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<br /> .
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<br /> .—.t.__— t—(__ a __— _ " _ _ " _. _�_ ___ --__ � _ __.-. .
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<br /> , . ��_�: , ��, `:.. �. � 91'R' 104659 . . � .
<br /> ` ` �If Leeaa nea�iu+�matip�e�t�ao�..:ano�ot m.�oms tLe ia��ecue��7►tl�t s�i►� :
<br /> Sorra�ver t6�tt psr tLe a+emiums�co av.iot�ebe�noe ia edxt u�ca�h rime as eee ieqwrem�mt ta d,e .
<br /> iaw�sncetermiaatainacca�d�ace�ritliBoctowd�and�eauies npa�n �ec�af the Propa�t!•I�+�
<br /> � - R I."eti.e.� I.mda«its a�eat n�sy mai� '"d� .
<br /> -- ' ti�lip�9oern�ra�motioeatthtNmeaYvcp'fartoaaiospectioospecd'Y��i°0�a�efott8eimpectioo.
<br /> !. Cw�i�f�- '�P�°f any a�vat�d ar ci�im[or dau►t�e+;��°r�°'d�'ia�� ,
<br /> �y.�d�tian ar otha W�m�of�aY,P�rt cF tbe Pnopaty.or for ccni�e9aaoe in tiw af candannstioa.are<h�el�!`
<br /> .• ar�i jaed aad sba116e pid to I�md�er- ���w the sams secoied isY tba SaauitY
<br /> � Iu tUc armt ai s total tai�in�of ti�e PropestY.tl�e pra�md�
<br /> I�tma�,�eL�tM€or uot tLea da�wrtb aaY e.wa�P�id to�z'O+�Ia the ev�mt of a pctisl tatioi of the Progat�r.
<br />.� ' unks ao�rt�u�va aad I.eQderatlranri�ap�e i�w���waas�ecurad dS►��Y�s1aU tx ieduoed bY.
<br /> = t�amo�mt af tLe Pca.��uultiPliad b!i tLe fdio�.fraction:(s)the tatal����b�l�aoe sLa1f ba
<br />:=.
<br />.,�, u
<br />= bd'oret�cta�i��ivid�by►i�}t/�efair aoariw vat�of tb�eYrnpaty uamadutdy
<br /> ��If tbe Pcupa'tY�s ab�ndoaed b9 Botta*�°t�after aotioe bY I`,arder w Borro�va that�he condem�ca!'as to —
<br /> � saa�vaidarsettksclaimfordsms�es.Boirmvaf�swtespondtol.endawitbw30dsysdkrtAedatetLc�aotioeis .
<br /> , mslcc �v 1 � uitso�tion.dtl�esta�storation�a���P'MY°� :
<br /> ..;� pven.L,enderi�;snthorizadtocdlxtaodtppY Fr�� :� � ,•
<br /> totbcs�ssecunedbyt�isSecusitYla�c�eO�.�hatherornottUeadv� � ��}sbatlnote�tenda�
<br /> UalasLenderaodBortc�raot�a�eFseaicrxiiu�vritm{.�°9� �.- .' .
<br /> p
<br />_ -_ - por�tponethefistdaseaE�smonthlYPaymmtsietere�dWinp�rs�sph"slaad2arc�t�si�au�ntof�aeh�me�.�::::.� `
<br /> _ 1� BKrowe�N�t 1Eda�e�Fictiesa�et ff7 irera AT�t s Wihe�• .�Reosioa�F the t�ae f���.�_.�;:,
<br /> taodi5ation oP amo�dat�t af tbe wms saured bY tlus Securit�.���°��'��to siry,s+oo�nr iit�....:. .
