- - ' ,i: - - ..---
<br /> _ _ . . .. . . ; , --. . . � ... .—�— , -- -- ' , . . -- -- - -- _ -
<br /> . . ._� _;.,..- • -- .. . . . . _ . .. . _
<br /> - .�_ _ . . • � . . , .
<br /> � - � � _ � . s� — — --- ——_—. ..,----- --- -;— — -- -�.—------"._ -. -. '; . : _ .,-t�� o'-
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<br />. . _ fC_ �` . ` . . ..�[ .�. _" . ` C '• a • �������j Y Ct
<br /> � . .F. . a . c . .. . r . ,' . . `�����` .. ` . . .
<br /> i . ` �t ( , � . . t - . .
<br /> .. � ._ �' � .. � . . � ' . . . � . . � . . .
<br />. ' << . � � . '— .- . t , ' i
<br />_ �- � . • _ .` �a? °'Fmiluri �to�p�y ang insfia22:ent o�< prfn�fpal _ � � _
<br /> . � ` �or `i�nteseat or aay other au�,secured hesebY ��.'duet - .
<br />� � _ _ _._ � tb�_ ._�'ar�ach o�� Qr dQfault mnder� any prpvision.� .
<br />--.- - �
<br /> contained -if�. the� Note, tiffs Deei3 of Trust o� a�►Y otl�►er, `--- -- �
<br /> ` liea or aacuaDranca upoa the Propsrt�t .
<br /> � � (cy�` .1�:�rrit o€ e�ecutfon�or attachment; ar any
<br /> sia�lar prccess� ahall be entered aqainst Truator vrhfch _ .
<br /> sh�l becose a lien o» ttie Propert.y or� anp portfon or � -
<br /> " iaterest �tRereins � .- �
<br /> ��td�y There sha22 be €iled by ar ag,ainst Truator or � .
<br /> �Borrcwer an action urider any present ar future €ederal•
<br /> � .� state or othe=- statute, lap ar regulatfon�relat�.ng to -
<br /> �. � �bankruptcyt imsolvency or ather _re�ief for deb�ors. or
<br /> - there ghall bg .appainted any trustee, receiver or 2�q- ,
<br /> � . uidakar of Trustar or 8orrawer or ,of a].1,or any part of
<br /> the Prcpe�cty, ��r. �sues or prof its tizereof, ar
<br /> - --- -- .. . ;,Trustor or Barr�fter shall-sAake. aag general assfg�uaent
<br /> ... for the benefit of �crs��ars= . �
<br /> _ ' � _' .... t�T::.-;:�he':sa�; �r�r�fer, ass�gnment, conveyance ar � -- -
<br /> . � furthe�:�:encumDir�tice bf��all or any`gart of dr �any inter-
<br /> eat in ,-�4� Prop�e.ttY. efther voluntarily or involuntar-
<br /> ily, wf�ii+out the express:virftterz can�ent_.of Lender or �
<br /> as otherwise herein permi:tted� or , ,
<br /> . . � � (f) Abanc�a�ar,�nt .of' the. Prage�t�• •,'; , , �
<br /> � � `:�:.lti. Remedies.= A . eler-��iAn U ori Default. In• the event of .
<br /> � : and:'�rent af nefault, en e�e.��ay; . � out notice except as
<br /> � - re+quired by law, declare ali �ndebtedness secured hereby to be ,
<br /> due and payable, and the same shall thereupo» become due and
<br /> payable without any� presentment, deniamd, protest or notice of any
<br /> kind. Thereafter, .Lender mays
<br /> (a) Aemarid that Trustee exercise the POWER OF
<br /> SALE granted he�ein, and Trastee ahall thereafter cause
<br /> Trustor's interes� in the Praperty to be solc� and the
<br /> �, ,proceeds to be .�istsibuted, a2�, an the manner provided
<br /> , ��' in the Nebraska �rust i?��eis Act x:
<br /> ` . (by' Exerc£se any �nd all rfghts �rc�vided for in
<br /> � �- the Nate, thi� IIeed o£ Trust ar 1�� law u�on occu�sence
<br /> of any ,fiTrent d€ 13efaults� and . .
<br /> � � (�� .� Commenae an. ection to foreclos� this �e8 0�
<br /> . . Trust as a ma�rtgage, a�x�4_int�a recefvei �r� speca�3cally -
<br /> . .eq�orce any of t�e caverza�tts h�reof. � ".
<br /> No remedy herein conferred upon, ox reserved to, Truatiee or _
<br /> Lender is intended to be exc2usive of. any other remedy here'�n: in
<br /> the Note or by� law provided• �z' pernf tte8, but each shall be cn;�u- _
<br /> latiive, shall be in addit�ion to eve�y other remedy given here- ,
<br /> under, in the Note or r�ow or hereafter exis�in� at law or fa .
<br /> eguity or by st�tutcs and nay be exercised �ancurrently, �ndepen- � �_
<br /> dently or sc��cessively. _
<br />- � 11. Trustee. The Trustee r�ay resign at any tif,ae without
<br />- � causa• ancl en er may at any time and wfthout cause agpoint a �
<br /> auccessor or substitute Trustee. Trustee shall not�l�e liable to .
<br /> any party, inclu8ing, wtthout limftation, Lender, Borrover, -
<br /> Trustar or any purchaser of� the Property. for any loss o� damage
<br /> � unless due to reckless or willful misconduct: and shall not be �
<br />- requ,fred to take any action in connection Kith the enforce�cent of
<br /> this Deed of Trust unless indemnified, in writing, £or all ccsts.
<br /> � � carapensatfoa ar axpenses whic� may �ie assocfate8 therearith. In
<br /> addition, Trustee �ay E�ecome a purchaser at any sale of the prop-
<br /> _ . ... �r-��- �3r��#i��� �r r�ct�er �t�e po�er. e€�aZe gra�ted he�ei�?� post', .
<br /> 4 -
<br />