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<br /> � ` �i�c dhec taking ofany part af the Ptoperty.ar farcanvcyaeoe iti lieu af c�da�n�tiaa.�e i�ereby:assigaed and• - `,
<br /> . sh�tE 6e paid to Lender. . • '-�- ` " • , .
<br /> ta,�<e�rcn�of s total taicing of thc Ptoperty. the pioaeds st�l! be appikd to the sums seciued by thi�.Sec+uiry .
<br /> _ lns�n�t:w6edmr or nat tAm due.v►rjth any esass paid to BoROrveG In drc nrcnt af a partiai t�tcing of tdc PrupatY;io
<br /> -, which the fiir mulcet vatue of th Froperty immediately befo�ttie ta�ing is`eqm}to ar grcater than ihe`a�nount of ihe sa�ns -. . _
<br /> �securcd by this Saurity In.taumer►t immediately befae the aWng,unkss BoROwer and Lender ahenvise ug�ee in writin�.
<br /> a�, __�� - --- �ti��d_b_ ''Sstn�ilX.fnswmmt shalt be cedacci�6 the amaunt of[fic p�ocads muitiplied iiy tt�c fallewing < -
<br /> Y�-_.. —.____ _
<br /> . fractjun: (a)thc taa!�mwnt of tUe sums secuied icamedi�fety Tiefore tl�e�c'iog. vaio�d�f t�'��- __
<br /> , Ptopnty immediutty 6efarc the tsking. Any bal�acr sdali be paid m Basnwer. In the evrnt of a p�rtiai takiag of the
<br /> Qtaperty in wluch sbe fBir enarlcet vatue of the P�npe�ty immediateiy 6�fasie tAe talcin�is tess than the amouot of tht sums �
<br /> ' secuRd immediauty 6efa�e thc taicin�.unkss Bor�ower�nd[.ender n�herwise�grre in writing oc unless appfica6k law .
<br /> othetwi�e provides.tbe p[oceeds sh�lt be applied t�d�e sums sec�ed bp th�"s Security Insttument whether ar not the sums ate
<br />-- tfKn due. ' •
<br /> , - , If tix Ptopeity is ab:wdoned by Bomnwer.or if,after natice by Lender to Borrower ti�at the condemnor ofkrs to maice
<br /> - an award ur�a cisim for d�nages.8arower fails ta�to l:end�er within 30 days after the daue the notice is givrn,
<br /> . [.ender is authocii.ed to coliecc aM apply dte lxucoats.ai its option.eid�er to seston�tion or repair of the Ptnperty ar to.the.
<br /> -_ sums secured by this Stcvrity�whether or not tl�du�. .
<br /> � Untess leader and Bamwer ai�wise ag�e in writing,any application of proceeds to principai shall not extend a •
<br /> --- pnstpone�he due d�te oi the monthlY paymenu referted w in paragrapiu i and 2 or change the amount of sucfrpayments. .
<br /> =�-�' 11. Barro�er Nat R�ekased: Farbar�ce By Leedd' Not a Waiver. Extension of t[ie time for payment a� �
<br /> ..-;i: modifiqtioo of amortir,rtion of the sums secured by this$ecurity tnsuument panted by Ler�der to any successar in interest
<br />-'== of Bortower shail nat operate to rekase the liabiliry of the original Bomower or Borrnwer's successors in interest.l,ender • -
<br /> _- shall not 6e nquued to commence proceedings ag�inst any successor in inteRSt or mfuse to extend time for payment or
<br /> - ` otherwise rno�tfy amofization of the suras secw�ed by ttuc Serurity tnsuurtxmt by r+easort of any demand macfe by the original
<br /> - _ liortower or Bocrower's successors in inten� Any for6eatance by l.ender in exercising any right ar remedy shall not 6e a
<br /> ___;� waivaof ar pnecludr tbe exesise of any right ar temedy. '
<br />�'�'= � iL Saee�ara aad Assi�.Boaad.Jdet aad Seve�l LisbUity;Co-siaaers, 'L1�e covenants and apYements of this
<br /> - _ Se�urity_Instnuuent st�a116inQ mxi berxfit tt;e successors and assign.c of i.rnder and Bamower,subject to the prov�swns of
<br /> - ' parag�aph 17.Bamwer�s covenanu and agreements shall be joint and several.Any Borrower wha co-sip�s this Security
<br /> Instru�e�e hut does not execute the Note: (�1 i+co-s�gning this Security Instrument only to mortgage.grant and cor�vey that
<br /> Borrower's interest in the Propecty under the tecros of thix Security Inst�ument; (b)is not persanally obligated ta pay[ha sums
<br /> �secured by this Security instnimen�and(c}ap,rees that Lender and any oWer Bormwermay�ee tos�ctend modify,€orbear-- ----_
<br /> or make any accommodatians with cegard to the terms of this Secuaty Iastrument or thc Note without that Bortowcr's
<br /> .� � -ronsen� � - .
