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<br />,.` floturrt l�: Nonv��st E1��i��c NoUr�e�ic,�,N, d ��
<br /> t�.t�.�ox;►�n� — _----
<br /> '�''�"`'���- A � Umt�ha,NG G�103 ` _
<br /> '°'.�` ��"�*°"��E:�t�Q . : � _
<br /> ���-� --
<br /> � �T'r N�Il.p J.C�Qf� . ---
<br /> � Neuv.UNIFU}t*.1Cc�Vl�NANir�.li�rtaw�eflnclt,endertbrtharrnven�snt.utJi► cera5foil�»vs � � ���
<br /> � ��� 19. Aticete��tdun; flemedie+�. 1,enekr eA�li[�ive na4ice to klvrrower prlur to accetcrnttun tultowing [ir�rrowce�H � -�_,,,� ��
<br /> b ..���^. .--.-r-.-�„ -
<br /> �' �. breNCA nf any covenanf oe M�rcement le ihty 5ecurl4y In�trumon!laue not�rt�r tu¢ccelerRttun under pxraKrHyh913 und 17 __
<br /> ��� ueles��ppilcablc law pravl�tey plheeN�se?.TAo aoHca ehsil specity:!w1 the defauH; 161 tho ncNon re�ulecct tu curc the �
<br /> '"a°"�"� dsfeull;lel s dyte�n+►=te�thr�nn�0 d�,Ya(ram thc d�E�tha notisn ty gtven ta�Uorroner�by which tho defaule must�o curcd; �
<br /> �"� :t� �ad fd1 tt�t faiture to eure t!w detaul�ab ar hefore th�date epee(Hed in the nutic�m+ay cr:+ult In uceeteratture�f tho xumg .- �
<br /> � '- �ecured�v tht�Sccurlly In4trumant md saln ot th�Etrt�pc►ty.TQe n�Stre sR�ll iiErtlse�l�[�rm l3orrowr,r�tP thc rl�ht Eu �'"'
<br /> i �
<br /> `�-- =_: .:►.�.�.�.�e....,csk+rattua�nd t�c d�itt to br(���auuri acitor�to ��s�ct th:nnn-e�(stc�tcc ut a d^f A�dn tl�nl.ender � .'. � `" -
<br /> ' :, deisnso of EWrrower to acceternF3na e�i sste.t0 t,�:,�.[_szli fs�eet c�ren nn ur tx�ior�i����.e.v6•.9.�!.,t. . �---:-` - - --,-
<br /> � .
<br /> n11te opttan msy rcqulca(mmcditto pAymcat in IUI)ot�lt sums sccurcd Dy th.ty 5cc�rtty Inst�ument wtthuut i'uethcr �-, � --
<br /> � ` dempnd rnd m�y(nvoke tho pow�ee o`�ie p the�remcdles prov dcd this parageuph A9�,includinge butan telimitcc ta. _ _
<br /> � colic.t �11 expeasc� Incurrcd 1 p � � ' t�=
<br /> ��. __� _ re�.s�nabte attoraeys•tees wnd cos�9 of titio evtdeacc. � �� �' _�
<br /> ,� ' lf Ihe power o/�ate is inruked.Trusteo eA�ll record a nqtice oP detaNlv in cach couney in wMch any part uP the . 4 �,_ "-_
<br />� �' .
<br /> __„}.. F'roperty i9locatcd und shall mall rnplr.s ot auch aotice tn thc mnnnr,r prescci0ed Dy o�plicaAlc Inw tn flwrowcr nnd tp tFe
<br />-�• ather persons prescrlDed Dy nAplicaAlo Inw.Atter tAe tin�4 reQulrced bY aBplicnQdr,.law��'ruskec sh�p Eiive publtc nuE�SC o� ' _ - - -
<br /> ; s�le to the persone nnd ta tho m�nner prescrtbcd by opB���a�tr I;iw,T�uytee.wilAva�d�;�x►.�v�un klorrowcr.sA�ll sQf I tlt: :• ,.,
<br /> '=�'-°3 p�operty at public aueHon to!he highest blddc�qt the tinia end placc and undr:r tA�e tesms d.eelgnntcd in the notisc vi K»kr ia � ,�.,����,.
<br /> � : .. •ti. , ,
<br /> onG ar mare parcels t�nd in�ny arder Truatce dete�mtnes.Trustce myy po�tponr,enle uf alt ur any parccl ot the Propeety L+�Y
<br /> =�- . publtc w�nouncement at the time and place of Any previously scneduled��c.l.en�er o� (ts dca�Rncc may puechnse tRe .�:�__±3�_
<br /> � P�rope�ry et any sAlc. ��"' � �
<br /> �;,'�E� Upun receipt of payment o9 the price btd�'frustee shall deliver to tRe {►u�cAaser Trustee's decdl comeying the -
<br /> , _�;; 1'roperiY.The�ecitals in the Trustec's deed shall he prlma f4cie evidencc ut thc t�uth ut fhc�eatcments mnde thcrcin.
<br /> T�ustee shall agp)y the Prnceeds of the sale in the Poilowinp ordc�:la)to ull cxpenses uP thc salc.l�clud'+nR,Dut nnt limited ,�.:;�- -
<br /> _���'�� ta,Trustee'9 fe��s permitted Dy applicable law zu►d ceusunable attorneys'fecs;(01 t�wll sums secured by this Sacurity �• �.� ,.�;_v�—
<br /> '`s�:� Instrument:anrs(c�any excess to tho person ar persons leAaUy entiticd to it.
