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C.+, c� —�_` . - L ` �•.c t.. . s ' . � <br /> �- - r � 2y'�' . ' _ <br /> S - -.z . -�� ' _: ' - . .r - - <br /> c . . _.. _ � , c . <br /> --3 .c4� :���. '� _ �f` � . � ' _ � <br /> . <br /> -..- s�.. .. .:.._. .. _. __ . .... - .. . _ ' . C . _ , a�_4 • <br /> 4 :� <br /> ."� .,< <br /> -= � ' .: � 9 - <.�'- - - - ---f t� ... — <br /> '��. . `-"'� : .`._ _ �--k i . . . � . -. � .. � . ._ . .. �. _ . .. � -_ . . . - - . . _. <br /> _ 'a5-.'cf.+_•��._�T��Y� ` � c ` ' . ` c , `� . < � , , . . <br /> ` ` . .� � ' a ' . � � ' ( �� . ���� . ' .- . �, � � �C <br /> . F � ' . . . . . . , c <br /> ��` � cao�mn�ioo or ahr talong oi`aay pact of tbe Prupat�a f�oonveyance ia lie�.af c.00deannatipn.ame liec�ebY as�igxd aad <br /> `° sI�all be p�id to Lender. ' , : � . � <br /> rn d��evenr of a mtat'taking of the Pbperty,t�pmoaeds�U!x appl{a!to the sums s�xuied by this Saauity � . <br /> L�umem.:�rhdher or not then dnc.with aay exoess paid w Baarmwex. In the event of a pattial taicing oi t}ie F�rapetiy ia <br /> ' �wtdd�tbe fair n�adau valu�of the Property immed'iately�before the taivng is eqaai to or gc�esur than die anw�int of tbe sua� .; . <br /> _ ---� � seem�ed by dus-Seeuritg,t�t�1Y���t�un8•.�Soaower and I.ender othawise ggnoe ia writin� . <br /> � ` � dre s�mts¢aaued�Y this.Se�aitY lnsirumari shall be��dmced by the amamt of the pmceeds mutap�d tiy the fot[owing .. <br /> , . fraction: (a)`tbt W�al arnount of the sutns se.�uted gm�distelY be[one the taYing:d,tvided by(b)�e fair ma�lcet value of the' . <br /> — - pmpett}r �m�i�ety be£o�e t6e tairing. Any baiance shall be paid to Bomawer. In the eva�'of a partisl mking af die <br /> , � Pioperty in whicb t6e fair maci�t,t valtte of We P[opert�r unmediately before tf�e taking is tess than the amotrtt af tbc sums ` <br /> __ -- ° , sqamed im�ately befrnie the tat�g,imiess Borrower aad I.ende;r otiien►�ise agec,u� writin8 ar nnless ePP���a' � <br /> ___ ` :.'Y�Piovides+the Praroods sba(i be applied to ihe snms s�eeu�d by tdis Sec.utiry Yastrutnent wha6er ar not ti�e�stims a�e, ` <br />-- � _� If the Pmpetty i4 abwdo�ed bq l3ortowet.or if,after aotice by l:ender to Qomavrer that tLe cxndem�r offits[o maice - <br /> --- ao awacd a seuk a claun for damages.Bormwer faits w rpspond to l.ender within 3Q daYs after the date d�e notice is givea, � �- <br /> -- I�ender is authaized to ooltect aad apph�r tue pmcee�s,gt its option.either w restoration or repair of the Pcapaty or to dte <br /> ��,` �s s�tt�by this Security Iacor�ut�tt.whetheror not th«i due: . , ' 4 : <br /> UWess La�der a�Barower othcrwise ag�ce in writinB+�Y aPPlicatian oipmceedK to principal shal!not extrnd or <br />�' � • po�tpone the due d�e of the.mauhly PaYa�ents ieferred to in parugiaphs 1 and 2 orchange the amoont of such payments. <br />--y ': ii. Botra�'ru Not Rela� T�rbea�'anec By�er Not a �Yaiva: Extensioa of the tinae for paytnettt or <br /> . madifisation of amortimtian of tLe;sums secmed by this SecurrtY lnstr�ttnent gtanted 6y l.ender to airy s�oxss�in� � <br />_ . 'oi Bormwec�hat!