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<br /> — _` , .' ..3+O��H:�[�is'- �--�-- ' .oE�«r�ier�a:�p.opeity:�.aa��eeeM�.w!l�r1�+:..o -
<br /> r�nes�oM► o�irlai�lec a p�et at 1�PioPalx• !1a� a�d additio�s'aWlt ala 1���67► �W �7► �. �, .
<br /> t�twaeat.AII d t�e!4�/ci�b refened b i�lI�Seaeitp L�tmeeet aa tie"Ptapeety.' _ . <
<br /> �QRRa1V��OVBNANTS t�t Horm�+er is bnvlillY�eLed d We at�la 8ereby catra�ra�ad iiit tie n�tto`p�iit airl .
<br /> , ` � . ,���p�ptY���p�up�tY�S yam�umbe�ed;txoepE for rac�mb�aocts vt rscoid. ��ra'rraeeaets.aed.�rill�
<br /> - defe��aaailSr tbe ti8e ta t6e pcopesty apimt aU ctaims ad dem�.aab.�ect to aay ac�ooa of tmoid. . .
<br /> 'I�11S SB�C[JAt!'Y INS1'RUMF.I�iT ocmbim aaifaaa cavea�s far n�tioe�l�ae aod aoa�ooi�ocau rnveads�riH�ltoiled
<br /> ��riuiaa�by jac�ao ta�o�h�e a aaifam ee�ntitY inetmmeot oavr�c�reat p�opertY' , _ .
<br /> -�= - uNII�O1tM`l70Y�NAI�}`TS.-Bormwee aad i�mdes�uvee�nt aod�pee as fdlv�v�=� _ _
<br /> . . 1.!lqne�t�f 1'kI■dr1 a�l Irere�tf Its�,��st a�i tAle�'re�p-�Boaowtt�tU ptomptly ptq w�lros doe tie. ` '
<br /> � prindp�t of�d ialooeat ca t�e�e6t�+►ideeoed by t6c I�Taie�srd�ay pepayme�t aod Lt�d�s d�e a�der tlie Na�e. , _ .
<br /> � 2.f M■it tir Tates a�i Lr��ca Sabjax to appliabk lsv�e or to a�rriEaen�vaivec�by I�der,Borm�er diait pht to
<br /> I�ader oa tbe da7l�3►Pay�od�ts ste dne oodertbe Diaae.wMil the Nole is p�id is full,:a�t'�9�(�)Y�y� -
<br /> �d�eats wbicl�mry�ltain pcinat�ova.thia Seiauigr Itatcument is a liea aa the Pmpat�r:(b)Y�Y�'��
<br /> oc poand�ts os Wa Pmpe�t!►.if a�►:(c?9�S►�or p�opaty inlutana pr�emia�:(�Y�Y����Pr'�
<br /> if�►;Ca)Y�►��P��•if any;ao�(�aaY sm�s Pg�blC b!►�orm�er to Lr�d�r>is aoc�o�daoe�ritl�
<br /> die pcovi�ions of pa�r+pb 8;in li�a of tbe paymmt af matg�ge i�aaooe�.lbese io�s me dlod`t�scraw Ioaar.' .
<br /> Irader maY,at�ny time.c�ollect'aod hoid Fa�s in ao amouat not to excoed thz�amoao�t s leada for a fadaally
<br /> td�lod mu�t�e bm m�ry►nquit�e for Boim+vts's escro�►�a�aant u�er the fa{er�l Rnl Fsdte Satl�aent Ptnoeduies Act of
<br /> 19r14��needed 6oai tLne w time,12 tT.S.C.Secdon 2601 a saq('RESPA'},iml�9ootbeF taw tb�c applies io the Fimds
<br /> sets s ks�er au�o�ant.If w.lrader maY.�t aay tjme,mlkd aod hold�unds In an srooara aot to t�coeed We la�er amoait.
<br /> .Lader maY a�i�We amoant of F�due uo qre 6�is of au�ent cLrst aod rea�oo�bk e+�tat of exp�d f�me .
<br /> - '�� L�ovr Items or atbawlse na ao�d�moawith applicn6le law. ..:� _ � .
<br /> : ''IUe Fusds�11 be 5dc�•m an�o wMua deposits ace.u�ted by x faler�! a�.7►.:�ai�Y+ a�S►
<br /> _ ' .�'`:`,�Cludid8 I,eader,if I�eoder is sach ai iai�utioa)or in�uoy Foder�Ha�anq�.nan Bwo1�.Irader slnll appiy tbe Fm�ds w pay tbe '
<br /> :::; . `!���.:.
<br /> : '�aw Iteoa�.I.eoder may not chuge Hp�wer far iwld�8�d appE�r?�g i6e�ds.a�a�llY�Y�B��.acx�oimt,or.
<br /> -:'` . �.iirifymg tbe Fscmw Itertas,oaless L�end�et pays Borro�qar fiatenu on the Fundv r,md?pPliabk Is►w permits Ispde�eto m�oe a�ch
<br /> :.:, . .