<br /> :,;�_ 2Q. ixnder in Possession.Upon accelerotion under paragraph tU or abandonment uf thc Property. 4ender l�n
<br /> ' person,by agem or by judicinlly s+ppointed receiver)shalt t+:e�t�lled to cntcr upoi���ake po�.�cs�iun oi'and managc thc �
<br /> Pr�perty and to collect the rents af the ProL+ecty including chose p�St due, Any rents collected bY 4cnder��r thc receiver
<br /> shc+ll be c►pplied flrst ta payment of the co.�t��ef mAnagement oP the Proprrty.md cnllection oP t'ents,including,but not
<br /> • ed to receiver's fees,premiums on nr�i�cr's bonds and rc.►sonable uuorneys'fce�.und thrn to the tium��ecurcd by � �
<br /> .•- limu ,
<br /> -� this Sccurity l��trument. �
<br /> Z1,Reconveyance,Upa�payment of all sums secured by this Security In�irument,l.endcr tihaU requetit'frutitcc to ' 1
<br /> ,::;'s��c,:. . r e c o n v e y t he Pro pert y and shaAl surrender this Security ln�trument`�d�11�`�',���v it h o u t�r a r�r t o t h c p rtion c r Fer un� I . �"
<br /> • -•r��'�" ' Insirument ro�'n.tiSCC.Trustee�hal!'recrte.��'the Property wi�hout . � .s''
<br /> _ ��"�1��` legally entitted t��it.Such person or perso��.�chall puy nny recordutirn��c*:ss i „ �
<br /> : �.
<br /> � ' _ _ , ia.�ub9iiiair a ruii�.Lendcr,at i::;3.-tion.me4 tcom�ime to timr�emu�•r Trustee and appoint a succrszor trustee ,_ - - - - -- .
<br /> �:�; �� � to�ny Trustee appointed heredeader by an instrument�crarc'�e.�i in thc couniy in�vhich this Security Instrumene i�recor�ic�i.
<br /> � �"�"'��' �Yithuut conveyance oP thr pcu�..rty,the successor tti�.ct.�shall�ucceed to all the•title.po�vcr and duiie�roniercrd upon � ��
<br /> ��.���.,� ��,
<br /> ,, �
<br /> Ti�!cf��hereinandbVif�n1lCAMlelaw. , ._,e�^.��� �� �nrm�vi•�c l_____�.__ _ �..,r:i
<br /> - - �.._.
<br /> � : Z3. Reque�t foe Notices. Sorro��e-r�^quests Ihttt copies o1'1he noltces ut uriuuii a��u -p�. • l- - _�F
<br /> Address which is the Praperty Addres�. , '
<br /> 24.Riders to this Securlty Inst�umPnt.lf one ar more ridcrs are cxecuted by qorrower and r��corded togcQicr���ith �
<br /> this Sccurity instrument,the ro�'enants and ugrcements of each yuch ridcr chall be inrnrporated into and shull amend i�nd :
<br /> • supplement the covenants nnd agrermenls of�his Securiry lnsuument a+ if'thr ridcr(s) werc a part oP this Security ,F
<br /> Instrument.(Check npplicable box(csl] �' Z�l Famil> Rider
<br />_� . „ (� pdji+s��ble Rate Rider ❑ Condominium Rider � ' '
<br /> ',,,, [] �3r�doated Paym�nt Rider a Planncd Unit Development Rider �
<br /> i"� i
<br /> ; ` ';�;�,ii', � [� Oihet(c1 (specif�� Aekncxalerlq�c�.�at •
<br /> . � . ; .
<br /> BY SIGNINU AFl.ow. Barrower flti�CF(S An(I agrces to the tcrms and co�•enants crti�kunrd in this Security t - •
<br /> ° . ° Instrument nnd in nny rider(s)cxecuted�*��,rrower and recorded with it. � ,� /� ' •
<br />_ .,�s� . ..?.��.`��....C�:..�:.,�r'.`r"'--�-�.................. ..(Sea!) � ' ,
<br /> ' '�1, „I . " I -�
<br />-. .���.� �........ . • -�Of/OWO�
<br /> ;, C. Iake
<br /> - �� ' . � ,
<br /> ' � ` /
<br /> � �
<br />- , ." r %'�{. . � ��,�' � ........... .(Seall '
<br /> .,i.. ..,...,...�N1�Shc� 7.�. ��kC... .. ................. -pe�rower !
<br />_ �,'.;;�y:
<br /> '�;•5;;';' �— ISpace [ielow This Une For Achno�vlcdQmentl —
<br /> -. 'i: ��
<br /> _ ':.t.�',.-_-_- �'T'A'!'8 n�+ ......Nf�1J1:,i.,�53............... �
<br /> �:'� �SS: �
<br /> _ ;�,::..
<br /> .�� �
<br /> ---
<br /> C()UN('Y OF ......Hs11.................... �
<br /> � The f�regainF instniment K•as ackno��•Iedecd hefore me this.......J�??Q,17 t 1991 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,���..
<br /> Vld Wife (�atc)
<br /> b ...�Tohn C. Iake and.NJarsha L. Iske, Husband....................................................
<br /> •;; y . ...
<br /> E' (person(s)ackno�vledging)
<br /> • MY Commission .���r,���� � �.
<br /> . ANDNlWd06'ILEFSFN ,��� /
<br /> f�■a E�rA A�►�.9 1994 ............... ... ....... .... . ........(5,7'',`41')
<br /> Notnr Public
<br /> Thie instrumcnt �vas'prepa;ed by............................�..........................................,............ ,
<br /> • �..1_
<br /> �� --
<br />