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<br /> � ,�pye�bie IaMr m�y�i�� ttiis S�=-_ w 7e of.s�ie ca�iaed in t�
<br /> �t)6dare sale of the��,�,�Y��t�eonower:.(+�
<br /> _ �y�a Ib}mnY of a��fas�j �pp��od the Nate ss if no�cc�r�ion•�
<br /> - pays 1„eader.al!aum4 virbich tLen wQuid D� �e wWet Ihis SecuntY s all expetues incuried in enfa�cing this Secu�itY
<br /> " occinn�ed:(b)ca�s�uY d�fault of�aiY cxhar covetunts ar�oe�na:�and�(d)tates ss�cb action�s Lertder.may�easoaablY_
<br /> - i�utKat;iaciading.but nat limited to.���ri�1�ts in tUe BtuQertY�d Bamwes's oWiaa[ion w pty tde .
<br /> oequice.to zss+u�e thu the 1'ien of this Secuiity U neins�meec 6y Bonower. this Se�riry .
<br /> sums-secuced bY tLis_SaiaitY,tnsawnent shalt� uacAan6ed. P� :
<br /> Inu�nq�t aod the obLg��.����ems�n fWly�€tective as it no accek�atia►had accucrod. However,t6is
<br /> - to ninstaie sTali not apQ1Y in the case of 3caeta�tian uada P�t?: .
<br /> ti�6t �nter�est ie thc 1Vote(toBetAer�vith tliia SaauritY
<br /> _ V. Ssie d Nq�e;CI�wE d bo�w Sectioe' Tlr�Nots or:t paRi�1� -
<br /> Ins�neot)maY be.so�,oo��mote times widaut paor notic�-to&�mwer. A s�[e may result in a ciange in the e�ity ,
<br /> (Imown as the � )tAat cdkcts monthty�PvYmenu due under. Note and tt�is Securiry insuu�e�t, 7��O .
<br /> ' �Y ��!�of the Wm l�tod w:sak ot�t(�er�,�. 4 above�nd 8e o �[�q Se�vicer,
<br /> be one a � , ��+!� ��The naiFe
<br /> i e�
<br /> Bonowa w�1 be S►,vq�aw�.l1Otke.°f t�'i�_ �. °rdtpue�s`�yY . .p P�J(�ts sboauldlx� �: ryptioe w�l
<br /> ���
<br /> wi11 sts�e ihe twee aid pdQ�rss,yof jtl�!�!!�l�����?WQ�..�i, '
<br /> .�Y?PP����r.'• � of anY
<br /> atso cont�in anY otha i�9�°H1�?RP1 � t e:q;e.disPosal.staage.a,c,rF � ..
<br /> � t�� wec� �.aat quse 4t F�!. �'..r. else ta
<br /> - —- �?.� - � ��� ��, �aret st►aIt aot do ��,�& f�8
<br /> Sullxx��aq`� , "4�� �1"i,.an�roe dP use or
<br /> , .. �laTS�tdolls . w. Tde p�ecedmg cwp 3E�,4�sh�ll tat app�y.�„ !�'�°�
<br /> �t�;haf is�R, .. -oa of any En ' � - s��t ate g�eaeraUY reco8n�to be apptopriau���: •
<br /> ������'� �ptoperty of small qu�iaes o .
<br /> `,`�j�es and to mainten�nce of the Praperty
<br /> a sLall pmmPdY Sive Lendei written notia of any invespg�tian.ciaim.demand,tawsuit or adler actior�.bY aoy
<br />_- , guvaonietital.or ngutatal+aSsncY°!P�Y�1�Y iavolving tt�e PmpenY�d anY H�Substaace or Euvitanrt�n�1
<br /> __ avec�anental or te8ul�ary .
<br /> _-- - Law of which Bomuwer tus acWal icaowtedg� If Borrower leatr�.a is nonf'ted b�r�anY S .
<br />---- _ _ af I�azar�n�c Su6ctance affa�nng-lhe•Pt'n�ttY-�-!��_Barrower.. . _ -
<br /> _- _ �drority,tbaE anY i'e�av�l ar c�tlscr� �Y .
<br /> -- �--,•,- —
<br /> st�11 pmmpdy tatc+�all noceS.cazY temodial acpans in accor�ance with'Enrironm�tal Law.
<br /> �-- As used in this.�'20."Hazacdaus Substatfces"are those substanoes defit�ed as tqxic or baratdous substances�ec , ,
<br /> :��, — Favita�mental Law and tbe foitowit�g snbstances: gasoli�.Yerosene.other flamn►a61e or ta�ic petroleum pmd�s.
