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<br /> • lenn �u�lgmem aould reautt In turfeiture af the Property ur oth�nvlse m�t�in�Mr�pair the lir.n creete!d 6y this Security tnatrumdni or Lenders
<br /> secur.2y(nterest. 8orrower may aue such e defA�ft and reinstate,aa pravided� peraqreph 18, by,cnusinq tt�a scJ� vr procdeding to be�
<br /> dlamiescd wt4h R rrai!r.� Sha4, in Lendar'� guad laith de4e.rtninednn, precludes fortdh�re af tha.8orrpwier'a lntar�at In the I'roperty w ather m�tarisl
<br /> Impalrnent of thr. 6c^�n cz+e.ateci by tht� Smcuri!y Ingtrumant a�Lenders ancurfty intr�ent. Bor+oweraT►aN aisa be fn de}sutt R F3orrower, durinq ths
<br /> loan appticatfon procesa, gav3 rnate?�alty false or Inac�.�urate �(om�etlon or aGatem�snts to Lender.(n!feNaE.to provide L,ender with any molerlel
<br /> iniormattc�n� tn connectlor� with tho laar� �videnccd �y 4he Nota, indudin}�, but nut timited to, reproaentationa cancemtng 9�rrower's occupenry o1
<br /> the Property as a prindpal residence. if this �ecurit;r Inswment ia an n lee5ehofd, Borrower ahall�orhply with aA the provlslan!s nt the tenae.
<br /> I} ApfTpW2'r BCt�L'Ires fea title to thR Praperty, the�e�aehold and the iee HUe sh�fl not merge u�le�s3'Lcnder egrees to the mergar in writing.
<br /> 7. Ard:�c#ipn of Lend�ar's Hights In the Properky. It Sorrc,vrer taHs ta pertorm.the coversants and egr�ements cantained
<br /> in this Security Instrumrnt, ar there is a fega� proceeding that may signfftcantry atFPct Lender's rfghts fn.the Property (such as a proceedirg
<br /> f� bank.ruptcy, probate, fnr con,'emnation nr tortekure cr to enforce laws or regulatinns), then Lender mriy do end pay!or whetever Is n�cessary
<br /> to protect the vat�e ot the �roperh�and Le��der's rights !n the Property. Lander's acttons rney Endude paying any sums securcd hy a Ren which
<br /> has priorky over this 5acurEty ins2rument, eppsaririg tn cnurt, pnying r�asa�able attameys'fees �nd entpring c�h the Property ta make repnt►s.
<br /> , Although Lender M.�y tske ectlon under this p�ragraph 7, Lender dovs nct have tn de sa.
<br /> i+ny ama:;nts disbursed by Lender under thls paragra�h 7 shaA become additiona! debt oT BaROwer ttiecured by thts Secur!y Instrumcnt,
<br /> Jnisss Borrowc�r nnd Lender aqree ta other terms oi paymon:, thase �arr,ounta aha9 beer intvreat irom the drt� at dlaburoument et tha
<br /> Nate rate and ahnH ba psye�{w, wtth 6nterest, u�son notice�rom Lrnder;e Borrowcr requesr��g peymnnt.
<br /> 8. Mnr4�ago ins�r�ttCg, It Lender requlred mori�age insurarce a� a candtUan o!making Yhe tann secured by thla Security L•istrument,
<br /> Qorrower shalt pay t��e nrcKnirlms reqe�ked tv maintain 4he mortgage Insura�ce:n etTect. N, for any r�eason, the mortgage insurance cuverage
<br /> req!�!*c� by Lendcr lepses or ceases to be in eNect, Borrvwrrr shali pay the premlum� -equired to pbtain caverabe substentiel�y equivalent to ihe
<br /> mnrtgnge insurence prav(ovsly in eifect, at a cns3 substantiully squiratent Sc ttie cost Yo 0orrower nt tha mqrt{�ap6 Insunance prevlousy In ett�ct, .
