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<br /> — � � , a atl�er pking af aey pacc of�d�FiapeKS►:�or for caavey�c ie lie.w o��.,�.���Y���' . ,
<br /> caodema�tw4_ .
<br /> � shr116e paid to Lmder. , �_ � ` �t be�1i�to �he sums secuced.bY dris S��S' .
<br /> � Lt tE�e eireot of a wt�l takinS o€��nY. P��- �' o��i�c Propaty`in �
<br /> tnstnanent,whdAer or nd d�a�due.with any excess paid to Bomnwe[. �s t ualY a or gcelc�n;�am�wnt of t6e surits �
<br /> - which the fair m�rkec v�l�af the PtopertY itnmediattly befae t�e t�kiltg� W writing.
<br /> . ` sFcu�ed by.this Securiry Inswmrnt iet�media�ely befoce the taking.unkss Borrower aad I.eoder otUerwise ag�ee�n.
<br /> the swas secu�od b9 �����Y��ument shaU 6e reduced by sire anwunt of the proccedc muttiplied by the fdtawing .
<br /> . fnction: ta)the tanl a�nounc a�the sums secuned immediately before the takiag.divided by lb)the fair market value af the
<br /> � gioperty imrtKd'�auutSr,fiefvs�e tlre taking. Aay trs�ee sha11_be paid_to Eormvrer.� In tIx event of a p�cti�t takin�of the .
<br /> � immediatet befae the taking is less`than the amowu of the svmst
<br /> prupe�tY in which tho(air maciceEvatudoi ttie ProperiY y f�cabk iaw :`
<br /> socurcd immodiitety hefo�e thc takiie8• unless Barnwer atd I.ender otherwise agree io writing or unk�s app.
<br /> osl�e�wise pmYides.tAe proceeds shall be applied to the sum�secured by this Secvrity Inswment whether or nat d�e sums u�e
<br /> ��. Borroweti or if,aftef nocice by Lender_ta Rormwer that tt�e cademnor offeis,m m�k� � ,
<br /> If ttre Yroperty is sibandoned bY to Lendeir within 30 days after the date the tatice is givsrt.
<br /> �a award a settie a cIwn for d�nages.Borrower fails to respond of the PtuNcrtY or to the
<br /> L,ender is authoriud to colkct and appty dte proceedt at its option,either to�storation or repair
<br /> sums sec�irA bY this Socurit�►��"�•whether ar not tLen dua. 1 shall not extend ar
<br /> Unkss Leodea and Barmwer otheswise agree in�r'sting._any.appficat►on_of_�to principa --
<br /> , postpone the due date of the montMY P�Y�'�refer�ed to in parrgr'aph.41 aad 2 or chaage the amount of suclt payments.
<br /> 11. Bo�r�rra Not Rela�ed: Fa�earaac� BY � Not s Waiver. Extenswn of ttie pme for paymeM or
<br /> modifiption of amortiradao af the s�iris secured bY tfi�s Secur�ty tnsamnent granted by I.cnder to any successor sn mteiest
<br /> � of&xmwer stwlt not opeiate ta release thc liability of the original aorrower or Bortawer's successors in interes�Leader
<br /> st�li not be rec;ui�ed to ca�uuna�ce.groceCom&s a&��anY successor in interest or refuse w eMtend time for payment or
<br /> aherwise madifY amorti�°n of ti�e s�nms secuced hY this Sociuity Instrument by ceason of any demand made by the oc�gmai .
<br /> ---�_ °� -_ � goiii,�r�c arBoisaR'er�s su�c�-�iete�:.AaX fot�azance bY lxnder i�}e�erc�smg ai►y ngf►t or nmedy sh�ft not be a
<br /> waiver of a pnxiude the exec�ise af any,rightor remedy. ,��������of this---- - - �
<br /> - 12._5�cessors�d.-�Booad:.1�a�SeveeAl l.iabilitys C�S� �stons af -
<br /> 'Secucity lncttumeut sh�b'snd and benefit the suceessots and assig�u of Lendec aad 8orroa-er,subject to t6e prav
<br /> _ _ pa�a�graph l7.Boctewec's caveaants and�greementS shaQ be joint and several.An�Socm�ec who co-signs this Security
<br /> ���oes aot execute the Npt� (a)is co-signing this Security instcument only to auxtgaSe.Srant und canvey th�t
<br /> Boanwer�interest In the Property undec the temis of this Security Instmmen� tb1 is nat per�'�y obTiBated to Pa}�tbe smns.._.. . _
<br /> - secu�ed by this Securiry Instrumen�and(c)agrees that Lender and any other Borrower may agcar to extead;madify,forbear
<br /> �; or make any aecommodations with regard-to the terms of this S�curity Insscument or the'l�ote without that Bocrower's .
