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' THAT �Northweatera Publio &rvfce Companys in considention of the : <br /> , premiia�and at One Dolhr to it duty patd by tbe Ttustees at or befon tbe�nsealin�and <br /> - � � delivery oi these PreseAts,the receipt�Aereo! is hereby ackaowiedged, hereby eovenant� <br /> -= sad �rees ta and Kith tba �rustees-and tliefr auaeessors in tt�e trwst under tbe Ori�nat . , . <br />= Iadentuce, for the benttit of tZroae who sball hold the twnds and eoupo�,or sny of theas, <br /> to be isaued 6ereuader ar theraunder as hereinelter prvvided,as follawss � <br />. ,_ _ - . '.. � �H.'�iC3.E I . . : . . .. <br /> , � � • � �� <br /> - - , . �QFBFtI�SQ�TS��;B�`1998 `;:;;�` <br /> ,. . .�� � . �E�� .,,, � , ?< _ <br /> ;r �:',: ':,:':'. �"- :. � ..::i` . . : :.,�. .'. ,•_ ..:r,:,�_.. . :•. ,.;..: . :'.' ..-. i:;-`.- <br /> � , . . '` C'�'IDI���. �I1C�QB��itig d�E'��CF'f:i'(EES S�e1F S�f�����0��CLtiFIIl., <br />-,.�.;;;;"First��or!^�age Bonds,8.8��9i`s Sertes dae 1998': T'�e Hands o.f t�ie'Series�e`3998 siiall - <br /> '; ;°�; be exeeutrd, suthentiaated and deltvered in aeeordance with the provisions of,and st�sll in _ _ <br />. � - ell respects be subjeet to,all of the terma,eottditions and covenants oi the Indenture. The `---- <br /> - • ag�gregat�prin�ipal amount of itie Band�af the Sesles due 1998 ia unl�mited e�caept as the_ �;���=__ <br /> �-:-�- <br /> _ - principal amaant o!all boacb ia Umited by tbe Indenture. ��� <br /> ��� - <br /> - ;,�'�� Eaeh of the Bon� ai the Serle� due 1998 shall bc dated as of the interest `��;�= <br /> „� �.._ <br /> pa yment dste thereof on whi�h interest was paid nest pre�edin� the d�te oi �uue� unlw �:.�: <br /> � � • on an laterqt ent dste tbereo t on w h ie h in tere�t w s s p 4 i d. t n w h t o h e v e n t �s�__ <br /> � � it�shall be dated u ot twhe date ot itsue, or (b) tuued peior to the oecurrenee oi any �9�- <br /> �{ � �nterest psyment date thereot on whieh interest wu psld. in whiah event it slull be dateQ , T��_,-�__ <br /> � JWy 15, 1991; absll msture July 15, 1998;and spall besr interest st s rste of ei�ht and �:��-:- <br /> .��_- <br /> � daht hundrea and twenty-four ttwuaandtds per aentum (8.8249i6) per annum,pay�ble semi- `�` `_- __ <br /> � .�:�_,,:. <br /> �,: ,.,�, snnuslly on the i�fteentb day oi Janusry and the tifteeath dsy of July in eacb year ��;-� __ <br /> - � commeneing January 15, 1952. The Bonds ot the Serie� due 1998 shall be payable aa to _ _ __ <br /> ������ � prineipal and tnterest in any eoin or curreney of the United State of America wh3cb st the . � — <br /> � � time of payment i� legal tender for publia and privste debts, and shall be psyable (as to �. _ <br /> � �"� the interest thereon as well as the psineipal thereofl st the otiiee or ageney ot the =- <br /> � ���`" Company in the Horough of Msnhattan, the Citp oi New York, State of New York. � . :,.— <br /> _` �-� Anything eontsined in Seetioa 14 of Article i ot the Original Indenture notwithstaading, <br /> r:-e.: <br /> only the persons in whose names Bonds of the Ser�ts due 1998 sre registered at the elose <br /> ���`"��`�` � ot businas on the record date (as hereinaiter de�"uted) with respeat ta any intere�t . <br /> . � . r_y,rn i .. . •;•.... <br /> . • �� .�• � payment �ate st�alt be entitlea to reeeive the interest psyable on sucR interesi payment ! _. ;.�-- <br /> �� � ���``" � dste notw3ttrst�ndirg the eanceAation of an such bonds u n an transier or eaehan e "#� <br /> y Ho Y 6 i� � . � a;=� <br /> �'��'`' � sti�seque�� tt:e �cord date�:�d pr�or to sueh interest payment date; provided� that ff <br /> �,:h'::� "' }' �� � . � �'_ <br /> .:�:� � and 4o tlse��rxtent the Coingsny ahaU deianit in the payment oi interest due on such . <br /> �� a4,; <br /> � � � ' �'j' intereat payment dste,such detaulted interest shall be paid to the persons in whcrse nsme� , � � .�•:- <br /> : , _, <br /> :� ( . ,�:_ <br /> � outstandin� Bonds of the Series Que 1998 are re�istered on the date oi payment ot such <br /> -=��� �'� detaulted intereat. � � " <br /> .-=- = ,.�i�_--3 . �-� - -:_- .. <br /> =-�_-.. � <br /> � ' �'� ` The tprm "record date" as used �n tt��s 5eciion with respect to any interesi ; . <br /> ��'r:.��. � �`� psyment dete ahall mean Jsnuary 1 or July 1, as t�.e ease may be, next preced9ng sucb '• <br /> :, ; <br /> `h , <br /> �. <br /> - .ir�. . � �p� ' ' • <br /> V ! <br /> ' �5 ' . � . . . , <br /> _ . . . 1 . <br /> ��� . � � � � . -� � ' . . � . <br /> ' ��, '. �^ .' :. .. . „ - � ' � , � ,_ ' ' - <br /> ' �� . <br /> , fi. • ' . . . . � � � ' . <br /> • . .. � . 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