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<br /> r •' $OC�1�1��[(�f�Edly Of 1�EOfOlCtllj f��SOCII�y�IMII�'af' 7�IO�C OOQa1fi00f�C 1��Ofi��: 4r)
<br /> . �T.Ed��6�5��N+W��E�C O�Q�f�ry ��1�E�.LS!�m�i01i.� � . ,. ..
<br /> oa�unr�(b)aaas a�►default of�ny aba oov�a ag�nmts:tc)Prys all exPm�'s.ieaund in aJo�iea tlds Se�°
<br /> ° Imnu�t,incWdins.6at aot limited w.rasaoabie�atto�o�Ys'fas;aod.(d)�es such�cflao ss l.eede�euY�Y . `
<br /> ieqaite to atwre th�t tbc lia►of Wis Secariry Inmw�at.t�esderh ti�hts in the Pmpe�j►�d 8�ot�rerh a6i'��abaa'�m�_: ,
<br /> _ �—_� �_�-���-��-t�i�8e� t1�=r' ' ' � - --- _
<br /> Insntm�eat aod the oUltg�tians aec�t�ed Aenby sha11 tem�in fuIIy effeMive as�f no�laada�had acc�uzred. Ho�rer.das � .
<br /> • ciEbt to reimtate shali na�ply in tLc iase af aaoeldatioa unde{.p�agr�ph 17. _
<br /> t! Sak d Nai�i��ot Ler Senioes: 'li�e rTa�'a a p�iat imeiest in d�e Nae.(�t�a.witB tlns Sa�aity
<br /> • Insuaajau?�Y be soid aoe a mae t�na witbwt ptiar mtice to Borrawer. A sak m�y nwh in a c�rnse in d�edity
<br /> (�oqm�s d�e°I.oas Satviar")ti�t collaKs modhly psynie�us due under thc Note�ed dds Secariry ir�trnme�. 'lnene�Isa
<br /> may be one a mae clumges of the I.wa Secvica uac+el�md to a s�le af tbe Note. if tLais is a ct�ae of tf�e 1.oa�►Sai►ioer.
<br /> Bornnwer w�l be�iven�rritteu twtioe of We c�nge in aocad�noe with pawgeph 14 above and�ppticable taw 1be notice <
<br /> wiU slste die tu�roe aad ad�esa uf thc new I.otn Setvica and tho Addcess w wNich payments should be made. 71�e notice�e7!
<br /> also oo�xain any amer iufam�iaa raN�bY�PP���law. . �.� ,
<br /> ZR �S�bda�eea. Hamwer s1W1 not cwse or.pennit tde p�sese.use.disPc�tt:swra8�►.or�ease of'i�nY �
<br /> Iiuudous Subsnooes ua or ia the Pivperty. Bamwet shaU mt dn:nqr allaw aayaie olso to:cb.u�ytt►ti�$at�'�cdn8;tbe ;
<br /> --- Pmpe�ty th�t is in valatian of aay L'►viromna�nl Law. 'Ibe p�+eading two saudices sti�ll noe appiy to tdo•`�i�repalce;�usb�;or'-.:=:-;: ':
<br /> - starage on tbe Ptoperty of stmU qwntipcs oF Huaidot�s Subspaces d�at a�gaieralty tiecognizGd tabe ap�iopdayis w notpt�t.',<�,`:: -
<br /> - — - nsiaerwt�sa ana m m�intemnce of the t't�pens►. � � '�"�; . --
<br /> - Bamwer afiaII promptlY 8�v�Lender writoea natice of any investigation,claiu�,deawod.lawsuit or otber action by Aity .• :i. .
<br /> _-.- gwer�eat�l ot ce�lstay agenc.Y a Pnvate�rtY iavolviag the Pmperty and any Hszudoas Sa6stance ar Eavltq�m�gta� .'. ;,>.,
<br /> Law of v�fiidt Sa .�tit 6ss acxa�l Imowled�e- If Barnwet la�ns,a u ao�fied lry�ny 8ovctm�ental a'r�gi!1�ory�
<br /> --- �r,d�t�te�v�4�a�r.nmec6�naa of any Huaindaus Su6�oce affaxmg the Ptupercy is neoessuy,•liam`nvv�r
<br /> - - std�,�dy take aII aeee�la�i�l actiao's.'sit accardatwe witb Favitonroe�t I.aw. �,
<br /> _ � ., '�����s'std ia this pa�grspA�."HHazardaos Substatrces"ane-tdase substa�cxs�ef'med as mxic ar ha�atdous si�bspulces by
<br /> --_ - ° �,�cv�and the fotio9ving substa�s: gasol�...tcerosene,ottKr flaaunabk a to�dc petmlam pro¢uct�;�toxic
<br /> .��• ,. . ,
<br /> ''• :I ` .��frni�des.volaq'le sotvents.mat�iat�contain'saig acbesta�or'fom�aldehyde.aad radlost�ive m�tee�i�ts. As ,.,
<br /> 1_��. .