<br /> from an attemnte mortgag: lnsurer npproved �y Lr_nder. It substr.ntin�ty equNalent martgage M�urance coveroige la nof nveHable, Bam�wer ehsA Fay •
<br /> to Lender each month a sum equal to one•tweifth of the yearty�nortgage fnsuranca �remium hcing psid by Boh-ower when the insurenca covexsge
<br /> lapsed or ceased to be in eNect. Lender wifi ac,;ept, use�nd retain these payments es e lass reserve M Aeu oi mortgage Insuronce. Loss reserve
<br /> psyments may no longer be reqa�ired, at the op4(nn oi Lend.w, H mortgsge Insurance coverAge (in the amounl and tor the perind lhat Lender
<br /> requires) provlded by an insurer approved by Lender agafn aecomee evaNeble and is obtraln�d. 6orrowu sheN pay the premluma requlrea to
<br /> maintaln mrrtgage insur��nce In ePfect, or to provfde a lo�s reserve, unlll the requirement for mortgspo!n'aurence enda in eccordance wlth eny
<br /> w:ttcen ;ngreement betwe�en BorraK�er and Le��der vr ap�,ilc�sble lew. �
<br /> 9. inspvction. Lender er its agcnt may rtvtk�s reasonatrle entries upon and inspecilons oi the prqparty, Lender sheil give Bvrt�w[r
<br /> nadce at 4he Ume of or prtor to an inspecdon sped!yfng rsasonabla cauae tor the Inapection. '
<br /> 1 Q, C�andgmn�fi�n. The proceeds-of eny award or daEm for damege�, dfnrci vr consequentlsi, In cflnnactlan wkh any condemnation
<br /> or o,.her laking o!any psrt oT the�roperty, or f�r coitveyance in fieu of condemnation,are hereby assigned e�nd shall be peld to Lende�•,
<br /> Irc the even? n!a iotu7 taking o4!he Prape:ty, the proceeds shslt be applled to thn aums aecured by lhtn Security Instrument, whether or nat
<br /> then d+i�, with r�riy excess pe�ld to Botrawer. In the event oi a partlaf teldng oT the Property In whlcit tl)e tnk rr�arice!value ot the Property
<br /> imme�lstefy betore the tuking I� equai to r�r greater�hen the amount oT the sums secured by ihls Seafrtty�nstrument immedl•.tely belore the laking,
<br /> unless Borrov�er and Lender otherw�se�,gree In wrfting, the sums aecured by tMis Secf�rity Instrument shsA be reducod by the emount of the
<br /> proceeds muftipl(ed by the laliowing frectlon: (e) the totel ernount ot sums aec�red fmmedietefy betcre the talcing, dNh�ad by (h) the lek merket
<br /> value of the Prvpr,oty ImmediatMy b�or� the tak3ng. Any balance shap ba paid to Barrower. In tha event of e partiai taking o(the Praoerty bs
<br /> which the teir rnsrket va!u� uT the Prvperty immedfatety 6�1ore the taking Is f�ss than the emount ot ihe suma sc+cured immediately beiore the
<br /> tsking, unles� Borrower and tender oth�wise agree in writfng ar uniegs epplfcabl� law otherwise provides, the proceeds sha� be eppA�d
<br /> ta the scros secvred by thls 5cacurity Instrument wrhether or not the sums eie thm due.
