.,,.,s, �., . ;:: .
<br /> c_• �'4 ' ' __
<br /> _. . � . v� . �i .. .
<br /> �-� ' 1`Z . ! .
<br /> '�_ � — °i'.�''_.. . �....�. — _ — " '
<br /> - . . . _ c .., .4
<br /> =��i�r.� " _ _ . _ __ (` '"" . . . �. . . ' . . . " '`_. ' . . � — _t= . ' '_ _� '_" _...
<br /> ,. ' . � . .. � � ` � ( . � � _ - ` ..
<br /> . ' ' ' . . . . � . . , _ . . .. � . . . " ' . . .. . ��` ������� . ... .
<br /> � . . � 1 , . ,/ _ `. � • 'L
<br /> ` / • . � _
<br /> � � =�et £orth ab.QVe. auy�n�ti�ce provi8�d �or iu this Desd of Tri:st � . .
<br /> ` ��at�� be ef�active u�on s�ailing ia th� neanner desf9na►ted �az�in. ;
<br /> I;E Tnca�o=. is more. ttssn one peason, notfce sent to the ad�retba ' �
<br /> -- �._seL �o�t� abov�- shsll t�� �Q�ice t4 aZi_ gucA persona. : � , � .
<br /> :_ = --� - - --__ t-
<br /> ° (fj :Inspectio�. Lender���y make; or cause ta be �pade,`�
<br /> reasonable entr�es"upon� ai�d inspecti�ons qf° the Fropert�., provided-
<br /> . tha�t Lender shall give Trustor nQtias grior to any-su.,�hr:,_iriapec- :.
<br /> tfon sp�c�€yfng reasonab�.e cause t2tere€o� r�T�.�ed�-�v:.i.e.r�ar's
<br /> int,e�c�sC fn the Prope�7F• . . .
<br /> . ,
<br /> _.: :
<br /> _-_ -- -__ -_ -- - ecu�e�_ bg _ _:.`..
<br /> -- (gj Ge. -8gon- pa���#� o� �1:. �?�A���$,, . .,
<br /> th�s ti�ed o£ Tr,us� e.r, s#}�1+� xe4!�e�t. Tru��fi!�•.�o,.����4avey the : .
<br /> Property anci shall� su"rrqnc��x: th,fs Deed o� �,�� a��± �r�rl notes . .
<br /> evidencing fndebtedness secu�ed. by thi� �eed,�`o�; �at to Trustee. �- ,
<br /> � Trustee shall reconvey, �he. ProPerty withou� warranty� and wf�hout � �
<br /> ` � ch�.rge. to the gerso�;..ar PQrsans Ieqa�11Y �i�t�ti��,tt:ere�o. ,
<br /> _�.�Q� �haZ� pay alI coat� af �recordat£on,. if any. _
<br /> � � (h) Persona2 Pr �rt : Securit reement. Aa addi- ,
<br /> , tional security or e pay�aen o � ote, at.o�c he�eby
<br /> � grants Lender, under the Nebraska�U�xi£orm Cammerc,ial Cocte, a
<br /> -' � security interest in a7.1 �fa[�-u.aGesx.�uipment and Ather persanai , ` - -
<br /> � ; property used in �connection w��tt the xeal estate or improvements
<br />- � � locatec� thereon and not otYtes�:�se declared,or,deemed to be a �art
<br /> — � o€ the rea� �state secured ke�reby. Zhis instrument shali be con-
<br /> — strued as a Secuzity Agreement under said Code,. and the Lender .
<br />-_ - sha�I haae a�.�. th� rights and rentedies of a secused party under
<br /> said Code fn.:addition to trie,_rights and remed;£es created under � -
<br />- and�..acaarded the Lender pursva,nt to this Deec�� �o� Trust. prov-ided ,
<br /> �ha� Lander�� �iqh�s and. �:eior�.i@� under thi��:��ragxaph shall be
<br /> cunwLmtive wi.t,h,, a�s�, i:n. nv- �aX. � 3,fmitation or►,,, �ns�.ez•s rights � . �
<br />= and r.emedies ut�der a�K, othe� Security agreem�r�;��s:i,9ned by
<br /> - Borrower or Trustor. "�
<br /> = ii). Liens and Encumbrances. Trus�ox hereby warrants �
<br /> _;` and represents t at t ere s no e au�t under the provisiona of -
<br />- any martgage, deed of trust, lease o� purchase contract describ- ___
<br /> ;�. ing all or any part of the Propertyr vr other contract, instru-
<br /> ment or agreement constituting a Zien or enc�mbrance against all _
<br />--�� or any part af the Property �collect3.vely, "�i.ens"? existing as __
<br /> ��` of �he date of thia Deed of Treist� a��. Lh.a�;.any and all existing _
<br /> Liens remain unmod if ied except as d i�s wYosed to Lender in :'
<br />:�,`� Trustor's written disclosure of lie�� and encumbrances provided �_
<br /> for herefn. Trustor shall ��imely perform al:� vf 2�us�or's obli- � -
<br /> - — gations, cvsr�enants, represen�ation and warranties under any an� ��
<br />- aIl ex#sting an3 future Liens, and shall rtot without Lender's � • :
<br />- - - grior written consen.*, in any manner modify Che provisions of or �:-
<br /> _ _ � � allo� any fu�ure ad�r.ances under any existing or futuxe Liens. ;_
<br /> = f
<br />�'°: (j) A l ication of Pa ments. Unxess otherwise �.
<br /> required by law, sums pa Co Len r�iereu:i8er, including, with-
<br /> out limitatian,. payments of principal and interest, insurance ;
<br /> proceeds, condemnation proceeds an8 rents and. ��of its, shall be � `
<br /> - applied by I�ander to. the a�,�unts due and o«�'f.r�g. �som Tru$tor an�� �
<br />�:�-.� 8orrower in. such order as bender in its sa?�e• d:isc�etion deem�+ ,,:
<br /> desirable. y`
<br /> -- �k) Severabil it . If any- provision oE �3t,L8- Deed;�v�
<br /> Trust° confl�icts w th app aable Iaw or is dec].ared invalid,� o�
<br /> - otherwise unenforceable, such, conElic� or i�t7Nalidity sha1L� r,���
<br /> af�ect the other provisions of this Deed o�. �rust or the Na�e
<br /> - which can be given e�£ect wi�hou� the cvn�2fcting provision, and • -
<br /> - �tv this ende the Provisioas of this Deed o£ Trust and the.Note
<br /> � are declaxed to be severable. �
<br /> tl) Terms. The terms "Trustor" and "8orrbr�er" shall.
<br /> include both siagular and plural, and when the Trustor and Hor-
<br />- � rawer are the same person(s), ti�ose terms as used in this Ueed of
<br />_ � �. - �t�ss� s#s��� �s �nterchangeabl�e.
<br /> 6
<br />