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� � a . .,. �_ • , . . � <br /> - � .4' '-_." .�' _ . i . .., <br /> . ,� <br /> . <br /> � . .. <br /> ,.�.� -- . � . � .. -- <br /> _-'_ ':.'".� �->��}xE;.`.:_...v � ... ...' ' -- .-....: - _ <br /> F, �. i� � � <br /> — � , . <br /> -- _ .. c-::�. . - - c ___`_ . _ �. -- .. <br /> __... '..,,t:�..T.. __.'Jr�i`. c�' ; c _;.. _ ., � ,c_ `c� _� _( . ' _.� , `. � ' ` : ' ..'�_ c `�.... _ , _ ;Q _ c`. . <br /> � . ` . �, . , . � , . � � . ��`�105�'8� � . « <br /> . , r . . , . . . �a <br /> periods t6u Lx�der�quuns. Tt,e i�►umce caeriea pnovid�the i�uaooe sbau ue d�by lia�ruwer subject ro t.e�aerls . . <br /> . a�[o�which shatl uof be'a�easanabl�withh�7d. If BarmWt,r'fails to maiMaiu►tavecage iTescn'6e�abavt:Lmder aa�r,�t <br /> . L�det�s optioQ.�ubtai�c covernge to pioroct I.eader�n�ts u�tt�e Aropeity in aooad�not wuh p�rag�aph T. • - <br /> Atl�pQlicies and�vkals si�tII be ac�cepqible to I.e�Mer md sM1�in�lode a atanda�d martgage ctaus6. Leadpr <br /> � � s1�a11 havc tl�e�ii�t to ke{d�e.policies aod isACwaLa. If f.endet tiequiies.Bo�mwer s1i�U pmmptty give to L�ender aII teoeJptc . <br /> -• � � of pa�pemiumgw��va1 rot� tat�e�wr���SS,Baeoara s�ha4�v�e�u�cnotioesa�msar�r�cc cxme�� <br /> � . 1�aaler. 2.eoda may maloe pmnf of 14ss if na�dep�ort�xty by Eormx►e� . , . <br /> . Untess 1.e�xkF aud$oRUwer u111eEwise agcee in�+i�ttanoe Po�s�a���PPlud to�on pr np�ir o� c <br /> - ahe Pmp4tty dam�ged..if tlte nstn�atio[r ar�air is econ�lly f}�a,v'ble aad l.euder's�is not kssened= if t6s <br /> � �e.uoraE�on ur npair is aoE ec�aa�11Y feas�'bk,or i.ader�a sec�tj�waild bt tGSSeaed,the it�uanca pioce�is sLall b�s ' <br /> - � �. applied ta t!x swns�saaued b}rdns 5ecurity�,w��or no[dxa due,with�Y��P���arer: �f . : <br /> -- Bom�wer ab�dons�hie Pmpe�ty,a does not msova within 38 daqs a mtiee fmm Lender d�u f1x-�cuFier ln� . <br /> offeted to 5dule a claun.tbm I,eoder�oolloct tlie ins�uaa�e pra�ed5. Lmder may use the pcooeeds to eegair or restae <br /> . the Prnpeity or to pay siinis secuced by th'ts Szcurity iasovment:whabetarnot fhen dae. 7l�30day period wID begia arbdr , <br /> _= ti" uaodcentess.�t�ana.Hormwer ot�w;se ag�oc in wriw;g,a�►�aPP��°�P��?P�r�f��wt exund or <br /> p�one the dne date of tde mouthtY PsY��,referted w in pacagr�phs 1 and 2 ar cdaaga drc amount of We p�}m�ts. If <br /> t� anaer paras�h zl me Ptupercy is acy��ree by T.a�r,sorrower`a right to a�ry�P���P�� � <br />--�».. fmm d�aage y�tht pmpeny pcior w the aoqais��on sball pus w Lp�der to tHe extent of tbe smns socurod by this Secudty � <br /> :'�; ` trut�ut�ens immediauly ptior w ttte aoqais�ia�. �* �� <br /> "'� ' 6 peraervat�oq; Msinten�oe aod pratectioa ol tl� PropMY' Bar�owa''°8 <br /> .