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<br /> � •- , • g1111C=L 6 Lst ��wn (7)• �tod� ti�[ tSQ) iA tbi Oitiqit�l,7,b�n• l�oM tYYt= ot ` __ '
<br /> � ' `arin3 I�1�ad, 1N1�casl�r �oo�ptfr4,lLat �oa�ClOnt Of Mid lot 000��ad .
<br /> ' � ` ' . `!p'tt� c�iea9o, Dntlf,ttiqeae: aM �tinc� ltai2so�d Qoi�ae� b!�atl� - -
<br /> . � . . . �at�d liyril Z6. l926. d�tcsib�d as iqllais• . ,- ` ` - . —r
<br /> � ��ning at s poin� fn t��e dirrisim lis� batw�n�?rots Sis t6� aad
<br /> � � ae�n (71 an ths ��rlp lio� af slaok L�ilty t50) iAiah poiY►t ii . �
<br /> _:- �-� - . ' t
<br /> - � `� �ofir��isty-tro ti32j2�fiet fxaa aa f�cad Pip�' ��-!� 3�th� -°� - - _ -
<br /> " oo�r of alodc�Mttp t50)t t�scs �rlY alaaq,safd didsfaa `
<br /> ' Iin� a distaae:� of ThfrtY"'�iv��aud Lhr�.taatbs {�5.3? fi�t to an' . -
<br /> isao pdas.th�no� i.n aa Easteriy di�r�ctian across i�ot S��a (7) a . • .
<br /> . aisw,c��at sisi7�-.ight aaa •iqht t.s►tha (6e.$) .f..t to an �acaA p�a ,
<br /> , ia�th� 8onttr�rly 2it�s af Lot Sa�n I7), slack li�ty t503t � • .
<br /> �ioaq aaid BoaEh liae of Lot S�n t7? ia a�ester�y dis�atiaa a ' .
<br /> dist�ao� of. t`3tty-nin� i59) l�st ta tb� plao� o! �ginAfa�• `
<br /> oaptsinirig T�a 8�mdrW 1�ortY'o�e t10�L1? �� fa�i. sozt or l�ss.
<br /> P�RC� 7 shst psrt of Lat l�ourtem Ei�) of tt� Cauityr Subdiv�sioa o� th� 1i�sL .
<br /> = � ' b�2f of tbt 8aath�st Quaster �ii 1/2 SM 1/4) of Bsatioa Pitt�tt t15) , ,
<br /> � iu Sbrnsh�p EZevan.�tli) North. ot Range lline f9} iiest of tl� 6th ,
<br /> - . • , P.lI. I�inq_Soatls of the Belt Lia� of the Cdicago• B�alinqEoa i
<br /> � �Qdin�.Y Rai2road Ca�panYr ard abattin� ost Lbe Mest lfe� Of Lot
<br /> . Eigbtep� (28? of �aehl�r Sat�dfvis�oas *cra P�=ttcnlarly 8esc'ribid +is
<br />- `� . ' folaows• tar�rfts . ,
<br /> _- . . , � ` Cc�encine��at:t�;�east�corner af t��iatcraeatfoa of-P�rie'_ , -. . ' -
<br /> --- � ' ' �eeet and��is�sci�:�t�oad fn the Cfty of Grand Is2and. Hall Countp, .
<br />_ . . . .`: lfe�arsska. rannin8 tti�r►cs-Et�st aloaq the nosthesly lins ot Bis�a�rck
<br /> Rf�ad 2�.4 feet, ttience at zigbt aaqlea North 39.5 ieet to the
<br /> _ • � �Sbn�f.herly 13ns of ttse-Riqht-efiTay of said�eelt Line= tbeace alanq �
<br />-?�`'• '.';� ".�ie Southarlg line of;tha Itiqht-4f-tiay, cf.:said Belt biae 29.�! f�et
<br /> -�f�..:�. , �. � ' ico s point oa the East i.i.ne of Pine Str�� 28.6 feet�North�af the
<br /> --° place ot b�nfng,fiJ�ce Soath to the �ce of ba�inaingt.' "
<br /> _ - �� .. . . � . � � . � .
<br />� -- -r . . . .... . . . - .
<br /> . '�' PJ1RCeL S J► parcel of lan8 25���et bp 30 feet.iu �tio��st cosner of Lot . ••� '
<br /> � • , Siz (6). Block ThistSi"five (3a) in Ctiarl�s itasmez's Additior► and _ .
<br /> • • � O'sarles Nasmar's Second 7�dditiass to Grand Ialaud.iaore particularly
<br /> _- , • .clescribed as follovs• to-itit;. ,�'
<br /> :� - � '.E�giivainq at the Northeast corner of saidi Lot si�c t6)t thence �
<br />�_: .�
<br /> r;, wc�terly sionq tAe �rth line af eaid �"Six t6) a� distanas• of 30
<br /> ` taeti thersce Sauth pnisllal vi.th the East line of saiS Lo� s'su (6) a
<br /> distauce o� 25 feet� thence E�st pacallel witb the North line o!
<br /> , � said Lot 5�i (6) a�distaace of 30 feet to the East line of asi8 1.ot �
<br />- • '° �. � Sis (6)� tT�nce NoYth along the East line of sai8 Lot' Siac t6) a
<br /> - ,� f �. distance of Z5 feet ��tZie Doint oi'beqinning. � �
<br /> <
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