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Subject to s;�pHcn6le law w to e written wniver by Lc+ndvr, @orrower aha� pay to Lender on <br /> the day monthiy peyments ere due under the Note. unt�the P�ote,s!� h�a. � *s�.^.� ("F".^.�±_"? !ar. (n)yasrty taxea end aex�saments wh�h <br /> rru�y attein priority over thls Securtty Inatrument sa a qen on ths l°rapmt}r !b1 yraerry Iensehal:l pnym..�'t�Ar ground ronts dn tha Property, <br /> N any; (c) ye.ar9y hazerd or praperty insurance prernluma; (d)y�r1y Aand insurence prerniums, H any; (e�yesrly mortgage Insur�o+Ga premlums. <br /> if .�riy; and (ij any sums payabls by Barrower to Lender, in accardenc�•+if!h the provisivns of psrsgreph 8, in i)eu of the peymeltt of martgage <br /> it�surance premiums. These tt�rns nre caAed '�scmw". Lender n'�ey, n.t arry t1me, coAect end hplcf Funda in sn rmount not ta mecead <br /> the maxhnum amaunt e lender for a fede�aAy related murtgr�ge Ivan rr�ey reguire iar Borrow�a esc��accvunt under the tederai Ac3al <br /> Lstate 5ettfemer:t Prccedures Act of 497b es emended from tlme to time, 12 U.S.C.�2B01 et aeq�("RESPA'); unless another lew that eppkes to <br /> the Funds sests a lesser emount. 1° so, LM�!mr ma'y, et erry tlme. coAec!gnd holc! Funds b'+ nn emouMt nCt ta mcceed tha iesser amount. Lersder <br /> may esGmate the emo�;nt �oi Funay dve on the taa�fs ot current�date and ronsone6le eatime4ea o(�en�itures of future�scrow Ren'�a or otherwise <br /> , ln eccnrdance with ep��cahle taw. <br /> The Funds shell be heid in e:� insti�ution whose deposits a-n tnsured by e tederat aqenry, tn�strumentality, or entity Qncluding l.ender N Lcnder <br /> Is such an lnstitut�an) ar in any rederai Home Loan 9ank. Lenricr shaA apply the Fun�ts ta pay the Escrow }t�ns. Lender may not charge <br /> 9�:rower inr hoid�ng and dp{�fying tha Funds, ee�nu�Ny nnetydng the escrow eccaunt ar vcritym�the Esw-ow kama, unless Lander pnya Borrower <br /> interest nn t�� Funda and ap�tica�tlg law pesnttts Lender tn meke such a charge. Howaver: Lender rr�y requlre Eorrower ta pay e on�tlrna cherge <br /> for an independent real estate tex reperting servlce uaed by Le�d�v in connection wdth thls loan, un�eae;nppaceble law prpvldea otherr+lse. Uretaes <br /> an A��reement is msds or applic•zbie taw requkes lnterest to 6e�eid, Lender shali nat be recp�fred to pay �armwer arty interest nr�mfngs on the <br /> Furds. Bnrrower and Lender may agree in writ,fng, howevsr, th+�t Intierest ahnA be pald on the Funds. l.ender shal! give tv 8arrower,wlthout . <br /> charge, an annu�! �c��unting of thn Funds nhawing credlta end debits ia the Funds and the purpaae far Which eech debtt to the�unds • <br /> wa� mada. The Funds are piedged as addftfanel securtt�1os ail sums secured by this Secu�ty Inatrumeqt, <br /> If the Funds held by Lend�r exceed the smounts pertnN,ted ta be held'by a�pNcable law, ?.ender 9hah account to BCrrower Tor the acCess <br /> Funds in sccardance wi;h the requirements ot e��pife�ble lew. If 4he smount of thu�Funds heid by Lender et any time la not su4Hdent ta pay the <br /> �scrow It�ms �vheri due, Leneler muy