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<br /> - =�- � �_ r _ _,_-. �, _r,` : :�.� � � ��:�-���- . . :- :-- � � 91-��483s� : . _ :
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<br /> -- - -� ` - ,wasasAa:�a�ua�t to tD�t.rms ana Qeort.foe.ot��u-eu ti�.at�+..e�a .
<br /> �`ta Supplea►entai tndeatur�d�ta�d�e l,1i77.iNa'�fnatter reta�es�to u,tl�"dapgt�m�nti! - � -
<br /> I�depturc d�ted Juae !, il77"I. � Compan� ersated a n�M aerla o!boed�►to bs irw�1�
<br /> . � uAder tbe`OeiRlnal Indenturss an�ta bs ta�o�s�Fiist.Npet�a�t�ndr, id0lii��" .
<br /> = • __200T,.ot whieh Hond�oi tve i.A0916 BeeTas tlieere are ta�aed uid atbt�ndin[.u oi tAs d�t�
<br /> at t�is;Supplemeatat Tndeatun. �iZ,000.000 peliktpal�mouat und iar whiehiMt Compaey
<br /> . seaeired,exelu�ire oi ac�rued interat.the�re�te swn of:1i���S,009;�d � ,
<br /> MAHREAB p�a�swat to ffie terms and peovlsfone of the OrT�inal Indentuee and ,
<br /> ' a�upplemeotal�tad�ta�+e d�ted�tuty 1, 1975 pureinatttr refemd to�the"8upplewentai -
<br /> � Indentutt dtted duly 1, 1�78"). tAe Company ereated s ne�r�srta of boad�, to�be i�e�se! � .
<br /> � _uader the Oei�in�l Indentute,and to be icaown�s First I[ort�a�e 8andss 9-v/S96 Ser�adue. .
<br /> ��OOS,0�3 wtiich Hoads of the 4-SlD916 Sertes there sn i�sued aad outstandi�,�s af the dste .
<br /> � � oi tNs Supplemeatal Lydenture, i7s336,800 princiQel uaount and tor wh�eb tbe Company
<br /> ree�ived,e�elu�ive Qf ic�n�ed iatuest,the a�te�ate sum ot 57,336,00�and
<br /> - � . .: � pAERBAS Pursuant to'the tums and provisiona oi ttie Origtnal Indentt�re and �
<br /> - ��s Svppler�eatat;;Indentm's ,dst+e¢ Ikcember� �;"�1978 (hereinaftec referred to as the
<br /> - : ; sSu�5p1e7psents�:3�ttct�e�sYed December-ls.3s�"Y, 'th� Gompany ereated a new serles.of
<br /> . - , :.�x0 IX°�jm����l'j�jIIij�II�,�t0 O!kllOtiill i!F$!L MOP�9�BOAd� '. ;:., :.;�;
<br /> ,� ` ' '.4.SS�,Sertes.;�ae�:.ig9� ��..which :&tn�ls of'� 9.859�6 Series xt�e�rt are i�ued and ' : ,,;
<br /> - ::. :���n8, as�.��.'E� ����t tlds.S�ementat..Indeaturt, 56�40Q,Qfl�prit�ci,pt�!�maipni��.;
<br /> �• — , aA�.,f��i�hie�a tt�t��o�par=�recea�ea�s:�ulusive�oi aecived antuest,tlse s66re�a3e:snm of.'
<br /> . ..
<br /> ' - � 38,88�s$D83E��'�'�'�:�'-c., . "� ` - -.
<br /> �. ..
<br /> _ ,
<br /> . .
<br /> _ . .
<br /> ,... .... •: .._,. .. .... ... .
<br /> - .- , .. .;..,.. . .,. . . �;.. ..� >.
<br /> . - • �. � .
<br /> W�pursnat�t to tbe terms uid$rcvisiaiis o!the Original Indenture and '.�.:.� -
<br /> a 8upplemental Indenture dsted November i• 1889 (l�tir3aaiter referred to ss the
<br /> . "Supplemental Indenture dsted November ], 1989'?� the Company cr�eated a new�r�es ai
<br /> bonds� to be 9ssued uader the Ori�inal Inaenture,and to be known as First MortaaQe Bonds,
<br /> � 8.90% Serles due 1995, ot which Bond� oi the 8.9Q9�6 Seriea there are lssued ar�d
<br /> _;�;_� outstat�dl�, as oi the date oi tbis Supplerrtental tndeature, s7,504,000 prineipsl smonnt
<br /> �nd for wt�ieh the Campany received,exelwive oi accrued intere�t, tde a�e'e�ata sum of
<br /> f7.SQ0.000�and . .
<br /> r . WHEREAS the Compsny desires to create a new series ot.6onds to be�asued
<br /> y � under the Indenture, to be known aa Firat Mort�aga 8onds, 8.8249i6 Series due 1998 -�
<br /> � ���` (herein�iter called"Bonds ot the Ser�es due 1998'�,and to modify the Ori�inal Indenture ia �;�
<br /> s; [..,
<br /> �� eertain reapeets, and proposes lorthwith to iaaue additional bonds under the. indenture ia �=
<br /> �_ � the prineipsl amount oi 515,000,000, for s con�ideration ot ;iS,00U,000, eaelusive oi ���
<br /> � ;
<br /> . �' acerued iatuest;and �_�
<br /> . �;. - - �'
<br /> �_`.. WHEREAS by 3eetions ii and 12 of Artiele III oi tAe Origfnal Indeature, the ��
<br /> Compsr►y has coven�nted,u�on the terms snd�n tAe manner therefn set lorth,to exeeute �
<br /> �' sueh further instruments and to do such turther acts a� might be appropriate to subjee!to ,4,;
<br />_ � the lien oi the Origlieat Ittd�nture all_groperty �rbich thG Originnl tndenture� as amenaed
<br /> h '
<br /> _ p'�`� and svpplemented, provlded sHouid be subject �a the lie� thereot snd to make ettective
<br /> � ` and mainta�n the lien iatended to be craated tttiereby;�nd
<br /> �•
<br /> .�; �.
<br /> _� 1�HERLAS tht Company, �n tbe e:erctise of the powers and authority
<br /> � - conierred upan and reserved to it under the pravisions o€ the Original lndenture, as�4 �
<br /> � � - purauant to appropriate reaolution� oi 9ta Board of Direetors, has duly reaolved and �
<br /> � , � determined to make, txecute and deliver to the Trustees a Supplemental Indenture tn the
<br /> �� �r��' lorm hereof tor the purposes herein provlded;and
<br /> . ��..`' -4- ,.�.
<br /> �y . , �
<br /> �.
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