<br /> - ' iaterat ot Barn�rer sb�ll mt opaxta to��1��i►a f t h e o r i�i t a l}T o r m�►e r o c B o c t o�e r a:s a o c e�s o t s ui iate�t:. �:�::::
<br /> .�• La�der aM11 aot be reqoired to�ae pr+oc�iAE¢a��my�in iaterrst ar�a'se w extead time Wc
<br /> paymentaot�ise�Ya�rtiastioaofthesumssecnredbYti�isSocuritYlastrumeatbycasiu�aofanydeaw�dmade ; ,
<br /> tru
<br /> -`�.. . bytheori�inalBotta�verorHors�oNe�'asoecatbssiAaste�at.AaYfachruaneGby�iA��g�y���• _ , - _
<br /> `'f;> ��beawsiveroforproclndetheexersiseofu►yrightorc�emedY• .����uand��� ,
<br /> ` �. ii. S�oearo�s a�i A�ips Bo��Joi�t ai Se�l I��
<br /> thisSecutit�It�rwneatshsUbindu�dbe�xfitt�esaccessonwdas4i�safl.mderaadBoma�re�subjecctattitprovi�ons � . . _
<br /> �t '�� �D�8�P41;t$otcowe�s eava�ntauid agcesmentsshall be joiat aad scwes�l.Any Bormwee�r�SO Go-signs this SecaritY ' ', .•
<br /> ' �•. ImRcwaa�t 6ut doea nat eaecate t6e NotG(s�u co�niAL tWs SecuritY Instrument only to morr�age.g�at�ad cairey
<br /> � � tlut Aorro�rds interat m�e Praperty under the tennAOf.this.SxudtY Iasm�mait;(b)is not per's.onslly:obli$+qCd to PsY ..' � .
<br />. . the snms seawed by this5ecurity Instrua�rn�and(c)agcas th1►t Lender and�nY otha Botro�res,ri�1S�'�:�a extenti. ' , •
<br /> - madifY,Porhair or m�1ce any accammodat�oas�vith reaud ta the trnns of this Security InsuucaeAt ur the 1�7ou�ritbout . .
<br /> . �:• .
<br /> t=�' �� thatBarm�vet'scoraient.
<br /> ��'�� i�. Lo�Llu�e+. if tLe Iwn secured by this Securit�,instrument is snbjat to s IsM which sets maximwn lan:. _
<br /> ' clisrges,and that lsM is ftaally interpre[ad so th�t the interat or other Iwn ciwges coUected or to be ooltected in . --`---
<br /> S,
<br /> ..�T ;;'. conncction with the loan eacoed the permittallimits,then: [a�any such loan charge shall be reducod by the amonnt ,; _g�_�
<br /> u...�
<br /> , � � noce.cs�ry to rodure the chasge to the pemiittod limit;aad(b)anY sums already collccted from Bonower which exccede� _�,�:,�
<br />. permitted timiu will be refunded to Borrower.l.ender may cboose to make this refund by ratucing the principal awed• �-���__
<br /> L���_.r��
<br /> " uader tho Note or by making a d'uoct payment to BorroMer•If a refund reduces principal,the reduction will be aeated as a _`_ �•
<br /> partial pcepa�yment withaut an�prep�yme�t charge under t he Nbta `�- _
<br /> �`;_:--
<br /> � ,'s' .• 1�,I,�1�t� ARecti�T,nier+s Ri�Mp. If rnactmrnt or eupinrion of appliqbleJaxs h�s the eRoct af :�_:��- ,>--
<br /> . . renderiea any provision of tlu NMe or this Security Instrumrnt unrnforceable accordiag to its terms.l.ender*st iu oprion, `��"'z
<br /> �.. �.�� _.
<br /> ; msy requi�e imm�diate paymetst in full af�11 sumr►secured by tbis Security Instrument and.may invoke any remedies _ '�. . :;r:._
<br /> � _ d a b 19.I[Lender exetC'tsas this option,l.ender shall take the steps spocif�ed in tbe second pAragraPb of .. {,��-
<br /> � . permitted by.{�nra8rap : -_
<br /> ra b 17: 'y�
<br /> i`�' w g lj. Notia�. Any notia to Barroaer pravidod far in this Secutity Instn:ssaent shal}6agivai by de6vering it or by _,-:_.� ;�_
<br /> mailing it by flrst clsss mail unie.c4 app lica b le l aw roquire9�se oP anothes met5aa�The notia shall be directed to the �;:,�, ,_ �
<br /> PropertY Address or any other address Haaower designxtes by notice toi,ender:�ny notice ta Lender shAll lx given by :� '.,;.�•--_ -=-
<br />- . '� 8tst class m�il to Lender's addras statod hereim or any other address Lender daignates by natice to BorroMer.Any notice . .. �.
<br /> ':`:'�:�. ;s.'"t� pravideA for in thi�Sccurity Instrummt shall tx doemed to bave ba�n given to Bonoaer ar Lender whrn g9ven as provided � � . ,�..-., -
<br /> � "��;+`,�� inthispuagrsph. :`: .
<br /> .:•' . fS. Go�e►�ip�5�:���'• This Security lnstrument shal!be govemed by federal taw ar,d the law of i�e �`;':�. .
