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<br /> . Borrvwer designetes by natice to Lender. Any nat►ce ta Lender ahaq be gtven by flrst daa� meB to Lender'a sddresa etn4ed her�in or eny
<br /> ather address Lender deilgnatea by notice to 8orravrer. My notics prow6ded 1or in thle �ec:uriiy i:�strume��sh�M 6q dnemad ta heve daen
<br /> qfven to Borrower er:ender when glven aa prrrvided in thia paragraph.
<br /> 18. �ioverning Law; Sevaraksflity. 71�1e Sccurity Instrur,�ent shaN be govemed by iederrnl lew end the law of the furisdictiort in
<br /> which 4he Nrope�rty I� located. In the event that any prov!slon ar cbause ot this 5,bcurity lnstrument ar thp Nots conl�cts wlth cppNcable
<br /> tew, euch �nn4�ict shrn nat aNect athe�r Qrc.wigfons n7 thle fyecutlty►naUvrtwmt or the Note whFch a�n be qNars �ffsat wlthout th�oort�q
<br /> prov{slon. Tv thi� end the provisions ol this 5ecur�ty Inshvmerit end 4he Note ere de�lared to be severabla.
<br /> 16. B�rrpvrer's �Copy. eorrvwer ahaA be glven one contormed r.opy uf the Nota end oi 2hfs 5ecurMy Iratrument.
<br /> 17. Transf�r of the Prnperty or a Bene'f8ela) Interest in Borrovde�. If sb ar er+y pert ot the Property or eny intereat
<br /> In R Is sold ar transferred (or if a benqfici�l {nt�st In Borrower is sold or transferred and 8orrower Is not a naturel person) without Lend-
<br /> ers prinr wrRten cansent, Lender may, at fts epUon,requir�immedfate payment!n futl of aN sumx secured by thb Securlty Instrument.
<br /> However, thfs aptlon sha:l not �,z exercised by l.ender if exc�rcise is pmhl6ited 6y lederal!aw as of the dat�vt this Sect�rlty Inatrument.
<br /> 11 Lender e�cerGses this optlon, Lender shall qNe Borr�vrer noti�e oi acceleratian. The natice sh�,a provide e peslod at not less than 30
<br /> Jays irom ths date the n�tice is deinrered or mai�ed wftinln whiah Borrvwer must pey aA sums seAUred by this SeGUrity itvstrument. H
<br /> " �orrovier falls ta pey th�se swms pr�ar to the expiraUon ot this period, lendar mey Invoke eny rqmedlea permllted by this Securlty InaW-
<br /> merrt wtthout further not[ce or demald an 8orrower.
<br /> 78. �prrOw�t"s I�Qght tP RFlitlst�rtq, if Borrower meets certe+in cond�fona, Bnrrow�r shah hav8 the rfght to F&�re eniprcnmsnt
<br /> of thls �ecurity Instrumant �iacon;inued e�t any Um� prior to the ea�Ier o}: (eJ 5 days (ar such ether perlad�e mppNcabir la�w may specffy
<br /> tor refraSatament) beTore sele o}tha Prvp�rty pureuant to eny pcwer of snle contiein0d In thle 9ecurtty Instrument; or (b) entry ef a�udqment
<br /> en?arcin�thia S�curfty Inatrument. Those conditiona ere that 8orrewer: (d) psva Lender efl aums wh�Ch than would be due under thie
<br /> Securtty Instrum�nt and the tdote ee If no c,r,celersHon had accurr4�d; (b) curce W��datautt af any othe�•covenanta or agreiementa; (c) peya aC .
