— -- . _ .---�-. ,-- . •�;, -,--._ _ ---. ..--. . —. -- -_ - --- _ . �- - - _=
<br /> � _ . -__ <:�. _ .F'-. _ ' ' _ _ _ '_"` —'_
<br /> �: <._.. ..;� ,-_'�+.. _ , - . — - - _ ( .. , . ` •
<br /> _\{ :'��.....i ` ' . , .
<br /> � -� . . < t . • . . �. ._ . . .. ' . ` _ . • ,. ��'�"` ������ -- - -
<br /> `' 'per�ndt.d�t IJmder trquiRS. 'i'he imurance carrior.P�'c�idia8 the.u�us�x�s�l 6e clraeat!�y Bonower subjeGt W L�idetk. ` -
<br /> __�.._" - -- opP�oval wbich sh�U aot 6e uncea�cn�b1Y�'itNreld. if Bamwec fail�ta ro�iM�et!coveroge de�dbed above,Lender may.at
<br /> ; ± --�.�f1aC�ss0�7lIdR.dltitD CO�YCI��C tP��•�dC[s ZI�ILS IR thC PfOQCR�11!�C00[�i1�CZ'wft6(�Y[it�C.1�1?• t cTAiL'iC. �.t�'IaC�
<br /> ' �('j�{�1{f'�(K'�.�OIICICS'�ld[tI1�.WdIS TiI1�I1 E!C BCCC�l1'bIC f0 LROdGT Sltld S71AII�IIlCI11�IG B S'GI�'N(IKRt$8$
<br /> . sha41 have the righc tu ho3d ihe policies and cenewals. if Leodec mli�irrs,Barower shatf l�PUY 8�ve to l.ender�ll ceceipts
<br /> `of p�id pre�niumg and m�ewal naices. Yn thc event of toss.Bam��slxsf}give prompt aQtice ta thc inLUr�oce`caaier�d
<br /> ' �E�t�rdec may ttulce proof of lass if aot madc pra�ptty Y �•
<br /> = Unkss l.mder and Bottpwer dbetwise x�ip wnting:iasurance proceedc sE�a116e apptied to restatatio�or repair ot
<br /> thc AvpartY daauBed.iF t#ie nstar.�sias:or;3epaic i�econom�catty fe�ibl�.�od.l�ndcr's security is nnt lessei�ed. if the
<br /> restaatian a c!epair is not economicatl`y fe�sibbe or Lender's seFUritY woiild_bc lesscned.tiie.ins�►rasice proceeds st�a}i tx
<br /> ` ��appliod to tbe surt4c secueed bY this Securiry Insuument,whether or na 1hrn due.with any oxcess paid ta Borrower. if
<br /> Bamwer abarxfons tpe P+'+oPettY•a does�a�Swer within 30 d�ys a�otice fmn►Lender tlac t1�e !�suranc�c�r�
<br /> offered m Settle a clsim.tHen Ixnder t�y coltect t6e insueance proceeds, Lcnder may use the pruceeds to�pair or r�.stae
<br /> � ; tAe pt�nperty or to pay swns secured by this Secucity[asarumen�whetNer or cwt ttKti due. 'll�e 30�day perio�wilE begin when
<br /> ihe�otice is given. - . .
<br /> liption of proceeds to principal stiaU not eatend a
<br /> Unkss l.eader and Borsower othetwise agiee iu wciting.atry aPP. , .
<br /> =postpnae_tBe due_�e of.the monthly PaYme�rts reftmed to in paragrapiis.!and�o(chan�e tUe amount of the paymrnts. if � `�
<br /> = under paragraph 21 tht Pmperty is xcjuiied by LenQer.Bairov�ers righ�to:�Y insurance palicies and prpceeds-�dting
<br /> , . fr��te�p�p�ty prior tQ the acquisrt�ort shall pass w Lendet to tGe eatent of tt�sums secumd by thi�Secnrity
<br /> --y lnstnunait imniediately prioc to the acquisuton. • Borsowec's A.o�s Appli�stioo;
<br /> ;_. . - (w Oocop�acY, Pr�+�+�+ Msi�tenaace aad Prott�� ot tlie-Propertl,
<br /> - - 1.e�ebofds. Boctower shal!occupy.establisfl.and use the PtvpertY as Bortawet's principal msidence within sixty days after
<br /> - �ea�cut}a�of ihis Secudty Iasu�unent and si�all concinue.to occapy the Yrope�tY�+B�►TOwer's princip�l nesidence for at
<br />'s__- tea�t one year after tbe date of occupancy. unks� Lendor otAenvise apres in writing, whicb caisen[ shal[ not be
<br /> ;�:
<br /> _...
