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<br /> . ` , oaodnnoitiom a otha taldng uf any pait of the E't+ope�fY•ar for wmey�ceicr tieu af candemnatial.�hercbY issig�ed aed .. .
<br /> sha11 be paid to[.ender. • ` . < < . , , th�S�Ciuity
<br /> ' - 7n the ev�nc of a taisl taicin�of the Propercy�the proaeds shal!ba-ap�lied to the_�uns secu�ed Dy
<br /> � Uatrumdu;whether ot nat 1heA�se.with any excess paid to$amwer. In�he event of u pvti�l taking ef the Pkoperty iu ,
<br /> � which thc fair muket value of the PtopertY immedi�[ety beforc tix taicinS is e9ua13o or g�cer than�tie amuunc af t6e sums _
<br /> _ , sccumc}by this Secuiity tnswmatt immediatety before the wking,un[ess 6orrower and l.ec�er otiwrwise sigeee ia wdting.. _
<br /> the simns saured by this Secu�iry 6uuument shall6e teduced�y t6e amount of tUe.proceeds multipliecf hy the foltowing
<br /> �, fraction: tal ihe total amaurtt of tUe sums secuced immaiiately,befone the takflng.divided by(bl the fair maricet value of the .
<br /> � P[opertg imm�aoety befae�e taking. My.bs4�e shall tx�id to Bcxroxer: In shc event of a pnni�l t�lcing of the
<br /> prapetty in which t6e fair marlmt value of the Ptoperty immediatdy aefore the taking is less thaii the am�wnc of dee sums
<br /> �nred.imtnediatelY befot�e the taking,unl�ss Ronower and Lender othetwise agree�[whet6ec n�the sum.tec are
<br /> otlxiwise provides.the ptoceeds shali be applied to tbe sw�ns serured by this Security
<br /> ttien due. ,
<br /> if tlie Acoperry is abu�doncd bg Borrower.or if.after naice by 4edde�to Bomawer th�t the candemnor offers co m�ke —
<br /> an awatd or settle a ctaam for damages:Borrower fails.tu respond w l.endec.wit6in 30 days a�ftsr t6e d�te the raace�oYt e
<br /> _ ' Lender is autbarized to so11aK and appiy the�a!its optia�.either to nstorstion or rcpa�r of the Proix�Y
<br />-.,-: . . ._ _ sumssec�ti�,�ibisSec�iitYinswtncn6wtiethee�i��henduc. ' `
<br /> - - Un[ess�,�:Bomower o�ise:a,giee:���ng:_�aPPfication of proceeds to principat shaU not e nxtend�
<br />-- '������1 a�id 2 ar c�ange the amount of such payme
<br /> -_ posipone�euiue�e�t�momhlYPay �t i� yti'siver. Extension o� the time for payment or
<br />--- 1L Ba�ro�rdr`;tio6.�la�sed; Ga�e�irsuot.1t�':�i�r;-•
<br /> modificatian of a�po�s:6n of the sucd��.-`-';������isuume�tt grastted by Len�r to any suecessas in inter+est
<br /> � of Bor�nwer shall not operate to releas�:�c�''�d�e�ri�i B�xrower or$orrower:s successots�n intenest. Leoder
<br />== strall not-��N�_tu commenoz pii�",�".•3m' 85 a�a�se anl+s�ca�r in interest or tefuse ta extead timc for payment a
<br />"�'``f otherwi��adify amott�zation of tl�e�s.secw�ed by thts Sec��.�Stcu�nt bY�easan°f a�'d�'act�made by tfie orig►naE
<br />--'�=_-- ---_----� - - _ _ _: _ _ --.:,; -. . . • • ar c�med shalt not 6e a
<br />_ $exruwe€:a�i"•�otravvc:'!s sszccessors mr,�t.�.Atry�c►rt+eara►x�ehr�xnder in_exerctsmg a�iY ri�C.=------,Y--—---- _ -- -- _ ----
<br />=-�� 'waivec oE}ir pertude the eacrcise of any riglit ur ce,a�uy:.
<br /> ��- IZ.,Se�aessors and A�Boa�t;J�t��e��al Liability;Co-siEners. Tde ca�ren�ts aad agieeakn�s of shis ,
<br /> :�r� Securicg�i,4uumeuc shall bind and benefit the su�;an�3s.��of Lender and�Borrower.su6jec[tott�prov�sions ot -
<br /> . � --
<br /> - -.
<br />: `#�.Barmwer's covenanu and agreemeritc.s,.�x�e�a�z.and several. Any Borrowec who co-sigac this Sseuricy
<br /> _._: p��•. lnstrument ont to irzoit��e, and canve tt�aE. —
<br />; -- - —�qut�►�r��t does not execute thC Diote: (a1 is co ss���is Secnrity_ � 8� --- _
<br /> ... ', , Bomawer�fiteiest_i�the H+nperty undei the tcrm�o�'i�.isSerun�}��: tb1�� �Y�Sa�to pay'itie si�s,.- L-
<br /> secured by this Security 4ustrumenr.and(c)a�c�a?3.ender and any�ather Boirower may a�•rae to extend modify,forbear �__
<br /> �• _ or malce any accums��ons with regard ta tl�e�assis of this Security I�.m�.�t.or the 11�ote without that Bor�ower's ____
<br /> consen� � . • .. . . . _�.._
<br />� 13 I.onn Charges. if the tn�s:s..�.�ued by ttsis Security Inurument is s�;�:ct ta a-ta:d�.+a+hich sets maximum loan �� __ _
<br /> � charges,and that law is finally inte�¢so that die intetest pr utber[oan citarges coltecte�i.aG tra be coftected in connection` _---
<br /> with the toan exceed the peimitted limiis.then: (a)�t_such loa�c�'�e shall be reduced��.t��ount necessary to redusx .
