<br /> __
<br /> � . .
<br /> - .! . - Y � - ;. -_ �4--
<br /> � -- . - ; , - - - � .-- _ . -- — -_-_.._�_ _ _. -:- _ __ ��. _____ .
<br /> _ ;�- _ �_�__ {--- _. _ _. . _ - -- -
<br /> _°:�,1---= _��- �_ � . . , - � �: �- � -. : . = _ . ,,,, _ 1046�2 _ _: -
<br /> �� .
<br /> - ` p�w�m�I.a�dei ra�uices. 7Ue i�u��oe aurier provi��g the insur�e s�ll be choser,by eorro�er sub,iecc to t�ers
<br /> � . � �pproval whkfi shal!not be wuessaiabiY withheld. If BorrQwu faifs to m�intain w�era�describod above.Lender may.st
<br /> . `: l.ender�s opt;on,obtain cove�age to protocc Leaaer�rights in the Pcapen�r i�►ac�o�d�wttn`p�ragrapit'f. . - ,
<br /> + Ati inwcance PoLci�slad ienewals sbaU be sceeptabtc to l.endcr and shall wchide a standud rtw�tgage clausa l.tinder'
<br /> shal{have t�c right to hoid the policies aod�snewats: if I�requites.Bomawer shaU promPtlY give w tender all�xR�ts
<br /> = of paid pceminms and reoewa!natices. Tn tUe evau of iass.Bocrower shall give prompt natice w tbe insurance aurier�nd .
<br /> . Lendet LendFr may m�ice pcaof of loss if not ma�e Pro+nP�}by Batowea. .. ` .
<br /> Unkss t.ender aad Hocr�wer utlxrqrise agiee in writing.in�e proceeds stial{be apptied to�estar�uioo os tepair of
<br /> _ �prop�Y.�.if ttie i+estaruion`or�epair�s eranom��+Ity fessibte:u�d Le�xier's seca:'sty.es n�{esseaed. .lf.�he�
<br /> Rstorati4n ur�pais is nnt xawmi�aliy fras�bk or LeRder's sccnrity woutd be lessened.tlr i�curance pt�°shail be
<br /> apptied ta tha swns sceu�ed bY th+s Sauritg it�nm��.whetl�e�'at not thtn due; with aay eaccess paid to Bormwer. if
<br /> Borrower ab�ndons the Prope�ty.ot does not�answer within 30 days a notice fran Letidet that the insurancr cartier hat
<br /> oBrnd to settk a cL�im,tliea Leneia may wikct the insurance proceods. L.ender may eise the pmceedc to tepaic.a restcue
<br /> � the propeny oc to pay sums secu�ed by tivs Securicy insvumet►�whethe�or not ttte�tt due. The 30�day penad will b�B�R wf�en .
<br /> , �
<br /> the twtice is given. .