<br /> ;.:,`��... ., .,;�:• ['�.`:: . �
<br /> ' � �• jurisdiction in ahicli the Froperty is�ocated• 1n the evtnt tha!any provision ar clause of this Soturity lnsts�mat!or the . �^:.
<br /> ' � .� Note coefliets with applica�le law.sucb conftict shail not affect other provisions of this Security Instrumesst or the Nate
<br /> �'.��-I'�::�; which can be B�ven effect withont theconflicting provision.To this end the provisians oi�his Security lnsttumtnt and ttc� � , .
<br /> - � �. .. •
<br /> ��-.,; : • �' � Note are drelaredto Ne severable. :
<br /> - ";��'"- 16 Barwwer'�CnlY.� Borruwer shall be g�vta one conformed copy of the Note ar.d a�thi.v Security lnstrumert� .
<br /> ,n� ;--�'<--�� ;�.; � 17. Tamier of f�se•Pra�eriy as s Beee��nterest tn Borrower. �f�ll,ur an�pa» of ehe Froperty ar any ;.:
<br /> f-`''�-� '� lnterest in it is sotd ar tra�'erred f or if a beneflcia��terest in.8orrawer'sa sold�r.taansferred and Barroaer is n�t a natural ��.:
<br /> ' y t `►'��' ''' person)without Lender's priot wdttea consent,t.ender may,at its aptian,seq:iird immediate tsaymmR i.a fu�6f a11 sutics ;
<br /> ��:°: :. , ..
<br /> . ., ._:.. .......
<br /> � r,�r..�''y:�.�:,',.';.. socurad bp eh�s Security lnstrnn�ent.However.this.option shail nat•t�exercised by Lende��fiexercise is prehibitod by
<br /> . 4�.� ... ,. fedcral law as oPthodateaf this Security tnstrumen�.�� �
<br /> At�`L�\
<br /> 4• j�; ' ..,�• '. _
<br /> �, If Lender exercis�es this option.I:ender shal!give Borroa'e�notice ofa�ecalian.The notice sha11 Drovide a periat ,
<br /> ,i f��:'- � of not tess than 30 days irom the date the notice is delivered or maied within vr�'ao'�8orrower must pay alt sums secured by ;
<br /> ''°" ' �hls Security lnstrument.ltHc�rrower Pai1s to pay these sums priot to the exFirar�sn of this period.Lender rteay invoke any . ,
<br /> �e.,`-'�' .
<br /> •�.•.. :. . tetnediea permitted by this Security lnstrument without furthen n�tiae or dem�nd on Borrowes. �
<br /> - ' �—�.-. ts,Boccowee's Ri6it to ReLtsfate� IP Horrawer meets certaim m�ditions,Bunower shall have the right to have � .
<br /> . _ � _.�.; _:: enforcanent of Ihis Security Instrument discantinued ae any time prior to the earlier of:(a)S days(or such othcr period ag ,
<br />� .'^r �'� � applicable 1aw may specify fot reinstatement)before sale�f the Property purswaat to anY ptiwer c,i'sale mntained in this � .
<br /> ��� ' ' Security Instrument;or(b)entry of a judgment enfotcin this Security Instrument.Those conditions are that Honower: .
<br /> �.'±::• '� ' . • (a)pays Lender all sums which then would be due undv this Security lnstnunent and the Note had no acceleratinn E
<br /> "�' �•+ � ' �ccumd;(b)cures any default of a»y athes covenu�ts or asraments:(c)pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this
<br /> •�:-� . � Security Iastrument..including,but not limitcd to.ra�so�bie attameys fees;and(c})takes such artinn as lxnder may ,
<br /> rason�bty require to atsurc ilut the lirn of this Sccurity Instrnmmt.Lendcr's nghts in the f'roperty and 8orrower's
<br /> , � _, ,..,•, . . . �
<br /> . -`--�--.'.— .—:_..-�..--- _. obli�nt�II tQ�,ay the r.ums securaa by this SecwitY Iastrument shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by - ----- -- , -
<br /> - - Horrower.th�s Secunty lnstrumeat and the obligarions securM hcreby shatl rem�n fai1Y effe�tive��i►����� - - , . ,
<br /> . ,y�- .�; occurred.Hawevrr.thi�ri a h t toreinstues ha l t rto t appt y ia the case oiscceltation under paragaphs 13 or t7, .
<br /> w . . .
<br /> . �l .. .
<br /> - : ;.
<br /> . , _ .... _.... —
<br /> , . , � �-- _ _
<br /> � �� _ — .
<br />