<br /> • — urrt�pst�bt�.i�ithl�_!s!:c+r��nles.csxtenuating eirc.�mctanc�s�ist whioh.�beY�d B�TOwer:s eontml. Boen►wer s — not .- - - _ _ �
<br /> `�y.�g m�ir altow the l'roperty w deteriorate.or commit was[e on the�nY. ��T'��
<br /> :-:� be in.default if any forfature ac��a Pc�°��8•`Yhetbe�civi!ar.criminal.is begun that ini.ender's good faith jwigment
<br /> � cuuld cesult in furfeitune of the Propercy oc atbe�vis�ma�erially impair the lien created by tfiis Securiry Insdvment or
<br /> Lender's security interes� 8arrower may cuie sucb a defaWt and reinstace.a5 Qrovided in paragcapb 18.by causing tlie action
<br /> � ' nr pnocee�ing to be dismissed�vith a roling ttru.in l..ender's goQd faith determination:precludes forfeiture of the Borrower's _f�_
<br /> � . interest in the Property or other m�terial impairment of�Ire tien created by this Sei�mty Instnunestrar te�te�s se�uc�t� -- ��-
<br />� interest. Barrower sttall also Ue in defautl if Borrower, during thc loan application-process. �ave materially fatye oc �
<br /> inaccurate infom�ation or statements to l.ender(or failed co provide l.e�der with any mateciat iaformation)in connection.with ��
<br /> the taan evidenced by the Note, ine�uding, but not limited to, representations canceming 8orrawer:s accapanc.-y of the �_—_
<br /> � � property as a principal residence. lf this 5ecurity Instrument is an a leasehotd.�orrower shall comply wah a!I the pmvisions �—
<br /> '�,,',� af t�e le�se. If Bor;awec acquitec fee title to the Property.the leasehat d an d t h e fee tit te s hall not mer ge unless L.endec agrees __
<br /> � to tj�e,�erger in writing. __-— —
<br /> . � protection ot l.eade�'�Rigdts in t6e Propettx, [f Borrower fai ls t o p e r f o r m t h e c o v e n a n t s a n d.a�e e m e n t s
<br /> . � contained in this Security Instrsnncnt. or thece is a legai proceeding that may significantly affect l.ender's rights in the —
<br /> • -�.; property(such:�s a proceeding in banktnPuy.�bate.for candemnanon or forfeiture or to enforce laws oc regulatinnL?.ttien -- _
<br /> l,ender may do and pay for wh�tever ia rece�ry to protecc the value of ttie Propeny and Lender's• �ghts in the Properry. �,:��
<br /> Lender's•actions may include paging q{iy s}��ecured by a lien w�#ch has priority over this Securiry lastrumen�appearing {��
<br /> in coart.paying re.uonable attot;teys (ees apd entering an the Pmperty to make repairs.A�thou£,h 1-ender may take actiort ���'_:-'-:w4 -
<br /> �. , - ut�der this paragrapb 7.l.endes dnes noi ha�'e fo do so. "
<br /> `+• Any amauats ajs6.u���:��nder un�c this paragraph 7 shall become additional debt of Bortower secured by this :�- .„i
<br /> -. Securiry dastrumeqG Upless�cmower and[.eader agree to ather terms of payment,the�e amounu shall bear interest from the _��.�� -
<br /> '�;�' date of disbursement at the ictx:satc and rhali lx pa�rable.with interes�,upon notice from Lender to Borrowcr requesting ".�Y`:_F�__--
<br /> parytnc�� .�ti:�
<br /> • �' S. �Moetg�e Ir�urance..If l.ander required mongzge insurance ay a condition of making the loan secured by this _,Lt::�:�-:
<br /> Security Instrument. Borrower si�all pay the premiums requircd ta maintain ihc martgagc insurance in cffecK. lf.for any ��y,�_ _
<br /> '. reason. the mortgage insurance c�verage reqwre4 hy l.ender lapse• oc ceases ta be in effect. Horrower shull,pay the � '.-'°:;.:.�-:•:.:
<br />_ � ' �. premiums reyuired ta abtain coverage �uA�tantialty eyuivaleal te�the mortgage insurance previau.�ly in effec�. �t u cast F=. � -
<br /> � wbstanti�lly eqUivalent to the cost to Aarm���r af the moagage in�urance prcviouyly in effect.from an altemate mortgage .;'; . ,;.
<br /> - � � insurer appraved by l.ender. [f vibxtantially eyuivalent mangage insurance cuveragc:is nat availa6le.BOffpWCf SIIAU p'J}r to �.,�r,:'"�,r:
<br /> � �` Lender cacb month a tium cc�af rc�one-twelith oP the yearly mortg:�gc in�urance prcmium bcing paid by Borrawer whcn the ,3,�:.��'R
<br /> insutance cnverage lapsed or ceased t�be in effect. Lender wi0 accept.utie:uid retam the�e payments as a lo�s reserve in lieu :u:t.�
<br /> af martgage insurance. ,l.a.s rerervc paymer.t�may no longcr t+e reyuired.at thc op[ion oi l.ender,if mortgage incurance , ` .��
<br /> `-�;;��. coverage(in the a�rrnunt:u�d for the pennd tha�i.ender reyuire:.)provided�y.��insurer appravcd by l.endce again becomcs Y.
<br /> ' '`� �`• avaitakle und i,v�tained.Borrower�•ha(t�ay�i',e premiumr reyuired to mai�tam mortgage in�urance m effec�.or to provide.� �� , .
<br /> - l�s rgserve.unte!tttr rei{uiremw�:�for monEa�e intiurance ends in accurdance�vith any writtcn agreemcnt betwecn 8orrowcr �'� ;
<br /> �'" an�,�I.ender or applicabte law. � � •
<br /> ,_y � '.';��;,
<br /> • 9. Inspection. l.ender cr it!.t+gent may makc resrs�r7able entrie�upon and inspcctiun�oi'the Prnperty. i.esder rhall � .
<br /> , '�'` " give Sorrower notice at the tim:of nr prioctn an inspection s�xcifying rea,onable cau�e for the impection. � .
<br /> ` _ � ': . i 10 Condemnaliun. '1'he prcxecd�of any award ar claim frn damage,..tircct ur ce�ascqFUistiat.::t e�aneetian with any r:. • - .
<br /> , . (.
<br /> . ' ';�' Singl�F:u:��ly—isarii��ls�c1FrtOdk�t•rcl"�IYO(t�11Vti'iRf�tErT--�n3i�r,m.Co��T..�.t;� 9I� I/u�gcl��hjq�l'e�l
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