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u �i I � y .(. ` '` ��L <br /> �:� 'd ik., c 'a..: . . . <br /> .._ _ .f n. .._ _ � L�. . _ . ._ ... --, --_ <br /> '_ !, . . ' _ .. .. �. - _.._ � . .. <br /> ' � i 6' - - . _ - <br /> t—t . ' °.' _ :_"'' _' _" _ " " <br /> .- ...: . .� ti :.i,� ,:-,jj - - p. . _ . _ _. . . . . . . . , . -- . -� - �- � - - •- - <br /> �..ti°_ —,���i! • ' . . . a , ' _ . ` - . ' . . . . ` ` . .. . <br /> . � � u' , ` . . ' ' . � ' � � ` ,�� ��� .. . . : c .. <br /> , � c • < < �� ,. , z . ` ` . ` . � . <br /> .'TQG��N�1(�IC IOIp[OYGOdILS OOVII Ot hC[E8$Ef CIli�dl ihE Q1OjfQly,9�811�15,BQQIt[�O�fK�• , <br /> .: . a�fj�({{�4,nEE11V A�i�.8�E�1�It�iljt. ��30C��8��[�URS Slla1�8�.40�1C COYC[Cd�ijltS.$lG1I� ` _ . <br /> < tasonna�t.•�il bf tUe fcs�egoing ig�feued pQ in�his Scciuity InsUcument�the"Property.» . . , <br /> • BORRaWFR QOVd+iANTS t4at Bonuwer is IavirfaIlp seised o�the estate fiereby tonveyod and bas the cight to ganf ' <br /> — __��. ��nd caavey the Fieopr�ty asd th�t the unencumbeled,��f�mcnm�xano�s of rxonL B�mwer wam�rtts and � , ` <br /> ` ` wIU derena geaehiily u�eaitte co rhe l�ropeny ag�nsc au claaas a�aemands.subject w aIIy en�,►Taiam�xs or�d � ' � _ - <br /> . ` TfIIS SECfJRIt'Y INSTRL�MEN1'.combi�.s unifonn caveuantS fur arationai use and non-uaifora�oovenants v�riU� ' <br /> � , limiood ruiatiobs by jurisdiction w ooas6wte a unifnm�saurity instrwnent coveriag irat prope�ty-. � ` � � <br /> - , ' t3PIIPp�M COVENAKfS` Bonowet and fxadei covenani aud�gree ag foilows: . . <br /> --= L P7�y�a�t`d�p�l"srd I�teres�:PreW�t aed Iate Ciu�es- Boanwr8r shall.P�P�Y I�Y�do�tbe <br /> =-- pri�ip�ti dand iaterc+t an tbt drb4 evida�ced by the Note aad aeY pnpaymcnt�ed late ciraiges dur ander t�e NotF. . - - <br /> : � Z Eluas tu�'1lnoes a�d ioeio�aeea Subjxt w applica6k law or to`s wntten I.endcr.Bor�ower sl�alt pxy w - <br /> � I.endeF fln iLe daY��Y PaY��aie due at�de�'the Nou,unql the Nat�is paid in fu1�a s�un("PwWs)fas:(a)Ysarly` <br /> t�ces aad�w6ich may atqin ptiority over this Seauiry Insuvment as a lien w�tNe Pt+npeccy:(b)yearly lease6old - <br /> _ , prityments ar ground�ents on t[�e Pt4PeRy.,if any: ic)qearlY��Piopeny i�urance premiwns:(d?Y�Y:�� . <br /> �-lns�asax pc+ea�iums.d any;(e)yeaz1Y m�t8a8e i�urair.�e,pmnimnic.if anY:and tfl ar►�►su�s Psl��bY�nwer w <br /> . i, accordance witb the plovisi6ns of paragraph 8,in Ueu of the payment of inoci�age.irtsuranoe P�i�. These, <br /> --- ' itans�ne called"Esc�w Items." l.ender arry tune,collax'aiid hold Fau�dsanan amow�i not toeacced d�e a�aximum , <br />==� �naimt a te�der fa a feder`alty ieiatod murctgage toan may ieqome far Barcmvrei's escmw acooant and�the fedec-al tie� � <br />;:u�� F.�te SetUe�t�d�t Procerttues Act of 1714 as amendcd fran wne m tane.l2 US.0�2601 et seq.("RESPA'7,unlcss aao�er <br /> __- . law that applies to the Funds sc�s a lesser amounc �sos i.e�ickr any,time,roRo�[arKE bold Pamds m an�no�u►t nat w . <br />--v�.