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4- - _ <br /> -�+lL. - .' "^Tq"�' . _ M.. . . � c�`.- d.` . -�^ -- <br /> ` C�� ,+H . ` . ' ' -�t. < � �� — <br /> �C. . �' _ . .. . .. __ ,_._. . <br /> ��r� <br /> - i4`. .t: . i -.�.. _'.�_." <br /> f<. _ . t . . � . . . . . . ....., _ ..._�.. _ _-4� _ ..-�_--_——_' <br /> . � '� � <br /> — -c: - .;. � _ ..- -. . .. . -- - � ` r . . . . .. _ .. .. _. _ . __- ..... . ._ - . .. _n -- . . c.' .. <br /> -_<'�:.n r.�i�_._... :' ,� c c .• •. _ .. . .`. � '_ . . � . ' . . . ' • . <br /> � ' � .. �` ` � . ' � � . � � • � <. � e��� � ( `. ` , <br /> . . . . '�E['��1j('N i�tI1E IIDp[aY�tS nDVY Of j1C[C�CbCtL'�On i�C�[�10Ety.�Ild 9Q C�9�.`� � . � <br /> . � �O{I�EIQ�S aOW dt���P���P�Y• ����Tift011�SQSIE�50 I1C COYC[�I�jf ibLS�� � . . <br /> �. /�I�E f01C�$IS IE�[IC��O ID�ItS�CCUfI[SI�tl§QUQIEtI[a4 t�lC"�OpClty s . .� - <br /> � BQRROW�R�OVENANfS th�t Bamwa is 1�twfuIIy seised of tbc estate irieby c�nxytd aad hss�ihe ng�t to gaut , �' <br /> , �od c�nvey the�4t�pteitY aad�at Ne�tnpaty is'�r�umbete�exo�t for�bisnces of pecasiL Bo�rer waa�us aod . <br /> '` °- ;r��8�►thetitleiiotLePrape�ty�tal�ct�.imsa�dde�.sabjecxtoaa�r��mooii�-� = -- - - _ - -- <br /> . . � 'I'�IIS SEC[TRiTY HVSTRit�Ki'a�bip�ptu�'c�pp cavamnts fa mtiona! ast and aoi�ir�fam covm�nts dritD < <br /> � ,�niae�v�riatim�by juris�tion to cons6tutc a e�niform savrit�►�nt cav�ing�i propalj.' . . <br /> UNIIaDRM O�?V'E�1ANl� Bomower aad I.ender cqvemnt aod agcee as fol[ows: �� ' <br /> . , � P��a�wt`uE�rLelrt�IMa+��h'�a7iwert a�d LWe�.7W'�es Be�vrar sta�N p�ty PaY wGe�t dae tbe '_., . <br /> - ptinc�pal of sad intere�on d�debt evide�cad bY she Naee a�d any P�ePaYment sud t�te chugosd�auder tbe Nate. <br /> L �tor 7lutes�id I�sea� Snbject to app�ble liw or.w a wcit�en waiyer by Lenda�Brxmwa sLaII psy to <br /> I�ilec oa tbc da�monthi�r PaYmdjts a�due noder the Nou.ot�d7 tise Nooe is paid iR full,a sua4(°f�ds"}for:(a?ytuly , <br /> taxes�nd assessmatts w�luch may tauain prfority uver this Seiauiry�as a hea oa the Pcoperty:N)Yeazly IaaseMld , <br /> paymmta ur g�vmKl nms an,tbe Plropeny.,ff aay, (c)Y�9 ��P�Pe!'�Y �P�.(�Y�Y �� <br /> . �P�•��Y(e?Y�Y���oce�eaamns.�f any;smd(�an3'so�ms PaYa�bY Hairtowa w � . <br /> - L4nder.ia aeoai+d�noe with the pmvisions of p4tag�apli S,ui liea of tba payment of mo8gagt insurat�Ce ptemtums. Ttrese <br /> � itnns ue ca1led"Escnow Itans." l.e�xter'ma�at any tia+e.collect aod hold Fimds in ap amouat not to ex+oad the ma�imum <br /> == amo�u�a knder fo�si fedd�lly�lated moisgage loau maq r+eqvine for Borroiver�s es�raw aceovmt under ihe fe�eeral Real ., � <br /> — F.state Settlemeat Pirooed�u+a Act of 1974 as amendW 5nai time m timc.l2 U.S.C.�2601 et sey.