<br />_ �:°� ; ���'s'ga��20,"Fnvicanmmta!La�°�s fedcrai taws aad laws of t2�e jarisdiction wbere the Pmperty is iocated _
<br /> ' t���s�:;�fetp or�vho�a�psa�ri�. _ ... . ... . --- - — ` - -`--" � -—
<br /> ;r` _ .. �.IJI�*El�,�1 COVENANTS. Bcxrawer and Lenderfunher covenant and agree as follows: .f ���:
<br />'. Z!, Aao�a�ia�,Ren�lie�. l.eades a1�W�ive mtke to Sorrower prlor to acakr�tioa[o1lmvlos Barrawa'a �i,�`
<br /> �.�"� MeacL d a�p._ .. . ar a�nt in thi�Secarky I�traa�t(6ut eat prbr to aocelerntiaa;uqdes'pu�estn�P61� ,:l.;;.
<br /> ' !' ��las ' �'proviies dherwbe?• 7tie eatice shall specUl: (a?tie detsalt;(6)the actioA�equired to c�rie fLe _�:.
<br />_. �z dds�k;(c)s:��at fe�s�w 3d dsys troo t6e dste t�e natke is given to BorroRa;by whiclR;�Iie detsalt mast be .: ".:-'
<br /> ,, .�
<br />- a�rre�i,�i t�.M�i��e�e f�c�ne ttie defiwlt ai or 6dore tl�e dste specitied i�tre ootic't na�Y ce.pdE.i�aooeleratlo�o� ;���;'`�
<br /> t�e:�ae�ticvi 5�8�5ev�t9l�Anme�t sed sde ot tie Prapert' TMe nMioe si�aU fa�lier�statm Borro�vp'af
<br /> fUe�it�o rei�t d�er aoakratio�sad tMe ri�t to b�i�r a caurt actio�to ssseirt t�e uoi��-ex�d�.defidt ae �
<br /> ` - sq oiier de[eagruR aorraw�to aoaleratioe sed asla I�'fl�e defaeN is not ca�ed a�or 6etane'tiie.date sppdfied ia ._
<br /> � '.`' tYe�atWe.I.e�/er�t its optios msy requlrs i�nediate psynKat io taU o�all sua►4 sec�tred 6y tiis Secarit'Iastruaeat .
<br /> ,,rTt: .
<br /> . witiaot t�rtlier�ad aad may ievoke tie pawer of sak aad nnny MIKr re�eedks penaitie#1p n�pplic��ble Is�► -�
<br />� � l.eader s�6e eatitkd to collect all expeises iecarrM in pursaieg the remedies provldM fi�[fiis para�rspb 21. , • - —
<br /> . iacludWS,bat not timited ta rrssona6le sttoreevs'tees and costs o�titk evtdeea. - ----
<br /> Ii tl�e power of sak is invoked,'Ilrusta sball record a aotioe ot detnrit in each co�iety in w6k6 aay psrt ol the ����
<br /> r . propq�ty is bcahd aad shall mail eopks of such notice ia the maoeer prescn'bed by applkabk b�v to BarraMer and to ��`
<br /> tl�e atier personc prescribed by appltcabte I�w Atter t6e time reqnired by app!lcabk I��v,7Yusta sMaB sive po6tic . --- _--__
<br /> ootla daak tolUe peraoe�aed in tbe mnaaer prescrlbed by app8cabie Isw 'iivstc��tboat demand oe Borrosrer, ° ; : . ��`'.�`"`-
<br /> aMall�ell tUe Propert'at paWk aacHoa to t6e 6 Didde�at the tline aad place aad under tbe lerma de�nated in ". , �"'"�.'-=
<br />- . � �::::��
<br /> •-- t6e�otice at s�ie in one or moc+e psroel�and in say oMer 7lrastce dettrm�ees. 7lrusta ms�Y P�P�sale af�or a1ry.:;`"• • - =�±;
<br /> � v�����'t9 bY n�anaoancemeM pt th�ume ana W�e ot aey previo�y scnednka s�aa Lenaer or�ta. .. �::�,°. ..:�.- -
<br /> de�ee may Purcbsse t6e Propert7 at aay s�la � •: . �-:�,:;`_'•--
<br />..- ` � Upon n�cetpt o�psynKnt d the prier Did,llrusta shall deIIver to the patcUastr 7lrusta's.deeA coeveyio�;the ._ ,�_�;-�
<br /> ` �, Property. The recitat+in the 71ru.�ta's doea��aU 6e prtm�tack evide�e ot the huth ot tbe statdanents maAe theriin.; • �
<br /> 71�a.gtee shall aDp1Y tbe proceeds ot the salc'iA the tdbwing arQer: (a)to atl casts and eapenses d�acercising the poWe� .. : :'.. �- � •_'�.�;;-- --
<br /> �.
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