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<br /> - .pprov�t whicb�.0 oa be�w;t�ela: u�e�nvwer r.iis m m�i,a�ia caver�da�ibed�abov�.�.�da e�sr.st
<br /> t,,ender�optioe.vbain ooveta�e to�de�K 1•�d���+in tlte�COpe�ty in�acord�noawith p�agiap�7.
<br /> AiE eu�ao�e policies�od te�neM►sis stdit be ac�cepta6lE w I�endec sod shail itkltide a staodud mortga�e ci�use.Leader
<br /> si�wll i�ve d�e r��Lt 10 iwld.tbe poiici�ind�ewais..if t�ender�ires.Batowar atudi pe�pnMdY Sfr'e ta i,ender all c�ec�eipts
<br /> of r�id premium�and nn�"st"°t�e'-.in aie evenc of wss.�acnOwer ahan giva p�ompc:Qot;o�w the inwwooe caeie*ad _
<br /> _l,a�de�_t.eadu,n,y make pmn_f of luss_if n4t,nede promPdY 6Y.�� - --
<br /> Uukss I�rnder�od Bamnwer othawise aP�e in writiog.msur�P���apPGed to te�oration or re�tt� _ r
<br /> t�r propetty ydm�a�e�if the testo�atlon or�epaQ is econamialiy feuibk�nd I.cuder's securiry is aae kssened. If the .
<br /> restor�ar iepeir ig not ecaaomic�t[Y fem'ble a-Irender�s seeurity vvontd be�lesmxd.the iaa�csoa p�oceeds sh�ll be ,
<br /> f applicd�to the suas secuced by Wis Socntity Tnstnunees.whether�or not d�en du�with any eaass paid m Barmwer. If
<br /> Ham�ver sU�the Pmpesty,a does aot answa withia 30 days a natice fmm i�id�er ttrat tbe insuraooe caiieF iws�..; :<,
<br /> � ..+o�eted oo�ettie s ciaan,tI�m.Lender may oolkct tbe ins�usuice procded� 1-endes q�aYtusa tli�p�s to rep�ir or r�ane�;;:;:...<�,. .
<br /> ::s�i t e.�r o p a c y►a rt t o p a y.s y m s s�u i e a b y tbis s e c u r i t y In�.w�'urnot d,ai au�. "�e 3f�d%�periai w;ll beg��ba�°�:::`:;'�''<:�'.::
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<br /> �ee.�c�of 2'be�t�'�t�s tC�:���S��d��r dt�go�t�aasi�sex►�A�e��
<br /> ' `. s tn any insutat�ce Fniic'ias and ptoi�s��su�CatB �
<br /> , �' 21 iba P�o�eit�is#���!��°1"`� �
<br /> _— �����p�p�y pnot uy the aoqoismon stiall pacs w l.ender to tlta d[tent af the stuas savnd by this SecuritY
<br /> iawm�tetu uamedi�tely prior w the acqai`sidon. , ,
<br /> �, pe�pMe�, Prexevallo�, Msi�te�sooe and peoteetion d tLe PropertY: So�c�we�� I.a�n AppMcstion;
<br /> I.emeroli� Bonower sha!!occvpy,awiblish.and use the Ptaperty as Barower�p�inc�pal ies�da�ce wilhin sixty drys after
<br /> t6e execut�an af this Security Instrunxnt And s�ds►11 cantinue tv oocupy the PrapMy as Bu�mwerS principat tesidehoe for aR
<br /> - -- . tewsc ane yes sfier ti� d�te of�ti•upancy wikss Lend¢r atNtrwisc ag�ees in wri[ing. which ranaent stuiil nat 6c
<br /> unreua��bly witl�hetd.ar unle�eatenwaing circumsar�ceR exist which arc beyc�nd Bom�wc�i�control. Bortawer shall na
<br /> .desti,ny�drrp��e or imp�ir the P�ropMy.altow the Ptopen�r ta dMeriars�a.ar cninmit waste on the Ptnp�etty. Borrawer shall
<br /> be i�r aefiult if any forfeitune ection a praccsding.whethec civii ur criminnt.M de�un thal in Lmder�►jaad failh jwt�nxnl
<br /> tauld rewN in fartciture of the Pnoperty ur ahenvize mAterlally impair the lie�ca�teQ by this Security in�u�un�ed nr
<br /> - � - t,en�kr9 se�aritg in�nest. flo�rower nwr cure wch p dcfiw{t and reia�tAte.u�ponvided In�►qph 1 s.6y cyuying the acti�n
<br /> W
<br /> ar proceeding to bc dismi.sed with a ruling th�u.in Lcnder's goud�Puith dctcrtninaticx►,p�ctudcw fcxfeituro of the Bormwer�a .
