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_ ..� � <br /> _:. ..:: .:w�� .-- - --- -.... <br /> '�` � - ` , ..., r, r � .. <br /> "-CC'"- c��....c .. ,, - - �---'-- - <br /> _, <br /> c .. � . s:itnA" ._ . . . _ ,. _ . . ' _ . '' „ _ ' '� � . . .. ' �c"< _- m _ _. . <br /> �-�. ._s,.E �__.e«t�t.� ' , � ti . . c . . � �. � .. . , � .. . . �A cq . <br /> . c . .. . ' ' � . C . ' . �� �< . . . <br /> ` . L , �, < .. [ . . n < �� � M�� t�`� ( <br /> . ' ' . .t .. ' . . . . , .� � . . . <br /> ` pCiiCdt t�1,+��1 IbQlll�.�1LG�DC p[Tiif pf�ON�j 1LE�DC�YII 6Q C�10�ls by BOQ07YEt�fllbjOC[1Q�� -• <br /> � �i�4f���nOt�}C��Y�ICd..��lb�llR fil�f AD�CGAtE�C�i�i�10VC.�16�1.� � ' <br /> < Larla�s aptioo.obt�ih cover�ge w p�olert i�er�der�s rig�s in tbe`�tnpaty in�v�;lii p�i�pb T. ., , � <br /> � �►ll�a�oe policxa aed e�aewab�U 6e aooephi6iepu�.e�der�od ah�lE ioclade i�taedacd mo�t�c1�e. t�let `. <br /> � : � �fnve We ri�[w fiold t�e ppticies ao��eoepals.��f bea�er tequi�+�s,Har:ew�es�P'c�pttp Bive ta isades aU�ipRs , <br /> - ` af��p�am�s�i�rtotiaes ta tLe��nf 16cs.Ba�nower s1q�!ai�cpn�npEnc+��r�ratriat'a� .-.`• - <br /> •�der..i.xodet msy maire p�oo€�'bas if not m�sde pianQ�lY�!Y�• � ` ` • � . . <br /> , � UAiess�,eo�er�ud Hottar�al�ennse agde in�veiti�,m�,�oe'pa�eeds sb�ll be applied ta�staration ur t�i�ic,of ; � <br /> tbe.Anpe�ty�4�naaaed;�f t6��esta�atioa.or�+mp�'v!s ecopoam�lty fesa'ble md I�'a�ecaait�r u uot�k.tsa�ed. If tbe <br /> msto�ia�ur�ior a ieot eoanaquailty fe�it ar Lsndet�see�ty wrould lae lesseaed.tbe ia�anee paceeds�IaU'be. ' . <br /> � a�ptied to die sums aew�ed by tbis Sooarity Ir�m�nt.Mrbdher ar.not ei�due,with�any�xo�s ptid W Bort�er. ff <br /> ;Bonowdr�l�airlo�'�t f6e Pkiopaty,or does.nd aas�er"vridmi 30 days a�notioe f:om I.aider dwt dre i�azauce i�riee b� ; � <br /> ' pffe�ed�ie�le�ct�im.Wea Lende.t mry collect tbe n�mct pn4aeds. �.eader rmsX use fie p�ooeeds tom�ar�aAa�e • <br /> � • tbr Piopeitq orto pKy sams sa.�ed bytLis Sa�ity I�n1.�fielber or uoCtben di� T1x 3Q�dry pe�od an�be�n wt� . <br /> � d�notjcc is glven. ` . . , � <br /> � ' q�!less Larder at�.Bo�mwer o8�v�ist�nee ia vviitin�,�ty��pfia�a of piiooeeds to piincipl aLaft aot au�drtd pr < <br />— .postpooe the due d�e QF the mo�thlY i�+Y!�+refemed rn ia�1 s4d 2 or cbanga tbe�mo�urt of tbe}�yrt�aua. If <br /> uMa.paragmpi�ZI the Ptnpeity is acqwced by I,enda.Bono�wer�s dgfit ta,any hu�uypsce poTicies aod ploca�ds resultu�. . <br /> � fran d�uns�e to the 1'cope�ty pt�x to the�ort sb�ll pass tQ l�ender to t6���[te�t of tbe suais xecuted by this'Sxoxity . <br /> . . lasammeat�ely @rikxtv tbe a�an. . < , <br /> ` f�.. Occ�y Eresa'vafbn, Msi�abwcs aed R4o�eetto� d iir��ropat� aarrower's t.oa� A�pikatia� `�" <br /> • � Lta�tUold� Boaawer ah�tl orcupy.� we ibe Pt�ppetty�s Bomrnver�s p�ncip�l sesidenoe witlun sixty dsya aftei <br /> t6e e�ie�Wl�au of t6is Security Ia�naa�d�t�aod atial!000tinae tv aocopy the Ptopetty as Barower+s pnacipat iesidmoe for.