<br /> Unkss L.ender and Bnrcower otherwise agrx in writing,any apptiaat�on af proceeds to princiRai sUali not extend or
<br /> - �_ postpone 1he due daie of the�tsanttzlY P�►3Fmetus referrea ta itt pata�caglis i aad.2 m chart�t�ama�.-�t�f ihe OaYmena- �_f. . _. _ c=
<br /> -- under patagr�ph 21 tb�PtuputY is acquind by Lende�.Sonowar's right to any insur��,i�c�s�a�P��ds eesulang
<br /> frum damage to the prope�ty prior to tt�e accjuisidon st�all pass ta Lender to the e�tent of�:s„��:..-'�d by,this�urity
<br /> ln�ttwrKnc inm�ely prior to the aoquisition. ' ' "' - _.-
<br /> �, pq�p�,�,�prexsv�ttioa, Mainttnance and�Protection ot the Ptq�erty: Bvr�;i�r�s�.oan Apptication; ,�.:.,,:
<br /> --- Ltsge6olds. Bocrower s6a11 occupy,establish,and use ilte��nY as Borrower's principal reside�;a't�un sixry days aftet , ..:_;:;
<br /> the eaecution of this Securiry instru�nent and sfiall cantinue to aect�y the Ptoperty�Boaawec's•p�rncipal residence for at •~;:�_.'::;,., --
<br /> ------- le3ct oue year after t6e date of a:cuPancY, untes.s i.ender atherwise ag�ees in arida�: whicA consen[ sh33t:aot 6e ;
<br /> ^ -- --.___. - roaiueit are " urni Sus��ti�a cu��: 8otron•etsh�stoE `�` -- -
<br /> — � �uueasonab�wit�l�-or unfess eMenuaung '--- - t,ey
<br /> ' destroy.d�mage orampair the Property.allow tNe Property to deteriorate,or commit was[e�s.thr Ptaperty Borrower shalt
<br /> "' . 6�in defauit if aay farfeituce acrion or proceeding.whether civ�'1 oF criminal.is begun�:Pf�.ea���ood faith jodgmeat =_ ---
<br /> could tesult in forfeiture of tl*e PropertY or othgcwise materialty impair the lien cc�:.isy.thi��uriry ir4suument or ._�,--
<br /> . ure
<br /> h t8.b caasin thc action. �,,,�„
<br /> l.ender's security intec�st &s�sa�m,ay cure such a default and reinstate.��+provided���zagrap Y S . ��.. --
<br /> •- - -- . -- - . - _ - ' tsde�-farfeitureoftl�e8orrou:erY . _ �
<br /> . ; �P��s[o be dism�sspcT-�aP:ffi a sut'uYg�ifft�nder's gua)faith determu�ado��� . � -_
<br /> c
<br /> " `;" inteast in.the Pcogeny or othet�a:esi:.!i^sga�rment of the tien c�ucd by�his Sec.uit��nstrument or Lender's security ��v.�_
<br /> =`;; interest. Boaiba��•shaU also be'.ui+�:.�?t.'sf Borrower, during the laan application process. �ave materially false o�i . -----_
<br /> �`��`'� ;naccurat��a�on or statementsic±.`.3x;r��.{or faited to pmvide t.euder with any inat�riat enfortnation)in connection with __--
<br /> -1�.:�;i� ---
<br /> the laa�evi3ei�i3 by the Note, inclu�it�;6ut not limited to, repc�esentations cartceming Barrowers accupancy of the _
<br /> �.�'�;._ - Pcuperiy as a pn�({�ipa!�esidenre. If this Secunty Instrument is on a teasehold.Borrawer shall comply with all the Qrovisions ___
<br />_ � '•�� of thb(ease. it Bomower acquims fee titte to the Properiy.the.leasehotd and tQe fec titte shall not merge unless Lea�'ag�ees
<br /> to t h e merger in�v t i i h►g. • -� , o
<br /> :� �� Praieeti�ii;p�l,ender's Rights�io tiie Property. If Borrawer fails ro perform the cotie�ts and agreements __
<br /> :'`;}`. eontained in t1�3s Sic�rity l�uumet�t��:d�se is a legal praceeding that m3y sisnificandy a�fec�!�.ender's rights m the --
<br /> xse
<br /> Property(sucA as a pzaceedi�yrs banlccu�c�.Probate.far condemnation ar foifeiwre ar ta gnforce 3a�s or regulations),then �_ _
<br /> Lender may do art��ay#'a�a�.��'ef is aecnsary to proteat the v:due of,the Pmpertf�i�1•i.enders righ�s in the Property. �--_=�_
<br /> � L e n d e r's a c t i o n s m a y i n c l u,i�g a y�.a t�y�u a t s s e c u r ed� a lien which hay•prlori ns�ati•er thic Security Instrument,appearinS L „f�.=
<br /> .�.,°: in court.payins reasonabte attasuizeys fees and entcrin�on the Prap�ny ta urake repairs.Ahhaugh Lertder may take actian :
<br /> ..�; ' •.. . ;_ _.
