. a:trt," r. - - ��Ci\C:-. �:�.:i:�, .. �':��.U`{iG!pi�,�z. 1\�5::. a \l 1 -- \�i . . -., .._ _.._,. __
<br /> �. -� -. �1� _ � , __�^"'\! _ �i';9`�'�.L-' -.. ., ..`�`', . . °•:�_'a`' -- - .
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<br /> �1. .�� -_ " ' ' _' . _ ' , ��i ' ._..... . _ " _ _ _��--_' � . _
<br /> ' l�`��F�dM�_�.._.'_'_"_...... �"'.. .-.��...i�.�...s..:'�3:.,.._.__.....�..�_. t..c��-�?� ��-r.a».Y,.-�.�--...::�i.]:-3""�'ri.°+2�L��1�RtE.-Ww-i"niam....�.ao.�......._._..._ __ -
<br /> . M.-. �ai. — �v+_.�y�-��
<br /> ::_��._�i���i�.�
<br /> -Y - - 9�� �Q���� _- --
<br /> _ �..�:�
<br />----=—;. �andcmiiadun ar uthcr tn�iu�;ut'aity p;ui��I'thr 1'nry,e�►y,ur Yur ruu�•r�•�u�rr 1��Hcu ut'.unile�tiimulun, un hcn by nrtiip;i���d ui�c� -- --
<br /> _? •} �liall hr putd tu Lrnd�r. —
<br /> ��.� .: In 1h� ev�'pl uf;� lutol l��F�in�: ul' Ihr I'��upouy. tlt� pr„ci�•dti ,rh;�ll I�e ttppii�d la Iht �unt+ ,rcun'd by Ihi, S�c'tsrlll' --
<br /> - � hnlrunt6 nt, w'I�rlhrr ur not Ihcn dur, with mry rxcr•• p;ild In I�uu•uwer. In Il�r r��r+u of al�un-ti�d iukl��Z;oi�Ihc Pru�xrly (n
<br /> .-. ,� •°�•�. whirh ilm t'nir murF�ct vidur ui d�c{'ruprr�y i��nnc�liu�rly ikluic ihc pikin�; i.r.quul ta ur�;rei�trr Ih�ai�hr:nuuunt uF tl����unt� -__- - ---
<br /> - - " h«ur�d hy thi�tircurity in,tnm�rnt inir�x�llatcl�•txl'ar� II�c tuAln±�.uut�ss tivrrr����r a��d I.r�id�eutinnriw�iyrcr In�rrUl�tE;. _- - -�--
<br /> �, � tl�e ,um� sc�umcl hy tEii�5ctiurit�� In.tn;mt��►t +{i�►11 he �•rdurrd hy thr�unuiuu ul'Ntc prn�•ce�l� nu�UlpUrd h}• �hr I�dl���vf��; - _ -- - -
<br /> -- ;',•;,_;�pp; (::)ih:t:rt:d:tm:r.!•t!••i il„� ���m.�r�•ured inn»alint4l��hei'ur�thc I:�I.in��.�llvl�l�J l�}•tbl II�� 1'nlr murk�l �'i►lut`u(l�1� ' ---
<br /> '"",f-s 1'��upcity imn�cdii►t�ly bcfu�v thr mking. Ai►y bal�mrc ,hull Ix p:�iQ lu liurru��cr. (n �hc ��eru►�►i'n ilciil{+i{ hiI�VV1b;�ti'Ih. � ��_ �._.. ---
<br /> '':�,t.-;.-. .. �. F*�a�xny in �vhlrh Ihc ii�ir tn+u�kct��uluc uf�i�e f'�'uperly immcdiutely Ixt'urr �hr In6mg iti Irr� �hm� !h� au►uunt ul'11�5• •�mt�
<br /> "-•`r ' : xc►oLd Imnm�llutcly bofuro Ihr inking. wArrs lion�uwrr unil l.rndcr uthe�•��i,c u�:ree In Nruni�t ��r unlcrti np�,ilrabl�' latv � -`"y�.__- ---
<br /> `_ . uthcr�visu pruvideti.�h�prucccds til�uli h�up�,li��d�u thr�wm,rrurcd hy�hi.Srrw•it}•hn�rum�n��sh�thrr ur uut th��,�nq►ru�' _•at� ,— -
<br /> ;�-�;.�;. Ihrn duc. � - =
<br /> „_.�.
