_ _ . r_ _ - . �. ° � . ,
<br /> . . . .. _ -_. : , . < < ' - _ - - _ . . _.. _. . . -
<br />.. _ . .... . ' L` ` • ( _ .... �'. . . .r• ��� � . ,- . ' ` � e
<br /> � cbedemmtian a ather t�kina aft�.p�4t of d�e;Pevpest]f,�r far coinYeyana in.lieu of ca�daan�����' �
<br /> ' a6a11 be pdd to La�de� . : < ' . , � ,
<br /> ta tde evert of a totil t�u�g o�2x Ptoper�y.tfie prooaeds�shall be applied to the sums secn�+ed�by dius Se�aity;
<br /> ' _ inaon�nt.whetlxr or not diar�e.witl��ay enass p�ud ta BaR��ver. fi d�c cvent of a puti�l takiag of�he PtppeEty in � -. .
<br /> � wLicfi tite fair nurrl�et valne uf tbe PiopertY im�t�ediauiy.bef'o�the alnag is equai to or g�ter than the aaxxmt of tl�e wms ,
<br /> se�wed by this Sccuriry tn�une�irnmedi:tety 6efae the talciag,unkss BoROwer and Leader atherwisc agroc in wr�ting, �
<br /> the swas secu�ed isy this Secarity L�t sball�e.n+de�sd bY the.amaunt.�f the pruceais uwlt,�Ledr_Y.-
<br /> - -- . . b ibe_foltowing-,--
<br /> •fnctbn: (s)1t�tot�t amauot,Qf tbe�sums secuied irt�iatelY befae the taking.divided by(b}tt�fair mat�ca va�lue of t6e .._
<br /> PtopeA,y immodiately 6efae tT��.:,:At►�r.bol�nx shal!be paid to Boirawer.� ln the event of a p_�ctia�tati�,.�.�6e -
<br /> Pm�pe�ty ia�vhich the fair ms�c•'�'��f6�P#upertY unm�t�ly befoc+�the taiang is tess than d1�`aicioc��tbres�ps`. :
<br /> � 1'. i, '.
<br /> SEC11!!d �bCf�IC tllf L'�.�1$':t���i�LOWCF ill�•�.G[�EC O�[15�SU aFICC IR WI(tlll�QI�.,,i�F���_k'::�Q2�_:''� . ,
<br /> ' .�,.;����; P�smlibt�,.,tthEl�eswnssei.medb�ifiis�ecutitylnslrutt�eatwheltiieE.'?�t�i�sr,�ys�are." "''z
<br /> ,,;����. ;���- - _:,,� ,_ ��:t• _ "� �;� . ,•f;,,,.i; ::-�; :�.' _
<br /> - -:�:�the.Ptopaty is abaMaaed 6�Bamwa.or if.aftcr notict 6y T..+etMier ea.f3omnwec that tMt.caNkmnor offers Yo madce
<br /> ` an�awaed ar.sdtid•A ct�im fa dan�s.Barower faits w�+espcxrd to.l�dcr within:34da�rs aPoar tlia.datc dKS noti�e ia girea.�.
<br /> _ Leoderis autbotixed-to wilect and apply tht p�ocoeds..at its opaon.:eitt�er.to restcxatian or repajt+:af ihG AvPFRY a to the
<br /> sams sau�ed by tkis 5ecurity tnswment.•wh�tl�r or.not tHm due.
<br /> Zlnkss.l.eoder and Borrowa otberwise•agnea in writing,anY aPF���:�P��s to principai's6a[�not exteed or
<br /> postpone the dut date ofthe monthlY WY��refetrrd to in pari�raphs 1 and Z or ch�tgt the amount af such paytn�nts. . - ,
<br /> li. Mrr�+ner Not Rekauil: Far�ct �y i.eMle� Not s Waiver. Extensbrt ot the time far paymant ot
<br /> madiFicrtion of�aio�t�ZStian of the sums sefiutrd by this Secvrity Insuumene grankd by L.tndec to any successor in i�Kee6�t
<br /> °of Borrower skdl not opente to release the liability af the aigin�l Rarrower a Bonower'�`successors irt inkrc�t.i�er .
<br /> s�l!�at be t�eq�i�od w canunpica p�q�ceeAings�st,any succesxx in interast ar retuse to extend time far paymau or
<br /> - o�e�wi�rt-t�1��y�nortizatian af the wms eecrorod try this�rity i��ttu�uea#ty t�zwti af�ty desf�s��s�dc�ig t!x ari�i�t!
<br /> Bon�a Bcmovrer:s succeswrs in i�tenes�. My fcKbeaau�cc by Lender in eaerciying nny ri�hi or rcrt�dy shait na 6e a.