�t <br /> t�t aoe ye�aHa the ds¢e of o�xop�ncy. �mkss Lander otlietwiae ag�es in wn8ng, v�rhich �asa� sia�U pnt be <br /> , • au�easoriably widit�eld.or unless extenwting ei�oes adst which ane beya�d Basm�rais onMroi. Bormwer s1aU not <br /> desUuy,damage os in�air tbe Ptupetty.allow tbe P�nperty to deteriaeate,or cortnni4waste an tbe P�ope�ty. Boitowec sball ' <br />- - .- defauk Ii any foafeito�e u�tian pr_r►ocoo�'m�,wbed�ar civ�.or criminal,is ueg�m.that in L,enaer�gaoa faith pidgment - - - <br />'_� could re�rtt in forfeittm ef the Ptoperty ar othetwisc ma�ially�r tbe lie�t cceat�d by tt�is Saxuity t�etsf ar <br /> _� La�der�s s�uity inta�. samviror may cuze such a default a�,a reinsra�e,as rmvided ia pauag�ap618+b!►causing tbe yctioa <br /> _ or provoed'mg W be�sed arith a niling t6at;ie Lenderh good fai�dea�on,PmcWdes farfeit�e of the Bonowak <br /> . interest in th�Ruperty or ader material impaicmeai of the aiai created by this Sc�uiry&�strameat or i,ender�se�ttity , <br /> . interes4 Burrawer shaU atso be in defaait ff Bormaver, duria8 tde taan apptication pmoess,gave materially false'ar ' <br /> - inac:eurate infart�aation or staternaus w Lender(or failed to pcmide Lender witb aay maferial iafezmatiou)in c�ioa with <br />-_- the laan evidenced by the Note.inclnd'ntg,6at not lunited to. �+epreseMa�on�caiceming Bor�owerIs accup�ncy af tbe <br /> Property a9 a priucipal nsidence. If this Securiry lnstrument is on a lessehold.Borrower shail comply with all the provisloa� <br /> __._ ` of the tea�e. If Barmwer acquines fa titk to tbe Pmpeny.the teasehoW aad tbe fa dUe shaU not mage ankss Lender agrtts. <br /> to the.merger in writing. . . <br /> 7. ProteeKon d Leada's Ri�ts 1n tLe Piroparty If Bormwer fails to pdrfmm d�e covenarts apd agr�aments <br /> cmttained ia tftis Securtty Instra�nent,or there is a legal proceed'mg that may sig�ificantly affcet Leader's rigf►ts in the , <br /> . � Ptapecty(su�h as a�nDcxeding in bankn�ptcy.probate.for condemnation or forfeitine or w enforre laws or t+egulations)d�en _ <br /> � Lender may do and pay for whattver is��y to protect the value of the Ptuperty and l.ender's rights L�the Pruperty. <br /> .:��; °� '*::-�;4�'' Lender's actions may include paying any sums sepued by a lien which has priority over tfis Security Uisuument,aPP�nP � <br /> ^ ia couA.paying rea.wnable a�tameYs'fees aad entering on the Property to make npaits.Although Leider may take action _ <br /> ' '��� wider this paragaph 7.l.ender does not have to do so. <br /> �:= ' My atrtatnts disbutsed by Lender undet this paragiaph 7 shall become sdditionai debt of Bormwet secut�ed bg this,. — <br /> ' Securiry Inst�rt. Unless Borrower and Le�er agtee to other teims of payme�u.these amounts shall bear�fmm t6e =-- <br /> . '�..:;: :�:`�:°.-.- dale of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be payable.with inte�est.upon notia fmm Lender to Bamowa requesting —" <br /> . �- ,�. :�;_,;. : �-;� <br /> `�_':"'T � :� �&n�Martp�ge Insonace. If Lender reguired mortgage insurance as a condition of making ttre toan gecured by tWs ` <br /> . :,..:.