("RESPA"?,imiess arlotber . <br /> latw th�t�p,+l'�es t�tbe Funds sets rt les�r amount If sQ.LOndormsy,at�►y tbr�e.coltxt and holA Ra�s in�u aooauntnot tb ' . <br />-- ' - ezead tbe Msser amouat. Lender may espmate d�e amount of Funds dae on the 6asis of currcnt data and reasooable <br /> e�rtmte§of expeadi�of fCidue Egcruw Items or othetwise in aocadaneQ with applicabk law � . .� . <br /> _ — • The�nds slnil be ri�ld 'm an inst[wtion wMse depnsits�e.�nnsnced by s federal-ager�cy,fisuu�mfmalitY,ar.entity . <br />_- (iacluding La�der.if irenekt is such an h�stINtion)a�m auy Fedeta!Home Laan�ank..Lender ahall apply thc Funds to paY <br /> the Fsct�v Items. Y.ender may not cUarge'Rotmvrer for holding and applying ihF FundR annually analytmg the escrow . <br /> _= -• ao�oont.'or verifqingybe E9et+ow toem�mdess l.ende'r.pu�rs 8ortnwa interest oR the�iirds and,applicabte law petmit4 , .— <br />:';, �.ende�w make such a charge. However.Lender may require Borrower to pay a one=pme charge fa an independent rea! w <br /> " esmte tax reporhng setvice used by L�ender in c�onnection with this loan,unless appli�able!aw provides otNerwise. lJnlessan _ <br /> agnee�nelu is made or appiiabte faw nequines inte�st to fie paiA.Latder shari Twt he neguued w pa�i Bomawer mry inter�t a <br /> � wt <br /> eamings on the Fuads. Bonuwer and l.e�nlcr may agree in writing,however,th�t interest shalt be paid an die Fvnds. I.eaxter , �`'_-_ <br /> �n <br /> shall give w Bortower.witMut amivat accounting of the Punds.shaain8 crc�ts m�d debiu to lha Funds and d�e , P=��- <br /> - pu�pose for whiclt cxb debit to ihe Funds was made. 7Ue F�Ms are pkdgod as addi6oaal securiry for all s�uns secured by <br /> - - ' this Sxurity Insaumen� � • � <br /> - If t6e Fiu�ds f�eW by I.ender exceed the amauits permiued to 6e held by'appficable Iaw,.i.enckr ahafl accot�m to '°a°"-"�'� <br /> ; Borrowar fos tbe excess Fands 6r aecerd�nce wdh the nquuements of applicabk law. if tiie amount of tLse Funds l�eld by . _ <br /> _S�� L,eMer at aay time is not suE�icient w'pay the Fscrow Items when due,Lender may so notify Boaower in writing.and,in ----- <br /> . �..._ � sucfi case Bormwer shaU pay ta l.ender the amount necessary m make up the�ciency. Boisawer shatl make up tAt ,E,y,.�=:.._- <br /> ;.;; .+. . . ,�,.._._. <br /> ; deficiency in uo mare than twelve momhlY�e�sder s sole discretioa , . .�=• <br />-- �`K�'-� U nt in full of aU sums secured by this Security lnsuumGrt�l,ender shaU ptomptly tefund to Borrower.any '��'�' <br /> ::�-�.;� P°�PaYme -., �-'_�- <br /> �. � i... . �_ � <br /> . ,i �..�-:t Piutds held by Leuder. If.uRder paiagraph ZI.Lendet shall acquire or sell ihe Pcrsperty.I.ender,Prior to the acquisition or •,,;sr;x*?:� <br /> '�•r:.;�r. ..� sale of the Ptoperty,shalt apply an�/Furtds held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sate as a creQit agai�t tbe sums .;r;�,_: <br /> _ •��; secural by this Securiry Insuumern. -�,� °�''r--- <br /> - 3�. Appliwtioe d Papments. Unless applicable !aw provides vtherwise.all payme�us ncelvod by l,eader under ..