<br /> p e s t icides and t�bicides.votatr'�e solvents.matcrials contaming asbestos or formatdebyde.and radia3ctive mate s toca� _—
<br /> . - ,"r��;�4r"_m�ans f�itaws_and lav�rs a f_t l�j u�d sstion where the Yroperty�.
<br /> that relate m heaIti�.safery a environmenta[pmtection. as foIIows: —._.___
<br /> NONI-UNIPORIVI COVENANTS. Bos�ow-er and Lender further coveaant and a togr�cceveratloo fdbwiag Borrowa's
<br />���=l' 21. Aatile'r�ioa:gemedia. Lender siiail8[Ye notke to Borto�ver P�'
<br /> � 6rarch ot swy ooveasnt or a�reeaKnt ia t6is Sec�ritY'Iastcument(bat���t°4b)t6e�acttoo csquired�e�1� _
<br /> ._:' ���{e I�w pr°vides dbenvise). T6e eotioe shatl s�ify . to Rorrower.b WhicM t�e defsn[t musl be
<br /> . :.�;' ' de�i�lt:(c�s d�not te�tlu�a 30 days tn�s ibe date t6e notice is� Y
<br />_ " cured;s►i�.td)t�st tail�re to cur�tMe def�oa ar before ttie dste i�tAe uodce nu�y resolt is acoderatia�a[
<br /> .�1�- ,,�,�� T�It qO��Y�u�II��1l1!;IIf01'��l0�Yt1'/1t
<br />-�:�i �!SY�i�O�I t�1�9.�CCY�l�r{I�t a11d S����CO�YI'����Q�t�k wOR�0�9�sY��OC
<br />: _ tbe ri�ts.r`st�te sl�a acaeleratiaa an���;e s�kt tq.brl�8 �E�
<br /> , �! , . ,.. . v�Borcower to acce ,aq�� U tbe defaait�r not , oe.b4tose the date specified ie --
<br /> �.°���` . �tg Pa7�t in fdt at�ll sntn4sec�p�td bi':tQ�s Seca�h'l�rameat
<br /> _ � pq�;T�,y a�its aPtion maY rsqu , x�d. �by appiicable lsw
<br /> ' ��r �nand And may invoWe,t power ot sale and auy otLer reiaet���}'!�
<br /> ` � � r �l9� ° o i 111.(s P.�Y,�Ph 2t, ���-
<br /> ��,�r, �,�e's1uiU�e entitled to cotk�ct ail expenses iecurred ia pursutag ibe remedies pr ►.4�,-- - .,.,_
<br /> ;n�1 G�S+but not limited tu,re�oasibk attorneys'fees aq¢costs�ot title evidence � -,_�;�;;:.
<br /> • 'x` �f the power at sWe is iavoked,7lrustee sfiaQ re�a notice ot defuult in eac6 coun�law tio Ba row�er�t o
<br /> � p c o p e r ty i s l o c a t e d a e d s h a f!m a i l�c o p i e s o t s u c h n o t k e I n l h e m a uner presc�ibed by 9pplica ,�tee s 1 w N S��P�b l i c `�~;`
<br /> ,.. � -�
<br /> • - t6e at�P��Pr�bed by applicabk Is�w After ihe time required 6y applicabk taw, �,.
<br /> . aotice d sale to tMe persons pod in the manner prescribed by applicabk law 7Ya4t�uader t6e terrta�d des�Eus��ed�• '�-�'��;
<br /> s b s l l s e l t t h e P r o p e r t y at p ublic auctloe to the higl�est bidder at the Hme and place �_.,`=
<br /> s a k o f a U a r a a y ��„v_:
<br /> � 1� the notice ot sak in one ar more pArcels and in any or d er T r u s t a A e t e r m i n e s.7 1 r�m A y��sale. Leader or tts -
<br /> � ''h'.' pqrcel ot the 1'roperty by pubtic announaement a!the time and place of aoy pr '��°*t;
<br /> '•�; d ma rcbase tbe Propert�'at any�ate. r 7lrnstu's deeif conve in the � i
<br /> _ . . � ��r�ece�ip�o�paYment oi the price bid,'[lrustce shall deliver to t6e p�d�ase 9 & :�.;�'�;,.
<br /> I_=;" ���, �e recitals ie the'ilvstee's deed shaU be prlma tacie evideace o�the truth ot the st�tements made thereio. ��¢-
<br /> �.�::
<br /> �s� '1'rQStee shalt,}i{��11y the proceeds of the sye in the tdbwieg orde�': la)to all cost.9 and expenseg ot exerc�na the porrer -_Ys-�
<br />-. �:�`�
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