<br />-_'°-� . . - � r�l estata taz
<br /> ::-=r _ _ —� _• , -sc�cge.HaWCY2F�I+e�sde�'�a]►n�ireBomaaverto°p�' � . ' ' -
<br /> a asx-te�e-�fot�ns�ep�deat ;,�n8��-
<br /> u;ed=by Leader in conaectioa with this la�o, aukss applica6le taw pmvides otherovtse. Udess an�.•�s ��de c►r '
<br /> �pplic�ble taw tnqnitea iMa�to be g�id,I.endec shaU mt be roquitat w psy SortaRrer.any inte�st ot amings o�i d�e,��adds: ,
<br /> Bonvwpr�ao�H te�der may sgioe ia writfag,bowever,ih�iatecest sl�all be paid un the FaMs. l�ender shaq gh!e to�;,
<br /> - _- _ _ wh6put c�uge,an aanual accountiag of tl�e Funds.�ia8 cndits aad debits to the Fwds smd t6e putposc.fo�`R�9s�ea�h
<br />_"_;�k�` dd�ic W tl�n Fimda vras made.'The Fimds ate plodged as additional saurity for all aams sownd by this Securityi.�trud�pfot.
<br />-4 If the Faads heW by icader excood the amoaats pertnitted to 6e 6eld by applicabla law,Lender shAll aaownt fo Barco�, :
<br /> - for the eaoess Faads in ncm�daace v�itb t�e requinanaNs of applicabtc larv.If the sudouat af t6e Fands beld by l,endcr at�nrY�•.
<br /> ' timt is not aufficieat w pay tbe FscroR►'itiems whea due.Lender may so notify Bormwer!n wriWag,�atd.in such cate Barro�s:�
<br /> . - ahsll p�y W tender tbe�mo�et aecessar5►W make up the deficiency. Borrower slralt m�lce up the deficlencSr'tA ao moce tlnn .
<br />, , ' twelvc moadJy payments,at I.ender's sale dlscreNon.
<br /> Upon payment in fnll of all sums savrod by this Security lnstrument,Lender sha11 promptly refwyd tu Eorrower aay
<br /> Fonds deld by ieoder.If,under paragraph 21.Lender shall ecquire or seU t!u Praperty,Lender,Prior to ihe�oqaL4ition or sale �._
<br /> of the P�opetty.sh�11 appty any Funds held by Lender at the time of xqaisition or s�le as a ct�edit agair�t the sams seci�rod_by
<br />.' . this Securiry ia�tranent. . �__-
<br /> 3.Appikafloa of 1"ay�eente.Unless applipble law provides otlKrwise,aII pAySiCQfB[ECC1YOd�►LlIf�UA�Ct� .
<br /> 1 aud 2 shfll be appliod: firat,ta any pcepayment charges due under the Nate;seoond,to artwunts payabk under paragraph 2:
<br /> � third,w intercst due:fauth.to principal due:and last.to any latc charges due under the Note. �:
<br /> 4.Cl�fr�es;Uea�.8omower shall pay al!taxe�,assessments,charges.fines and imposttinms�ta'batable to the Pcepetey � —
<br /> yvhich may aqaia priodty over ttis Secur�ty Instrument� mid lwsehold payments or ground rer��.4f aey. Hatrower s h a l l pay ��
<br />_.' thpe ob l igat ions ln t h e rtwnner provi d e d in puagraph Y,�i f n o t p a i d i n t h a t m a n n e r..H o r r a w e r s h a l l p a y t 6�t on time directl y . �'=a0`��
<br /> to the person owed payme�•Borrmwer shaU prom�tiy Cumish 40 l.ender all notio�saf amount�to be paid ut�this paragrapd• �;r;;,,��;
<br /> If Borrower m�lcea tt�esc payments direc[Jy,Borrawer shall pmm�ptCg€umish to Lender receipts evidencing tfre paymeats. ;�,�f°�
<br /> Barcawer shall promptly diset�rge any lien which h�s priaity�rra this Security Instrnment unless Borrower:(a)ag�ees in :_
<br />�.,.'�� ' wridag to the Qaynxnt of ttie obligation secured by the liea in a manoer aocept�ble to Le�der.(b)contests in good faith tl�e lien °;'.:"
<br /> ''' byr,or defends against eafvnxment of the lien ia, kg�l proeoedings which in the Lender's apinian opet�te to prevent the -
<br /> e�fonaanent of die liea;or(c)secures from tfic holder of the lien an agneea�ent satisfactory to Lender subordin�tiaa the lien to - -
<br /> •" � this Secudty lastmment. tf Leuder detemlit�es that azry part af the P�vperty is su6ject to a licn which may�ttain priurily over �
<br /> this Security Instrument, Lendcr may give Borrower a notice identifying thc lien. 9oirower shall satisfy the lien or take one or
<br /> nwne oP the act�ons set foAh above within 10 days of thc giving of noticc. .
<br /> ian�302� 91lO +'�
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