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_� t �,�< � c � s*."-- <br /> _ t • - - < e" <br /> . �. <br /> ' t � a 4 <br /> a• <br /> ,. C �p.���_ (.... .._. :. -_.. ,_.J:. .� ._ l—_. . .__. <br /> `_ , , c Fc. .._._ __ _ -_.. _ __. „ _ <br /> � _.�.. �' ..'t.�.F .� . .,i. __ . • . ` . . . _..� .. . i L — . _ _ . � .. < _ —_ ' __� ' ^.r `` `` <br /> p. � � , � . , a � . . .. ` c :�r i � ; ' . . <br /> �, , - < < . ` � _ �< <` , g�,: .10�09i . . . `_ : <br /> c r . � . . <br /> • . � �n or`ct6er ialdmg of�ny p�ut of tbe Pm�percy,a�fur convryaua in liai�doaoda�iian:are be�eby.�i9�ed aad � . <br /> ' - � sinll be prid`to Lander. < < `- ; . � . <br /> � L►8�e e�cent of z tatal wging•of tbe Ptoperty,tAe pr000eds sdaU be applied ta t1� sorus secu�ad by this�ty • ' <br /> Ia�wlKtbet a nut drm due.vrilh a�r exaess p�td�to l�otmwer.• U►tbe eva�t of a Putiai�iOB o�tbe �° r <br /> w�h tLe.i�ir muket`valoe of 16e Pcppaty inuae�atdy befoce tbe,is equ�l to ar�eaur t�ian tha arnoiu�u�suq�as . `y <br /> - - � ��F��Y��Y��tl�e�akiog.nnless Bor�wver and Le�der df�av�ise_�grrF ia_�_ _ :. <br /> the sans aecu�r,d by this SxuritY�t�si�be�d�ood Dy tbt amatnt af tbe p�000eds ro�iP�bY��S <br /> � f�don: (a?the wtai x�of tt�e sums sxuied immed'�attly�tbc+e�te q�ting,dtvid�d by N)the fair m�icet vatucoE t6� .�4 <br /> , �ptopieuy immaG�tely 6efae tbe tainng. An�+balasoe shali`be paid to Borrdwei In tbe evet�t of a panial taiciag of.t6e ' . <br /> --�-- ' P+ope�ty aa which tbe�a�t�et value of tbe PtuQeccy.imwedi�ely•6efae the tak6ag,is kss thaa 4T�e arnoum of d�e sums , <br /> _ . saured iqune�ia�ely befose�e tairing,uokis Soiruweir and t.ender atEierwisc_,agrae irt writing arualess appliaible law <br /> -_ � od�erw;sc pran,;aes,rhe prooeods sTi�u be app�ea to the a�qas scnuea Qy mis sec,arity t�neac wbetlix orfla the su�ace . . <br /> • , t6en due. � . � . . � , ., y <br /> 1f die Ptnperty is aboado�ied hy I3aROWre�oc i�after mace bsr Lender to Bort�wer thaf d�e condemnor offers to a�alre . <br /> � m,aw�M or seltle a claim for danra�s,Bortowu fails t�aespad to t,ender wittin 30 days aRer tha due tbe�otice is givert, , . <br /> — t.eada is a�boiaea w oollaet aua�ppiy d,e ns o��a m ce�r�ion or r�air of tLe Pr4perey ar Fu the <br />_ � . swn.a searied hy t6is Security Insuwnet��wbether or uot tAen dne. . ' . . , <br /> �= Unkss�endtr and Roaowa.ahervvise ag�oe in writuig,any applieation of qacads ta principal st�l!na eate�d a <br />—�: postpoae tLe due dau of ttie m�ndtly payrtknu cefernd to in paragraQhs 1 md 2 or change ibe autioiat�of such paymenq. � . <br /> --z�' lI.ltarrower 1�kR.Reie�e�Far6duymo� By lRUder Nai a Wi�ver. F.x��ott of the dme fo[payme�t or � <br /> "e , modificariat of a�On of Ehe stms secwed by tltis Security L�su�au grantai by l.e�fder to aay s�tccessor ia mteiest . <br /> -�,� <br />-:a, of$omawec shalL uot operate tQ.rekase qie t�hitity oi tl�e aigitrat Sor[ Borrovrer*s suooessas•in intetesi.lseder <br /> ,-_ • ah�ll aot be�equited to cammrnee pinceodings�gainst anY a�cees.sor io intecest os t�efuse:w extsnd time for payment or _ . <br /> -"_= , od�eraise modify smordzation of tbe sua�secured by du��M3►Insaument bl'rrasoa of any dtmaM rtade by tUe ai�iaal <br /> . � Bormwer a Barrower�succe.sso�s in intetest My forbearance bY I.ender in exer�ising any rig6t or ranedy shari nat be a <br /> watver of a pnoclude the exetciset�f any right or remedy. . � � <br /> lt. S000ea�ors�nd AssiBas Bamd;loint aad 5everall.i�6Uit��;Co-s�rs. The covenants and agRoemem.s of tLis <br />- -. -,. , . Sec�uity jnsaument sbail butd and 6enefit tfie successors atW assigd[s of Lend��nfi8orcuw�er.sa6je�t to the pnnv�of <br /> ,, z ` k� '�..> patagraph 1T.$orrower's covenant,and agreemenis shall be joirlt and sevetal.Any Bomnwer wha�w-signs this Se�t+riry <br /> � ��:�s,�,��,_"�'- Io.�trem�ent bot does not execute the Note:�(a)isc�o�gning this Security Im�ument anly w mortgage.grant�nd convry that <br /> . :�-''-�. Ha�ower s interest in die under the tem�s of this Securiry Insuumen� (b)is not personalty obtigated w pay tbesums <br /> :� �;H;-,.,.-,. • '- �nY <br />_ ,�.����.�``-` , ,...�_ .sceurad tbis Securi Insaumenx and(c?ag�.s d�at Lxnder and aay ot�cr Borrmver may agee w extend,modify.forbear <br /> .. x�:.._. ,,•.r•. �Y tY <br /> a <br /> - x ��t,�.;�, • m^f Mm(�MaY•e any accommodadons wri�b regard to the tenns of diis Security Insau�i�ent or the Note without that Bonower� <br /> T ' :�J'_��''[ VM�V'.M <br /> 3 ..:". .