-..�.. - --- -
<br /> .. .,. - =----. - =� �=---- - - .. . . . . . ...-- -- --
<br /> _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ s
<br /> '. _ _i� �:,� '..:. .- - - .. --
<br /> _ _.. _ . --
<br /> ; � - ._ - - - --
<br /> � `
<br /> — ;; i . - , .
<br /> -_.� _ ::� � :=- _ � = � � $I-�=1Q4S59
<br /> = � Urtmolt�cc)onrau►xi�. �nerawr�..a�cow�...taea�ee r4��=- �rbmaue . - - �
<br /> ; - L ly�it�ihieirl�t�te�q�w!ri'LM�r�!�► Hae�c�rer sWF Pn'�y P�Y`� _
<br /> - � ttiepi�idaedm�a�e�ta�tl�debteviae�aedb�rtlieNa�ad,�►P�Y�tandlate�bu�esdaeuedertireNote. �
<br /> . 1. �1�itls?�ar�sa�il�e�pe. Sul�le��to�p�alb�b�arWaxrittep�raivecbyL�d�.Bocr�as6al�ay' .
<br /> � m I�e+�rkr m tbe dty a�oattil!►P�li�nb are dMe uader tlK Natq unt}3 tUe Not�is pid in fu1l.a sum("Fwids"):bquv tQ <.
<br /> � ae-t�eHth oF (.}ye�tty w,a aed�a w6kb maY a�nin priaicY av�r�s Sec�Y.I�t;(b1 Y�Y
<br /> = iaa�ebota P�Srments o�aand reats as tbe Pi�ope�ty.if aeY'.(c)Y,e�rIY�x�rd �uwce PcainiWms:and(d)ya�r1Y
<br /> mortp�r imur�noe premi�.if aay.1'6ese items m catled"rxto�v items."l.mda msy atiaut�the Fund:due a►tl�e
<br /> b�a aicnr�mt du�and to�os�Yie estimaLa dfuture acra�r itmds.
<br /> 'I�Funds shsll 6e l�dd in an imtitution ti�tdepasits or�ccouau ofMhich are auund or ruar�ataod by a fedeiat or
<br /> __ _ y�e a�encyY�i�E if t.eader es saehatu�?.IReder shall�pply thc Funds to py thc,e�scror�items. i
<br /> Irender msy,not,cLu�for Loidinj aod applyins_tlie Fn4d�,anatyt�nf�xxouat or verityins the,acsa�►ttans.unkss
<br /> �;;:= �P�Ys�intae�E on t�e Fuads aod applieabk Ia�►peimits Lajder ta make wch a eba�e.Bormwer and
<br />:'<°»;:- I.endec�i�aY a�c+ee in�.�hst intacrst ahiU be paid oa the Fuad�.Untess an aareema�t is made ar�p�plicabk Is�r
<br /> i+
<br /> nqui�e�inta�st ta be p�id.I,a�der shal}not be�nyuqnpd ta p►Y Boaoxa any irituest or earaui�s on the Fvnds.I.ende�
<br />`=:�_ _ sb�lipvemBorrqwer..Mitbqyt.�lis�6Gaaannaslaocc�ntinadtluFunds�'tiooalsecun'�iyforthes securedby'
<br /> ; �. ; purpo6eforxluc6nclidtbittotbeFimdsw�asm�TiuF�dsarepkdL�!
<br /> �
<br /> � .� tbisSecu4itYtnsanm��..,_. wit�the�utato�tlsty-�aYma►ts.afFunds.pa�blcpriorto.._
<br /> _� -- -If tl�nno�mt of tI��imds i�1d by tsnder.wg�tlrec
<br /> — - -
<br /> -_ - -- -
<br /> . � to thc acro�r items Mha�due.the uoess sball b�
<br /> _:';� tbe dne data of tLe escro�v ite�ps.sba11 e�ooeed the amouni z+oquited P�Y
<br /> at Bocra�vds optioo,dtlr�r PramPti!►t+eP�d to�e�or c�edited to BarmNta on montl�ly MY�is.af Fands,If the
<br /> � - aa�wat of the Fimds hdd by 3.aider is aoc�to psy t6e act+n+r it�s when du��arraMer shaU pay co Leader aay �_
<br /> �mount necasarYtomake upthede6c�cY iaaneRrmo�eP�Y����9uirodby La�der: __
<br /> _ UP�WY�t ia fnll of aU sams secured by this Sacurity inummmb I.eadet shtU promptly refund to Borrmva ��
<br /> n
<br /> aag Fun�s 6e1d by Leadn:If uader Qaei�,rsQh 19 tbe Propestg is sold oracqaire�bl►I�er.Lender shs11 apply.no iatec . ��
<br /> • -- .:;.,. -thsa imsa�StdY Ps:ox to the sak a�t�Pmg�artg.�r its acguisittoa bl►I.�nder,Aa9 Fuads,ddd by La�der at the time of :-= � ---
<br /> appliqtio�asscredits�instthesumssowredbg�isSecurit!►I�Wrumea�. �,F-
<br /> � 3,. ��estio�at pl���� L�nles�spplic�bk laM provides othaMise,all payme�ts rccavrd by I.ender under