�t aperafe w r�se d�e tia6�7ity uf t6e origi�Bairoaer or 8vrrower's si�rs in inter�es�l.e�er� -- <br /> - s6all aot be trgait+ed�w oomrt�ice pinceod'mgs against aaY sucoessor in interest or reFuse w extend mne for paymenc or . - <br />-- aiodify ant�iort of t1�e snms secw�ed by thi�Secaritj�In.rtcument�y n�svn of any demand made by the original =- <br /> _ ,,... Bomnwer or Borivwer�s stxxes3ors in interest Any forbea[ance by.Lender in e�tercising any right or rcmcdy shalf na be a • �- <br /> � ,���, , waiver of or p�ec[ude the esercise af any rigtit or rernedy. . � . �-:- <br /> `':*`_' �., lL St�o�ssurs Aad A�s Bourtd;Jotnt and Several LiabiHty.'Co�'s. The covenauts and agreements of this �a�_ <br /> -- :�-,..-^s=�,+---- Secunty Iastrumeat shatt bind aad 6enefittht sacaasors amt assignsof l�ender aM113onower.subject w the pmvisions of . - ��? - - <br /> '°,. ..«��'•:•,-:j��'�=` ' paragrapb 17.Borrower�s covenaats and agreements shall be jou�t and several. My Borrowes who co-signs du'�Security , �--x.•_ <br /> �'.'�-'`�'��~� �. I�t Mu dces not eaccute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Security Inswmeat anly to mortgage,Sraat and carvey that . , �_ <br /> ca � �, <br /> ' �T�='-s • . af this Securi lnsutunent: @)is not personally obliSatedw�RaY tbe sums �;�f_ <br /> - �`' `Bomawers uuencst in d�e P¢operty�dc�the tertnx tY - - � <br /> ' , ;;�'.�:.,:.; ' �: _�� secared by this Secimcy Ias�umen�and(c)agnees tbat Lender and any other Borrower may agr�ec to excend modify.forbear ,,• � <br /> -.: ;...,�;;;,.,` • {,.� at make any accommodatiot�s arith iegacd to fl�e terms af this Seruriry Tnsaument or the Note without tFwt Botmwer's ____, "�''-`_ <br /> �_��,, ��+�k_ <br />�:.!•l t;(��p.� y F3:� ._`^�r�: ,� � ' ( __`_� <br /> t +'::'Y� _ <br />. . j1R��3�l�•:�:J.': - �"—" <br /> �. 13. Loa�n Clmrge9. If the loan secureA by this Securiry Ins�aument i�subject to a law iwhich seu maximum toan �; <br /> . � ,e','�X;:��-�,_•-.; Cdatges,a�xl ihat law is t"inaUy inteipneted r.c►that the iaterest or other loan charges collected or to be coltected in connection � <br /> r � <br /> - �_'" with d�e loan exceed die pem�itted iiraits.then: (a)aay sacb toan charse shall be teduced by the amount ne�es.caty to redac�e �-1���� _ <br /> _ ��''�- . a� � �" the eharge to the permitted limi�and(b)uny sumc afready collected from Borrower wdicfi excecded permitted limi�wiU be , . �;:� <br /> �5�'�•�:.��=.�-. , '" :,�:;,s. <br /> nefunded w Borrower. Lender may choose to make this refund by reducing the principaf owed under she Note or by malcing a : �-��='_ <br /> .. - = . . direct payment to Botrowec If a refund t�duces principal,the reduction will be treated as a partial Prepayment without any ' � :�:_' <br /> . -�-� . • P�Y�x charge under the Note. ,, <br /> . � - ' 14. Notices My norice to Bomnwer pravided for in thix Security ln.suument sha11 be given by delivering it or by � �_ '- , <br /> ; S <br /> ' �ti:,,_ � • mailing it by first class mail unless appticabte law mquims u�e af another methad.The natice yhali be direxiod to lhe Praperty � � <br /> . _ =� . . Address or any otl�er address Rarrower designates by natice ta Lender. My noticc to l.ender ahall be given by.first class ,- <br /> _ •�.;�" ::. ' mail Co Lntderk address�tated herein ar any other addrexs Lcnder decign�tes I�y aotice to Bartower.� Any aoticeprovided for . •� <br /> ; - • _� � in this Securify Inshumen� shall be deemed to have bcen givcn ta 8orrower or Lender•when given a�provided in this , <br /> �f: <br /> �- - � :- -- . ' • , ��� Seven6Ult . Thi� Srcurit In.trument�ha1l bc avcmcd b federal law and the luw of the '• • . . .� <br /> . 