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<br /> - . �G`-,�p�C,bk la.,,`m�y`apec•tty far�)b�a�t�a�e cf ine P�p�y p����°���w� ' � ,.
<br /> � .< ��y�a(b)eo�Y ofs s,�1eot a�k�c�6���OQ�' 7Uo�e oca�tioos�e t�t Bar3�er: (s) .
<br /> ; � prys I.snda all em��t�ch thm Mauld 6e dre�udec':WsSa���ent�nd`thc Nae�s if,eo accda�ios bd
<br /> ` . c�cun�e�lb)c�a�nl►d�f�ult of a►y ctbkr�a. ��ed�(�)pYs��xP�s incuned m eafa�cin�diis Savc�jr. .
<br /> L�e�m t.i a c l u�o n�.but not l6niled to.nd�so�tbk,aWOmeYs'fees:aod(d)nl�s su�ac'�P as Lendet au►y rr�on�tY
<br /> tequi�e w asw�e t1aR dre fial uf tLis SecwitY L��'�n 8�t°���a n d B o n v w e r����,�� .
<br /> ; ., aims sec�ued b Y tlds Sa�ih' h� ala�l caotiooe � UP� �bY
<br /> �.L��ed the a6B�sec�red M+eg►smi��fuIIy effaKive as if ao aooetaatim t i a d o o c u R e d. Hovice�ra,t6is
<br /> � ����a1�II not appiy irt tbtcase af aoa{eriaon uaderP�ra�aph.l?. . _ • wUh Nis Staait� -
<br /> - • 1lf:.Sde�Nol�C��■/e.�l�SsekR. The Nate ar a pactiat�ue�t id t6e Nate ttogeti�
<br /> - tasaumart)m.S►be s�old a�«noti ames widauc txiac nodee to aonoRCer. a sile may resutc in s cb�e in me eatit� ,
<br /> � (1a�awn as the"Laa Sav�oer")that oolYocts maMt�lY MY���r tha No��d 8ac Security��Ther�atsa
<br /> m�►-�o�Q mone cian�es af tLe Laan Se�vi�xr•unnel�ed to a.sala o�dr Not� If tt�e is a ch�mge of��. '�e..aat�x, . _
<br /> Bonawer will 6e pven wripea nonce oE tile cbaage in acco��witk;"•��i4 above��� The aotice w�l
<br /> vvill stai�e d�e n�me aod addirss of tUe�rew I.a�n Seivica�thC adc�essm �6 p+Y� ,
<br /> aisa oontsin�nY dha idfan��N�bY�PWx�law. ' , Qc niesse of any .
<br />-= 2d HasH+de�s&r6M�. Bamnwer s1aU not cz�ase or petmic die p�c.use.disposai,smr�8e_ _ . ` T -
<br /> _ Na��nfows Subsanoes ao a m the FropettY. Bamwa st�lI nat dQ.nar aiiow anyone etsc to do.aaytfimg a�'a�in8� - _-
<br /> tMt is in viaWial of ary E n v h o m n a f n l Iaw. 71�e p t�c e e�n gtw�seatences sdall not�P'PIy to the ptesenct.� �'.<.
<br />__ �1Ue piropaty of small qwntities ui Hvndoas Subst�inces d�at�e genetaUY�eco����� . ..,
<br /> _ cesideati�f uses and to maniten�rxe of the P�op�C9• � : '. .
<br /> _= Baruwer sMil P�omPdY 6�ve l.erfder writtaf t►otiae uf�iaves�gation:,claim.dtmu�d.iawsuit ar:other act�.��Y
<br />_-- - Sovanma�l°r nsSul�to�p aBe�cY a P�'��P�Y invotviag the Prvperty_and�any Ha7ardous Subst�ece or Fava�1
<br /> - Law of whict� Bamwar his xtwt Iwowkdga if Baiower lams.or is aatified 6y any govri�tal aF�egaiataY _ _-
<br /> aWw�ityr.fi�[a�ry�v�t os�iser rc�s�€saY.�-•°iF►nc S��bctance affecting the-PmpatY is.�aeoGs.s�y,���::. �.;�°;:':�__ _ _._
<br /> mnedial xtions in accad�tce with Enviminnental l.aw. -``,,,.-. .: .
<br /> _ awlZ pma�ptiy taYe all notxs�Y.