<br /> , �:.� ��'� under this paragraph 7.Lender dces not have to do sa. . - _,
<br /> •-,;;;`� Any amounts disbursed by Lender under thi�paragrapb.7 shal�hecame additional debt of 6orrowec secured by this ``..•;.;
<br /> -- Sr,euriey In.ctrument. Unless Horrawer and Lender agree to ott!cr termy c,f payment,these amoun:.c s�all bear interest from the __
<br /> • dato of disbursement at the tiate►ate and tihall be payabie�with�interect.upon notice fram L:r�to Borm�vec requesting :,=;����-;�
<br /> � .:... paYment. , - _
<br /> ;:";>:� g, Mortg,age t�uraoce if l.ender„reMuired mortgage insurance as a conditiou of matcing th�•loan secured.hy..this
<br /> .. :�:(�. �. ' -
<br /> .�.. Security Inscuw^�c::�•Borrow�sha1�pay the premiums reyuired to ma:ntal�•th.•mvrtgage insur�.^.e.in�eifect. if,�or any '
<br /> "?r� reason. the mo:tga�e irs�a.^�ce covera�:� rr�pired by 1.�.�ndcr lapses or�ceuyc.r ta be in effect..Sori�nwec tilra�i`�.�Y';�rr , . . � ...
<br /> , �,{ ._ .
<br /> - premlum�required to ohra�c�.ca�eraae substantially equivalent ta the mangage insurance previo�sly in cffece,.as;a cast . :
<br /> - su6st�niialiy eyuivalent to tCae avs�t tt�Bcsrmwct of the martgage in.rurancc previuus[}[n effect,ftam an altem2t°n_�ort;age •::�,,�,;
<br /> ' , •. inswer approved by l.cndee_ i�3ubstantidlly cNuivalent mongagc in.�urance covcrage ssno(available.Borrower s;�Il pay to •�.;'�;=:
<br /> � ` Lendet euch month a sum e�a��o nne-twelfih�f the yearly mongage intiuraacc premirrtr►bcing paid by Barrower when�he `•.;,,�_;
<br /> • ���''••"�t. insuronee covera�lapsed�r eea�ed to t►e in effect: Lcnder will accept.use and retain the�e payments as:�lo.s reserve in lieu �_�
<br /> , �,
<br />�' 'Y�;:;`;�, �� af moAgage i�swa�sce. l,.oss.reyerve paymenty may no longer he requircd.at the option af txnder:ii mortga�c insurancc � •�t:�:_
<br /> =��'" - coverage(�n tt�e asr.ac.nr aac�fpr the period that lxnder requirer)pravided by an insurer apprc�ved by L,ender ag�iq becomes #;';��:
<br /> ` •• ? ' avaiIable and s�ohtained.Brnrower shalt pay the premiums required ta maintain mortgage intiurance in eifect.or cciprovide a
<br /> • �� to+��tserve,u�ri1'.'.lic tequirement for mortgagc inruranrc cnd�in accordance with.any c��ittcn agrecment betweeu Bnnowcr
<br /> . ��'��; • und Lender or ap,�=icabte law. '
<br /> ::�,:-�.) �' �;. 9 Inspection. Lendcr or its arcnc may makc rcaumahlc cntri��up-:�s�u���n:p:ction�af tA:.Pcaperly. l.endcr shall
<br /> ' - - � givc Borrower�oiice at t'�e rimz of or pno-io aa invpc;ction rpccii'ying raoo�abl:cuu�c fcsr th:iz.�s�ion.
<br /> • '-�� ' 10 Candemnatta�e. The�rxced�c�i any awurd or claim for dam i,e�.dira�ar,t?atin.;cquetriu3:'tn cannec�ion tivith any , �
<br /> - � {: � . , .,
<br /> '�:ir..'',•,.
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