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� a '�,;.Jyl���°� ". --..� _ ..z.. ..-° --`.._ �.� _ { _ <br /> .. - � --- - �4- . . <br /> ... .�.. .. -- - <br /> .. ,. . ' � _ _ . . - . . . - - -- <br /> �..� .t. "c�. ,_' _ r ' �.._._ .. . . _ .. _ .. . _ � . _ . .. . _.,.. , c . __ ... ..._ . .' ' _' __ _. _:� °O _. .� <br /> .4`.aln_ � Yi���� ' . � ' , � • , � . � !r � < < ` � � c .. � ...t� <br /> -- . . . _ . . _ . . . ._. . . . �: i•.• . <br /> ` `{�. � <L ' c ' ' . , � , ` - r .^ ` . ���1�� . � ' c . <br /> . . f - ` � . . . . � . �. . <br /> i <br /> , , ` ipp�yM'��}�r for�t)br.�oce ssle d dae PmQaty pd�saaot�o adY Pn�er d�te acmaiaed iq ibis , <br /> -� �q�y�rum�`°r(6)Rx�►pf i�E mfa�ao��S�mst�tm�. T6ose c�i�'a�s ste�tlne Baee�n+rer:'ts) � , < <br /> " .p�ys Iieader aII sums Mhich t6ea�routd be due unda 96is Seauiiy�aed t�e No6e as�no sc�aaoa�hd � - . <br /> �. oca�ted:(b)ca�s�y dtfaolt�f any atbri�coven�aMS ac�(c}P�YS�aU eapeases ioe�ied'u►enfe��s Sa�ndY : ,` <br /> ` �at.�el�,but�ot��ted t�teasan�b�e�eps'fe��ad�(d}tai�es sud�aetiari zv�ixadet ma�r,t!a�6m6ty. ' ; <br /> - .- tieqi�ne a�u�at tbe f�eaotlhis Sec�Y`�1r�der§ri��ia#��'�Y anE!'�"��bliEatiai�pq.tbe<�._ <br /> �, �stp�.sec�o�b�'�s�SeauitY�trion�aX s�ll camiau�u�haa8ed Ti poa t� bS►B�v�.�S �Y . • <br /> , Inst�ea�sod�e�savred 6eneUY si�lt moaio foli]f effaKiva s�if aa acceTaratiai had accurr�ed.�Rver,t�6is. <br /> ri�t to�imt�te dall not�ppl9 ipeshe case pf acoek�ation m�derpau�gnp�h 12 ; � , <br /> � � SrE�N�'C�M��I/1r._�F7� ��C NdC Of A p1R1�I 11�E[ESi iR IbC NOfC(W�IG W1i�1 t�IS�Kl� <br /> " j�l�ip�)1�iS��E 50�plG at•i00lC tta1CS WIIuOtt[p[tOt tlOdpC tD$OR�Wt� A St{G ItliJt lES��[�!f�C(I�,C aR t�IC'E�1ly <br /> .. (ip�a�n1 n-�•l.b�n 5avicer9l�t oo�o�ts�o�itY Ps�me�s due undes t1�Noee and tbis 5a',psity In�ann��1'6es�sts� , <br /> . . � ntisy�e aic or mo�c�anges of dic Loan Senrice[�eia�A w�sate of the Nbt� if d� a qf t�e Lowa Se�vioer. <br /> Bamwer�l�be Siven writra!aotice of dm cLs�ge m a000�aoe with parigapb 14 abpve aod�A��'��ble la�. Tbe uo6ca , <br /> ' � = w�l sboe tbe n�me aad adifress of tbe�aew I.oan S�rvic+er aadd�e ad�w which psqmetus shg�uld b�mde. The notice w�71 <br /> . also cmtain auy aber ujfa�muiaa�DY applicabi�law. . <br /> � � 1!. Haa��a S�6st�tr� Bo�►wer shari not atase,or pecm[t the presence.use,`d�sposal,storage,or aka�se of aay = 1 � <br /> � Hazsrdous Su6stmoes on ar in die Pr�operty. '8on�wer shaU noi d�aor allaw anyane else to do,anYthing affecang die <br /> Ptepwty tLat is in viNa�ia�of any Em�a�ndpal law. 7Ue p�e�'iag two se�es sbalt nota�to the pnsdKx.u�e.a _ � . <br /> - , ster�e oa tbe Pirope�ty o'E s�roU qp�i�s oiH�dou�Sub�ces dqt ace�aUy iecogoitei-�o-tre ap�apt�ate to noanti <br /> �at uses rpnd m�mu�anx of U�Ptope�ry. . . . <br /> � � � ���P�P�Y S�ve I.endes writta►notiae of aay�vs��adyer a�daa by any <br /> ,, � gavamaental or ngWatory aS�Y a�P�Y�otving the Propert�r aad aay-Ha�ardous Substance ot Envinoaoxnnl' <br /> L,aw of Whicb Bonower has a�.�tual imowkdBG If Bamwer lrarns..or is uoti8ed bY �Y &�'�a� <br />_ sudweity.d�at omy nmaval or olher nmediatian of any H�t+doos Snbstanoe af£octing tbe Ptopetty is neas.garY,Bo�ower <br /> � sball promply take aIl neo�ry r�emedial actions itt aa�rdanca with Fnvic�mental <br /> � _-._ �1S tL4Cf�III tblS pSTB$l8�1�s��Z3i(�i3 Sti1bSf8IlOL'S°8[C tbOSC&16Si8IICC3 d6ftll0d 8S LOXiC O[113T�1wW1S SI1bS�[!aS�l _ <br /> ' Faviromneatal Lsvi►atid tt�tollowiag subs�: '�er ilammaTile or toxic peimTdua pmducts.toxic . <br />.