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<br /> : ' pC[fOdS tT11t`�.l11�li. ,tOQul[!S• �IC�IlS11A1fC0 CQi1Ci ptOY1�i1�l�ItlSUEilI�G STt�f 6C C1lOS�If�3]►$Oif0lAt�f S11hj!'tL10�.C1f�.'t�'. =� -- .
<br /> . ' ..apJ�cov�l vifikh s6a11 aot 6e�s�wn+b�y witl�eld. If BoROwer fa'Is ta maintain covetsge desctibed abovw Lender may.at. .:
<br /> Le�der�s optianF.obvie cove�ge to piotect 1.ender's cights in tl�e�ny in accadance with paragraph?. , '
<br /> Ali ins4r�atx Pol�c�es ard`nnewais sha[l be aoceppble ta_ - r aad st�ai!mctude a st�ndacd mortg3ge clause: lsadcr , .
<br /> ,� � sbaU have tt�e rig6t ta hotd We policies apd tenewals. If I.endcr reqii3res.Bo�roaer shall prbinptTY give to.Lender alt meipts
<br /> of paid premiums and renewal iwtiQes. Ia the event.of loss.Boirawa sf�all�i�e prompt notice to the ir�s�c�caQier apd .
<br /> _�:I.eader._=ieader�mav make_p[�af.of toss if_nPt iit�►de,promPUY t!Y Bormwa._ : � �; '
<br />-- _--T -,_ .—_
<br /> --
<br /> Uniess Lender and BaRO�iru at�ierw�se agro�:�n wmmg,�nsuraace�sTiaTl I�e�ppliedTo res�o�ttaii - -- __— --
<br /> • ` `�the proppny dam��td,if the�storation or rep�ir is oconortucaliy feasible and Lender�secnrity is not lessened. If the
<br /> �ti�c�.rep�is not econtnrrically feadble nr L.enders security.WQttld:be lessened,tise insuranee proceeds shalt 6e , `
<br /> applied ta the sutns secuted by this Secunty Instrumen�whether or not then dne.with aay excess paid to Bonowe�.If _
<br /> go�ower abandons the l�ivpeny,or daes not answer within 30 days a rtotice fivm l.ender th�i the insm�c�e carr�er l�as
<br /> �offered to setde a claim,then Lender may collect the in�urance pcoceeds. Lender may use the pcoceeds to repair or restort
<br /> the Pmpe�ty or w pay swns secus�ed by tius Security(nsuument,whether or not lhen due. The 30-day period will begin when
<br /> �he notia is givm.
<br /> �. . Unkss Le�and Bortower otber�arise agcee in writing.aay npplication of pm�eeds to principa!sf�al!not extend or
<br />_--� _ : , �'.#�ostpo�e tJse�ue date�f th�mnnthlY PaYments teferred to in pazagmphs 1 and 2 or change the amouist af the payments. If
<br /> -- undec�czgraph 21 We Pa�opaty is acquired 6y Lender.Borrower's�rigttt to any insurance poIIci�s aad proceeds-tesutting
<br /> �{� [o the pmperty pnor to the acquisition shall pass m.i.ender to the extent uf the sums secaied hy this Securiiy
<br /> -'_ -- Inst�aisunediatety prior[o the acquisition. _ , :.
<br />- 6.-';��.�rservatioi�. Mpintenanct atM Prote�tion o[ ihc Propetty: BorROR'tr's,Lme Applic�tTar,
<br />';�;; Lea�ehdds. BaErov��rsha{I occupy.estabtish.and ase the Propetty a�Borro�e��s principatresidenee�i',�igsiaty days after _
<br /> the execution of�this Se�'ity Inshlun�nt and shall rnntinue to occupy the P�operty as Bomawers psin���rai residence for at
<br />_ - least one vear.•after•.� d�te af:asCUpancY unless 4ender ut6erwise agrees in wriang;�,wi2ich consent �I�all not 6e . ,
<br />-= un�easasa'til��etd,ot unless e�ieapating citeums�tances'ez'ssi attich are beyand Bormw��conu+nl. Barrower sha1I not .:
<br />=�-�� de,utu�;:�Qe or,�npair tlte Ptap�ity.allaw 1he Praperty to 3etesiorate.or wmmii waste ts�s�'tlie Ptbperty.. Boctower shap :
<br />= � be in d�auTt,if any forFeimre actio�or p�o�"eeding,whether"ci�3 or criminal,is begun that in I.ender's gi�od faith judgmenf _
<br />= . caeld t�esuit in forfeituie of tt�e Propecty or othenvise materiaiIy iti�pair tfie lien crcated by this Secu.�iic Tdsaument or
<br /> - i,endeiS secutity i�rtec�est. Barrower may cure such a default and reinstate,as provided in paragraPb 1 S,Lev;,�g the actian �
<br /> �� ar proceeding ta be dismi�sed with a niling thal.in Lender's�oo�,faith determination,precludes forfeini�e i�.¢��'e Herrouer's
<br /> inteciss:in the Ptoperty or other material impairment of the tien�created by this Security instrumeni or�a3er's szcurity
<br /> � -�- � inteies§:-' Bocrowe�shalt atso be in defautt if Bor�vwer. dtn%��the-ta� app!'scatioR�racess;gav�maiefiaii�-�'ats�e.or -
<br /> inaerurate information or statements to l.ender(or failed to provide Lender�iith any material information>i.�i'rasmeciian with
<br /> . ' the loan evidenced by the Note. inclading.but aot limited to, representaua:is concemi�g Borrower's�oceupancy of the
<br /> _ Pmperty as a principal residence. If this Security instrument is on a leasehol3�orrower shal�.comply w iih at}the provisions . .