<br /> If the Property Is ab�ndaned by Borrewer, or H, etter notice by Lender to Borrower thet the condemnor oflera to make en eward or settle
<br /> a ciaim tor dameges, Borrowr.r fails to respond to Lender wkhhr 30 days aRer the date the no4ice la.qivpri, Lender Is auYhorfze�d iq aotlect
<br /> and apply the proceeds, nt ks opdon, �I;he•to restnrativn ar ropair of the Froperty or to thg sume aecurecl by thla Security Inatrument,
<br /> whether or not thert due. �
<br /> Unless Lender end Bonower otF.erv�ise egree in writfng, sny applicatlon of proceed!:; to prindpal ehaN not e�end or poatpone the dua
<br /> date ot the monthy payments referred ta fn paragrcpha 1 and 2 or change the amount ot auch peyments,
<br /> 11. R�orrowar Not Relemsed; Fr��lyearanca By Lrndpr Not e W�ivA►. Extenelqn at tl+e tlme lor peyment ur madHlcrtla7
<br /> of ert+ortizetlon of the sume sr�curod by thta Serr.�.,,ity Inatrum�t grnnted 6y Lender to sny aucceaeor in ante�e��v� 6onnwer ehsA npt
<br /> operate to refeese the �IabAity u(the arlglnel Borrower or Bortpwer'a euccesaure M Inlerbst. Lender ahpp not be requirad Ip pr,mme�ce
<br /> procee�ngs against.any auccesaor{n Intersst ar retuee tq e�ctand 91me for payment or atherwi9e modMy amortlzatfon of the aum� secured
<br /> by tMla Se�arity Inatau;ne:�t by reaaan o1 any demand mede by the oriqhtsl dorrower or Borrower'a euc�ssebrb In Interaet. Ar;��lorbaennca
<br /> by I.ender In exercieing eny rtght or remecF�mhaA not be e welvar of or preclude the cxerdse nf sny rlqht or ra�riacfy,
<br /> 12. Suce��sore and Aasigna 9ound; Jalnt end 5av�ral Llabllity; Cwsignara. "(ha cavenenta snd ugreements ol
<br /> this Security Inatrumr.nt �hell binrJ end banefit the eucceaeoro end eaeigna of Lender end Borrower, auhJect to the prpvislpna ol peraqraph
<br /> 17, E3orrower'a cpvenantc end ragrermenta uhgN be jolnt and s�rve%I, Any Borrower who ca-algna thla Sncurlty Inetrumant Gut doae not
<br /> execute fhe Npfe: (a) is co-slgning thls 3acurhy Inatn�ment anly to morigege, prent nnd corna;�thxl Borrowar'a I�terest In the Property
<br /> undew the tc�rms o1 thls Secufiry Inntrument; (b) le not penonally obtipeted to pey the euine secured by lhle Ser.urlty Inetrumdnt; dnd (c)
<br /> a�reea Ihat Lender nnd any other 6orrowar may egree tp cnctend, modlfy, ta�.iea�r or make �ny Rc�pjnmodntlana wkh regard la ths term• ot
<br /> thla Secvrtry Instrument or the Note wKhout thet Borrowsr'e canaenL � r-
<br /> 13. I�aan Chargr�r, If the loen �ecursd by thls 5ecurlty Inetrument !s dubJect to e lew wfitch eeta niexlmum (o�n charnee, pnd
<br /> that law Is Ilnelly interpreted do th�t the Intereat pr other lo�n cherpea collweted or tp be collected M.connecpon with the Ippn nxceed
<br /> the permitted Ilmfte, then: (e) eny nuch iqan charge ehell he reduced 'oy Ihe dmount nccaaaary to roduce lhe cherde tp the��ermittad
<br /> Ilmlt; snd (b) any sum� ulready cotleoted Irom Bnrrqwer which exceaded parrnittod t�Tlte wili 6e rMundad ta Barrower, lender may choqae
<br /> lo make thls rolund by reduclnq the prtncfpel ewed undar the Neta or by mvklnq a dlrnci paymnnt to 8arrower. II e relund reduceb prin•
<br /> clpal, the reducllon will 6e tr4ated an e partlel prepeyment wHhaut any prepeyment chergv under the Note.
<br /> 14. Ndtic.es. Any noqCO to CSnnower provldad io�In ihle 5ecurlry Inntrument ahatl be pivan uy dMivnrinp It or by mnllMd It by Ilret
<br /> cleus mntl unlas� appliceble lew ror�vlrns uee o!enathvr mathod, The natico ehell bo dircctod to iha Property Addrena or any nther eddree�
<br /> 902B2.4rm (7/91) pape 9 af: Forrn�p28 9/80
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