<br /> intercst in the Ptopeny�x othes mAtcriW imp�irment af the tien cnatcd by thls Secunty Inrtrumcnt.or l.erder'a�c�udty
<br /> Inteoest.� Barrawer Fhaq also be in default if 8orrowar. durin$ the tc�an applka�ian praets.r.g;�ve matodatly falst at
<br /> in�rcuratc informatla►or swtemrn�to Lender(or failed ta provide l.crxfer with any mate*ial inFatmauonl in cannectian wlth„
<br /> tht lo�1i�evWenced by the Not�.ineludiag. but swt iimited to. representatlons eanesming Bomower's occup�i�cy.of thb�
<br /> propecty as A principtl�esidenee• If this Seeudry Inmument is on a k�sehold.Barrower shail eomply with a11 the pcavisions
<br /> of the kase If Bormwer acquires fce tiqe to the Propecty.tlie leaselwld and the fee tiQo shalt not merge uNe.cs[.ender ag�es
<br /> to the ttxrger in wrlting.
<br /> 7. Peote�tlos o�Lender's W`hb in the properE�. If Bomnwcr fails ta pFrfo�m the cuvenants ar�d agreemcnts
<br /> cantained in this Security lnstrumenl.ar there is a legal pm►�eeding that may sigmftcandy affect Lender's rlghts m the
<br /> property(sucb as a proceeding in bankruptcy.probate,far condemnation or farfettura ar to anfo�se taws ar rcgulations).tt�en
<br /> - I.ender ma do and pay for whataver is necessary to protecc the value of the Property and Lender's rishts in the Ptoperty.
<br /> Y
<br />-_ Lcr�der�actioi�s may include paying any sums secured by a lier�which has priority over this Securiry Instramec��apppring.
<br /> in.court.paying reasonabte auomeys'fees and enteriag on the Piroperty to maYe irpairs.Atchough 1.ender maY take aaiaa"
<br />= uader thia paragraph 7.Lender does not have to do so.
<br /> _ Any�sramts disbursed by l.ender ander this par.�raFh 7 sha11 become additional debt�f Burrower secutcd bp�tttis :. . ..
<br /> - Secuti4y Ic:�cament Unles.ti Borrawer as�d Lender agree to other tecros o[paYmen�tlxse amounts sdaU 6tas interest fmm the-.
<br /> _ dato pf C`is�t.:rsement at ahe Note rate and sha116e payabte,witb interost.upon aotioe from�Lender to Borrower nquestin$
<br /> PaY� .
<br /> - . $, tiort$age Insuranca lf Lcnder required,cTTCxt�e in.curance as a condidon of making the loam�secured by,this
<br />-`_ ' Securiey Instrumen�Borrower shall pay the premtu�►ti.s•requ�red ta maints�in the mortgage insurance in eff@c�' if,for any
<br /> � rrason, the mortsage insurance caverage required by Lender Iapscs ot ceasev to 6e in effect. Bartower shsll pay i5te
<br /> ptemiums requireA to obtain coverage subxtantialty equivatem io the mansage insurance previously in effect.at a cvst
<br /> aubstantially equivalent to the cat to Borrower of the mortgage insurnnce previoatily in eifect.fram an alterRate mortg�e
<br /> '` .3nsurer approved by Lender. tf subswntialty equn�a3arit martgage insurance caverage�s aa avaifabtc.Bitr���er shal!pay to
<br /> : L,etxler.each month a sum eyuat to one-twelfth of ttt$yearly mongage insumnce premium being paid by B��mower when thc
<br /> - . irisura�soverage lapsed or ceased to be irt effect. Lender will uccep�.use and ce�ain these payments as a ias�re!�erve in tieu
<br /> of mvng�;y^�insurance. Loss ro�erve paymenis may no longer be required.at ihe option of�3..ender.if mangage insuratioe°
<br /> ; coveragz 4�h��nt and for Ihe penod that t.ender rcyuire.v)pravided by an insurcr apprcfved by Lender again becanPS� .
<br /> `ava�lable a�is ohiairrr�:Bormwer shall pay the premiums reqaimd to mainr�i�a rn�rtgage insnrance in effec8.�C IO pmv�de a
<br /> - ' toss res�rve.antiB at!e ratsirement for mortgage ihsurunce ends�n accordunce w=th Any�.written agreement betwL,en Bonow:.°t
<br /> - and,(.en��x ai zppfir�6le law.
<br />- � 9 ' L�spectlae. Lender or its agcnt may m;kc.'seasonabte erurrie.upan srnd inspectiunx�nf�thb Prnperty:' L�ndc�r��aib'
<br /> -- — give Basm�wer notice at the dmz of ar prior to an insp�c[ian sp�cifyms reagonablecaux fa��thb in�prctinn��
<br /> - 10. Condemnatbn. Tlie proceeds of any awprd ar cln�m tar dums►gex.ditcct or c�nsequrntii�lj'in�ronnociion with�any
<br /> — SingleFamity..Panniebfae/FYcddk'M1l�cUNtKUplltlVf+l'R�MI31►Fi.11nifnrmCuvc�unt.v !!l��IP�4ca,tnjh�,uXrU
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