<br /> expanses Incurred (n enfnrcing this Securf"� InsWment, including, bu! not Iimked tv, rensonabia ettorneys'i�e�; end (tn takez such ectlnn •
<br /> aa L�*nder may reasonabiy require io assure zhat the Nen of Shia 5eaatity instniment, Lender's rights !n the t}operty and Bnrrower'a abNga-
<br /> tipn ta pay the sums secure.d 6y 4his Security instrument shali conUnua unchanged. Upon re�restat�ment hy.9orrower,"hl� Security
<br /> IrsW;nent and the ota!igat�ons secured heretay shaA remaln iull}r eftectiv�as i(no acceleretfon hed nacurred; Hawever, this rlght to relnstale
<br /> shal! no; *.pply in the cese of acceieration under paragreph 17. . '
<br /> 1�. Sala of NotA; GhBnga ot �.m�n S�rvloer. The !Vote er a par?ial Inte•est in th� Nate (togather with this Securiry
<br /> Instrument) may be sold nne ar more tfines without priar notfce ta Barrower. A s�le mey resuk In e chat�ge In the entity (known es the '
<br /> °Loan Servicer') that �oRects montinh�p�ymcrits �ue under the Note nnd this 5ecuritV Instrument. There eleo may 6e ona or mate changas af
<br /> the Loan Servf�er unr�Eated to e sale ot the Note. I4 lhera Is �s change of tha Loan Servicer, 8arrawer wl� be�Iven wrltten noUce oi the chsnge
<br /> in eccordance wkh parFagraph 14 ebove end eppilcabis law. The ndtice wlli state the name and address oi.the new (.amn Servlcar and 4he
<br /> address to which payments ahovld be made. Ths noticn wip alsa canceln any other inlortnadan required 6y app�eble law.
<br /> 2p. Ha.tapdo�ta Sub�tanC�B. Borrcnver shalf hoS cause or permh the preaence, uee, dlapoasl, ntorege, or releasa n}sny Hazardaus
<br /> substancea on or In the Praper4y. Borrowar shaH nnt do, nar atlow anyvnrt al�se tv dp, anythfng aflec�ing 1Ne Proparty thet la Cn vlofetlon nf
<br /> nny Envirnnmental La�N. The preceding two sentences shap not apply to iha presence, use, ar stQrpge-an the Property oP amali qunndtlea ol
<br /> Nazardous substances that are g�er�ily recognEzed tn be appropriate to normai resldentlal uses end tn malntenancR ql the PrnpeHy.
<br /> 8orrower shali promptiy give Lender written nofice oi any Mvest(gatlan, claim, demend, I�wsuR or other action by any gavemmentai or
<br /> reguiatory agency �r prfvate par4y invoNing tha Prqpmty and any Haznrdaus Subatance or Environmentel Lew of whir.h Barrpwer hea ectusl
<br /> knpwledge. N darcower leerns, or Is noNfiGd by �ny gavemmental or;e�ulatory euthprlty, that eny�a��oval or Qther remedletlon o1 any liszerdous
<br /> Supstsnce eHe±ting the Property ia necessnry, Barrawer shel! pramptly 4ske ell necessary rcmndinl 4ctlona In accordsnr.o with Environmentsi Law.
<br /> As used fn this parngraph 20, "Hazardous Subat�nces" ara those substancea det'+ned as tnxic or heizen'daue substnncea by Environm�ntsl
<br /> Law and the foiiovving substances: gasaffne, karnsene, other 1lamma�le or tn�dc petroleum producta, to�dc pesticidos and her�ldde�,volatile
<br /> soh�ents, meicriais contelning esbestos ar tarmaldehyde, and redlcacWe meterlel�. As uaed In thia parugreph 20, 'Environmental Law'
<br /> means federnl lewa and taws a!the)urisdiC.Eon where lhe Property la {oceted that relate tv heselth, aafety e+r environmentel protection.