<br /> , .. If�ho Prupcety is nhan�luucd by 1lurfu�ti��r,ur it�,uQrr n��dcr hy Lendci'l��i���i'1'nw�:r Ih.tt Ih��'�+nd�mqur ulli:rti tu IIti�M.r , _ _-_
<br />_== un:avur�l�►r�ct114 :t rluint ti�r duntuRC�.Hoi'r�,wcr f'��il�tu rc+pnud lu l.�nd�r withia;11 tfayti:ift��r II��d;�U:Ih�• nuticr iy�!i�cu. . �.�. �,:�;
<br /> _� l.end�r iti iiuth���izcJ tu cullc�t nnd :�pply lhc pruc�cd�, nt it�upliun,cilh�r w i�►1u��atian ur n pnir �►f It►r I'rup�rl) ur Iu Ih� '�' ''` a :
<br /> v , , � . sunts securGd hy this Securily I�i•�rument.tvhctlire ur nu{l6c'n dur. : ._�_,___—
<br /> = Unle:►5 l.oader und Bnrruwer��thetwir•u n�r�:e in wri�inh,uny applicatiou af pru�'ccQ.r to pr iitcipu l a ha l l nW r.x t�p d�►r =_•°_.__ - -----
<br />--_¢, , p,,.�pnnc ihr,du��lutc uf thc mumhly p;1Y111tittt5,►�i�IT4d t1�IIl pnra�;f't�E�il1 1 :nt�l�ur�'hanke�h�+inwu�u��f huci�1'�ti>'ni4;nt�,. - ___ --- _- -
<br /> �• ;�� ;�; ll. llurrnwcr Not Itcle��ycc�: hc�r4.c:�rut��e Ifv I.ender �lot u Wui�•cr, Eixtan,iun al'ih�� tinlc fur ��,�a'ipvnt �,r .�:.
<br /> :y�, • � ' O1lIlU�ll'llllOq Uf'i11111�1111.I1SIQ0�1��llll`�um��ccun:d hy this Sccuri��' ln�lrum��nt �tnque4l hy� l.andrr u� tmy �uc�;c:�ut{���nt�:ntit -
<br /> ` oi' Qmrowcr shull nt�t oprrate w ittra�c thc Iilibilily af thc urlginid Horru�ti•c���,r,k;u�7uw�:1'ti�.uc4w��ul'a hl 11�I41'C�I. l.cndc�• _-�_
<br />�•-� ,,. shull ni�t b� rcquired tu uummcncr pn�rccding� uguinst iiny ,ur�rtisur in int���e<t ur rafurH In cxt��td tlqt�• I��r.��nymcat ur ' -�_�.
<br /> = athcrwis4 modify anlordr.utiun ui lhr�ums sccur�d by thi�Securi�v In�irutncnt by r�;�sun a��q��y�tki�u4!til Il�i1t��',l�u.tt�q uri�,inid • __
<br />-° � pornnv�r ur Burruwcr��urcessiirs in intcresl. Any ti�rtkaranrr by l.cn�kr in rrcrcisin�;ui�a`:�'�Nht nr r�I1�c�tY,�lr<��!uut bc a , � ��'_
<br /> '.° wuivur ui'ur prccludc th�cxcrri�o ul'any i�ight or rca�cdy. . ..-'_ _.
<br /> ��
<br /> ' • 12. Succestinrs and ASSI}�ns Hound�Jolnt und tieverul I,iubility; Cu•tii�nerr, '('h��uvtn��?t5:�n���i1C.1'I:s'���������►f this . _;,;,=.�-�
<br />';�.��,. Sccurity Instrumcnt sh�tU bind und benci'it Ihr succr+sorr a�nd as,ipnr ol'l.rnd4r,ind I�ui�ruwor��ufUc.4� ����h�Ll�eu��lsions oi' ---
<br />�::�,. �, pn�ugruph 17, Bi�rro��•rr's �ovcnnnt� and npreemc��ta .hull bc.juint nnd .r��crul. Any Hurru�ver��•ha�:u.s,i����, Ihiti Serurity
<br />'�'�' Insu•umcnt but duc+n�,t rwcrutc►hc N�,te: tu)iy ca-�igning thia Srcuritp Inxtrum�'nt anly tu i��un�u;�e.�innt and c�mv�y thiu .
