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. . . il'�•��.w�. .r..�.'+:1'� ° �_._ - i�11G ,.t " �_.-... _ _ ' . . -._. -. . ... ._\`:-/�-.. , - ,_.c�;tY. : _arsz�.�:ae�.. <br /> _ ,—_-.:. ::_c�1-: �.r_ �ur. _.�_..._.—.�_.� _ ... .___' -.. .. ... .. . . ' _'___'— _ ._ <br /> . . _ - . . . ___. , . . . _ .;, ., . . . .�.'._ . _�' _ _ - . . ._._ <br /> _ ,,. , . .; . . ... "; <br /> �� � l� <br /> . . . -' '_""_' ',_ . . .. . .. . __'. �_: .._.- _" ""_�� '" ' -_ �— - <br /> _ � <br /> . . , j __ - <br /> , .t ' - _ _ - _ <br /> : ,� . ,..._��.._..�.._.._.� ... _ --�__ -- -- <br /> �----- _...-- - � <br /> . �.^'�SQ1t!""` _. .. .._. _...._..__... .. .. -------- <br />-i`.� .. :. . <br /> ( --- <br /> , ::_ ��,. �.0430� <br /> �: +''. _ �.:�5..:- - . <br /> � ,, UN11'UtiM CU�'i:NAN'ts. iiar�'awcr and Lcitdcr covei�ent�nci ng�cc cis fullows: . <br /> � �� _ ._ 1. ['ayment ot i'irtncip�l end Intereett['ntpaYmcnt and I.�to C�argrs. R��rrower 5im11{►rc�mptly pay�t�icn duc � <br /> �� �� the principn)aPunJ Int�rest on dtc clebt eviden�:cci by Iti�Nalc nnd nny prcpuymr.nt nnd Inte rhorgcs duc undcr Ihe Note. � <br /> '''� . 2. I�unds►tor Taxca►end in9urAnce. SubJc�:l ta npplicnble In�v or to a�vrilt�n wniver by I.cnder.Qorreswer tihnll pay �jz1___= -- <br /> a <br /> �=.�. to Lcnd�r an Ihc dny manthly ptrymcnts n�e duc undcr thc N�itc,u��dl thc Nutc is pidd in Il�ll,n s►nn("f�u►id.r•")cqun tu �;`::--=.._-__=- <br /> `` � ` ' onatwelf4h iiC tu) Yenrly Inxes and nsseasmentr �vhich u�ay uttain prlc�rlty uver thiti Sccurily Ins�ruinenl; (b) Yl`Afly - __ -- <br /> - ,.=.. <br /> 3 - - lc.�schnld puymentti ar ground rent9 on the Peuper�y. iP any: i�l Y�orly hu•r.urd in9u�t►ncc prcntiunre; ulld (dl yt::lrly ;_ r rt_ <br /> 4�, - motig�ge i��suranee premium�,if'aa�y.Th��c Itcri►y are ci�Uc�9"cur�i�v itcnte." Lrndcr mny cstimi�te Ihe i'uud�duc un thc r - - -- <br /> I, _ _ � 6asis af curecnt d�tn nnd�ea�c�nahlc cstimnt�,w c�f future csErn�v items. __ <br /> `_ : <br /> ---=__-�:� ;7�L S"u��.t a s tt�!!t s:.t�::�i n a a i n a t i!�!!i�!►t h��1 c�+��v i t F o r u c c a u n t s u t w hich nrc imurCd ur gunr�ntcrd t�y a fc�lcrHl��r €Y� — <br /> "'`�'` ,. state ugency(itieluding�.cnder iP Lender is such nn institutinn), Leuder shall apply tlie I�unds tr p�y �he cycraw u��m�, �. _;r = _ <br /> 4� � <br /> I.ender muy not chn�ac far holding nnd applying the rundy,unnlyeing thc nra�unt ur vcrifying thc rsrm���itcmr,unles� _ <br />. ' L.ender puy�Hurr���ver inte�est�n tlie Funds und nppUcable li�w permus [.ender tu m�+ke such i�char�e Il��rrc�wcr nnd =:.