<br /> I � the charge to the permitted limi�and(b)any sttms at 'n.a3��cot'-�cr���r°m Barro!uer which eace�ed permiued limits will(x , ___
<br /> refunded to Borrower. t.ender may choose to make r�s.4 rzfi.._^t�isy.�educing the.pi`:a.c�pa1 owe�i¢cder the 1�`oce oi by making a
<br />.,,.� I - direct payment to Borrower. if a refund reduces preiicc�,`�e���on wilt-i�e��ted as a gaaial prepayment without�y. ____
<br /> ' pcePayme�ucharge underthe Note. . , : ' •. "�'-mm== _
<br /> 14.ehotices. Aay m�tice to Bortower provided fpr in tfiis�5eciixity i7�.-nertt shnll 6e given try de�ivcring it ar 6y !":,; �
<br /> � � �.� mailing it by first cinss mail untess applicable tuw require�use aE:arx:.�er mes.xo�i..'t'he notice shafl6e directed to the Propeny _
<br />, � ;,s; Address or any other address Earrower designates by natice to Li�nder. Any`�o�ice to Lender shall be given by fint cla�r ''�. ��.,,.�-5-_r.v,
<br /> mail ta Lender:s address�ated herein or any other address I.ender designatec by nouce to Borcower. Any natice provided for ,�� -
<br /> • in this Securiry lnstnim'ent shall bc dcemed ta have 6een given td Eiorrawer ar txndcr when given ay pravided in th�,, 16 � :�:;*�Y� .
<br /> • � ' • �..r�aa-- ..
<br /> � :., p�IS�Governing Law; Severab�ty. This Sccurity tntitrument shall 6e govemed by fertzr.�4 law and the taw af".fic '�-.-...,.��,-�,.,;:,
<br /> . ' �- � jurisdictian in which the Piroperty is 8acated. In the event that su►y provisiex►or clause of this Sp.w.nty Instrument or the Note •�,�_
<br /> " `��� eonfl3etc with applica6le taw.such�opflict shall not affect ather provitiionc of this Security tnsirussrent ar the Note whicfi can
<br /> be�iven el'fect withaat the conflicrin;provision. 3o this end the pravi�ionc af thi�Security Enstru�acrd the,Nate are �,,,;�
<br /> . . "- declared to be�+everable. • � ` \ ''•�`=
<br />�, - 16. Bare�ower's Copy. Bormvicer shatl t+c given one canfns�ed copy��t'the Note and af this Serurity�^�vment. �,. ,.�y;�;;
<br /> �p S�anster otthe t'roperi�oe�Beneficial lnterest tn Bo�trower. IP All or any pan of the Pro(�erty arnny interes��t '.;�
<br />� it i.c satd ar transfcrred(or if a berneficial intere�t in Barrawer iti�,old nr transferred and Barrawer is not a natural persanf .`. '_�''
<br />. without l.ender's priar.ur.';;ten consenl.Lendcr may.at itti nption.require immedsate payment in full of alI sbms sccured by �:�.���:�
<br /> •;,,�.��
<br />� .. this Seeurity lnstrurt�r.ti, �iowever,thiz�ption shall nat be exereitied by l.endar iScxercise ic prohibited hy fedenl law a.c of ��.i: ..i..�µ
<br /> . . the date af this Security instrumenG f' ," �� ���,:.
<br /> Tf l.ender excrcisea ihis optiont Lcndcr!.hall givc 8arraa'er nrnice of acceleration. The noti��e tihall pr��ide a period af . K ,��'•�.,
<br /> - ` nat tess than 30 day�from the date tiie�o�ice is deiivered or awitc�t within which Barrower mu,�#+ay al1 stims tiecured by this ..: .
<br /> Security Instrumem. If Rorrower faits ta pay thetie yum+prior to lhc cxpiratiun nf tfliy periai;L.e�cdcr may invoke aay
<br /> � � - remedie�permitted by this Security Imtrumcnt without fudher nntirc ar dcmartd on�nrroueT .
<br /> "'`��'�'` ' 18. Borrowee's Right to Rein.ctate. �li'Borrower mcetti rcrtain conditions. Boncra�v.l:all ha�e�i'c right to havc
<br />' ' enforcement af this Security lnsirwnem diticominucd at any timw•�rior to ihe cariier of: ta)rt�::+y�I�r�ucb other period as ,
<br /> Singlc tamily..}aenk 31�el4�aAdk�facQ�fF�1Rt11X5'1'Rtt1kY(-•t'nifurnCovcn:wnh 9199 �pue�a n/b�e�n►
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