<br /> waiver af ar p�ectnQc�he eaeocise of any ri6ht or temeay. -
<br /> . 12. 3Mae�on sd Arrij�c��di JaMt and 5evenil l.1�6Uity:Co�er�. The covenantw and agreemeau of thjs
<br />_ • .. Securily insttumcsst shill Mnd and beneCtt the successors and ac.�ignY oi Lender w�d Borrawer.su6ject to the provisians of
<br /> _ p�tgraph i�:8�wsr�s cbvenants tu�d agrctmen�c shaft be,joit�t.snd severat.Any Satrawer wl�ccs-sigr�s-this-Se�------- �
<br /> ttwtument but does nat execute the l�Sote: (a)i.4 co-signing this Security tactrument oedy to mortgage.grant and canvey that
<br /> gariower�s i�teTest in the Ptopetty under the terms of this Security In.urument: !b)is rat personally obligated to pay the sumc
<br /> secuned by this Security lnstrumen�and(c)agrces that Lender and any other Bormwer may a�rec w extend.modify.forbear
<br /> or make sny accommodations with regard to the tcrms of this SecutIty Tnstrument ar the Note without that Horrower's
<br /> caasen�
<br /> 13. l.a�s C�r�es. If tl�e laan secucdd by this Security tnswment is subject ta a law which:sets nwfcimam loan
<br /> ci�es.and that law is fitialiy intarp�ted so t�at the interest or ather loan charges coltected or to be ealIect�d jn connxtian
<br /> _ �thc lo�t excoed tbe pertniued limits,ihetc ia)any such taan charge shalt be rrduced by the au��ssar�tiu redacc
<br /> � d�c�atge to the pem�itted limi�and(b)any snms alt+eady colletted from Botrowes which excee�led pecmitted lirtiits will be
<br /> ref,�ed to Borrawer. t.ender may choose ta make this refund by reducing the principal owed unda tts��Jote a hy m�icing a
<br /> . ¢uect payrt�ent to Borrower. If a�efund redu�es principal.the reduction a�l be treated as a pactial pc�payment withaut any
<br /> psiepayment charge u�der the Note. • _ �
<br /> 14. Natkes Any notice•cp Barrower provided for in this Securiry lnstrument shall be gi�e►t by deliverin�it or by •
<br /> ma�7ing it by first class mail ucr�ess applicrblc law reqnires use of another method.The notice�hatl be directed ta the Pcoperty
<br /> Address or any other address Sasmwer designates by notice to l.ender. Any notice to[.eader sTraD.i�e given by first class
<br /> mail w Lendec's address stated herein or aic;:cther addiess Lender designates by notice to Aomoa�er_'t�ny notia provida!fot
<br /> . ' in thls Security �strument shal! be deens�c�have been given to Horrower ar Lender when��:�a provldad in this
<br /> . �Ph• ..... • :.:.:
<br /> � 1S. Governing la�v;Sev,erability. `�'��ecurity Irtsuumcnt shalt be govemed by fedetal,f:�:K:.�and.�he 1aw of tlte
<br /> "�urisdiction in whicb the Propec�is tocated.'irt t6e evertt cGa�any pravisian or clause of this Secwr�t��fc•s�ument ecti�q Note
<br /> � co�tlicts with applicable law.stxfi conllict s£ratl aot affect other prmisions of this Security Inaru�rest the Not��lsich can
<br /> '.•��� , be given effect without the conf�icting p+ar"szbn. Ta this end�he pravisions of this Security ta.sttvzispnt and the Note ace
<br /> ti decianed to be severable. ; � , ' �"
<br /> ' lf. Borrower's Copy. B�ctiuwer shatl be give�oae conformed capjr.of the Nate and oi this S�uYiey instrument. ,
<br /> 17. 71ra�ak�o�the Pn�tp or s�&netkinlleteresl In Borrovrer. If ail or any par[of the Property arzmy interest in
<br /> : it is sotd or transferred(or if.��*Eneticial interest in Barrower is sold or transferred and Borrower is not a natural person)
<br /> �. without Lenderfi priar wriaen tonsen�t.e�der may,at i��optian.require immediate payment in full.�af aU sums securcd by
<br /> ' � this Security In�vmen� Hawever.this opa+�n shall na be exercised by Lcnder ii exercese is pmtsibiti�i by federal law as of
<br /> - the ctaue of th�Security In�trumen� �
<br /> . li l.ender exer�ises ihis option,i.ender shAU give Borrower naice of acreleratian. The naiceehi�tl provide a period of
<br /> �sot less than 30 days from the date the notice is dclivcred or mailed wi�hin which Bnrrawer muct pay a!�sums secured by this
<br /> � Securiry Instrument. if Borrower fails to'pay these sums prior to the ezpiration of this petiod.[�nder may invoke any
<br /> � remedies permitted by this Security in�trumeat without further notice or demand cx�Barrawer. � •��•.
<br /> I� Borrower'�Ri�t to Rein.sts� 'ff Borrower meets certain canditions, Bonower sh�ll ltu�e the right to have
<br /> enfasement of this Secudty lnstrument discantinued a�any time prior ro the rarlier uf: (a)5 day�(c,r sucb other period ac
<br /> � SingkFamiiy»Fa�sk MrdFreAAb�fac C�IFO8S/t�ti"1'R��fI?r7�-Uniturm Cwcnvu. !i� Ipage4 oJb�r�.+�
<br /> _ . _ . . __ ._ . -_�, .y'+��"'�*'�"�F. :w. . . . ,v - . , . . ,'':-aW�F^''�y�.a�.y�a°��..._.� . _
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