`�-�* � <br /> l.cnder muy ngrcc in �vriti��thul intcrest tihal) 6c pi►id on the Funds, Unlesy un i►EZrcemcnt is mude�r uppUcubir lu�v <br /> � �cqui�u�intcrc�t ta be puid,l.ender�hnll ni�t bc rcquired lo pay[���rc��wcr uny imcrert ur c:irnin��an�he�undr. l.rndcr . _ - <br /> � shall givc to Qorrower,�v�th��ut churge,i�n annuul uccoundng of'the Funds showinA credits i+nd dcbi�s�o thc h undti und 1ha _ _ <br /> purpaso Par which each debit to the Fundy wc�s madc.The Funds aee plcdged as ndditiunul securiiy f��r the,um�s�curcd by <br /> '� this Secu�ity lnst�umen�. <br /> IP Ihc i�mount af thc Funds held by Lcrtdar,togctticr�vith thc futu�c munthly paYmc�i�:�°P FundS payi�blc prior tc� <br /> the due dutcs of'the cscrmv items,shall excced thc umouat required ta pay tne csc�o�v itcros whcn dur,thc ctc�ws shi�ll bc, _ _��� <br /> ut I3orrativer'g aptinn.c ithcr pr��mptiy rc puid�o Aor����vcr or crcdited to Aurruwcr on mu7thly pi�ymcnts uf F�u�ds.IP thc: �::�_,__, <br /> � �►mounl at'ihe�'unds held by l.cnder is nc�t su�icicnl to pi+y the�wcrow items whcn due,Hurruwer shnll pay tu Lender any _��. ._ _ <br /> umaunt nccessury tm m�ke up thc deficiency in one at'moro paymenis us required by L�nder. ". 4?--;�__,�- <br /> �;- <br /> ' Upan puyment in full oPiill sums secured by this Sccurity]nst�umcnt, Lendc�+hull prc�mptiy�efund to t3„�I:Ier ' .. � <br /> un y Funds hcld by l,endea IP under pa�agruph 19�he Pmperty is sald nr ucquired by l.ender, l.ender rhull upply. ; �� <br /> � ' than immcdintely priar to t he st►Ie o f t he Nroper ty o�i t s a c q u i s i d a n b y L e n d e r,u n y F u n ds hcld b y Lender at the�ima��t' � , ___ <br />� � applicution us�+credit aguinsl the sums secured by�his Security Instrument. � <br /> 3. AppUcatlon of Ppymeate. Unless applicuble luw provides atherwise,ull puymc�ts received by l.ender undnr - <br /> � � part►g�aphs I ui�d 2 shall be applied:flrst,ta lute churges dur under the Note;sccand,tu prep�yment chi��gcs duc undcr thc =_ <br /> Nate;third,ta i�mouat.r•p��yiible under pnragruph 2;fourth,tn interest duc;und la.r•t,to p�incipal due. ;..=-° <br /> 4. CAaracs;Liens, Unrrawcr shall puy uU taxes,assessments,churge�, flnc�and impositionx�utribut��hlc to ihc , }�_ <br /> •'�:,., !'rop�:rty whiah may uttuin p��rity over this Security Imtrument, and Ieasehold payme�us or gr��und rentr, iP any. . ;, I <br /> '�`�� Borrv�var shull ny thcsc ohligutions in thc mnnncr prnvided in paragraph�,��r iP n��t paid in that m�mncr,Borra�vcr shull ,.,,4.,, � <br /> :�,,r, �. P <br /> .`,�° pay them on time direcAy t�the person owed payment. Aar���wer xhi�ll pmmpAy fur�ish t��l.ender all notices al'nmountti =, <br /> , i�� <br /> ta be pnid undcr this ps+ragcAph. lf Barrawer mukes these payments directly,I�orrower rhnll pmmptly furni�h to I.endc:r � <br /> � receipts evidencing the payments. � �}�� ` <br /> � Barrow�cr shAll promptly discharge�ny lien which hns priority over this Security lnstrumcat unlcss Qurt'mver:(u) t� <br /> • • ' n�rees in writing ta the payment aPthe obligutian secured by the lien in a munner ucceptuble to Lender;(b)contests in good � � S; <br />- . . _ :;. , .,,. <br />- --- �- - ia;��a.