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<br /> t�= � ._a=L . �.._„"__'___..'—__.,-,.,._. -- __: __—._—.. -. --__
<br /> F''...`z.. � '��,- i • . ' ` . . , ,. � ' - , ti - , —_` --
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<br /> , . , � . . �
<br /> . � - � � - - � � . � � � ., �
<br /> � pone-�Lhe sale of al� ai `any port�on: of the Ptogerty. tts� prWided ` � `
<br /> � Dy �laWf�or seil the Property as a Wholer or `ie separate parcela �
<br /> , or lota at Ttuatee•a� discretson. : . _ �� - ,,
<br /> . < . : .
<br /> ,. . _ . �_� -- , .
<br /> � �
<br /> In Yhe event Trustee sells the < ` ` ` -
<br /> . � •12. ` Fees and Bx enses. - -
<br /> � � Property.lay exere se�a power_of sale. Trustee sha'll �e entitled �
<br /> , to applk• any sa le proce e ds f irs t t o pa y ment of ali costg and �
<br /> • , e�cpen$ea of exercisinq pover o�E sale. includfng all Ts�stee's
<br /> � fees• and i.ender•s and TtusLes's attorney's fees actually�
<br /> incurred �to the exte�}t permitted by applicable 2aw. In the event
<br /> Borrover or Trustor.�xerci$es ang .right provided bp la� to cure�
<br /> � - --_ - an �reiit of �fauZt. I.en�er shali 'be entft2e�3-ta recaver faeua..
<br /> - Trustor all �costs and expenses actually fncurred as a result of
<br /> Trustor's default, including, Wilhout lintitation, all T�custee.•s
<br /> and attorney's_fees, to the extent permitted bg applfcable Iaw.
<br /> � 13. Miscellanebus Provisions.,, .•
<br /> (a) Horrower Not LEaleased.. Exeension of the time for � �
<br /> � " payment or modi cat on o •za ion of the sums securea by ..
<br /> . ' this Deed of Trust granted liy Lender to any successor in interest . _
<br /> ' of Borrower shall not operate to release, in anyr� nanner, ttie
<br /> --- Iiabili�y of the ariginal Horrawex and Borro�re�fs: snccessars in _ _ : _-
<br /> - interest. Lender shall not he required. t4� �one::e�ica proceedings .
<br /> aqainst sucb successor .or refuse tv extea�3-°time for payment ar . •
<br /> othexwise modffy amortizatian of the suias secured by this need of
<br />- Trust by reason ef any.demands made by the original Borrower and .
<br /> . sorrower•s 3LICC@&SOrB fn interest� � , - �
<br /> �b) Lender s Powers. au a e �
<br /> . � a� ,any ���er person i e o the paycieut of, any obl igai't�on
<br /> Iierein sa�e��ion�r..and withouC a�fecting `tbe lien,.�r charcje of �.,:,, -�.:
<br />'�� �e�s Deed of Trust upon any por�f�n of the Prope=�g nat then or :. .. .
<br /> tliereta�vze released as a secur�:t;� for the fulx aaoisnt ef all _. �.
<br /> p � unpaid �b�.igations, I.ender may, �rom time ta time and ���out
<br /> notice, E i) release any person sa 1 iable= (i il extend t�e raatu- _
<br /> rity or alter any of the terms of any such obligations= (iii)
<br /> grant other indulgences, (iv) release or recor�vey, or cause to be : . _
<br /> - released ox reronveyed at any time at Lender's option any parcel,
<br />?�� � portion or all oF the Pra�erty; tv� take or reieasa any other or - , � __
<br /> additional eecurity for acfy obligation herein mentionedt or (vi) � F_
<br />-� maka compositions or othet a�crangements with debtoss in relation ,. ;'`,
<br /> thereta. - � � k
<br /> r'
<br /> ��
<br /> _- - (c) Forbearac�c� b Lender Not a YJaiver. Any forbear- 4-,
<br />- ance by Lender n exercising artp r ght or remedy ereunder or -
<br />�-�i otherwise afforded by applicabl.e-lav shall not be a waiver of, ar ��
<br /> - pteclude the exezriae of, any suc� right ar remedy. The procurer= ;
<br /> raent oE insurance or the payment .of taxes or other liens or , �
<br /> charges by Lepder shall not be a waive� af Lender's right to E`.
<br /> � accelerate the naturity af the indebtedness secured by this Deed �
<br /> - of Trust. ' �
<br /> - � (d) Successors and Assi ns Bound; Joint and Several !
<br /> Liabilft t Ca t ons. e covenants and agreements here n con- j
<br /> ;,;, � ta ned s �l b nd, and the rights hereunder shall inure tio, the �
<br /> respective suCCesgors and assigps o£ Lender aad Trustor. All
<br /> covenants and agraements vf Trustor shall be joint and several.
<br /> The captions and heaclings of the paragraphs of this rieed of Trust -
<br /> are for convenience only and are not �o be used to interpret or
<br /> �def ine the provis3ons hereof.
<br /> . � ,
<br /> - (e) Re uest for Notices. The parties hereby reguest
<br /> - that a copy of any nat ce o eca lt hereunder and a cagy of any �
<br /> � notice o£ sale hereundes be mailed to each party to tltis Deed of
<br /> Trust at the. address set farth above in the �aanner prescrihed by
<br /> � applicable law. �xcept for any other notice required under
<br /> �Y applicable law to be given in anoti�er mariner, any notice provfded
<br /> � for in this Deed of Trust� shall be given by c►afling such notfce
<br /> -- - :. . �y cert�€�e�� s�a�� �dd�as�e� tQ �lse *s�}�er. ga.�t�e�E_.a� .�he. acic��ess ._ .
<br /> . � �
<br /> � S ,'
<br /> �
<br />