� � excoed the Iesser amnim� L�endFr maY�es�ee die arswunt`of Ru�ds dae on tbe 8asis of aimen[ data aad nxsonable <br /> - esmria�s of_�cpc�ditures of=t'awte Escmw lte�ns or othenvisa ia aocadac�ce witd applicable 1aw. . <br /> The Ii�nds.shall be held'm an instituaon wlwse deposiu are insured by a ti�eral agency.i�stnaixntalih',or emity ,' <br /> tinclud'ulg Lepder,if Leader ic such an iastitution)oc in IIny Federal Hama t�oaa Bank Lender sliall apply tho Funds w pay • ' <br /> •- the�SCraw 1ter�is- l�Aer may not_charge Borrower fQr holding and applyin8 the Funds.annuatlY�Y�B��u' <br /> � , accasnt,or verifjrtng the Escrow items. unless Lender pays Bormwer iaterest on tfie Fiinds an�aPPlicable taw peamita' <br /> '� I.ender w make such a charge. However,l,ender m�y req�ae Borrower ro pay a one-time charge for an independent real <br /> estate�tax seporung seivice ased by L.ender in¢onnettimi with dds loan,uatess applicable law provides othetwise. UNes.s an <br /> . ._�.s=�.� •�;,.,:- agceement is made or appli�abic law reyuires intcrest to be paid.Lender shall not be�c�uined m pay Borrower any intet�est or �— <br /> =;;:-=;,: e�mfngs on the Fands. Borrowet and Lender may agree in wnung,however,that intetest shaU be paid on the Fwid.c. �.eIIder o---- <br /> _ `*�• �"'�� sha11 give to BQmawer.without annuat accountirtg of the Funds,showing credits and debtu to ihe Funds and the = — <br /> "s .purpose fa wbich exh de6�t to the Funds aras made. The fi�nds at�e pledged as addttio�l security for all sums sec�red by - <br /> - '.� t1t�s Security Instrurnen� � �"r= <br /> ."�"'�� If tt"le Funds held 6y l�ender excoed the amount,c permiued m be heW by applicable law, Lxnder shall account to _. -- � <br /> ` .� :;=:.`"��.•� Bortowec for�he excess Fundc in accordanoe with the reqaitcmeirts of applicabte Iaw. if the amount of tlie Fnnds lield by -.�_ __ <br /> , -�'�.�=:��,�- �. - h �.�-�.�._, <br /> � Leiider at any titue is not sufficient to pay ihe Bscrow Items whea due. t'�� <br /> i.ettder may so notify Borrower in -_���-_ <br /> :.� e�,�..'-: •:.� - - <br /> •••,-.•.. , ,' � such wse Borrower shall pay to L.ender the amount ne�es.saty ta make up the�ciency. Borrower shall ma�e np the �,�:; <br />- �=��-;�t�. : defuiency in no more than twelve monthlY l.ender�sole disc�. <br />_ � .�`:-:;� uP�l�Y�nt in fuil of all sums sccured by this Securiry Insuumen�l.ender shal!promptly refund to Bormwer any ,��'?�� _ <br /> ,�,•�.-.-.. .: <br /> . - ..;:;,':,_�.; .`' . fi�nds hetd by Lender. If,under paragiaph 21.Lender shall acqwcc or scll the Property.Lender,prior to the acquisiuon or ' • _ <br /> ' fit <br /> ��:._....�;..� • sale of the Pmperty,shall apply any Fundc held by l.ender at the ame of acquisition or sale as a credit against the sums ,. <br /> :; °:�;�-: .:��_.�w secuied by this Security lnstcume�u. _'.�4�. <br /> ' '*,�..: - °`" �. Applicatioo d Ptwymeats. Untess applicabte law provides otherwisc.all paymenu received by Lender under. ;..,- <br />=° � -��='r'��. P�S�P�1 and 2 stmll be applied:firs�W anY prepaYment charges due under the amounts payable under � ' .: '�.a, <br /> . .. . • . �_- paragraph 2;third.w interest principa!due:arttl lact,to any late charges due under thc Note. .'