�s pestic3des aad herbicides.volatile sotveuts.�taining asbestos or fom�aldehyde.aad-ra�lioxtive materials. As <br /> ' used in this patagaph Z0,"Fnviroumrntai Law"means fedesal laws aad laws of tbe jurisdictioa where the Property is Wcatc� . <br /> :�� � tltat telate fo�,safety or enviroame�ual pr+nrcttion. - - . • <br />- NON-U�IIFORM COVENAT�T1'S. Eorcower and i.ender forther cflveaant attd ag�e as follows: <br /> G'` 2L Aoalentios:Rewedies. Le�der siwU sive iWlee to Barrawer prhx M�codaat�1bBowi�Borrown''s • <br /> _ � 6rescr�d aay c�vesa�t or sga�nenl M t6is Saurity I�trumeat tbat�wt Prja'to aooderation u�der p�rs�espt 17 <br /> . aaiesappikabk'law_provides ot�rt�e).The aotioe s1�aU speeKq: (s�)the deGwlt;(b)the actb�reqnir�d tocure We <br /> _- defs�(c)s dat�sot le�tlpw 30 dnys trom tbe dite tUee aoti�e is�iven to Bann�vver,6y�rbic6 tYe defsYlt m�st be <br /> curN;and(fi tl�t taWire to wre tbe defwi!oa or bdore t6e daRe spec�tied ia Hre notict may r+esolt in tceeientio�et <br /> t�e suas secared by�bis st�asit�tnArame,a aud sa/e a u,e Property. '1'be eotioe snan rarth�ieraem sorrmver.or <br /> tbe NaM to r+eiestate atter acad�atia�a and the rigM to 6rLtg a cauA rctbn to asser!t6e aoa�ex�tenoe da ddwlt ar <br /> aay ather deknse ot Bosrower to a�celeration and sak. [[the default is aot cpced ue or 6efore tbe drte aptdt�ed io � <br />'< ' the notice.I.ender at ita opNon may require immcdi�te pawmeat ia fWl otall sums secured by this Secarity Ins�a�eat �. <br /> �.��i' vrit6oYt tarlber dsmand and ma�invoke ihe power oi sWe and any Mher r2medigs permilted by applicaDk law �--__ <br /> n <br /> . `�"'`�'' ,'��.�6�� I.ender slwll be eatitkd to eWiect all expeases incurrcd ia pnrsni�g t6e rcmedies prmided ie t6is paragrapb Zl. =---_. <br /> ,z,`=' includin�.6at aot limited t0.reasoaaDk attorneys•fces and oo�ts ottitk evlde�toG �-- <br /> ,"�"� It thr power ut sate i�invdced.7Y�tee sbaD reccrd a notk�e at Qefanit in eacb coaaty in which any part d tUe �:;�:��_= <br />__ ��� property is bwted and sball nwil�oPks af Rncb natice in the�aanner presceibed bJ aPMicabk IAw to Sornnvver antl to -`;;�- .-. <br /> -• � �s.� ,° t6e afber persoev prescribcd by appiicaAle tAw After the tlmr reqairtd by apPiica6k law,7tagta s1aQ Sive paAlic <br /> �' `� . � aoNce o�sak to tbe Personv and in the raanner prsscriDed by�pplicabk taw. 7lrustee,vritlioat deq�and ae Barrovrer. <br /> :�=: : ' I. . <br /> .. >T - � slwp seU tUe Property at publk�adioo to tbe 6ig� biQde�at the time and place and uader the hrms desigrtated in <br /> �a .�-.�.'.�:`�:.. . . <br /> tbe Aotia of s91e in om�or more parcels aod in any order 7lrustee determi�. 7lrustee trwy postpoae sate otall or any <br /> � �;f � parat ot the Property b pnblic announcemeni at the time and ptace ot any prevbusly schedukd sWe. Lender ar its �� - <br /> �`' � -'i atsmys�le � • � '.. <br /> - ��1 P���J �:;���.:- <br /> �'„�.�:� Upon t ectip/of ps�yment at•tbe prke 6iA.Tru.ctee s6a11 detiver to the purchaser 7Ynstce's deed aonveying tUe �_;_� <br /> " _ ", pebpeNY- 7'6c recitats in tbe 7Y�tee's deed shall be pri�tacie evWence of ibe trnth ot the�tements made tbercta. ~ ���i:.;= <br /> . 'llrnstee sbWl aVWY«Pr�ot the sak io 4he fWtowing order: lal to�11 costs and eaepenses ot extrcising the pawer '� <br /> .. • i K'. <br /> -.1 • . . . . �._" <br /> , _� . _. � . .. <br />.. �' �, ; ' ' - ' <br /> :.r' 1 Y���..._. ' . • r . . 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