� , i.wero�st�aA�a6'lish.and aae tbe Pt�ope�ty ss B�rower's principal iesidence widaA sixty days atter . <br /> -- . tbe aca�aden of this Security instiwneat aad sbal}coutimu to occup�r the Ptupe�ty ac Bamwer's princip�l rasidenve�a at <br /> siw <br />--_- . kast orte year afta the datc of a�paacy. tmless L�ender othetvnse'aBoes in writiag, whicb crosent shall not be ` <br /> - - wu+psonably withheW.or onless cxoenua��cincnu�s e�st whicl�a�be!'pnd Bornowa's canuioL�BaroweR st�att aot � <br /> . ctcstmy.dama8e or impatr ihe PropertY,attow du Pmpecty w detetiora�,or commit arasu on tbe Pf�opetty. Borrower sAaU _ <br /> � be in default�any forfeitwe aaian ar proceeding,wh�her civil or begi�n that in l.ender's good faith.�nd8ma�t `--- <br /> ;'^ � ' couId�ssult in forfeiwne of tTie Ptopetty.or d�erwise matetiatty impaii We tl�n cteat�ty�iris � ---- <br /> ��,.�,. � �n h 18.bS'rausing the sctia� �'==T—`== <br /> � .,� l.eridcr's�eccurity intenes� Bormwer may c�tte such a deltdult and �- <br /> _,��i�;r . or pmc�eeding w be dismissed widr�e rntiag l.ender's good faiih detenn�on,p�scindes forfeitune of the Borrnwa's , ��,- <br /> ,° . , i�ne�est in the P�copccty or other matcriar impainnent of,the lien c�ated by_this Security L�swr�m er l.ender�sec�rity — <br /> ..� --ti4'� ,:.� # intetest. Hoimwer shall.also 6e ia c{efaWt if Bomnwer.during the loan applicatioa proces.�. 8ave materiafly false or • °`,;'�'.' <br /> .�,:,_�,'�•._ � <br /> � ,� .;:� it�ac�vrau inforn�arion or statert�ents w I.ender(or failed to pmvi�LcrMer with any material infom�auoa)in connecaon with ��° <br /> - ��`.��;.`��•`�': the laan�vidcrx�ed by the Nou. includ'mg, but not limited�o. repn�ntatio�concemmg Bomnwer�s vccupancy af die — <br /> ��:,�,�,�' �.. Ptoperty as a prLicipal residrnte: ff this Security Inswment is pn a leasel�old,Borrowcr shaD comply witl►all the pravisioas ��,�,� <br /> -� �di:�.:...�n: <br /> p���:µ.�,° of the les�.se. If Bomower aaryins fcc tide w the Pmpecty.the leasehoW and the fee tiQe shaU nnt merge unless L�ender agie4s �-__- <br /> _"• . ' to the mecger in wri6ng. ' : <br /> . ��;s,:V :j:-_ _ 7. Pmtedia�o ot Lender's R�ht�s in t6e Property 1f Borrower fails to perfortn the coveaaats m�d eats �- <br /> ��- <br /> ' � � ,' contai�d 'm this Security In4trumen�or there is a legai pmcecding that may significantly affect l.ender's ri ts in the "'='_;�.s.-: <br /> . £:�,'. ' Property(such as a pracoediag ia bankniptcy,pmbate.for condemnation or forfeiture ar to entbrce laws or regulations).thrn .;;_•� <br /> . ,;,�=.. . Lender may da and pay for whatever is neces.�r to protect thc value of the Aroperty and Lender's rights in the Pmpe�ty. . '�'_� <br />� .. .. �;,.•" . � - Lender's actions may include paying any sums secured by a lien which has prioritJ�mer this Secerity instrumen�appearing • <br /> �,.�,�.-�._ .:�_..•-'. in court.paying reasonable attomeys'fees and entering on tue Ptoperty to make repairs.Althougb Lender may ta�e action � , <br /> =�:'�:_:� .•. ' under this�fi 7.Lender does not have to do so. • " ° <br /> i�... . � <br /> :'Sa:;:.:__ ; :,._;"-� My amounu d'rsbuz5ed by L,ender under this P�B�Ph 7 chalt become additional debt of Borrower sccured by thi.g , _ <br />- � . _ _ - Security Insteument. Unless Borrvwer and Lender agree to other tenns of pay�mn�these amounts shall bear intenest fm�nthe _ <br /> {'��" �'� ' � date of disbursernem at the Note rate and shaU be payabie.with Interes�upon notice from Lender to Hormwer requesting — <br /> . � . " � paYment. _ : ;, <br /> . t .