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<br /> T_` —' ..dollaZS..aad..06,Gi �..--»-Dowts N.s.s.1�,�7.f�,�Q.4t.........).T'his aebc is evwa�cad�aorm+res'snace
<br /> '' d�t�ad tbG s#me dste ss t6is Saciuity Instrama�t('•`Nou �vl�iCh provides for moatbly►Prymenta.�vith fnll deb�Jnat =
<br /> ., , "� _
<br />:-'_..- , psaiatlks,dueuidpsyableon ...»J�!iX.�LI�...:���......»......:....................»................:.........:..........».................»...»...... _
<br />-?'' Tba Secudt7!�t aocura W L�eacler.(s)tbe npaYaxnt oP the debt evidtxed bY tl�e NotG�vitb intecest.aad all
<br />=-" sak+vals.e:tmsioas aad modifip►tjoas:(b)tLe P�Yma►t of alt other awns:with io�.advsnced undtt pantgn�ph 7 to
<br />_ ` protect tbe sav�itY of t1w Security Instrumeat;sod(c)tbe Performance of Barroarer's coveaants and sEraments.For this
<br />' �.:
<br /> .{ grauts�nd oouveys W T:ortoe,ia trust.�vit6 Po�'es ofsak►tbe follmving dacdbed pivpaty
<br /> =�- - 1oc�mBorroxa��..................................».......................»... ..........»..»......................Caunty,Ne6�rashs:
<br />'_'�l-`
<br /> '•.�-�. . � .
<br /> � A portion of �the NW�NW� of �Section 6, Township 9 North. Range 12 West of the 6th -
<br /> s Y � P.M., Hail Cou»ty, Nebraska, mo�e particulsriy described as folbws:
<br /> �;�� Beginning with the NW corne� of said Section 6, thence Easterly along the Nortb li�e
<br /> of sald Section 6 a distance of 33'; the�ce Southeriy parallei to the West line of said
<br /> �=���.:�� Section 6 a distance of 237.1' more or tess to a point on the Southeriy �ight-of-wsy -
<br />.�� . Iine of US Highway 30, this being the actual pface o! beginning; thence Southe�ly =
<br /> � along the fsst described course a distsnce of 1�0'; thence deflecting left 108 degrees _
<br /> � S�'30" and �unning Northe�steriy, a distance of 47Z.72'; thence Northerfy paraUel to =
<br /> tha Wen line of said Section 6 a distance of 9q.#9' to a polnt on the Southarly �ight- i. _
<br /> . of-way- Une ot said US Highway 30; thence Southwesterly along said �ight-of way li�te _.
<br /> - aad on the arch of a curve.whase radivs �s 2,231.83' (the long cord of wh�th dt�tacts �
<br />'�T;,. : 101 degrees 59' left from the tast described course� a long cord distan+ee of �33.82'
<br /> =` to the sctwl place of 6eginning.
<br /> -= . , , ,.- -
<br /> �5. �.
<br /> ":_}''� � , � .
<br /> -,�f. ,'� i ' :
<br /> :'_i. �
<br /> . 7'
<br /> .. . - �vhich tfas tljeada�+e:s ot....................��S�..H�ghlNr�Y. 3.9...................................,.......:......G�JabA�t ........................,
<br /> (su..�l [�rl�� _
<br /> ;. Nebravtc� ..................b.$�44 ................... (��ptopetty �E.ddres�'7; .
<br /> tro cae:i"
<br /> . TaoErHER WrrH all the improvements.ao�v ar hetnftere{ected on the property.and all e�enunts. riEht+.
<br /> sppurtenancd.reat�.royalde.+�mineral�oil an��s ri;hts 9nd proftta.Nater tishht�and stocic and all8atures now os
<br /> n
<br /> � _-� lxreafterapartdthepmperty.AUreplsoementsandadditioass1a11atwbacoveredbythis5ecuritylristrnmeat.Allofehe .
<br /> . _._ _ foreadag ia rderr�to in thi�Serurity lnstrumeut as the•`Pmperty."
<br /> .BoltROw�tt CoveN�'rs that Barrower u bMfully seixd of the estate hereby conveyed and hu the right to grant
<br /> . �'� and convey tlu Property aad that the Yroperty is uaeacumberad.eacept for eacumbnaca of record.BanaNer�vamnts
<br /> ' aad will dd'and ger.�era11Y the dtk to the Property aaainst all claims and demaeds�subject to any encumbrance.+oP record.
<br /> ' THIS SEN1c17Y INS71tUMLNT combiaa unifom�covenauts fot natioe� use and non naiform coven�ints with
<br /> � 1lmitad varLtion�by juriedicdon tocoestiwteaunitoneaecwity inswment coverinsra)pcopeny. .
<br />,--_ —�.-� — �; _ . _ - - . _ . _ _ . ---
<br /> �. '' NEMtAS1iA�-s�ryd• F�++�ha-FrMU��c e�o� �r�Nt �«e+ aozs �zna
<br /> �, . . - - .- - _ _ _ . __ . - -. «ras�esvsrarc+`�«cio�i.
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