<br /> _ pataac�pi4s�1 u�d 2 shsll be�ppliod:fi�st.to late chsr�es dae��der.the Not�socond.to Prep�Yma�t ebuges due nnder.the. �°'�� __,
<br /> , , Not�tA�to amaupts psysbk uader�2:fourtb,taitiW�t du�aad t�st.toPrinciPul du� rsv�'
<br /> . �: t�pir�I3ea�. Borrawer sh�ll pzy a11 taxa,asxssme4ts.etiar8�s,5aes and impositioas attdbuutble t�the. ` . -_
<br /> _} s ll �s, � . �.�-��,,-
<br /> ' . .r g• Property�whicb may aitain priority over tlus Sec.vttty Iastromeat.u�:ta�d�old Pa9me°ts oc grouad saits,if ama-• - . - --
<br /> . ...� �
<br /> ..: ,��; 8orrrnrer shaJl p�y thae abligatians in the manner provjded ia puagrsPlt�oriif nat psid ia that manaer,Sa�roc�er s�+sii -;-°�.�•-`�:
<br />':"';'``.' '°'' Pny them on time direstll to the pasua awed paYmen�Borrowu sirall P�P�Y�►�co I:e a der a II aot�aesfl F a m a�t s r._ �,z.���...�—_
<br />�,;,�,� �:. to 6e pRid wWtr this pan�rxph.If�Orrower maices tbese pi►Yments dtre�tty�Barrowa sh�Si PramPd'g.ftucisb to Lender °-.i -q� ._ ::�,�.�_
<br /> ' �'.. ��8a�sgha�A p�rom�ly ge any,lieQ�bicb hu pciority over this Security Instnutteat uaPess Honower.(a) . ;;;� �:,i -.�
<br /> �_ dLschar _ �
<br /> . s.. �ras ia wrritina to the payment of theobfigation secaspd bY the liea ia a mapna�vicePtable ta Lender;(b?opnusts in gc�od � � ...#�-_.
<br /> . , � •'� futb tbe lieo by,or defa�ds aB�inst enforcaneat of the liea in�legal Piocadin8s which in the Lender's apiAian operate to . r:ti:
<br /> of the Proper�y;or(c)secura 6rom the holder of[he lirn an � �==�"'�`�
<br /> prevrnt We enfacsment af the lirn or focfeitnre a�s4ny part.. P� Y; -- ��"�``'-_'•_--
<br /> °`y, �eert�ent sstisfactory to Lendec su6ordinating the lim to tbisSecurity Instrameat.IPLender determines that any parc��. -=''���'"`-' `=-
<br /> . F the Praperty is sabjpct tp a lien whicb may sttain priqrity over�this Security Insmunmt,Lrnder may�ve Borroaec a . ' , 3
<br /> -:Q,,�'-' notice identifying the�ira.Borrower sh�ll sstisfy the�iea or taice ona or raore of the actions set fortb above within 10 day�s ;: , �`�:;�
<br /> � o[the�ivinaofnopce. " '' : 'P',e,.`��`
<br /> ,"��:� � s. Nas�I�wn�ee. Bonowac shail koep the improvements naw existing or hereAfter erected on the Praperty, , ..r�.,:�_��
<br /> �� .
<br /> . insurod a�tnst loss by flre,ha�ards inc{uded within the term eatrnded caverage arrd any other hazsrds for ahich l.ender � ,••Y-,�-
<br /> "'�'- requires insaraiKx.'1'fiis insurance sha11 be maint�ined in the amounts and for tha periads that Lender requires.The., �:_
<br /> ~�� insurance carrier praviding the insnrance shall i�e c hasen by B orrower su b j e c t to L e n d e t's a p proval which shall not 6e � ey_e--
<br /> .. �� unreawnably�vithbeld :T_�.-
<br /> , .m..: :��
<br /> , ������ AU insurxnce poticies and rmaws�s shall b�e acceptable to Lender and shall include a stsndard.mortg�ge ofaus�. --
<br /> • t:,a._-_ .. . . . ..
<br /> - . . �.�.�!-r.Y�� . •.t:4,�
<br />� 1°�_ Lender shalt have the right to 1�old the palicies and renewals.lf I.cndar requircs.Bortowcr shall promptty give to Lend�r.. , ''��:
<br /> � ' _=`r.�'� aU rcaipts of pud premiums and rene�vaRnotices.ln the evrnt of lAss."LOrrower shall give prompt notice to the insuraac,�. ` �- ,:, �-
<br /> ,�,��; i�, .