<br />:`4' consent.
<br /> 13, Loan Clwrses. If the loan secured by this Security Instniment is subject to a law which sets maximum loan;
<br /> - � �}�g�s,and that law is finally interpreted'so that ti�e mterest or other loan charges collected or to be coltected in conneeciun
<br /> - . with the loan excced the permitted lunits.then: (a)anY such loan charge shall be reduced by the amaa��tnecessary to reduce .
<br /> -' tNe charge to the permiued 1imi�and�(b►any sums already collected from Borrower which eitceed�d pemritted limits,will be'
<br /> tefunded to Barower. Lender may cl�oc�se to make this refund by reducing the priacipaf owed ussder[he Note ar 6y malcing�
<br /> y direct payment to Bocrov�er_ If a cefii�reduc�principal.the reduction wi!!be u�:+ted as a partiul prepayrt�nt.without any
<br /> '� p�epayment charge under the[�1ote.
<br /> - 14. Notices. Any notice to Batrower pro��ded for in this Security Ir�str'�nt shall be given by de}i�ering it or by _
<br />- - mailing it by first class mail unlecs applieable law requires use of acia�Y�r me[Fi�.'i'he notice shaU be directed ro the Property
<br /> Addrcss or any ott�er address BorroRer designates by notice to l.ender. AnX notice to Lender shall be given by firs�t clas•s
<br /> n�this Securits Instrument shallrebe deemed lt e have bcen given o Bortowe ar1Lende�r�whea girea approv ded i�n this .,,
<br />-'°;' Y , '
<br /> '�' �eg��� Severability. 77�is Secu�ity Instrument shall be govemeA by federal law and the law of the
<br /> -� IS. Guverning l.�w;
<br /> .,;n, jurisdiction in which the Property is Iacated M t6e evem that any provision or clause af this 5ecurity Instrument ar the Nate _
<br /> confllets wilh applicabie law.such cantlict shall not affect other'provisians of ihiq Security Instrumcnt or the Nate whieh can
<br /> be given.effect without the conflicting provisian. To this end[he provisions oi this Security Mstniment and the Note are
<br />, ':� declaced to be severable. -
<br /> ''",�� !6 Horrawer'sCopy. Boaawer shall be�iven one confarmed copy af the Nate and of this Security ln,�trumen� .
<br /> = 17. 7lranster atthe Property oti'.s►B�nef7cla�Interest in&►rro�rer. li'all�r any part of the Pruperty or any interest iq
<br /> .;-;�,� it ls wld a uansfernd tar if A bene�cial interest in Bartower is sold ar trans2erred and B�rcower is no1 a natural perso��
<br /> �-�-• withau�,Lender?�prior written consen�L.ender ms►y.at it�c aption,reyuire imme$�ste paymeat in fuU of all sum+securedb�-
<br /> �"�" thiv Security Instrumen� However,this optian shall not be exercised by L.ertder if eaerc�.sc is prohibited by federal law aS a:f
<br /> : the date of this Securitp tnstrument. • .
<br /> ��'���• If Lender exen'ss�s�his ap-ian.Lender shaq give BnrroH•er notice of acceleretian. The notice shall provide a peciod of
<br /> nat te�.v than 30 d�ys from thc date ihe noticc is dclivered ur mailed within wh�ch 9arrower must pay all sumy+ccured by thia �
<br /> � Security tnstrument. If Borrowcr fails to pay thcsc+ums priar to the cxpiratian of thi�perial. l.ender may invake�ny
<br /> remedies permitted by this Secudty tnstrument withuut funher noticc ar demand on Bonowce. _
<br /> ;-�-; 1� Barowers Rlghl to Reinslate. If Borrower mcets certain condiaons, Borrrnver rhall have the right ta httve
<br /> � enforcement uF tliis Sesurity fnxsn�ment diticontiaurd at:u►y Iime prior to the earlicr uf: 1�15 d�ys lor such other period as
<br /> ��1 9inglc�:uuity..Yanek4/xlkreddktils�cU�Ii'UR�11�tiTftl'�IE17--UniWnoCuvcnanh 9l9� �pu.ec4ujfi{x�ges►
<br /> • 4
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