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<br /> . � �ira�d.Isla,�d. �ib�as io�low{ ta�rl!• � . .
<br /> �..� � � . , .
<br /> � _� , ' . � ` `1p3iming st a �3nt in�tles 8i�isioa�itn� bftiw�a` Li2�s lri� .i�) aad , � .
<br /> sis t6}; safd Po3nt bfiug an isan p�a. M9htY'igq�ti (68) tNt distant � . .,
<br /> � � is�.tAt Sa�Rh�rl� lt4i. oi slodt li.�ti t50)� t�ce �1�4 Wid
<br /> �
<br /> .. 7di�ide,o lis� 3n a.�oaelh�sly dlssc�ioa'l�a�Y'�oar «4) i�et ta a . ` '
<br /> �-�� '_- - �oi� fa tL� �toact3nrsst eom�t af.L�t 83: (6�s t�,=ist.�r1T alao�i
<br /> - - tL. - - - - -
<br /> . � ' � �slY .lin� o� I�t S�s t6)': Si�tzY's�C �66) �ait to tL� ..- ,
<br /> , di�risiaa lini b�twas I�os� Six t6� aad Sars� I7I� thano�.Qoatlricll. � .
<br /> � ia said diridva lia� a aistanw of EfghtY-s�le�,and ssv�a wath� , ,
<br /> � � � �s9.T) l�et to aa isan pi�i I�inq lb�stY"�� � '��° t�wtbs (iZ.3) _ •�
<br /> � . �� i�et 1�oartn+ws�.fsoa ths Soutth�rly.lf� of Blqcl� lftty {50)t �t�a '
<br /> • �stuclY-aca[oss I.oL Sis t6). s distau�c� o� EigAtY a� tUsse
<br /> taitbs (80.3) �a�t to tt�P�p Qf �°4+ caatai*iln�l�ottT=O�
<br /> - Hundr�d �l� «41Z) �qnate faat. �r� ar less. � .
<br /> P�C� � ivt Tbra� t3). Hlc�cic Biftiy I50) i.n th� Orfqina� �a• rsa► City of
<br /> � - Gra�d Islaad• �acaska� e:ceptiaq a portioa of.aaid=lot 8escribud as . .
<br /> � , foilaes: . ` �
<br /> . . � e�qimiinq st t2� 1fo�ethfast ooraer of *afd Lot �rss I3). tb�avi ' .
<br /> - � 8outli ala�q tt� East lfa� of s�l.d I,at iV�aty-fom� and fivf t�ths
<br /> _ � (2�t5) faet to a point Eiql�t snd fivs teatbs C8.5� fa�t pes� at
<br /> -. ` - ricj�t aagles izaw the caater liae of tbe west s3de track o��thrae��� , ,
<br /> �•= . _ . � tfiiaa Pacific Rsi2xoad t�ompaaY. t&eace fn a tiouc�hwester F _ —
<br /> ��" ; pasallel and cver�here 8istaat Eight aad five_teath3 �8:3),feet �
<br />.�-,� . t��he.ixntex lins of ssid side tsack to the �ozt.h��v� of ssid__... ._.
<br /> th .
<br /> ` tat �see� t3). thence East Thi�ctY (303 feet aZcs� tha�roictb boundar�t
<br /> . � lius.b�€.�aid lot to the plaae of beqinning. •
<br /> - . � ,
<br /> f-.,,- P7IACEL 5 LoL E�ght (8). Bloah,Fift7/ �50) ia tize Ori3�1 ZbMa�;s�ov CitY of
<br /> - ' Grand Ysland. ezceptiag a portion of sasd ldt�a�esaribec� as follari:
<br /> �.. , eaqinaiaq at the Northeast corner of eeid �ot �Eiqht (8), thenc�r':.,. :'`� . ,
<br /> • South Forty-three aa8 four tenths t�3.�) feet along t're East 1�ne oF
<br /> said lot to a po�iat Eigbt and iive tentbs (8.5) feet�.st at riqbt .
<br /> anqles fraa tZse aenter line of the t�test side 4xack oF tDe IIs�ion
<br /> �� Pacifie Rsilroad Comp�nY. theace NorthKest p�12e2 aac3 every+rhers
<br /> `��y�� ' 8istar�t Efglst aa8 five tenths (8.5) feet fzas the aezct�-:r line of
<br /> T.�;�.:. .
<br /> - said line o! �aid side t�cack to tt�e I�orth boundas7� 1�rne_of �aid lott
<br /> - thence Ea� along said North bo� line �entp-two and eight -.�.
<br /> tenti�s t2Z.8) feet to the place c��°-9i.nr�ing. �: :.�
<br /> - ; ., ;; _ .
<br /> -f;,�• . � ,
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