<br /> .;��r;�,r;...r..�_ .
<br /> carria and Lendet.Lender may make proofof 1os,a iPnot made ptomptty by Borroarer. ' t;. �. ; ;,;,,•�. .
<br /> ��;; Unkss Lender and Horrawer othecwise a�a in writing,insurana roceeds sha1 1 be app l i e d to restorarion or repsir ,, . :�� =
<br /> . P �. � ` . ,;,.;�'
<br /> o t t h e p rope r t y danuig e d,itthe restaratioa or repair is eronomically fe�ible and Lender's security is not lasened.lf'the s�` : � r-�• ::
<br /> astontion or repair is not economically feasible or Lender's security v�trold be lessened,lhe insurance proceods shall be �, . ���•�
<br /> � - appliod to the sums securod 6y this�rity lastrument,whether or not then due,with any acass paid to Borrowcr_"Lf : � ���w•� �
<br /> `- '"�' ! Bqnower ab�ndons the Praperty.or daes not answer vifithin 30 days a notice from LEnder that the insurance carria b� •
<br /> � ,..;�--��#'.".. f.. : �
<br /> • - `��+?�`-t%�_ oRered to settle a cfeim.then 1..ender may.collect the insurance proceeda Lender may use thcp�ds to repair or restare � , �-
<br /> . . ?: �'=�.,
<br /> .- - - T.� ��. �. . the Praperty or to pay s�ms secuad by this Security lastrument,whether or not than d�se;.'i'he 30�day penod wi11 b� �, ' .
<br /> , ;��,�•,`�°� , Mhenthenoticeisgiven '
<br /> �"` ` ���"?�+���� Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing,any application af prpcepds ta principal shall not extead cr t .
<br /> ,,s.
<br /> '•.---;:,•,�:uJ�t:,�;_ . postpone the due date of the manthly payments refeaed to ia paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amaunt ai the paymcnts.If �� ' . .
<br /> ��`��"'� tu��er paragraph 19 the Property ia acquired by l.eader,Bortower's right to anp insurance palicie.c and proceeds resutt�.��, , ..• .
<br /> . � '�£'.�'{``�;��" . from damage to the Prbperty priot to the acquisition shall pass to Lendet to the extent qf the sums secured by thi�Secarin! . ,
<br /> � • � • ' Instrument immadia+g:y prior to the acquisition. ' .
<br /> ;i,`': . " l4. preurratioR aN Malat�a�ce ot Fr�erly;t,easehold�.• HonoR•er shal)aot.destrPY.damag��s aabataniiapy . � - � .
<br /> °• " ' -,� cbanEe the Property.allow the Pra�erty to detrriorate or commit waste.If sbia Securi,ry,�nsSlttm�t is an a leasehold. ' ; ' . � .
<br /> =�' � ����'�`'j��' �� Harrower shall comply with the presvisions of'the lease.and if Harcower acquites fee,ti1lG,tv tht�"cope�y.the leasehald and �
<br /> � .�,-'�'•`•;-�' fce ritle sha11 not merge unlesY 1.enderagrees to tha mtrger in writing. t .' � .,
<br /> ' � • 7. Proteetian ot LeMe�°s Ri�b ls the Pra/erty;Mortg�e In�ar�nee.. If Bortower faits,�a perform the
<br /> � covenantsand agreementscofltaiaed�in this Secuaty lnstn�ment.or there is a legal ptoceeding that may signi8cantty affect � ,
<br /> -• Lender's righta in the Property(such as a proceeding in baaknuDtcy,probate..for condemnation or to enforce laws or i
<br /> � '�� reanhtions),then Lender may do and pay for whatever is nec�.ssary to pcotcct the vatua oP the Property and Lendcr's rights .
<br /> ,.� � '.--`" °" in the Property.Leadef�aatians may include paying any suma,secured by a lien which has priority avcr this Security . , ,
<br /> - - � _ insttument,appeatingin.court.rayingteason�bteattorneys'feesand.entering.onthePropenytomakerepairs.Aithuugh .
<br /> .. � Lender may take action under thls paragraph 7,Lender does not haYe to do so.
<br /> � Any amounts dishursed by Lendu under th9s paragraph�shall become additional debt of Borrawer secured by thig
<br /> . ' Sac�uity Instrumrnt.Unless gorrawer and l.eader agra to othertcrms of payment.these amounts shall bear interest from
<br /> the date of dubursement at the Note rate and shali be paysble,with.interest.upon natice from Lender to&rnawer .
<br /> . � ' � ratuatiniP�Ymrnt. ,
<br /> _ �
<br />� - 1�..�_. � . . . 1.
<br /> � .. ' , . _ , , _. ' . . ' . ' _ . . _. _ . . . . -. __ . 1 •. . "
<br /> P
<br />