�e{i�by,ar defends apainst�nf�rcement of'the lien in,Icgal proceedings which in th�Lcndcr's opinion��perate ta � . , <br /> L .� ��_ <br /> � pre�•ent thc enfbrcemcnt c�f thc licn or Porfeiture of uny purt uf thc Propert)�:or(c)secures from ihr italdai ttiF t�iG IiGii#!t 4 ' <br /> agreement satisfactury to Lender xub��rdinating the lien to this Serurity lnstrument, If'Lendcr dctcrminer thut uny part��f � ••,'•��,� ,„�^,,� <br /> the Pmperty iti subject to u lien which muy altain prioriry o�cr this Securirv�I h�rume�„ Li funh�ihu�e��ithin I�0 dnys � _��'.;�,� . . �`•'� ! <br /> --- — <br /> __ _ _ -- <br /> aotice idenlifying�hc lien,darrower shaii suii+iy ti�c ii���.:r ta.:::zn::=i s.•.:--• � - { ' <br /> . oPthegivingoPnaticc. ( . <br /> S. Hnutrd Insu�ance. Bo�mwcr shnll kcep the imprrn�emrntti now existing��r'herwlter crertcd rni the Pn�perty I <br /> � insured t►gainst loxs by flrc,ha2ards ineluded���ithin the term"extended coverage"and unS�other hur.ards far which�der i <br /> requirc.r• insur�ncc. Thiti inyuruncc shall be m�intuined in the amnunts and fbr thc peri�ds thut l.ender rcquires. The <br /> insuranee cu�rier praviding thc insurancr shall be chosen by Borro��•er subjret ta l.ender'ti appro��al which shnll not he � . <br /> = unreasanably withhcld. <br /> - ' A11 insurance policies and renew�l�.hall be ucceptahle lo Lender and.hull include u tit�+ndurd mor►guge cluuse. � <br /> ; � Lender shull have thc right ta hald the pnlicies und rene��•at�. If I.endcr require.,H��rru��•cr�hall pi umptly 6��'�<<'�-�nder i <br /> - aU reccipts oP paid premiums and renews�l noticcs. In the c���nt uf'loss,8i�rrnwrr shull give pmmpt natice to thc insurancc ' <br /> carrier s►nd Lende�.l.endcr mAy make pmuf ui'l�,s,if nc�t mude pmmpdy by H��rro���er. � ,.., <br /> Unless Lendcr and qarrmver otherwisc i�gree in writing,insuranrr pmceeds+hall be applied tr rcatoration or rep�.ir � ;;.;,,. <br /> ;�';• of the Yroperty damt�ged,iP the�estoralion o�repair is ecanomically fea�iblr and Lender's securii�•�s nat Ie�+ened. lf the , , <br /> " �� restorutian or repuir iti nat ecanomicAlly Peasihle or I.cnder'�+ecurity wc�uld be lesticned,che in.urance pn�cerd�shAll bc , <br /> applied tu the sums securcd by this Security lnstrument, whcther or not then due.a'i1�an)•cxcctis paid to[�urrower. IP i : <br /> aorrower abandans thc Praperty,or doec not amwcr within 30 dAys a notice f'rom