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<br /> Y__ __ _____ . . ��_..__
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<br /> -.7 ' .. • M�-,.- 1U430� � �+ _�.y ____.
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<br /> �` `' IP Lender requircd mortgage i��suranca a�u condition�P mnking the lo�m secured hy �hty Secu�ity inslPUment, �,� �,� -- --
<br /> �__� Ilarro�vcr sl�all p;�y thc premiums rcquircd to mniotoi►�Ihe insurnnca in e�'�ct unti!surh timc us�l�e requiremr.n!fcie thc �- _
<br /> � . � -
<br /> _-.-.� }��������,,,-P��•rminni�c in ecc��rdancc witb Horra�vcr'�aid Lendcr's�vritten u�tre�ment oe nppiicahic law. L- - — --
<br /> •• � - �' A. iaspeetian, Lcndcr ur{ta a►gei�t ntay ntial:e r�a�im�tihlc entrles u{�an anc!►n��ectinnv��f���C��.��:.�ty. :.�:t�dc� ;-�- _ ___ _
<br /> __:_;� . � shall givc Horr��wer n�uicc nt Ihe time of or ptiar to i�n inspecti�m specifying renvnnnhie cuusc fi+r the iospectian. ^' __� —
<br /> ��,
<br /> , 9. Condemnntian. �'he praceeds ot'any c+ward or claim fi�r dnuwge:+,direct ar conscquentii►1,in connec�iun�vith �' �=
<br /> � �;
<br /> ' • uny cundcmnation ar other taking oP nny pnrt of the i'rQperty, ur for convcyance in Ucu c�P«mdemni�tion, nre hcrcby . . , '
<br /> �. assiancd imd�haU bc paid to l.cndc�. .
<br /> - In thc event ��P n total tnkmg��P tho Property, the pr�ce�:ds shi�ll he appiied tu the sumti�ecu�ed hy this S��curily , . __
<br /> � Intitrument,whelhrr nr not then due,�vilh any cxcess paid ta B��rro�ver. ln Uie event ot'n purtial tuking uf'�he Nraperry,
<br /> unlcss Borrowcr nnd l.cndcr othcnvisc ugrcc in w�ting,the sums sccurcd hy this 5rcunry instrumcnt sh��ll br nduccd by ;
<br /> 1.�`:_ thc umount oP the prarreds mul�iplied by thc iollowing fmctirn�:(nl the wtiil umount of tha tium�sccur��ct immcdimcly � �
<br /> , bc:forc thc taking,divided by(b)the Pai►mnrket v11ue of the Pro}xny immcdiately beforc the taking. Any bal.rncc shall be �'�' `
<br /> • ' , paid to Borro��cr. � �-�°_
<br /> • � li�the P�e�p:rty is nbandaned by Borrrnver,ar if',nPter notice by l.cnder tn Aorrawer that thr candemn��r oflecs tn . ',`;yj;__
<br /> " make nn a�vard�+r settle a claim Por dumuges,I�nrrrnver fnils to respond to l.cnder within z0 duys after thc dt�tc the nuticr is • _ _ _
<br /> � ' . . 6iven,Lender is authrrircd ta coUcr.t und apply the pr�ceeds,al its aption,cither to rest��rutiim ar�epair c�f tl�e 1'roperty ur , � :���4�-
<br /> to the sums scrureci b�•this Security Instrument,whe�her ar not then due. ' ; �;��-�--
<br /> ' . Unle�.c 4cnder iind Borrower otherwisc ugree in�vriting,uny t�ppNca�icm n1'praceedr t��p�incipul sl�till nnt extcnd c�r ,' .;;,, :�_,��
<br /> pastpone the dur dAte af thc monthly payments rcferrcd to in paragraphs 1 und 2 ar change thc aa�punt ot'such puymcnts. f ,'';°�!;'�.,.�'-'-�`-`-
<br /> ,.� :•:;i:; _
<br /> . lp, Uorrawcr tiot Relcased; Farbcarunce Dy [.endcr Not a Waiver. Extensian uf the t�mc for puymcnt rr � ,_+_
<br /> ' � •� modiflcation o1'mT�oniration oP the sums sccured by this Sccuril�� lnstrument grAnted hy l.ender to am• succcssor in �:, . , ,_
<br /> ' , intcrc�t oP Borru��•e�shall nat opernte to release ihe liability aPihe c,riginal llt�rr+����rr or Uorrower'.succrs�ors in interest. •
<br /> l.ender shall nnt he rc�quired to commenr.e proceedings ub.►ins� imv tiuccct��u•in intcrert or refuse a� e�tend time for .
<br /> ,. paymcm�u��Ihrrn�isc modify a�mortixntian��f'the sums recureJ b�this Scrurity lnstrument by rca��m of nny demand made -
<br /> by the ariginal Borm���er or Horrawer's sueeessars in imerest.Any ti�rbeur.inc�hy Lcnder in rxereising uny right ar remedy ;,
<br /> _. ' . shaU not bc i��vaivcr of ar preclude the exerci�c of uny right or rcmcdy. �'
<br /> I1. Succes�sors nnd Assigns aound;Jalnt nad�evernl Liabillty;Ca•signers. Th�ci�v�nants and agrccmems of �. t'
<br /> • this Security Instrum�nt sfiall bind and beneflt the sucressors und assign�oP Lender And H��rrc�wer,subject to�h�provisiom �• �,�,�
<br /> • of puragr:iph 17.Borra���er's covenunts und agreements shull tk j��int and several.Any�arrow�er who co•tii�;ns this Security ��
<br /> lnct�ument but dors not rxecute the Note:(t+)is co•signing this S��uriry In+trument on{y to mor tgagr,gra►n t n n d ro nve y i 'x�
<br /> _-_ _ _- -- ��at Hnrn���rr's interest in thc Yro�rt�'under the terms of this Sc�urity hihtrument:(b)iti nat personall�•ublignled to pAy ; ;
<br /> t}�e sums secured by thi�Security Instrument;und(cl aFrccw th.�t I.�ndcr and any uiher iirn•n�wer mnc a,rcc iu extefi�i,
<br /> �—_._ �.