<br /> 13. I.oan Clu►r$es. If the toan seeured by this Security Instrument lc subject to a taw which�ets ma4�ccum toan E_
<br />'„: '',. charges.acsd ti�t!aw is finally interpreted so that the inte�est or ather to�n charges coltected or to he collected��vnnecuon ==--
<br />.:_��:',: . �:� with the[oaaeexceed the permitted limics.then: tal any such toan charge shafl be reduced by the amaunt necessary•to�� .
<br />�:�:;�,. � ihe charge to'the permitted limit:and(b)a�y sums already coflected from Botrower which exreeded permitted limits wiIi 6e
<br /> refunded to Borrower. Lender may choose to inake this refund by reducing the pri�ncipal owed under the Note or by making a
<br /> ;� direct p�yment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal.the reduction aill be n.�red as a partial prepayment withe►ut an}
<br /> -. ^ prtpayment charge ander thc Note. � —---—_
<br /> . 'i 10. Notices. Any notice to Bomawer pravided for in this Securii�in5�rument shall be given by detivering it or b} __�.
<br /> � mailing it by fm:t clatis mail untess applicable law requires uze af anothes r�ethud.'Fhe notice shall be directed to the Propes} ---- _
<br />: �; Address or any ather address Borrower de.cignates by natice to f.e ndzr. Xnv natfrce to L ender tihall be given b y first class < <'a..: -
<br /> - mail to Lxnder's addce+c stated het+ein at any other addresg Lender designates by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for .;�r.:;;�,�:�`��•
<br /> • , in thu Seeurity Instrument shal!be deemecl to have been given to Barrowes oc Lender when givea �c provided in this '�Y•''�,�:'_
<br /> ParaPaPh• �;•-��i:-�_�'-
<br />`" 15. Gocerniag i,aiv:Sere�a6ility. This Security Instrument shall be g�vemed by fede�al law and the 1•rw of thz �:._:i,,-,�:, =
<br /> ,' - ' ,Ytrrisdic�dcr.i z�u:`�ich the Prapetty is locuted. Tn the event that any pro�i�can ar cfause of chis Sec�rrity Instrument or[be tio_� �--`•.:':'°•"_ -
<br /> ..�:%r'�
<br /> . caRflicts�"rIf applicable law,such contlirt shall not affect other pravi,ians of this 5erurity lnstrumem or the Note�ti�hicFe c�::.. , ,..•. ._�',?-f_
<br /> :�, � he given effect withouc the conflicting provisian. To this end the pravisionti of thi�Security tnstrument and tfie tiote as�e� �. '�-,�,'•;�°r`�=-
<br /> declared to bc severabl�. � -_
<br /> 16. Borrower'.g Capy. Borcower shaU be given ane conformed capy oi t?:�\�te und of this Security In�rtrument. • :..,•
<br /> " 17. 'Iiansfer ot the Yraptrty or a Beneficial lntere�t in BorraRer. Tf ali ar any part of tk:Property or Any interesc e:� .: � • �. 'T
<br /> • it is sold or transferred(or if a benefc��interest in Barrawer i�so.�nr tran�,fcsre d an d Barrow:r i�not a natural per�a::) • . �"'�_ -
<br /> � ' • w i t h o u t l.e n d e r's p ri o r W r t t e n c o n s e n t.f.e n d e r m a v.at;tc a p tion,r r yuire imn�cdiate pa yment in full af all sums secured by __,_,�:�
<br /> �his Security Instrumeq:. �i�wevcr,this aption th2[6:et he exerci�ed by_Lend�is exerci�e is prohibited by fe�leral law ms of • -:.� � .—.—
<br /> � . ihe date of thiy Security 4�;,sirumcm. . , .�•`d''���
<br /> � If Lender exercfv�';:yis optian.Lender shait gis��C�anower nntice af acceteratian. The notire,hall pra•�U±�.:a period of '-*�'`----
<br /> , �` not lesx th�3U days frc�mm Ihe date the natice is dctivercd or maile���hin whirh Burra�ccr must pay aU surns:�:cured by this � . .
<br /> •'-�� S:curily_:S�tttiment. if 8atmwer fails to ray the5e�nm�Prinr ti•�t che erpirnti�in uf�hi5 period. Lender maY invoke an.e� __ : _ ._,. __
<br /> � ' � �+ � mmedieti}�itted by cCt6�Security Mstrument without further nntice ordemand em BoRawer. ' ,;�;�;',� �
<br /> �• ;� .
<br /> 18. Borrower's Ri�t to Relnsfata if 8nrmwcr meet` ccrtain cunditiar�+. Barrotver�haU havc Ihe right ta have ��r�,:.,.� " '�;y'••,:�
<br /> enforcement of thi.r•Sec:�:ay Irntrumcnt cliscominucd at any time pri��r to�he c.ss:cer oi': la►5 days lor such athcr periad a� {'r.,:• ;;,;.. � ,fr. ' .
<br /> ,�: f"+::.� .. � ,�?�,
<br /> , � � �l ' SinglcFemily--Yannie�tae/frrddkStxf�lf(1R�11�tiTIiC�tE�1'-•1'nUumiCu�rmnt. 9,911 �p�ie�•4nfelar..x+ . . '
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