<br />--- As ased in this�ca�Z!0,"Haz�rdous�Substances"are tliose substaaas definedas toxic or huatdaus�,b1'i....°:•`'�.,�":
<br /> - � Favito�unental law aad the foUowing sabstances: gasoT ��'�-;:,�-�:
<br /> me.keiosen,e.od�er flammabte ar toxic peaoteun►Pro��...�, �`
<br /> - pasticides and t�cides,volau'le soIvents.maurials conhaining asbestos w formalQehyde.and radiaacdv�ymate��.�� — --
<br /> — '-.�iiscd in tbis pa�►2t�"�vimisme�tal Law"means fedecal ls�ws and laws af tlte jurisdiction whae tbe . ` - -
<br /> that roi�te w healds.safety a envi�onmental protection. . `.-.:`:';;�::°.-_":".:,
<br /> NONdJ1�I�ORM COVENANTS. Bortower and l.ender further covenant and ag�ee'as fallows: . .',�. _...--
<br /> 2l. Aecekratian: Re�edies. i.ewder sbsU�tvt eotice ta Barrowsr P����idbwlos Bae�p�'e�::;�'••;:.�;
<br /> . erescA d s�y wvensist or asrament in tiis SecuritY t�r�e�t tbat not Prior tu saYkratio�u�der p��::.-:' ;, :
<br /> • o
<br />,,:_1;:.:; ode�s sppUca6k Isw provides MMerwi�e). 7'Ye uatice sbH spec,7�: {a)the defsNtl:(bT the actia�raNind ta cane,��;; .
<br /> ddall;tc)a d�te.�at 1as tl�3O d�ys fraw tl�e dste tl�e�ntioe ts�ive� Borre�tr,6y w�ich t6e detwlE s5t.�....,.,_ �:.•.
<br /> .�,`'�:3 ��e+�y;a�d{d)t!W fsii�rc w wre the defaolt a�ar befoe+e t6e da�e spe�iff�.d tUe aotke�a�r resolt i��
<br /> 8�e��s�by tlnTs Sec�r�tj Instroa�eat tmd sak ot the PraperlY. T6e eotke s1�aM forlder iafona Boe'riliirRi'd :
<br /> tM�ri�t to rei�tate sf tea�o�d�atia a�d tl�e ri�it to hri�s catR u.�tion to asseet tbe�aaai+te�ce of s del�i�tt ar
<br /> .a�y atYe�'dc�e�e d Bort+o�e.r�to acrekration snd ssk. if tLe defsulG L�nd eoeed o�or befoc�e tie date specifkd i�
<br /> t�e aoticG I.eader At its option tmtY n9Wire imnKdiatt payme�/i�fidDuf All sams seca�d by t�s 5ecorttJ Iastnn�nt _ ----
<br /> wit6ou!turther demAOd and may involce the Po�veo of sak 9ad au�s.otlKr remedies per�rided bg ADV��y� �' . ��.`
<br /> u�
<br />• - � l.ender sWt be entitled ta ealkct s�ll espenses tecarred in pursairg�ttrc r�oedies ProvWed is ilis parag�apb 21, ; ---
<br /> incl�di�,6rt uot Iimited tu.reasonnbk attorneys'ieesand costs ottitle evldence. �°-
<br /> . - i[�e poWer ot s�ile is imaked.lYe:stee sl�al!record a nMice of defaatt in eacb ca�nty in�aey pwrt d the '�_
<br /> ' p�p�ety i�io�d And shxp n�ail�of sach notke ia the m�nnec grescribed 6y applicabk Ia�to Barrowu and to �_: �:1..:
<br /> +� tl�e atUer per�s p�+e.sc�ib�d bY APMic�blb Iaw. After the time�'sd�by applicAble law.'itia�et�t�ive pablic ,�. ;_-
<br /> ....4�,, cri law 7irustte.�vit6wt de�n�d a�Barra�rer, ��
<br /> �'�,. aafke d aale to tbe Persons And in the nwnaer prescribed b7� _
<br /> •,.;,,;�•: aad u�der ti�e tenhs de.sig�ted is � �;``__
<br /> :,,,u sraY�ell t6e.P�pa'tY��P�k audbn to the 6�t bidder a�tMe p�e and pince sak ot s�or asY �y'"`
<br /> � t6e aatke ot st�e in one or morc parcels and in aoy order Tr�.,tee deftrmiaes. 7lrusta mn9�P�� Lender ar its �
<br /> . . psroel d tLe P�rapert9 67 pab�c announcement at the time aAd pFace ot siay previously ��.4:�
<br /> aesi�ee mss purcl�e the Yroperty at any 9ala J' '___ .
<br /> U t ot p�ymeat ot t6e prec�btd.7Yustee sfialt de6cer to the purclwse�7lvsta's deed canveyin�the - -
<br /> pnoperty�. 7��i+i+�citals is t6e 7Yustee'.4 deed shall be pNms�tack e�e�ence ot tbe huth o(lhe statements nwde therein. _____
<br /> 'li�ta sbNl�qpt�the praaeed�o�the saie�tfie ldbwin�arder: laI to all costs and expenses ot exercisleg the power •�':��_=_:_
<br />_ , �r�'-_
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