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<br /> '--�'..�..`,�.M.:�=. perludti thm l.cndrr rr��uires. 'i'i�� Inyurimco rt�rricr pnn�ldin;;�hr insurim.c.hiill tx choticn by lium»vor snhJect tu 1.endcr� -- - --
<br /> �--� - .
<br /> �.,.::_,,�;,.. +�ppravnl�vldch tih�dl not bc unrc,i�unul�ly wiihhcld. It'Nurruwer fnik tu mnint+iin cuvcrugc dr�crilx�d uhuvr.l.cndcr m;ry,nt =----
<br /> -� ,_�:,.;;.- l,rndcry uptiun,uhUds���uvrrul;u��,pr��tcct I.endcr�riHht.in I hr i'ru�xrty in ncci,rdanrr�v i d�pnrag�•a��,h 7. ��,�
<br /> -_ - - ---_ - All In�u►'+�n4c pulicic�mul r��tc�vals shidl bc iicccptnblc la I.�ndrr i�nd�h��ll it�riudc i��tunitnrd mor�ha�;;c cl.�u��. Lr�idcr ��,� �
<br /> - �IUIII Ili1Vtl lI1C PI�III l0 N1tIt)II14�11tIIl'Il`�t11ltl Il'llt'Wl1I'�. IF I.4ndce rcquin:s.Hurr�n�er+hnll promplly�tivo tu Lrndcr r�U reccipts � ,_- :�„_
<br /> _ ',� ��t'p�id premiums nnd mnew��l��oti���, I�i�Hu uv���t ul'1���.,,H��ri•u�vcr st�nll Fivr piti,m��l uu�h�to tl�r in.uruncu cm�•icr und � �--.-.
<br /> l.cnd�r. t,cncicr m�iy m;�kr p�rmt'oF lasti if'not mcttic p���ni��tly hy l3orrwvrr. � �
<br /> - .- � (i�t(rti�i.enurr t►�iu 3u�uiwci ui{���L:is:aFr��tR:;'C{t4tt�!.!tl�t►t'!titt•,��r�M•r�vk�:h:dl hu ttt�4�llCd tu e�til�t1'ullull�)I'f�p:�ii'l�f � _
<br /> � '. � � ihu ihi�k�ony dumug«I, if tho �sturntiim ur n:pair i� econumicully Ccuti�hlc tmd i.onit�rs �.crurity is nut les+cn�t1. If Ihc ,- '�— -�----
<br />-_-_ • - ._ retit�mtitiun ur itpalr is nul rc�,i�u�.�lcully fciisihlr u�' I.cndcr\ s�curUy ���uuld 1�` I�+se�ud. Ilte insur;►n�c pmrcrd, +haU be .��_�o_r-:==- --
<br /> �� , upplicil �u Uie sums scan•cd hy tNlti Scc�n•I�y Inxuunion�. whc�hrr ur nut th�n duc, �vith imy cxccyti puid to Hui�eu��4r. li' -;, � ,�.��:G_
<br /> "'�= . Hrn'ruwcr uhundiro� thc �'uperty. ��r d���� nul antiwrr wilh�n �0 duys ;� nuticc t'runt l.cn�l�r tltut Ihu insur►►ncc�utric�• hn+ ��`� � t �
<br /> °�' oficrcd tn sculc a cli►im, Ihcn Lrndcr may cullcct thr insuruncr prurcedti. Lcndrr muy u+c thc procccd,to rup.iir ur rc+turc . ` - �.,� ,E �,
<br />;p�:• ` thc Nn,{kny ur tu pay sumx sccurc�l by ihi.r•5ecu�ity Imirumrnt,whcthcr ur nullhcn duc. 'I'hc ill-di�y periud�vilt boNin when = �:i�,_t:
<br /> -'�. • �hc nuticc iti givcn. l ��
<br /> Uulrss l.end�r und I�un•owc�•uttt�r�vitic a��,rcc i�i �vritin�,uny i�ppliratiun ui'pr��rccdx ta princip:d sh:ill nu�rxt�nd u� •,s�� .
<br /> �- o�t mc Ihc duc diUC��F thu ntunthly paymcnt�rofcrr�Q t��in p;�r+i4�:�ph� I nnd�ur dumgo Ihc umuunt of thc paymcnts. If - �� � �
<br /> �� N : �
<br /> :1' � undrr parug�uph 21 ihc f'rnpcny ix ucquircd by L�ndcr, Hurru�rrr� ri�;ht tu uny inruruncc palirics :uid prurcrdx rreuiting . ' "��`
<br /> �_- tl�i�m d:mu�gc to thc 1'roperly priur ta thc lici�uisitiun shull pax�tu l.ctidcr t��thc cxtr�U ��F�ha tiunts scrturd hy this Sccurlty -. ,,.;�'aa=.,
<br /> '' ' : , Ins�runtcnl itnmcdiiitcly prior t��Utc ncquisitiu». - i'� '
<br /> �=� : 6. 1)rcupane,r. 1'reservuUaa. Ms�intenunce nnd 1'ratection oP the Praperty; Hurru���er'w I.uan Ag�ItciUlun= . .��;�3-=--�-
<br /> - ?�--- .