-" <br /> - =:V�':` , 4. Chstrges;Liena Borrower shafl Qay ali taxes. assessmeats.charges.fines and imposidons amihutabte to the. ` <br /> �; �:'-`�� :.. � . � Property which may attain priorlty over this Security lnstrument.and leasehold paymenu ar gcamd renu.if arry. Borrower � _ `._._r.�. <br /> - .-� � s h a l l p a y t h e s e o b l i g a t i o n s i n t h e m a n�r p r o v i d e d i n p a r a g r a p h 2.o r i f n o t p a i d i n t h a t m a n n e r.Borrower shall p a y them on <br /> . �•• �"=--•'' '�" � time dinectly to the persan oweA payment. Botrower shall pmmpily furnish to Ltmder all notices of amounts w be paid under <br /> ;, • <br /> ;�.?���°�- ihis paragraph. lf Bormwer mates these payments drectly.Borrowcr shaN yromptly fumish to Lender receipts evidencing • ' <br /> .'..•r:.. ; . . th�PaYmCtlts• � . <br /> '"�'�`:••� Bornower shal!promptly dischatge any lien which ha4 prioriry aver ihis Security l�utrument unless Borrower.(a)'agrees � � <br /> __ .l,:��`��. � ' in writing to tl�e payment of the obligauon gecured by the lien in a manner acceptable t Lc�tdcr.tb)contests ia gaod faith the --;.- . <br />; . `� � licn by,or defends sgainst enf�rement of the lien prcxe4dings which in the l.eadcr's opinion ope�ate to prevent the • <br /> _, . •-" :•.�,. ' enfarcenx�mt of the fien:or(c)secures from thc holder of thc tien an agrecment satlsfactory to l.ender subordinating tlie llen � ,� ., <br /> � <br /> � w this Securi t y lnstrument If l:ender determi�es that any parl af the Propeny�is subject to a lien which may anain�riority f: . <br /> �'" „ �;•� :. " � over this Security Insuument,Lender may give Bonowcr a noticc identifyins the lien. B onowcr s h a 1 1 satis fy t he l ien or t a ke f� � -• �.� <br /> � - - " one or more of the actions set forth above within 1p days ot the givins of notice. ` , . ... <br /> ,� _-,:��• "' � , g. p��ard or property Iesuranca 8onvwcr shall kcep the improvemcnts now existing or hemaftcr ctected an the . . <br /> "� . . �`'",.:' �� . Ptopeity insured against loss by fire.harards included within the term"extended coverage"and any other hazards.inctuding � . <br /> _ �r�� ' �� ., , floods or flooding,far which Lender rcx{uices insurance. Thiy insumrtce shall be maintalned in the amotmt�and for the � . � <br /> '_ v,y. ' ' � Farm301a !!!Q IyrrgtlofA/wgtSl '�_ .-- . <br /> _ ,;`a'"•;�.. _ . . • . . <br /> �,.'. � - <br /> . 'tc'•-s_'• . . • <br /> i1 . 'h t �f <br /> •'' �� � � . . � . ' ' f . . <br /> "l,, � <br /> �ct i' <br /> -..... .._.._•*,.^':...'_..•_'__—'..'_..'_"_""'..•"'.-f._..-....�-�s��r <br /> .. . �� ' _ ' _ ._ " —_.._._. _. <br /> - � . . , . � . "�wi#�'.'s:T. ' , .. -• • , • <br /> _' __ -.-s��2'::_.� ' . � . � . , � ' .. ' _ ' . . <br /> - Y�""^��y��,,..---:=-.___-,� .•... �' . _L_ , ... _ . .. ._ . . • . _ . .� _ . � ...�.. _' • '_.�_. .^_�. _ . .. '. .� ' . " " ' - , '. _ _ .. <br /> . <br /> ip� , i :^' ' ' • <br /> .. <br /> . . �. <br /> i. �"_ ,i � . . ". � � . . . � . <br /> �y[' � . . <br /> -:V .�.'��"�`:i'de:�'"��5:1 . . . . � ♦ . ._._ •._- _ __'" _. _ ' . . . . . <br /> � I�. � <br /> .'��e: 'l�'i�t�`f�4� .. ' ' __.__. � � ' . . . . ' . . ., . 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