ... BOII4VYCiQ[$4[[Q�G7�8��. . _ ._.-- .__. - . . •`"1"""" .. -
<br /> . .; �o�e piooeodings a,�.nsE�ng;snccessor in inte�est or ntase to extend timG for paymeat or othecwise modi ati�oRmtion
<br /> �':� - . of.tbe soms sacun�•E��is Sti�vriry Iratnunent by reason of any demand made by the odgiaal Borruwer or Bomnw�er's .
<br /> :� st�w:s in interest.'t�y'fotbeacaace by Leader in eaec�cising aay sight or rrn�edy shall not be a waiver of or pmIude tlsc
<br /> — exercisr,�E�t}y rlgbt or mno�y.:; �•`:�� ����.� .
<br /> �.�la0fs��-�di.10�IK AOd S!Y!!7���.�wus7s CO-�jOQ3h�IC COYOIIY�[S�3�iCC[11CD�4 O�ihtS
<br /> , Sowrity Ltatnunrnt��wdYi�lnd and benefit the sacassors and�a�gas of./�adar �ad Hor�uvrer, subject to tbe pivvisraas of ,
<br />- _ pa�grnpL 17. BorrinRea's wvenaots,aad agneements sbaU be joint aad�sevec�L Any Borrower who co-signs tl�is Sou�itY
<br /> Iasaoment but does acet exocate tl�e Note: (a)is rn-signing this Secadty�c anly to mortgage,grant aad"codvey th�t
<br />= Botrower's intenst in t�ie;Fr�aty uadet the terms of t6is Secuciry Instrunteatt 1�)is not p�so�Uy obligated to pay the sua�
<br /> socured by this Socurity T�and(c)ag�ses that Lender aad any otder Bcfrcower may a�oe to extead,modify.focbau or
<br /> — . malce any acconunodatuaims vcrt(i,�to thc term4 of this Secusity Iastn�or the Note witLout that Borrawer's consent.
<br /> - • l3.L�a�e C�.gf the toan socured by this Socurity Iastnunent is��ct to a taw ahich sets a�um loan charges,
<br /> . and ttu�t law ia finaRy�erpreted�o that the intenst or otlxr loan charges vm��cced or to be coltxted ira aannection witb We
<br /> tam excad the per�limits,ti�as: (a)any sucb loan cbuge sA�U be reduced by the amonnt necessary to raiace thc cbarje
<br /> to the pe�mittc�li�aact(b)aay sums already colfected fmm�srra�er w8ic1�eaceeded peranuod timits witt be rcf�-`�to
<br /> = Bpn+owet. I�ender�}�choose to m�lce,this refuad by reducirtg tf�e�ii�Fa1 owed under the Note or dy rnaicing a`dir�ect
<br /> - p4yment to �oerower;,Tf a refund reduces principal, the redactics� ��I ix treated as a partlal Pap�+Ymeat wittwnt a�r
<br />:� P�Ymeat chuge ua�es�he,Nate. . �.,
<br />`"� 14.Natloe./1ny noccve.to�atrowee pmvided foc in this Secntit�insta�i�:n.�t shall be�en by delivering it or by m�iliag
<br /> � it by first cl�s mail uniess a�ppti�bte 1aw requires use of anather ttietbad.�'`�notice shalt 6e directed to the Prap�rty Addnss
<br /> or any ollur addmss Barrvwec'��ates by notice to Lcnder-;Any nati�so Lender s6a11 be given by first class m�il to ,-
<br />— ' Leader's�ddress scate��`t�ecein or`smy other address Lendet designates b�r nati,�.to Bonowcr.My noti�d��ovidoa for in this
<br /> - ,. Sacnrlty Instrume�s�1 be deemod to have beei�gi�en to Bomawer or.��+hen given as providod�t�is parag�ph.
<br /> LS.Govtrdss Lsw;Severabllity: This Sectsrity Insuuinent sbail�tx'gavenled by fo,deral law and the law of the
<br /> jurisdiction in which the Propercy is Ioptod.In the event tfiat 3ny pmvision or clauso of this Seariry Instrurneet or the Nate
<br />-- oonfliets with applic�bte law,such conflict shall not affect otherprovisions of this Security Inshument or the Noco whlch cao be
<br />'�'- - _ — given effcct w3thout tke cant]Icting provision.To thls end the provisions oF th�s Security lnstrument and the Note are declaced _
<br /> to be severable. �
<br /> K.Eorev�er'e Copy.Botrower shall be given one confom�ed copy oTtT�ie 1�se attd qf this Security lacwmat.
<br /> , ia�w 302� !/!0
<br /> " . vapeeo�a . . ..
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