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<br /> -_��� UPaa P�yeknt af alE sma��'by diis Sacuriry IashunaeaE-�t�ende*sfi�ll request'Qu�ee w
<br /> [,econv�y the Plrapeiry aad sbsU wdeader:�s�ecu�iry iasonunent�d ati aa�es tvideecin�debE secwed by►ttis SecuritY ,
<br /> Ye�r�ad�R�p'H�Wee. 7tastee ihali reoon�reY d�e�ope�tY.�vithout w�raary�ad witBout chu�e ta We petsou a pR'sces `
<br /> tepitY a�titied Iu i� Sucb pnsae or pe�sa�u sA�lt psY mY�i0°� � `
<br /> - 23r S�IN�te 7i��a t.endes.�t�tsnptiae.mag 5�ac►ti�e tQ time cemoYe_'i�ust�e aod appoiat a suocessat austa to
<br /> �aay`�pyqx apQolaied l�+rda bY aa iaw�KnE t+eoocded�a ihe oountY in wlricfi ttis Sn,�urity 6�socumerit is c�ecaoded. -
<br /> 1Al'�hnYt coevey�t of Me Pf!�pe�ty.the suooessoc ttivstee shaD succeed to a11 the titk.puwer,and duties c�ter[ed upae < <
<br /> � '@�lee Aereie�ud by�p�e law. ; ' � r
<br /> ' ?A� It�at tK K�tiaea. $onowet-�tfiat copies�f the m6ees 4f defauit and sate be srnt to Bomnwa7s addt+rss
<br /> rvbicb is8�t Prope�ty.A�dd�ess. .
<br /> `1i� �iiers/�tlis�il�L�t If orte or mo�e iidas aoe execated 6�Bouower md ccv:acded togsthes�rith
<br /> tpit Set�t'sq►1�nana�t.du covemats"aa�d agroemencs of e�ch sucL iida sb�It be incorpotatod i�u+�wd shail�mend'aad
<br /> tbe covemnts aad�of this Sec�uitY L�eat as if�hc rider(s)were s�p�t d Wis 5avcity l�uanun�t-
<br /> �_ I. ic�plicabicbo�fes)1 - : � �
<br /> �Adjust�6teWue�tider •• �C.andominiumRider . .�: �1-4Famj7yRider _- _ ' _ .y
<br /> '�i .: �GcaduatocD�R� �PlanoodUnitUevelopmmtRidcr �BiweeklyPaymentRider;;�:._; : . .:
<br /> ��jp�j;�. , _ �R1[CIQIp10YC(IICt1lRi(�i � ' :
<br /> .
<br /> � _. .
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<br /> �ou�rc��[�'r-- - -�Icic�c,ti►ledgnec�t.-- - � . _ �.- . _ . � '
<br /> BY 3IGNING HELAW,Hoauwer accepts and agas to the tertns and wvenants cantained in.[his Sesuriry In.s�rinae�t ,
<br /> , aqd In.fay ridei(s)exoc.�UeQ bY Bo�mka�d tecaded with it-- — -- -- ' -� ____— _ _ -
<br /> , ' . • ,
<br /> Witnesses: ' • `
<br /> .
<br /> (Seal) �
<br /> te 1�!€�.son -�"°"'�' , .
<br /> . - Social S�;Number 5Q8 9B� 6536 �
<br /> � � " 4Sea1)
<br /> . � -sec_ewer
<br /> Sacial Secaity Number
<br /> STATB OP NEBRASKA. Hall �n�Y� "
<br /> On tAis 10 day of 7uly s 1991 � before me.the undersigrKd,s Notuy Public
<br /> duiy commissioned and qualified for said counry.pe�soaAl[y came Monte Wilson
<br /> .to me known to be the
<br /> ' ident�p�persons(s�wfiose name(s)are subscribed to the foregoing instrus�xcce a�d acknowledged the ezecution thereof to
<br /> — be h�.s, � voluntary act and deed. � :
<br /> v1��aess my�azrd and no[uial seat at Grand 3.�ctd s Nebraska . 'sn said counry.the
<br /> - daic sit'or�es�id. ? ' _
<br /> � My Commission c ' : ���M � , , tvowy weuc
<br /> , +�!�My Oi■�bl�IMI�!�1991 R RFCONVEYA,'�CE �
<br /> . �
<br /> .. TU TliUSTEE: ..
<br /> TBe underslgned is the hoider of the nate ar notes secured bp this Deact af 7ivst. Sa:�i�,�tc or notes,togetlter with all
<br /> _ � ot6er indebtalness securcd 6y this Dced of'Itust.have bcen paid'an foll. Yae are fisreby directed to canael said note or naes .
<br /> and this Deed of 1�uu,which are dellvered hereby.at�d to reconvey,witts��seranty.all tho estate�txid by yan under
<br /> ' �� this Dad of'I�ust to ti�e person or persons tegally entitled thereto. , ' .
<br /> � D�se: -
<br /> . , � Fen�312� !M Ipa8�6oJbpo�e�)
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