<br />�'�>• ` �'� Born�wer�intcrc�t in th��F'roprrt�•und�r thc t�rms oi'thi�Scrurity In�truntcat; lb)i.mu prr,unully ��hlipaucd tu pu�•Iho.wnti ' '� °
<br />�,'�._ : •;��;�1:.�y , �e�u��cd by Ihis Security I��slnutlunt; nncl Icl ugrces thiu I.�nilcr:uul an�uthur Norru�vrr muy u���c tocxtend. mo�lity.lorlxar
<br />';;._• °. ,
<br /> or mak� zmy .�ccununud;uiun� with r�g+�rd m �h4 tcrms ut'ihi� Srrtn•et� ln�,tnuncat ur �hc Nntr ��•ithuut �hu� Hun�uw�r� _;i
<br />�r,:. � con,cnt. � . . .�`
<br /> _ . l3. I.oun Chur�cs. If �hr. loun �rcurcd hy �hi, Sccurity Inruui��cnt i. �uhj�rt t�� u luw�rhich xt� mu�imum luan
<br /> . churgcr.�ind ihut Imv i�finoll� intui�,�r;trd�u thut Ihc intcra,t or�nhcr luun�har�c.callcrt���t ur to hc rc�llcrtcd in c�mnoclinn } ' :, < <
<br /> . `'',,' with the loan exrced�hu�,ermitted limi t..�hcn: (a l a n y,uch Io:ui char ge sli:dl hc raducrd hy the amuunt nerr,sw•y tu rcdur� I �.i� � .
<br /> ,.,
<br /> �•. .. , .
<br /> �-- • thv ch.tsgr it�!lic:�cR�i!!et!lisll!!:.i��d!hl,���,.•.wn+alreudv culluctcd frum Hw•rowrr which�xceedeQ prrmi�ted limi�r��ill hr ( •
<br /> ' ' ' . rcl'un�lcd tu Hi�rrc,wcr. l.cnda�'may rhi�u,c t�,makc thi:,culluul hy rc�lucin�th�prinripal u�ved und4��thc Notr ur by miii:in�,a �; - :�
<br /> � elircct puyment to Barro�war. If'a rrFund rcducr.prinuipnl, tha�vduciiun ��iU be treatrd►►�u p:miul p�tpay�nnnt without:�ny � �,:
<br /> prepnymcnt rhar�:e undur thu Nute. .
<br /> . ,,�
<br /> l4� IVUIICCti. HII}' {lt){14p {u Zipli�ii'rii j•i�:�i i�i',i �i:i' iiiif�:•'i �t��::f::`j I�i.tnmt�•nt �hnl� �t�•i�lt'a'.0 �lv 3clivcrinc il or by �_� __ _ `_-
<br /> , �.`.! m.�iling it hy t'ii:.t cla.•ma11 unlGr•i�pplicahl�I�i�v rc��uireti uti��of��nulhcr u►vtho�t.'fhe nutirr�haU hr dirctitcc!to thc Prrperiy �� . .: �..