so notiPy Bnrrcrwer in wrlUig, and, M auah case Borcawa�shaq payrte Lender ihe nmaunt necessery to meke <br /> up tha deficier�cy. eorrower shaq mske up the defldency!n no more than twe�ve manthly pevmenta, e4.Le�der'a noia discrotlon. <br /> Upon payma7t i� tuli of slt sums secur�d by this 5ecuriry Instrurntmt, Lender sha�J promptly rop.uind to Barrowc�'eny Funds h�ld by 4ender. If <br /> under paregraph 21, Lender shall acq�'�Ire nr sel!the F'ropeRy, I.ender, prior to the accyuisklnn o�calr�or thb Preperty, shsll spply eny Fund� hpid <br /> by Ler�der et the time of acquEsition or srele as a aedit against the sums secured by this Securi,y Inshumen� <br /> 3. Applicatlon of P�ytn�r�#s. Unless eppiicable law pravides othenvlse, aIi paymenta r�cetved�'by Lender under paragraphs 1 and 2 <br /> snaft oe applied: flrst, to any prepayment r,harges due unde�th e hote; secend, to amounts payable under pnregraph 2; thkd, tv Intereat due; <br /> 9our:h, to princ:pat due; and I�s4, to �ny la,e charges due undcr the Note. , <br /> 4. C.t8r�32�; LJ9ns. Borrav�c�shaEl pay a11?exes, ass.essments, charges, 8nes and impasitiona�e�tdibutabte to the Property whlch may <br /> attain priority over this Securiry lnstrum�nt, end leesehold payments vr ground rents, H nny. 8o�rower tsh�H pey thesp obNgatlons In the menner <br /> provided In paragraFh 2, ar il not paid fn tfia! manner, Barcow�x shell pay them on time zilrectl�r tq�the perdon owed peymnnt. Borrowet ahaA <br /> promptly tumldh to Lender eB notices nt nm7unts to be pald undor ihia p�nt�rsph. If 6orrowar makas thaee pe�mente �'Iroctly, Borrower <br /> shall promptfy fum{sh to l�ender recei�pta avidendng the payments. '. <br /> Bnrrower ah�ll pFOmpty dischargu any Ilen whlct+ hen prlorfty ovar thta 3ecurlty Inatrument unlesa 9orrower: (e) agreae In writing to thn pay <br /> ment ot the obligation sccurad by the Ilerr In e manner ecceptable to Lendcr, (b) contesta In gabd tekh the Hen by, ar defend� egefn�t enlorcement <br /> of the Ilen !n, legal proaeedinga ..:.�.:�s In thn Lender'e opinlpn operete to prevant the enlorcernent Ct the Aen; or (c) aecurea Trorn tha hblder'of the <br /> Ur� an agreement satisfectory to Len�cr subardinating the Rcn to this 5ecurity ins2rument. If Lender de4armines that any pert ol the Property la <br /> suU)�ct to a Iten which may attain priorf¢y over thls Security Instrument, L�ndnr may give Borrower e noUce Identlfyinq ihe Nen, k7orrvwer shsA <br /> sutlsfy the tien ar inke one or more of the actions set lorth nhove within 10 daya at the glv(ng ol nat{ca. <br /> 5. Naz4rd ar Property Int�urance. Borrower shaA k�p the lmprovements now exiating ur herearier erected nn the Proper'ty Msured <br /> egainat lass hy ifre, hazerds Included within the tc�rm 'extendFd coverage" nnd eny other hezarda, InciudMg ilooda or 1looding, Pa whlnh Lender <br /> requlres {nsurv�cP. Thls inauranr,e shell be malntaVned In the amount� end inr the periods thet Lender requlres. 