<br /> ,�,�- .� ` Lca�scholds. l3arr�xver shidl uccupy,�,tul�li�h,and u,�.lhr P�r,perty u.r•Hurru«•cr ti prinripul residencc a•ithin sixtv duys ul'tcr !:l�',":
<br /> . the�:xeculion of�lhis Srt'u�ily I�lytn�ntent und shull cuntinuc!a utcupy thc Pruperty a�x 13orr�,�ver±principal rr�i�l�ncu fur lU ��'
<br /> it..ly�
<br /> ' . I Ictlst onc ycur uitcr Ihc datc oi' acrup:►nry, unlrss Lcndcr uthcrwitic u;;r�es in wrilin�:, �vl�ich ruu�rnt �hall nut bo + f +_�_ti
<br /> � � uiir�iir�ii��ihly�vithhelil,c�r t�itic�ti�xtett�i��lii�g�ircwntitunces oxitil whirh ure bcyund Hurm�F•cr�runu�ol. Bi�rru��rr tihtiU nut �
<br /> � dc,truy,dumngc or impuir thc 1'��upci�ly,:dla�v Ihc F'roperty tu dctcriu�atc,ur commit wu.�c un Ihc Propcny. Hurru�vcr shall '�f
<br /> • he in det:�ult if.my i'arfeiuuc nction ur prcx�eeding,whether rivil��r criminut,is hugun th+�t in Lcnderk�;aud fi�Uh judgmcnt �
<br /> - could re�ult in ti�rf�itw•� nf tho Properry ur ath�r�aitic mi►trriully impair thc licn rruutcd hy thi� Sccurity Ins�runicnt or .: . ``.�-
<br /> Lrnder�s�curi�y interc�t. t3arruwer may c�n'e such u def'nult imd reinstnte,liy pruvidcd in piu:�gruph 1S,br•cau�ine thc arliun _
<br /> „ ' ur pru�ccding t��he dismi�yeci�vith ii ruling�hi�t,in l.rnder'ti guud tliilh dcte�yuinutiun.��r�rludex t��rt'ritui�r rt'tlzr i3on•��wcr: � :
<br /> • intem.t in �he 1'roperty ur whcr nu�tcriul impuirment rf thc lien crcuted by �his Sucuri�y Inurumm�t re Lrudcr'. scruriry I ,..
<br /> � interes�, Hon•uwur ahull i►Isn hr in dc1'uult it Bonu�vrc, during �he I��:m ;�rnr���u�,�, �����,«••. ri��e mutrrialh t:�l�c ur ;
<br /> ini�ccur+i��iofi�rmaUion or+tatcmctits tu lxndcr lur failcd t��pruvidc Lcndcr with:uiy mi�icriul inti�rmatirnl in�rnneclion��•ith ' � ;.
<br /> thc laun cvidcnced hy Ihc Natc, including, hut nut limitcd lu, roproticututionti run�crqing 13urro���r: r�cu��.mcy nt' Ihc j
<br /> . pn�perly as it principal rc.idrnrc. lP�hi�Scruri�y Imtru»tent ix on��Ic,i.chuld,Hueruwcr tihull ramph•«•ith all t'�c pruvi.iunti j
<br /> ut'thc Iciisc. If Qorn�wcr arquirrs fcr titic ti,�hr Prop�rt�,�hr Iruxhuld and thc fvc titic xhull n��t mrr,,c uiilcs.Lrndor.��;rccz �� ,!;
<br /> ,�� tu thc mcrgcr in writing. � ,`
<br /> �=-. �----- :. rr82ectlon uF L�::sl:.r'� !:l�tt:: 's:: lls� !'roper�v. !!' H��rruwrr f:�ils u, lx;rfarm thr co��enam� ;uid :�grecment. - - "
<br /> ' '� • cimtiiincd in this Sccurity InsUUmcnl. or thrn is u Icgul pri�crcdin� that mi�y yigniiicnndy aftrct Len.icr: ri�;ht+ in thr � �, `
<br /> '� ;�,;�`` , �� Pra}xrly l�uch as ii pr�x:4cding in bi�nkruptc�•,pr��botr,frn�condcmnatirn or t'c,rfciuu•c ur tu rnfurcr l:i��.„r regulationsl,thcu
<br /> .
<br /> Lcnder muy d��and pny tur ��•hcuevcr is ncre,.iu�y tu p�ulcrt Ihc �•:�lur �,f the 1'ruprrty und Lrnder'>>i,:hts in Ihe Pr��prny.
<br /> __ . .. ,: .�: ��.. .��,;,c.,.•��r».• L,.�rumcnt.:►uoci�rin•= --_-_- -
<br /> - — :. �.. �..::.,.;._.:�., .....! _ , __
<br /> -- Lenderk acU�ms nwy In�tuitc p�ymg:1��'�Utll>>ectncu vj i�ncii:: �•••••••� t.•_ f
<br /> . .. In c��un,paying i�cusonublr uuurncyti'icrs and cntrriug�m d�r Prup�ily to makc ropui��+. AUhuugh l.cndrr ma�•►ake uction � . _
<br /> under thiy par;igr;�ph 7,l.cndur duc��tul harvc la du+u.
