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<br /> ne.�t peecedin��ny seleetioa of 8ouc�of tl�e Seeles dne 1998 foe redeiioi�tian.�Subj�t to _
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<br /> _ fi�z;�e ti�a being l�rett�Ies..fo�;:�ci�ids�oi`t�e Series due: I99B of':#�sa,tat �� �;
<br /> .,�:;�. . �, an�o�t Dut,of�:,�€f��`.�tutharized denomimi t�oii� or d�f a i t r�t sons, s n e l t
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<br /> "" SECTION 3.• Tbe Boads at tt�ee Sertes due 1998 aad the Trustee's Certitieste
<br /> - sball be snbstantialty i�t the followir�forms respectivelq (end an9 of tt�e provisions ot tbe
<br />-_ — Bonds�of tbe Series dne 1898 taty be set forth an the.reverse slde thereo!): < �
<br /> --- - – -- T-- � .EFORbt OF BOND OF THE SERtES DUE I988j
<br /> .. No. R- - • . =- s .
<br /> . PPN � � �
<br /> �-- • FIRST IYIOATGAt3E BOND.8.8249i6 SERIES DUE 1998
<br /> . . � DUE JUbY 15,l998 .
<br /> -� Northwestern Pub1le Servtee Company, a Delnware corporatton (dereinaiter
<br /> � f called the °Company"?, for value seceived, �ereby promises to pay to
<br /> � _. . or registered assigns,the prine�pal seita oi Dollars on the fifteenth
<br /> �-� day of July, 1998, and to psy �nterast on ssid sum irom the•data bereof, at the rste of _
<br /> 8.82l9i6 per eentum per annum,payable�It�yearIy on the fitteentb dsy ot January and the =
<br /> iiiteenth day oi du2y fn eteh ye.�r,untU sadd prirteipal sum is psid The interest ao p�yabie� � __
<br /> - ' on aaq J�nwry 3S or Juty iS,eommenc�danupry 15, 1992, aubjeet to eertain exeeptions -
<br /> .' provided in 4�e�Supplemental IAdenture hereinsfter mentioned, wiU be psid to the person
<br /> � ' in whosE nsrrie thfs bond is registered st tht e2asz. �t business on the immedistely � E.
<br /> � p�cced�ng danuary 1 or JWy 1, as the ease maq be. Hatb the principal oi and tbe lnterest _
<br /> � on tti�s bond ahaU be payable at the oti�ce or ageney ot the Company in the Borough of =
<br /> � Maabattan, the Clty oi New York, State of ldew York, ire any eoin or eur�e*!ey of the _
<br /> , United States oi Amerlcs Nhic�, a� the time of psyment is le�al tender iar p:�blic ana _
<br /> - prlvate debts. � -
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<br /> �'� �� and in accor��e wfth end aU se��tred 6y the indenture o4 mortgege or�eed af�rus!dated � �'
<br /> � �.:
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