_ _ _ ' ` " _ - . _-_-__-__ _ '_._',`t_____ ....
<br />. `.'` . _ . .. . . -_ -p. __
<br /> i.� _
<br />-_- - < _ ' _ .'� " 't_ .. _ . ... .. _
<br /> ' .. . . . . c _ ' _ . .. . ' __'_ L' . . ' ' . . . '.
<br /> � _ _ � . . � _ :. - . .. . � � ��:j�-- 1�i49�'�. ` ` . . . . -. . ,
<br /> � 't+OaB!'N81t Wlni ari We i�prnresa�:now a�aie�tler eiayed an tbe pnpatk.aiia alt ear�aot�. . _
<br /> aia0 fixtuKi aow or�a pnt of`tbe prupetty. !►lt��nd addiaai�s�ail sito be oovaed by►��
<br /> - �. All af t6e ic[e,oiq�i�e e f e m e d t o in t N s S e�s i t Y L�n�a�t h e"P�a�p e n y" . � � -' ' �- <
<br /> BORROWHi OOVENANfS ti�t Homnw�er is LwfulIy aei�ed of dre est�te�fiee+ebJ►com'eYed and has tha tiEht vo Saat.:
<br /> . . `aad aaav�►t6e Prepat!►�d W�t t h t F i o p a t Y i s u n e n c u m b e c e d.e x o e p t fa enc�aaoes of ieeard.°Borm*►as w�rtaots abd.
<br /> �rn'i!�leEad�maally t6e titk 1�tbe Prepaty ag�ir�st aii c1ai�aad demaods,subjxt w ary encmanbi�noes uf tecad
<br /> - - - —
<br /> 'IHIS-SF�CtJR�t`Y�ISIRUMENI'=cv�nbir� u�OOH�faF ns�at usc�otl aoa�ifor�ca�awMS-±" _-- — . -.
<br />' ' ILoited vuiMioos by jurlsd�iaa to co�ntit�c s unifonn s�GaitY inso�M�ov�°S�+1 P10P�►y . . . ' .
<br /> UNJE�ORM OQVFNANTS. Bo�rower�d I�endefoov� ��wer slnil p�nmpdY P�Y N+��e 1he
<br /> . !, l�t�aat�t Prl�etp�l a�i I�ter�t;P�iPJ� md ta�e cfr�r�es�e utdec the Na�te. •
<br /> � daad inlarstoo the ddit�vida�ctd by tbe Note aad any pspsya�t, -
<br /> .' �I+I�i lrx 711sessri I�aia..S�bjoc�w�ic�le ti►v�r a to a wntlea waivaby i.eader.Banower sin11 paY to
<br /> . I.eadec on the dry u�odhlY P�Y��ce dae mdrr d�e Note,u�the Nore is p�d in tnll,a stnn t"P�'�,�,(a)r�Y
<br /> � � pnces'�ad���,�Y�I��°va��ss�Y��s�t�ie°.an t6e�Y+t�?3'+eady l�d�oid
<br /> . �r�ooe�emiuuu;�(d��Y�
<br /> pa�raiamts.ar�;i+��t�e Big9�=�E,anj�;�c) YeuIY II��a P�� . � �r�y F�w�:ia . y :;
<br /> ° imu�ave pr�ms,��',Cc}�:n�t�gG���s,�f?n'�.-asd t�.�. •_- 'FaY
<br /> , , - ' ,
<br /> •.. Lp�ci�r.�u u�eoe�daave;�v�1h t�c pRa���E�'��g+�La►bE tbe E�Ir�manlE af mnatga�C�p�-�� . ° �
<br /> ; : :,.. - -.:. : aa an �nt asammt r�at ta e� - .
<br /> , , ;,,,'�emsarcc�ed."Fsaca�a' � ������bkia'E��,
<br /> ��� , u tRat�;cvik�xauid bold . ;.,.
<br /> :�;; _..;. ...�3:3aodst�nr.s,�Y.���!�"z��°.�ar... , . .;i, •
<br /> ..�. pbooed�s/1et o�-E974 as���e�€enr.i�E�'s',a..�:��2GQi easa�,,i�-, . �,nnie��oi�iec�,
<br /> - � ����'iuldssdsaTessecunae�i#'aor;�'u�►}.���c�iiects�id�d�i�i�2�tibtmcnuc�o'
<br /> �;'•la�i�iit
<br /> . _ exceed t6e ks�iu�uent. I�der msy�e�'�af F�nds doe a�o���e b�ssis u�f cun�ent dar�`aed ta�socable
<br /> -_- ::--es�i�es cf�of firtdre F�ccow�te�s cc�.�ecar�;e ai sxord�aee wit��Pi't�bk tiw. , _ _
<br /> 71ie�F+Mds aMll be beid ia an iastituuiat ariwse deposits ue insuced bY�a federsl a�en�.y.a��tY.���Y
<br /> � (iuclal�Y.eada,if I.aidx is wch m iastitutiou�or in ary F�edenl��oa�e Loan Bonk. l.endet sfaU aPP�Y�tha F�mds to pa�y ,
<br /> tlie Ficmw Item.s. Laider may not cha�ge Bor�ower for holdiag aad�pplYinB the�.aonually 9n�lYziaB d�e ascroM
<br /> sx.ant,a verifying the F.scraw Itemg.unkss Lender psys Borrower inte�rat on the Funds�nd applicabk Iaw pemuts
<br /> - -- i.enQEt w m�trtoch�t elar�-However.Lender may;r�uue Hamnwer ta paY a ono-time ch�cge far�n independeM fral . _
<br /> , atate Wt lepatinB service used lry Lender in cannectiat vrnth this Iwn.unkss appllcabie taw pmvi�o�i y inktest or
<br /> . a�eertrent is ntida or�ppUcabk I�►w mluitea inte�est tn bo paid.l.ender�11 not be rcquurd to pwy
<br /> _ e�min=s ort the ii�nds:9amawa and LxndeE maY sgroe in wc�ting.lawever.tA�t interest�11 be p�id on�he Fwids. i.e�der .