<br /> NON-UNIFpFiM COV�NANTS. �orr6v+er end Lender furth�covenant ancl agree ee toNewa:
<br /> 21. Rcceleration; l9emedles. l..ond�r shall give nattae to Borrowver prlor ta accsleratlon foltowing
<br /> Borraw�r's hraach vf any covanant or agr�urttent !n tlrta Securfty lnstrument (but nat �rlar to accaleraition
<br /> unci�r peragraph 17 unlesa applicable law provldes atherwlae�. �'Fte notiae shall �pecify: (a) the def*ult; (b)
<br /> !ha aG�tion required t� aure the default; (c) a dake, not le�ra then 30 drya from thw dats the natice is giver� to
<br /> Bnrrower, by which the default must be cured; end (d) 4hat lailura to cur� the de►feult on ar bafors ths duta
<br /> apecffted In tha natfce may result in sccaleratlon M the auma aacured by this Saaurity Inatrument and w�lo
<br /> af the Property. The notice sheli further iniorm BorroNrer of the right to rainst�ts aftur accelorstlon and
<br /> the right tp bring a court actian to a�s�rt th� non-exlet�rtce of o dshuk or eny other de1'en�e of �orrower
<br /> ta accater�rtlon and aale. H thu def�uk Is nat curvd c►n ar t�efor� thu data a�pacNied�In ths notics. l.rndsr
<br /> a� its aptfan ma�y req�sire immedlat� payment !n fult ofi all auma �ecured by thls $o�ourit�► Instrumant withnut
<br /> f¢srther damand and mery inv�ks the powar pf sal• and eny �th�nr rsmedlos p�rr�}Ftted by eppilceble
<br /> law. Lander �hall ae �rrtltted to collect al� axpensp• Incurrsc� tn pur�suiu�g ti�e r�mediea pravidad in this
<br /> paragraph 21, Including, buc nat Ilmlted to, raascn�bie attom�ayr' fnas n�nd r.oat�A af t{tle evidonco.
<br /> If thv po+�nr nf sale is invaked, 7rusitee ahsll record e nt+tice oi dw�eult Irt oaah cqunty In which sny p�rt
<br /> of !��� F�raperty ia locatwd r+nd ahell meN c�piAe oi auch natica In 4ho rr�unnnr �r��cribed by �pplleabl� I�w
<br /> to �orrow�r end ta �he otV�er parsanr �r�rscribed by applir.eble l�w. Aftet� the tim�► requlrcd by appliaabl•
<br /> la�w, 7ru�tee sh�ll ptva public naklce o1' edo Ro thr prrsons and In tha manrn�w pr�scrtbed by �pplicsbl� Isw.
<br /> Tr�stee, wlthout demrn�f an Borrownr, s�ell �as71 ths F"ropsrty� ai puptic �uctllaH t��► tho hlqhret bldder et th�i
<br /> tfine and plece and und�r th+e tarms dsslgn�tsd In tha notic�r at �seln In or��e c�r r��ore parcoli and In �ny anrier
<br /> Truato� dvtarmine�. Trustea may pastpana ant� ai slt ro� sny par�c�l o� the P�re�re�rly by puhlec �nnauncamnnt
<br /> s� the time end �ilace� of any previausly d�che�luled salp�. Lencler ur Its d.�iqne�p r.insy purahe*s Rho �rupirrt�
<br /> a4 �ny �ala.
<br /> Upon rcacalpr: oT �aayment of the prics bid, Truxta�r ahell dnliver f.a ths �pun:hatar Truuleu'e dead
<br /> conveytng thd Prmp�,rl.y. Thn wecitAle In the 7ruutsa's claad nhall be prima inci�� eaidsnce of the truth
<br /> of th� ntntemant�, mni,�� therain. 7ruate�� shsll �p�nly ths p�rocooda of tha sele I�n the tallovvtn;p order:
<br /> (�) tn all coats a�d e�penees of exarc9slmg th� po�wer of atdei, and tha s�le, IncOuding the p�ymant ot the
<br /> True�ea's ieos ac.tuulJ}� Incurred, not to aucaeed 3.00096 �ot t1h�s princl�.al amaunt nt the note �t thre tima
<br /> of tl'io declarati�s� ot ticrfaust, and r�asonnble attorrAMys' te�� a� perrrtitte� by law; (b) to all numu �ocurrd
<br /> by thls, 5ecurity Ins�crum�nt; und (c) any excaas to the persan c�r persans leq�ally entitl�d to It.
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