<br /> • of tt�tease. If Borcower acquires fee title to the Property.the leasehold and the iee title shail-��t merge untess Lender agrees
<br /> ' m ti��iterger in writing. • . . .
<br /> � � protection ot Lender's Rights In the Propert}: If Barrawer fails to perfo�m ahe covenanss apd agreern�nts
<br /> � :�ptained in this Secnrity.Instrument, or theria is a legal proeeeding thaf,may significanUy affect Lendrrs righis.in tTie
<br /> ;4 . ' _:.�ip�erty(such as a procetding in bankruptcy.probate,far condemnation or farfelture or to enforce laws oz i�tatians);�hen
<br /> i:eit�r may do and pay for whatever is neeessary to pnntect the value uf the Property and Lender:s righ�:c..iashe:Propertp. .
<br /> � Len3efc.a�c�ttions may include paying any sums secured by a lien which has priority aver ihis Securi[y Instrument.ajs�►earing
<br /> ► -----
<br /> _: in caurE�paying masonable Attomeys'feec and cntering an ihe P�ieny�to make repain.Aithaugh l.ender may take actian — _
<br /> .�• under this patagrapb 7,l.ender does not have tv do�a. ��
<br /> • ��' Any amaunts disbursed by L.ender under this paragraph 7 shali becoina.additional debt af Borrower srcured by�his t,-..`..
<br /> k ;.�-•:_.
<br /> Security lnstrument. Unless Borrawer and Lendcr agrec to ather tcrms of pa.mertt:thetic arnounts tihall t�ar interest irom the �a—°�"_
<br /> date of disbursement at Ihe Nate rate and�hall be payable.with intcretii.upu�natice from i.eader to Borrower myuesting qw�<'.:"_:_
<br /> . payment. `f.-�:..
<br /> � : S. Mo�age Insarance. If i.cnder reyuired mortgage insurance as A conditian of�.aking the ioan securcd by tbis .:?;�
<br /> Securiry Inrtcument, Borrower yhall pay the premium�rec�uired to maintain thc manga�insurance in effect. If,fnr any .;`-.
<br /> � reason. the martgage intiuranee coverage rrquired by i.ender lapse� or cra�e� t�� he �n effect. Barrawer shali pay the ,`_,-�.__
<br /> premiums myuircd ta obtain coverage sab.rtantially equivalent ta �he mungage in+urunce previously i:�effect, a1 a cotit -�'�.=r�
<br /> . ' sub�tantiapy a�uivalent ta the cost to 8orrower of the murtgage in�urance previously in effect,f'rn�m an altemate mongage _ ;;.•:_:�:c�.�
<br /> .;�: ' • insurer approved by Lcnder. If�.ubstantially equivalent mong:+ge in.tiurancc cavcra�e i�no�avaitable.B��rcower shall pay to � -���;•;;`:_
<br />" � ' . Lender each momh a sum cqual ta�me•twclGh�►f thc yearly martgagc intiur.mcc prcmium l�cing paid hy Hanawet when the �-=`�''"_:r;;
<br /> � ��: insurance coverage lapsed c+r ceased ta he in effect. Lender wil!acce�t,u+e and ret:�in ihese payments�.c a lory reserve in tieu . 'i-`:��
<br /> . af mor�gage intiuruncc. Lotiti rescrve paymentr may no l�mgcn c�rcquired.a:thc up�i�m of Lcndcr,if martgage inrurancc '���"�;
<br /> ' � coverage(in the amoum:+nd for the�ericxl�ha�Lcndcr rcyuircti►pn�vided b;�an imurcr appmvrd by Lcnde�again bcrome� . -
<br /> _ available und is abt.+incd.Bvrn>w��r�hall pay 1he premiums rcyuired to maintnin mc�rlgage in�urancr in effect.nr t��provide s� �.
<br /> � loss reserve.wnti!ihe requiremcnt for m��ngage in�urancc cnd�in.�cc��rd:mcc with any��rittcn a�rccmcnt iietwccn Borrower - , '"' '
<br />--- --- - ' sctd Lender or spplicnl+te lnw. • _ - ---rt�-
<br /> ^-�� 9. Inspeetion. t.ender or iis�gent may makc rea.�m.�bl�entrics upnn and in�pection�of'the F'rapert�. Lender,hall j. l `�`'�'
<br /> + give Bormwer notiee at the time of ar pri�r to an intipection�peeifying rra+�►nable cautie tiu thr in�pecti�>n. •.�,r��
<br /> , x '��.. 10. Condemnatiun. Thc pra:�:°...';rf-w.F 3ward or claim f��r dam.�gcti.dinct�,r cun.c��ucmial.in connection�vith any � . !';:.
<br /> , . 5inglcF..�.,`:•.Fannie�Iar.Freddk�facIVIFUR�11\%"1R1�1F:�1'�•Im���rm�'u�caym� 9.4A �/+���r.f,�/nnr.;ru
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