-•-.:� — <br /> ~ paragaphs l and 2 shall be applied:firs�to aaY prepayment charges due under the amounts payabte under � : =: - �� <br /> �.;F.-;.:.°' <br /> � � parag�aph 2;third,to inteaest due;foarth.w principal due;and last,to sny late charges due undec t1�e Note: ��':'° <br />� ...�.�.,,. g a �'- <br />: , .:_•.. •� C b a r�s; I,k m�, B o r r ower shatl pay aN;axes. asscssments.c h az ges. fmnes and i m p o sitions auributable to tbe <br /> � .� Property whioh may anain pciority over this 5ecurity Inctrumen�artd leasehNd payments or ground rents.if any. Bomawer • x:' <br />. , _. . :':•• , shall pay these obligatians in the manner provided in patagaph Z.or if not paid in that manner.Barrower shall p�y ihem on ' <br /> _ ;'.�,• '' � . • t <br /> ;.r�. ��•'�� time dirxtly w the person owed payment. Bomower�.hall.promptly fumish to Lender aU natices of mmonrtts to be paid under <br /> � - .� •;'t.. �;, Wis paragraph. If Horrvwer makes these paymentw dlrectly.Borrower shall pramptly fumish to Lender rc�eipl.r�evickncing , ��_ <br />_ . ,., <:� • theWY�� , �- <br />" �',�•':' ` Borrower shall promptly dischargc any Ilca which has pric�rity ovcr thi.Sccnrity Imtrumcnt anMs.r Bartawer.(a)�grcc9 �; � <br /> �_•: ..� �:, in writing to the paynw�nt of It�c abllsatrot�.rerured by�he lien in a manrnr accrptxhle to Lender.(b)rantests in good faitb the . ' _� <br /> • �:�� _ Ikn by4 or defends against enforcemene of the lien in.tegal praceatingx which in the Lender i�apinion opetate to prevent the ' . �= <br /> �". _'• ' enfari�ment o!the Ilen:or tc)secures imm the hottler c►f thc licn an ugrecment�tivfnrtnry tn l.endcv suboMinating the lien . �. �� <br /> '� �'.`� • � � to this Socurtty Instrument. if Lcnder dctcrmirtcs that arfy paA ai thc Pruperty i9 sufiJect to a tie�which may attain ptiority ' t � � <br /> :,_ ' over�his Secariry lnsuumen�Lendcr may givc Barrowcr a noticc identifying thc licn. Borrower shall awtisfy the Iun ot take I_ ' � .:. -- <br /> �' .�� one oc more of the�tions set forlN abovc within!p dayw of the giving of noticc: ' . • � � `_ " <br /> • ., •�--: S. Nst�rA or P��ferty Insnrance. Bortower shall keep the improvement!�now existing vr henes�fter erected on the . . <br /> �' "' l,_.,,_ ,� � Ytoperty insured against los�by fire.hazatd»included within thc tcrm'cutended coveragc"and any othcr lrarards.including � <br /> a ^• ' �loods or Rooding. tor which l.ender requlres insurance. Thi�insurance shall be maintained in the amau�ts and fm the <br /> - y .'». . , . , . . <br /> _,�_ .. <br /> .�,,�� .t • . • , . i'ars301d fNA IPaU¢�2�tlepageal ' <br /> -k�' u^��' • �.';..._____.''. <br /> -�, <br /> � I � <br /> =4; 3��0 � . . <br /> _ . . '_' -_' . - i ..'" - .. .. . _ _. _"_. . . :•'J":j�.i:=i'"�'�&}4?:° -.. - � -.+-�-i LV_':t:.: . . ._-. ._" '__'.. . <br /> __ -.��v?4�.!n' . . . . 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