1�. Coverniag Law; y Y S Y ; - �• <br />,_ _ . . . . judsdktion in which the Propcny is lacated. In thc even�thai any pra�i.�ian ar clausc o�thi.r•Security In�trument or the Nate y_ , <br /> ; . � • conflicts with applicuble law.such canfli�t�hall rtot affcct othcr provi�a�m af thi�Sc�curity Intiuument or 4he Nutc wfiich con <br /> ��; • �• . , � be given effect w�thaut the�onftiching pravirion. Ti►thi�cnd the pn►vi+iun��if thi�Secur,ity lmtrument and thc Nate ure ; '_ . <br /> � �'� declsite�i w be 5everuble. . • ; . <br /> ` • �. 16. Barrower's(.'opy. Srnrower�h•rli be bivrn une cc+nformcd cop�-n!�hr N�+tc:�nd of thi�Srruriry Instrument. � =. <br />- ' • ' • 17.�'I�anster dthe PrupeHy�K s�Beaeticis�l lnterest In liorro�re' If ull or any�.�rt ui thc Property ar any inurest in -- <br /> - - - • it is sold or tr�nnfemxl I�r ii a be�ficial iatcretit ia Hnrn�wcr i.��Id ur tronct'eaccl und�ortuwer is not a naturul perwin) � _.., ..:"�; <br />�_.,, . .�' `�. • . withaut Lenderfi pdor written comcat,l.cndcr in uption.require immeeiwte paymcnt in ful)af all+ums tiecured by � , �� <br /> tNis Security Instrument. However.thiti option tihaU nal t+e cxercitied hy Lender if cxcrcnc.+ti prahibited hy federal law�.y of .i` ��. <br />� ' ':,�. ' . the date of this Securiry tnstrument. � �; <br /> - '!'� If Lender eaesrises this uptian.l.ender shatl give Bnnower naticc nf acccicrati�m. The noticc ahall provide a period of �. <br /> � :��': noi less than 30 days from the date the notice is delivered ur muilc�i within which 8arrower mutit pay alt zumc securcd by thiy � � . <br /> ?• � �� Security Msuwr�en� If Barrow�r fails to �y thcK +um�prinr to thc cxpiration c�f'thiti period.Lender may invake any r . <br /> ��'�- • '`'• remedies pem�itted by this Security lnstrumen�without funher n<�tice or demand on�arrnwer. ; . � . <br /> • ' � • !& Borrmver's ItigM to RelnsMte. lf B��rrawer inee�s certain conditionc..Bortawer shall have the rlght to huve ; : <br /> �► • , et�forr�ment of this 5ccurity instrumcnt discontinu�vf at any time priar ta thc earlicr��': (�)S day�lor xuch other period as : ��� <br /> � . � Singte�.unity--PannbMaelFY�ddk�tac1J�IFOR�f 1�S"fltf;NE�T••UnitormCuvcnan�z 9199 Ipa�r4njh prt;¢rs1 + <br /> '_ ..�, - -�- -- �� . . . . <br /> . r�.�. . � , _. . <br /> iY, . ` • . . � . <br /> . � . <br /> . <br /> . Z�' '�. . �� . <br /> -f� . . .. t - - __- ___�__ - __ - .. - . •' ",�_�__'_' . ' <br /> � �A_.....1 _ .. <br /> r . _�.: , -,-. .. - ... - - --... ... _ . .. _. __ _. _ ._...- -- -- -.... - - - -•— �- -. . ... ....... .. __..._. _. <br /> - <br /> �..:s <br /> 4 , , . . • ,. � . <br /> .. <br /> -- �€.-�. .�IF,,.•r . • _ . . .� . � . . � . • � <br /> a- !!;�,YJ�C�', y:__" . - , . ._.• _ _ . "' ' " �� . . . . .: _ • ' .. _ . __ __ . � '_ • ' ' ' ' � , " _' ' } '_ . <br /> �`rf� <br />=�.],Y- 1 3�}:'N�� .�'.'__-_-........ ...... .. Ti� . . . . • . . - . • '_ _ _. .. . • . . • • . <br /> ,'`� _ {/�'�,.},�`�� ' . • ' , .. � . • • , .. � • • : . . . . . � . . -' ' . . . <br /> 'd,_.lA•t- '`. <br /> F <br /> . <br /> : R 1• .. <br /> ` }y . � • <br /> � j` �.�� '' . . , .. • - <br /> ���f Y, � <br /> � 1 ' . <br /> � y a��,- . <br /> • <br /> �. , . � ' . " . . . . . <br /> .�' <br /> , . <br /> . • � <br /> , <br /> ! � .i{ . . . . - <br /> "i f. - :. '.—i'�i;,: •.. .' 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