l.endcr Ihut thc insuraacc carrier has i <br /> � offered to settlr u cluim,then l.ender may cullect thc insurance pmceeds. Lender may utie the praceedti to repai�or rertorc � <br /> the�roperty or ta pay sums secured by thi�Security lnstrumem,whethcr c�r not then duc.Thc�0-day period wiU begin � <br /> ��•Aci�ehe nrnice i�givcn. <br /> Unless I.cnder and Florro�ver rnherwi�c agrcc�n�ti�ru�ng,an>'applicalion uf pnkecd.i�,prinr�pal tihull nat r�c�nd ar i <br /> postpim��he duc datc uf thr monthly payment�rcfcrred to m parnFraph� 1 and 2 ur rhange thr am��unt i�f lhe pa)�mrnu. 1f <br /> undrr paragruph I')the Property ir acquired hy I.rnder,f3urri��v�r'ti riFht tu any intiur;inrr I,i,licirti and pr��cre�l,rc�ulttng <br /> Pmm dam.ige to thc Pr�,prrly prinr ti,the acquisitinn,hall pa��t„Lrndrr t�,thr ex�cni�,1',«ure�l h� thi,Sccurny <br /> Imtrumcnt immrdixtclp prtnr tu thc ucqtu�itii,n. <br /> 6. Yreservntion and�tuintenunce af Yroperty;I.cs�seholds. Harm�ccr.ha�l nut dc.troy.J�mage��r.ubstantially <br /> ' ' ch�nge the Pmperty, allaw the Ymperty tn deterioratc ar commil waste. lf thi+Srcurity lnstrumcnl i� un a lca�chold, ; <br /> .. _,.._ _ .._..,... .3 8orrex:�er sha!!comply wi�h�hc pruvitiions oi'thc lca,r,and if Ilorrowcr acquirc�fee ti�lc Io 1he Pmpert}•.the Ira�ehald und , <br /> fee title shaU not mcrge unlesti l.cndcr agrcc>cu the mr�Fcr in��ritinF � <br /> 7. Yrotectian of l,ender's Ri�hts in the Property: �1artFu�e Insu�uncc. lf H��rru�crr Pails to prrfc�rm the <br /> � cv�enunts and aFrrement�cumained in thi�Seruritp In�trument.ur there�,u Ir�al pmr�eding that m:q',iFniflcantl�•afl'rct <br /> Lender's rigM�in the Pruperty(tiuch a� a proceeding m hankruptcy. �rab:�tc. I��r c��ndemnanrn ��r to rnPur�e la�v ur <br /> .�,_ , regulatiun�).then l.endcr may do and pay fnr whalr�cr is nece�tiary tu prn►ec�thr�:ilue uPthe Pn�perty and l.rnder',nghtti <br /> ;M in thc Property. Lcndrr'.r actiunc may mcludc pay�inF any tium�.rcurrd by � lirn ��hirh ha.pnonn�rn�rr thi�ti�cu�ity <br /> �� lnstrumrnt.appearinF m rnurl.paying re:t+onable attorneyr'ferti and emennF on ihr Pmprrt�t�,mal.e rep:nr. Al�huu�;h <br /> I.endrr may take arue,n undrr thi�paragraph 7,Lend�r doeti nnt ha�c tn da,o. <br /> Any amuunt�di�hursed by Lcndcr undcr this raragraph 7�hall hrrnmr.�,ia����,�,:�i�i�n���r���,«<„��,�,•���«�i n� �t��. <br /> Secunt�•ln�trument.Unlrs�li�irn,wcr and Lcndcr agrcc to ulher tcrm.�,1'pa��mrnl.�hr,�am��uni,,hall hrar inicretit fnun <br /> the date �,f di�hurticmrnt :u thc Notc ratc and �h.ill he payahle. ��ilh inlrrc��. upon n��1i.•r fr��m 1 rndcr t�+ H��rn���cr <br /> requesting pa)�ment. <br /> � <br /> f <br /> d . <br /> � 1 . � <br /> �� ' �_ <br /> n __ _ _ __ -- _ <br />