� <br /> -.� � 1� Lo�n Chaegea If the loan secured by this Security Instnunent is subject to a law which sets maaimum toan <br /> ,`�.�`.�_!`' ' e�azges,and that law is finally'interpreted so that the interest or other toan charges coUec�ed or to be collected in connxciat , <br /> ,..Y, ;`-_.... _ with d�lo�eaceed the permitted limi�s,then: (a)any such loan cfiarge shall be ratuced by the amount necessary to redaGe <br />-_--- '��:•:-:_�:�'-�'.�,; • the chargre ta the permitted 1imi�and(b)any sums alresdy rnilected fivm Borrower which exceede{i Qenniued limits ariil6e =___. <br /> refunded to Borrower. L.ender may choo5e to make this iefund by�educing the principal owed underthe Note or by malcing a <br /> " ' . . d'uect payment w Borrower. If a refund reduces principal.the reductian wiH he aeated ac a parti a l prepayment wi t hout any :.''`'..�..' <br /> . .. �- - � P�Yment ch�rge under the Note. . . . . �_�-;m"`X._-- <br /> - • 10. Notkes. An noticc w Horrower rovided for in thiy Securit Instrument shal!be ven b deliveri it or b ���*°-'� - <br /> . . Y P Y S� Y n8 Y .•.;,,.�.:; • <br /> _ :. :{, mailing it by first class mail ualess applicable law requires use of unother method.'fhe noticc sfiaU be ditecied to the Pmpercy _�� <br /> " . Address or any wher adthess Borrowet designates by nrnice to Lender. Any notice w l.endcr r+ha116e given by first class � ;;''��=� <br /> - ' mu'I to L,ender's�cldress stated herein or any other address l.ender de�igrtatec by notice m Bemawer. A�rmtice provided for ::.---: <br /> ±• ' `^� ' � in this Security Insuutnem shall be deemed w have becn given to Botrower ot Lender when given as provided 'm this , .:�'- '' <br /> .�,L':t�. . .. . . , , _io�'�—�.V. <br /> #�.- . .,., . . � ��1S.��overning Law;Severst6itity This Secarity Instrurrtcnt�huii he govemed by fedcra! !aw and.the law of tl� - - : ' ' <br /> E �. ' . . _ ' jurisdictioa in ufiich the Propeny is locatrd. In the everti that any pravixion or cluuse of this Security 7nstrument or the Note '_ <br /> . . ; ' caiflicts with applicabte law,tiacb eonAict rhall not affect other provi�ians af this Security Instrument or the Note which can .. , _ <br /> ca <br /> � � � be given effect without ihe conflicting piovi.rian. Ta this end the provisions of this Sccurity Inctrument and the�Nae are . • � ° <br /> . ° daclared to be severable. � _ <br /> _ . . . " 16. Bomuwer's Copy. Borrower shall be given one canfarmed copy of the Note and of this Securiry lm�trumen� - <br /> . � 17. 7lranster ot the Property or a Beueliclal lnterest in Bon�ower. if all ar any.part aC the Ptnperty or any intemst in <br /> • .:f-::�. � � ��-- it is sold or transferred(ot if a beneftciat interest in Borra�ver is sald ar tran!�ferred and Bcm�>wer is nat a•naiuml persson) <br />� � without Lcnder'�prior written consen�.Lcnder i�ti uption,rryuire immediutc payment in full af nll sums secured by � �" <br />--� _ _ � • � �his Security Instrument. Hawever.this option shall nat be cacrcised by Lender ii exercire is prohibited by federal law a.c of <br /> �`�,,,.~-� . � the date of this Security Instrument. . •��s. ' . <br /> if Lende�e�cerci.�thiy option.Lertder shsll give Boaower notice of aceeterarion. The natice zhatl pravide o period of <br /> � ��'� � not less than 30days from the date the notice ix delivered or maited within which Borrower must p.yy all surns secured by this ' � <br /> ��, ' . '� � • Security Ins�rum�Mt. lf Borrower failti ta pay thcse sums prirnr�o the cxpiration of this perial.Ixnder may invoke any <br /> f' . y,... _ <br /> • •• rcmedtes pemtitted by this Secutity Insitument without furthet n��ticc��r demattd un Bonower. <br /> � . 18. Borro�rer's Right to Reinstate. If Born�wer meetti certain condition�. gonrnvei.hali fiave the right to 6ave <br />� , � ' _ enforoement of this Security Instrument discuntinue�l�t Any timc prior t��the esulicr af: �a)5 days(or wch other periad as . . � <br /> i• � � . <br /> -- - �; . ,- <br /> ,--- 5ingle F�tttilY--Fam�k NaelFreddk Mac Uyit/1RH 1\STltl'�fF.'.�iT--L'niform Covenant+ !!9� IpnRe I��f A�,nR�+� .. .__.. <br /> �. - - • � • • � <br /> �`�; - �, . <br /> Y J1 , � � <br /> ".P�f �+�M�n'.�Tii�:• ..laa �... ' . 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