<br /> Any amoanh �ii+hurxcd hy Lr�idcr undvr thiti purugi�+�ph 7 shtill bccumc addi�i�mul dcht �,f Brrru�vcr ,ccure�l by thiti 4
<br /> . Sccuriry Intiu•umcnt. Unlc.s Horru�eor und l.cndrr u�;rcr tu uihrr tcrm��,f paynunt,tlictic:un��unt,.hall hc.v intrro+t 17om thc I
<br />• d�tc nf dish�uscmcnt+it �hc N�nc ratr und yhiill tx payahlc, ���ith intrrrtil. upun nulirr tYunt l.cnd�r lu Hurruwcr rcqur,ting .
<br /> , � pu}•ment.
<br /> ti. Mort�a�;e lnsuri�ncc. If Lcndcr rc��uire�l murtga�c in,w•unrc a, a rundiliun nt'mi�king thr luun ,crured by this
<br /> ' Securu Instrument. l3uuuwer .hall pay the pmmium� rc�{uind tu nu►intain thr murtpugc imurance in rlfeot. If. tl,r airv I .. .
<br /> Y
<br /> ... rcaxun, thc mungugc insurimrr cuvcr:►zr rcqwr�d by Lrndcr la}„c. ui c�ii.r. tu hu in �ff�rt, f�urmwcr .hiill p.q� t ir
<br /> . prcmiun�s rrquircd tu ��hu�in ruvcrugc .uh,limlinlly r��uivalcnt ti� Ihc murlgag� in�ur;inr� prcvi��u�ly in �1'fcrL .0 a cust
<br /> ,uhstuntiully equivulent to�hr ru,�tu R�n•rawcr ut'the murt�:a�:c in,ur:mro proviou�ly in efl'cci. t'rum un uUcrna�r murtgupc
<br /> in.un:r approved hy l.rnder. 11'.uh�t�mtialty eNuivulrm m��r��ugc in.�n�ance c�,v�mgr i,nut�rvuilublc. Hi�rru�vrr shull puy tu ,
<br /> ; ' � [.cndcr cach num�h:i,um c��ual tu i�n�-Iw�ll'th ut'Iho peurly nuul�.u�r in,uranrc prcmium hcin�, p,iid hy Burn�wcr whrn�hr
<br /> imuamcc ciwem�c lap,cd ur ccaticd tu h�in rffrci. L�ndcr«•ill urrrpt,u.c and ntuin�hctir��il)'111CI114 ilti a k,�.rc.crvu in liru
<br /> of tnongage insurimcc. l.u�. rc,crvc p.�ymcnls m;q� nu lun�;rr hr rc��uircd. at Ihc nptian ui Lrn�kr. if mrrtza±�r im�n•anrc I
<br /> coveruge(in th�;unount iind t'w� th� perii,d thi�I l.rn�ler re��uiretil pru�•i�lcd hy:m in,tu'rr;�ppm�cd h} l.rnder:icain brcomr,
<br /> ms�ilublc und is i�bluincd,[�urro��•cr�hi�ll p,ry Ihr prvmium�mquirrd�i,muin�;un nx,��tiaic i�nuranre in cl't'�r�.i�r tu pruvidc a
<br /> lu�s reservc,until�hc r�quir�mrni I'ur muri�;ai�r in�uran�•c�nd� in acrurd;inr.��•ith am ��ritten:rvicemcn� Ixt��cen H�,rru�vrr � ..
<br /> mid l.cnder ur upplicnblc lua•. �
<br /> . y. InspecUun. I.cndrr ur it. �iernt ma�• mal�� r�a,i�nuhlr rnlrir� upan;nid in.E,�rtiom ri thr Propoily. Lrndcr.haU �
<br /> givc[�i�rrowri�nuliru at Ihr tint�uF�tt prinr n,cui in,prcli�,u.prril�•in;:rea•�,nahlr rau,r Irr thc in.pertiun. '
<br /> 10. Condemn�iUun. '1'I�c��nxr«Iti ul�an� u��.iril i,r rlaim f��r�I,uuae�..dirrrt oi run.�qurnual, in rimn�r�iun �vilh any .
<br /> • �m�l��I,nml}••Fannic�1a�NPrcddlc\I��e t'�IFllk\t l\�1'RL\Ih:\(-�llwrrro C�.�en.m�, V:90 i�"�tr+�•�r�p�ier.�
<br /> - Gu•,M1 I.ikr..Nnrinev 1�am�.Inr �
<br />� . 1-o Wdcr f,dl I�IIUTAi.11tl�.t��,t'�F\\b16•7!1141.11
<br />-- --�'-- "-_:---.�-.-.:-�...,�
<br /> : � �
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