- :•..•�:_. ., p� <br /> �,;��'':r"x..:�::�' Security in.�unxa4 Botrower shall pay the pt�emiums re�(uined to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. I�for any �.�� <br />. ���';;,•;�-;� � reasan, the mortgage insurar�ce coverage required by Lender fapses or crases to be In efPect. Borrower sha!! pay the ��=� <br /> ="r-;�:.�;---- ,Premium.c rrquired w obtain coverage substarrtially eqoivalent to the mortgage insurance previousty in effect,at a cost. �:`;-' <br /> , `-°�- substaatially equivalent to the cost to Hottower of the mortgage insurance previously in effect.fram an altemate mortgage �`._. <br /> �=``��.:.. ,' ins7tter approved by Lender. If substantialty equivalent snortgage insurance coverage is not available,Banower shall pay�to –�. <br /> .�::�--.,�: : -- <br /> ' '�;.:,,.-. , Lender each month a sum equal to one-twelflth of the yeariy mottgage inswance pr�emium being paid by Bomower when the c`e: <br /> - ,t';;��,; : �. in.curance coverage lapsed or ceased w be in effeet. l.ender will aceept.use and retain these payments as a loss resetve in Heu •- <br /> ��':�; ;' of mortgage insurar�e. Loss rescive payments may no longcr be reguimd,at the option of Lender.if mortgage insurance <br /> - coverage(in the amoum and for the period that Lender reyuires)provided by an insurer approved by l.ender again becomes • <br /> - ,'�.,. � � available and is obtaincd.Bortower shall pay the premiums reyuired to maintain mcntgage insurance in effect.or to provide s <br /> _._�,�,. :-• •� U loss regerve.until the requiremeni for mottgage insurance endg in acoordwice wlth any written agrcement between Bmrower <br /> �s� ' and Lender m applicabte law. . • 4 a � <br />; �_.�•.��' • �. � � 9 Ia4pectbn. l.ender or its agent may makc reasonable entries upon and ir�pections of the Property. Lender shal! • <br /> ' '''` ` give Bdcmwer notice at the time of or prior to an inspection specifying re�wnable cau�e for the inspectton. <br /> " ':�.•�:.. .. '• �` IQ Condemnatbn. The rviceeds of an award or claim for ar con. ential.ln co�me�ction with aa <br /> . �.� .. . _ P Y . �S , � Y . <br /> ' �`�:,tL�,. .:;.•�, � Single Family—F�saM Msdi+�wWk Mac U1YlYUkM iNS"fRUM�Ib"1'—Ilnlfrnm Coveam�c� 91�Y (pa��3 aJb poges) � <br /> - . • . ur�►�tearre�PaMde.■ . <br /> ' _:�= '` . �. ' , To dM Caw 1l00.S3b8393 O PAX A167Yb1131 <br />_ � .:.� -s•,' . . <br /> �:a:'�1t+.,. • _ . , . <br /> - -*H�-�:.'�- . ' . ... <br /> .- �y ----- --cyi'z-u'�-�g..'4?t` .'`�.':,.7'x"-.-.-..::-n-.": :r*,: � ..�5:%3fr. �.�,';'."''�� ' ..��i$`'C?•-;'is�r ---' <br /> � --� - . -' �.. ', � R � . �- - • - . , ..;..�..�r�.........�y'. . .. �•�.'. . _ .' .. n .. <br /> _.,� ' . . . �• '. ., . . _ : .. ._ _ � . , .. . � . _ . . � , , . � . <br /> „:, <br /> a <br /> .l.S°' ��.��. t _ , - _ • '- . . . �' . .- �. ' '`� • " - .. . . . <br /> i� �.`{k��:_ .. * ' . ._ .. i. . . .. . . . ., ' : ' - '. . . . , , - , . . � . � . <br /> _ '-��y.c�a�.'.�. . 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