<br /> ,shwll��ve a Bon+uwer.wi�houe char�w��u��nnng of the FuMs.slwwing credits and debits W the Funds and thb
<br /> purpwe tor wt�ictt each debit w the!'�nds was m�de. The Funds ue pkdged as addiaaul security foc�i!sums securcd by
<br /> �:���' � lic�bk law,I.etWet s1w11 account to
<br /> if the Wnds held by i.ender excaA the unouncs pem�it�ed to 6e held bY aPP
<br /> $amwa fot the exceu l�nd+►in accadu�ce with the requ�remrnts of a�ppticaDk law. If the amounc of the Funds held by
<br /> lender�t my time is not aufficient w piy tbe Fscrow Iums when�ue,l.ender may so notify�orrower in writing.u�d.in
<br /> sucb c�se Bamuwer aliaU pay to Lender the amourtt nceessary to m�ice up ttie deficia�cyr. Bomnwer shatl make up the
<br /> def'xienc5►in no moc�tl�ae twelve monthly payments.at l.ender�sok discneaan. refund to Bortower any
<br /> Uponp�ya�ent in fall af aU sums socurcd by this Secuslty Instrument,Lender shall prompttY •���e acq�isition or
<br /> Funds luld by Lender. U,under paragraPb 21,l.ender shall acquire ar scll the Ptoperty.I.ender.prt -
<br /> s�ie of the P�oPenY•shall apply any Funds held by Ltnder at the time of acq4isition or sak as a credh against the sums
<br /> secmod lry this Secu�'ity Instrumea�
<br /> 3. App�qtio�o�P�jnknis Uakss applicable law p[wides otherwise,all payments teceived by Lendet under
<br /> puagr�phs 1 and 2 shail be appi�ed:first,to anY prepaYment c�w,,�es due under the Nett�,second.to arttamts paYabk cmder
<br /> �ph Z;third.to inurat due:fourth,to principal due;and�as�ro any late charges due under the Nae. ..
<br /> 4. Cisr�es; I.iere. Borrower shall pay at��roces..assessments,ch�'ges. fines aad impositions�itibutabk to the
<br /> ts or centg,if an9. Bormwer
<br /> propeRy which may attain priority over this Seca�i�'Instrument,and leaseY�,�d pay�iien 8��
<br /> shall pay tl�ese obligativns io the manncc pcovided in paragraPh 2.or if no;p;aa3 in that m�nner.Borr�ov�er sha11 pay them on —
<br /> time d�rectly to the person owed paymenG Brnrrower shall promptty fumish to�ender all natiees of amaants to be paid uader
<br /> �P�S�+Ph. If Banawer matces ttiese pay�neists dimctty.Bmrower shall gitsmply fumisis to t.ender nceipts evidencing
<br /> ts.
<br /> ��Ba�rnwer shalC�PqY discharge any lien�'�ich I�as prioriry ovtr thi5 S�rity lnstrumtnt uniess Sarmwer.(a)ag�es .
<br /> .� in wridng to the paym�st of the obligaaon secaued 6y the lien In a mar�neE a��xable to Lencier.(b)contests in good faith the
<br /> lien by.a defends.�,a;nst enfaccment of the lkn in,legal proceedings wAicfi fia the Lenrkr�s opinion operate to pce.went the
<br /> �nfo�eme�u of tt�e�en;ur(c)secures trom the hotder of the t�en an ageement satlsfactory to Lendar su6ordinati�Le tfie iien ,
<br /> to thi�Security Ia�n� If LenAer determe��ower e n�otice idendfy�ng�thej lien.�Bosrt ower shal!sa�sfp t�e li��e . . ' .
<br /> ' aver this Securiry�nt,Lender m�y giv _
<br /> pno or mone of thc ax"sans set farth aMrve within 10 days of the g�ving of noNce.
<br /> S. Huard or Property lawraace• BonoWer shall keep the improvements now existing or hema.�er erocted on tho
<br />__ property insured agalnst loss by t3re,hazards included within the term"extended coverage"and any othet�azards,including
<br /> floods or flooding,for which Lendcr requires insurance. 'l�►is insurance shaii be mainwined in the amounts and for the
<br /> fin 3I2/ !!!� /OWS�2 oI6 pa��ai
<br /> .
<br />., _
<br /> — - -- � • � -- - - „ - �?. •n..� . .-�-.•,;�.yC.•s - --_ —
<br /> — — _'��'.,���:� . '. ,.__- . .:.e?..'i.. . . i . � � � . . , '�T .... �
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