-' , � . 8. Mortg,x�e/nsaram�. If Lertder required mortg�e in.wrance a.c a condition of making the loan seca�d by thi.s . <br /> - • � Security inctrument.Bortower xhal)pay the premiums required to mainfairt the mvrtguge iacurance in effect. If. for any • •� <br /> . • , ��'' � reason. �he mortsage insurance coverase i.ender lupses m cea.� to be in effect. Bocmwer shai! pay ihe '.. - '''. <br /> • �� � • ' pr+emiumv reyuired to obtain cavcragc aub�tsmtially equivaleni to the mortgage iacurance pnwIously in a cost <br /> , ��'.•��,� '•. •. sub�wnti�Uy cyuivaler�t to the cos�to pormwer of the muRgnge imuraare prevwusly in eifecK.fram an altemate mortgage ' . <br /> f''�-.�• � in!wrer appr��ved by L,ender. If subswntially eyuivalent ma»�ge lnsu�nce crnerage ic nat available.Borrower shall pay to <br /> � . • Lender each month�a�ttm eyuat to onC-twelfth af the ycarty martga�e insunu►cc premium being paid by Bomower when the ��; - • <br /> � ia�uiancc cavrragc ta p s e d or cea.s e d to b e in c i fcct. L cn d cr wi 1 1 uccep t.usc un d re ta�n Q t e.r•e p a y m e n�c a c a l o s s r r s e rv e i n l i e u � <br /> ;:�-._`�� �t� of monguge iowrance. reaervc paYmentv may�tu��r be thc aptian.of Lcnder.ii mortgagc insurance <br /> . covcrogc Iin the amount And far the penod that Lendcr mquirex)provided by an in�urer approved by Lender ugain becomc� �` . i <br /> -� •� avAiluhle a�af is obwined.Bonrnver shull pay the premiums tequired to maintain mortga�e imurnnce in effect,or to provide a • F.�..'.::._::_._ <br /> ' : � ''' • los.c nwerve.until the requirement for mortgage intiurance ends in:uwrdwtce with any written agreement between Horrower t ' <br /> ' ';;.,� ,.�_ �' anef Lenderor applirable law. . • ; � , <br /> ti. �;.�;� . .. . 9 Inspection. Lender or i�v agent may make reasa�nabte entries upon w�d impections of thc Property. Lcnder shall � � . <br /> - .. . . ,.� sive Borrower notice ut tt�timt of or prtor to an impection 5pecifyin�reu�nabfe cause for the inspection. " • <br /> _ =:,,;; . ' 10 �ondetnnation. 71�e praceeds of any award or c1a1m far damages.dirett or cancequential,in connecGo»witb any E '• . <br /> `� � - ,..• . <br />- ,;S:•: �;� '" S ngt Y Faeeie MaNFnddk Mac UNIFbItM IMtiTR MF:�T••Uniform Corenant� 9J90 I tqs 3 oJ6 puRn� � ` , <br /> i e Fnmit U <br /> _, .�`,s . . • �. _., <br /> _ • �..' . • � dri lab Emluea�Y ME.� <br /> • ',��'`` . , ToQMaCdk 1800530�809f1 O 7A1t816�9t•1131 I� . <br /> i .- <br /> . �d_. ... ' • I' . <br /> :�..i, fS�^ �..___' � • _ <br /> �'�:,"�•'�s�:�� ___ . • _ . . . , . . . ' . . . • . . . . <br /> � I ����'' " .. ' ,-__' " ' . ' _ _._ . . ' .. . i.. _ . , .. ' .. , -'. . . � �� . .. _ . - _, -. <br /> • v . . <br /> ., � , . . . , . , , . <br /> . ... . . <br /> —..� . � . �.� `_i_._'__..__'_ __ ' ' ' • . " ____ '_ _ _ _._ .. . . '{, . <br /> _�G S�'�..c�-.�;yS� �3� � . , ' � � ' . ' ' .� ' , • � � . . �r. • . . . ' a . ' . • � . <br /> .+7y`� /` � •�:�, - �/).• � ' ' • ,, ' � .. 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