<br /> ' Addresx ur:uiy �,ther ;�ddr�'�� fjorrcneer �Ic,i�nitt�,hy nuli�:�; tu l.ond�r. An� nolire ta l.cnder�hall ho�i�•en I�y 1'irst rlasti
<br /> • mnil to Lenderti uddre���tnie�i hurrin ur uny ulhrr a�ldl�;n�Lcnder drtiign:tlr�h�nutice ti�f�utn�w�r. Any nutice pravided t'��r ,
<br /> • in thiti Sectu'ity lnstrumrnl ,haU hu dccmr�i w h.i�a hden givcn tu Hurru��rr��r l.end�r ��•lun �:ivrn a. pru�'idcd in thi.r
<br /> ' � p.aai�;ruph. l
<br /> 15. Governinti I.t���•; tie�•erablUty. 'fhiti Scrurity Inst�•umcnt tihull hr govern�d hy t'c�kr.�l la�� :uid Ihr I:nv ut thr � '
<br /> , ' juri,dicdun in��•hich the Prupert}�i,liw:urd. In�he c��rni�h�u am�rruvitiiun ur clau,r ut'thi�Srcu�-it��lii.u•ument ur Uir Nc•te I
<br /> • ' Clt11t11C1ti'�Vilh i1�pUCilhle litw.tiul'h Cu1111iC1�hi�ll nul ul�iccl��I►i�1'���'o�i+lully t�t�ihl�,Serurity In�trumrnt rr thr N„u���•hirh ran �
<br /> - Ill' �;IVI'll C�ICI'1 WIIhPLII��ll'l'UIII�I�UIIl: �1f11Y1tii�Y.1. �il Ihi� rn�f thr pn�vi�iun,uf thi� Sccurity In�tnuncnt and Ihc Nutr arr -
<br /> declnrcd to bc sevcra(�le.
<br /> ' lb. Bo�ruwer'c Capy. Hnrn�w�r.hall hr�i�cn unc runfornmd cup�•��f thc Nutc;uui ul�Ihi�5ccurit�•In.t��umvnt. � '
<br /> 17. 'IYanyPer uP the Pruperty��r o�Heneiiriul Interert!n Hurro��•en It'iill or any par�ut'ihr Pn,�+eiy�•�x tmy intrrr+t in � .
<br /> . ,'�;,, �' it i+si�ld ur tr;�n,F�rrcd(ur il'a hc�rtirial intcre.t in Hurruwvr i, ,uld ur�r;nnicrrr�l ,ind Hurro��•�r is ne�t a n:uurul pe�sunl
<br /> . �,�::.�:" withaul L►:ndcri priur wriuen run.�m. l.cnd�r niay, ut il�uptiun,reyuirc imm4diiuc p;q�nwnt in t'idl uf�il) ,um�,rcurud hy ���•
<br /> ' � �hir Sccurity In,trtun�nt. Ilowevrr.thi,optiun;hall nut hr ryrrciud hy l.ondrr il'c�rrri.r iti �ruhihil�d by frdrral la�v ax uf
<br /> - ' thc dutc ai�Ihis Suctrcil} Intitrum�nt.
<br /> ' It'l.cndcr e�cn iw,thi.�,pliun.Lrndcr.h:dl s:i�r Harrrnrrr natiro uf accrkruliuli. Thr rnnirr.hall pri��i�l�u�kriud ut'
<br /> not Ietiti Ihan ip�uyx trom thc d;uc Ihr nolirr i.dcli��ered u�•m:�ihd��•ilhin��•hirh Hurr�,��cr mu+i pu>•ull,tnns�crurcd t��•this �
<br /> Scew•ity Instrwnent. If Hi�rru«rr liiil, lu pa�� ihr.r ,um, �ri„�� iu thr c�pirutiun nf thi. prria�l. l.rndrr may in��ukc any i
<br /> remedies prmiittrd hy Ihiti Srcurity lntitruniunt��•ithuut(tu�lher nuiire ur demanil un Harn,��cr. �:
<br /> 18. Hurru��cr's Ri�!ht tu Itcinstulc. If Hurro��cr mcct. crrtain cun�li�ion.. 1;„rr�����cr,I�all ha+•r th� right tu huvc ,
<br /> �nforcenicnt uf ihi.Sccuril�� Imlrumcnl di,runtinur�l at any limr priur tu th�r;u•li�r ot: I:u�da���l��r,u�h uthrr perivd :�, i
<br /> i
<br /> timcic Fannh--Fnnulc�fac:FreAdlc\U�c l VIPtIFi�l l�ti'I'Rl\1h:V l'..1'n�hmn Ca��•u.im• 9 VO ip,�cr a n/r�p����•,i �
<br /> � i
<br /> i
<br /> , ,�:,
<br /> -__ . - -•= a , .
<br /> , �
<br /> • '.i :�t .
<br /> � �
<br /> Mk
<br /> � 1
<br /> i
<br /> 1
<br /> . �
<br />� �,j . _.._ . ..
<br />