1'hn Insuranc' carrfer provlding <br /> the Ineurance ahali be chosen by Bnrrower aubJect to Lender's epprovel which eh�tl not be unree�onabh�v�hhheld. H Borrower IaHa to melnlrin <br /> o�v��ege ;9escrtbed abovd, Lender mey, at Lender's nptlon, obtnin coverege to protect Lander'e rlpt�te in'the Property In sccordsnce wlth <br /> paragrapF; 7, <br /> Atl Insiarance po�ides and renewels ahell be eccepteble td the Lender end shstl indude e stendard m�;ignga cleuse. I,ender shaM have the <br /> ri�ht to hoid thn policies and renewels. 14 Lvnder rnquirea, Borcower ahaA promptly qive to lender e9 recelpte of peld premluane snd renewal <br /> noUcea. In tha evmt of loae, Bvnvwor ahsp give prompt notice to the Ineurencn ceMer end Lender. .Lender mey rtwke proai pf bee N not rrNda <br /> promptly by Bonawer. , <br /> Unless !onder end 6orrawer athcrwise egree in wrlting, Insuronce prnceeda �haM be sppAed to reatoreillon PC repair of the Property ciemrped, H <br /> tha rrstaraUen or repalr la cH:onomlceNy Iteei6la end Lender'e necurtry is not lez+aened. tf tho reatoretlon or repMlr is nvt econpmlcaNy}saalble <br /> ur Lc�rder's securfty would bn'.asaenrrl, the in�urence proc�edt shap bs eppRed to ihe eums �ecured by thla 3ecurity Inehumant, whelher a not <br /> then due,with erry eucdaa peid to Borrowrer. If Borrower ebandone the Property, or doae not�newer wtthln 90 deye � nadca hom lender th�t the <br /> Ineiarencn cerrier ha� oHered to netGe s c4eNn, then Lender mA►y oollao1 the Ineuru�oa proa�esde. Lender may u��ths prooeods ta repeih a reetor� <br /> tha Property or to pay eums evaured hy rhin Seicurlty Instrumait,whether ar nat then dua. 7ria 30�dpy perlod wIM hapin when thn notica ls qNan. <br /> Uniess Lender and 9nrrower vtherwlee epree fn wrltMfl, rny appHceiUon ot proae�da to prk�clp�J ehrd not �wtend ar poetpcn�the due data <br /> ol the monthfy peyments rclerrec! tn fn pnnqraph 1 �nd 2 or r,h�nqe tha �mount o1 Ihe p�ymente. II und�r prraprpph 21 tha PropsHy Im <br /> ecquired t�y Lender, Bonower'n rlqht la eny Insuranca poflcles �nd pr�c�1� raauNlnq hem d�rtr�ps to the Property prior la ih�saqui�Mlon <br /> ` ehall pasa to Lsnd�r to the m.tent el the aum� secured by thla 8ecurfry Inatrument Immadletely prior 10 the eaqulaltlon. <br /> e. �7ccupancy, Prasarvetlan, Malnt�n�nc�► �nd Prote�tipn oi thr F'roperty; Borraw�r'p Lpsn Appllcutlon; <br /> La8+1php1�!!1. 9arrowar ehell oc�upy, eatebllah, and uee the Praperty aa Banowar'e princlpnl rraidence wlthln alxry days aftsr the exacutlon ot <br /> this Ser,urity Inmtrumant and ah�ll conllnue to occupy thm PropeRty er Bnnower'e prinr.lpal realdarr.a fo►�.t leeet one yesr eRer Ihe dete of <br /> '� occupancy, unlcsa Lcnder athcrwtae ogreee In wrlting, whlch a:oneent ehell nnt bn unreeconeby wlthhe:d, ar unteaa aztaiuetlnp circumatencee e�Jet <br /> whlch are beyond Borrower'a control, Borrower ehNq not dealtay, demaqe or Impah lhe Property, eflpw the Praperty to delerlonta, or commit <br /> � weele nn tho Proporly. flnnowar chall ir+�In defeuft H any 1nHatture�cdnn or praaeedinq,whnthur cNH ar crimk+�l, Is bsqun thnt In Lander'a poad <br /> 'in2ei.trm (�/Jt) ��S , � Fortr a02B 9/90 <br /> I ' 'f � + <br /> ( �,.}�' <br /> (,� <br /> i I�, <br /> � E;, <br /> ,, . <br /> "�:°�;u; . •- - <br />