<br /> . . mcxlify, forbear ar m:�ke a�iy uccammadntions��•iih rc�ard to�he terms oP ihi�Security ln+trument ur the tirtc without �_— �� ��
<br /> that Borrowcr's cons.�t. I`• ` '; .
<br /> -- -'- .,wu::..a.��•1.:.•c ....:�.•ln�rr�,�, .,���.���niec� �o�Imv which sets muximum luc�n -- - - -
<br /> - - - ;l. i.ouo:.nar�;ca. ii trc�.,a„..... ,r� �; ,
<br /> chargrs, and that law is finuUy imcrpreted �o that�thc�in�c�u.t �a athrr loan char���collected o� tc� hc cnllectcd in � -- -�;�-
<br /> conneenon with ihe loan cxceed thc pet'mitted lin�itx, then: (ul any tiuch Ic�an charge �hall hr rrdu�ed hq �he :unuunt i
<br /> nece��ary to reduce thr charge to thc prrmiucd limit;i►nd(h)any sumti ulrriidy roUectcd fram 11�irr�n��cr«•hich rxcecded i r.�
<br /> , .. permitted limi�ti w�U he rr1'unded to Hurrc»ver. l.ender map ch�xne tc� mahc thi. ret'und by reducing�hr r����,��r:+l awed ,
<br /> under the Notc i�r hy m;►king a direct paymcnl to Hbrro«•er.lf a rcfund reduces principal,thc rcduction wiU hc trruted us a j
<br /> partiul prepayment a�ithout any prepayment rhurge under�he Nc�te. '
<br /> i:'':� 13. I.ep1�InNu� AReetin� I.ender's Ri�hts. It' enactment i,r cxpiratiun af .�pplirahle I.��vti hati �hc ef�cct �,f , -
<br /> '•'' rendering an>>prcwisi�n„f'the Nute or this Securily lmtrument unenlorceablr:�rcurdin�;�u u,ierm.. l.cndrr,a�i�,up�i.�u, .
<br /> ' � mny require immediaac �:i�•mcn� in fuU c�f ull tium� secur�d by thiti Secunq lu�t�ument i►nd ma}• im•uke any remedies '
<br /> `�,��"'° permitted by parnbr,�ple ]�.1P I.cnder excrcis�w thic���+tion.Len.ier tihall Iake�he cte ti� ecified in the secrnid uagra h of
<br /> ,i;a,,,.. r r r� n ,�;,..
<br /> �,,,, s;� .
<br /> parngraph 17. ; ..
<br /> lA. �lotices. Any nutice to HorroN•cr pro��ided I'or in this Secu�ity In��rument�hall hc Fi�•rn by delivrrinF i�or by � ,
<br /> . mailing it by flrst clutis mail unless applicuble lu�� requtr�,us�oi'another method.Thc ni�tirc�hall he directed to tCae ,
<br /> Properly Addretis or any cnher address Barrawer desi�nate�h�� nntice to Lendcr. Any noucc ta Lcnder�hall hc gi�•en b� ;
<br /> flrst cluss mi�il to Lender's uddress statcd herein�r ant���ther uddress Lcnder detiignatcti by notice�u Hnrr��u�:r :1ny nrnicc � .
<br /> ' providcd for in lhiti Securiry Inslrument shall bc dcemed���havc hcca 6iven�o Hnrrrn�•rr or l.rnder when g��en�,prrnided :
<br /> in this parugrnph.
<br /> � � lS. Cove�ning Law;Severtib�lity. Thi,Security Instrument�hall h�gnvcrncd b} fr,lrrar I;�w and ihc law i�P the i
<br /> � jurisdiclian in which thc Yroperiy is iv:aied. !n the event thut any provi�ion��r clautir��f ch�.�crunty lmtrumcn� o�tC�r I
<br /> Nolc�onflicts��•ith appli�ablc la��',ruch rnnflict sha11 not aflect a�hcr prm�i�iuns uP thi�ticrurity Imtrument nr thc Natc I
<br /> _�' which�an bc givc�cftert��ith�ut lhc c��nflirtin�p��*�i.ic�n.Tu ihiti rnd�hr���o.i�u,nti�,f�hi.Srruru}•In�trc,men� and thc
<br /> Nrnc arc dcclared to hr�c<<c:�M;.
<br /> 16. Aorrawer's Copy�. H��ra�o��rr tihalV�+e.,n�n�mc:��ntrnned r��{,� nf thr ti���r and u(Ilu.Src�niy In,trumrnt.
<br /> _�� 17. Trnn�:fee of thc !'n�pe�ty or u llene3icial lntcresc en kDnrrowcr. If all �,r an� p��rt ul th� 1'ruperl� ur :u��
<br /> � interest�n it�s���ld��r transferred(c�r if:+brnefic�al intcrest�n Borro�ver is�old or Iran�i'crred and Borrowrr iti nol:�nutural
<br /> -..- . _ __ personl without Lcndcr'.priar wriuen cc»isent. Lcndcr m:ry,at ii.option.reywrc inimcdi;ac paymrnt in full af aU+umti
<br /> = secured by thir Srrurity Inti�rumeni. Howevcr. thiti upn�n�haii nnt hc excic�.ed h� i.cn�lr� �f��acrc�s�E� prc�hibitc�cl hy
<br />