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<br /> ' "':. . , nppUcnblu Imv muy s{xclfy f��r rciny�nicmenl)Iwfure tinlu uf thc 1'r��{►crY Pariu;►nt to nny ��nv.�r c►t's�lo cut�iul�tcd i�t ihfs ---
<br /> '°�� � ' Sccuriry Insirument:��r lb1 enl►�y��f a Judp�urnl�mfbrcin�;lhly��curilv Inslrumenl, Tiwxe candiNunti neu Ihnt Ilc�remver: ln)
<br /> `�� p;►yv l.endor idt sunis �vhirlt Ihen �vuuld he duo under Ihtq Sccurity II1tiUUlill'lll WIII Illl` Note nti ii'��u n�ce1crnUun had ----
<br />_� -" '� . a«ur�rd;tb1 cures��ny detuuU ui'w�y otl�cr r�wcnuni���r ugreeutenlst(c)pnys nll exExnti��s(ncurred In cnti�rclnN�h{ti Securily .�__�� ___- _.----
<br /> .�-- __':__ _ �►strua��t�t, ir�cht�ing, L•ut n�ri lintitcd tu,reii�onublc nttomuys'fc�y; und (d) Inkc. such nrainn n+ Lrnder ntiay mi�N�nahly _
<br /> _--_ � ��' - n�+�ui��t�:,ssura th�u thc lirn uf Ihiy 5ecurily tnMtrament.Lendrrk rittiif�ii�t{w Pro{u�riy u�id 8ar�wcry c�Nii�ailo��Ia��ay tiw =_ --
<br /> �'` � ���mc wr.�:uced bv titis tic�url�y In�irument .r•hnU continuc un�hangecl. UExn� rciit��i�tentent t�y l�ortnwcr. �I�i� Scc�uilp _ ..
<br /> .-
<br /> -_-�
<br /> �.�� . -� ,- in,�n�mcat and ti�c ut�{i�utiuns sccnre�s neceE�y shull�r�u:,1��tutt!:cff:.t:e4:�y iF m,ni•��nlcr�tiuit hucl u�curnd. Ilnwcvrr,thi� i= ,—...�__... =—
<br /> 4�x� . right to rcinrtntc�hull nat npply in thc ci��u of i�ccrlcrutivn undcr parugr.�ph I'T, � _� �
<br /> °= 19. �nie af Noh:ChunHc��P l,unn 4crvicer. '1'ha Nute or��p+�rliul intrrcyt in Ihc Nutc UoN�dicr�vNli Uds SccurUy --- �_
<br /> �'� InstrumenU miiy he�old on���r m��rc Umc.r• v�ithout priar mnica in s��nowcr. A .r•iilc mny result i��n chmitic in Ihc entily �,4 �
<br /> (known ns thc"l.aun 5crvicur")th�+t coliccts monthly pi►yuicnts duu undcr thc Nutc und�hi�Sccu�i�y Instrnmenl. 'fhcrc nlso �4 �y__��,_„�-
<br /> ��� .`. muy bc nnc or morc ch�mbcti uF►hu Loim Scrviccr unrcliucJ a�a►ti`�lc ol'tlic N�'��h 14 ubuvr n►uih��n Ir+�hle�law��'�I'hu nuli�:c ��j ,��—-�`'-�'
<br /> i� Nc�truwer will hc given wriuen nutice��t'the ahun�4e in uca�rilau�� with para yr,p I , `�° � a
<br /> ":, }�"� �1� 7-�
<br /> � will stntc thc nz►mc nnd uddrcss of the nu�v L.o�►n Sarvicor und thc i�ddre�y tc�which 4�uymm�ts�h��ulQ bc mudc. Thr noUcc will .
<br /> � � nl�a amtuin nny other information required by npp Ucub lc luw. ----�-� -; :� �
<br /> .�':�'',' -.
<br /> 20. Haznrduu9 Subytunces. Brnrowur hhsll not causc ur pemiit the presencc,use,disp�►suL stnrnea��r i�el�asa uf nny � _ �__��
<br /> �LL_ . Hnzu�dauti Substunce� on �r In the Pri�perty. 6orro�vwr shnll not dn, nor ulluw nnyunc clsu tu du, nnythin�!uffacting thc 4 - -
<br /> ` E'rop�:rty chi►t is in violation��f any F:nvir�mmentul l.uw. The preceding t�vo sentenceti�hall not apply to the presance,usc.ar . �,:.��_�
<br /> �• staraf;a an thc 1'ropeny of timull yuuntitle.r•of Hnzn[daus Substunces that ure gcucrully reco�;niicJ to he uppmprinte tu nonnal �.�;,,;,, •
<br /> ' resiacnti�l uses c�nd to m�iin�cnunca of ihc Propcny. • -
<br /> i�o�rowc�shull pramptly giv�L.endcr�vriucn notico oF uny invcstigution,cluim,dcmund,luwsuit or othcr�►cti�n hy i►ny �; ��
<br /> � governmcntnl or reguliuory ngency or privi�tc ptury involving the Prupchy +u�d uny Har.urdaus Substance or Gnvir��mncna�l --
<br /> . . �� ..�_
<br /> L.iiw uf �vhich 8nrrower hiiti a►ctuul l:nowledge. lf Borrmver Ieurns, ar ia notificd by i►ny gavernmentul i�r regulntory �=�_----
<br /> , � authoriry.th�u uny remavid or othcr remecflutian nf uny Haza�dous 5ubstiu�ce affecting the Pruperty is neccy�ar�,Borrowcr , . ____
<br /> �� ' .r•h��ll promptty a�ke idl necessnry remedial uctions in iicc��rduncu with Environmentul L;�w. .. : , .-
<br />:. , . r\s useQ in this pnn►yaiph?_0,"Hu•t.urduus Subytance�'nn:thusc suUsu+nces defined iis toxic or hazurduus su6stunces hy , __�s
<br /> ' Enviranmental Law uod thc following subrtimce.r•: gusalina, keroscne,��ther tlimnni�blc or tnxic petmlcum products,loxic '
<br /> � pesticidcs and hcr6icides, v��l�uilc solvents, matcriuls cantuining us6cstus or fonnuldehydc,anQ radiuuctivc mi�te�ials, Ati
<br /> , uscd in this pari�graph 20,"Enviranmcntul Liiw"mcans fedcral luws und luwti of thc jurisdictian�vhcrc thc Pruperty is locutcd T
<br /> thut relutc to heidth,spfety��r environmenti�l protcetion. . , '�
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrowcr und Lcndcr 1'unhcr a�venimt tmd ugrec uti follows: '
<br /> 21. Acceleruttan; Remedles. Lender yhuil uive aolice ta eorro�ver prtor ta sccrierudan i'otlu�vin�; Burrower's ! . t i
<br /> bmNUCh of nny covenant ur u�reement in this 5erurity lnstrument lbut nnt p�lor tu accelerution under puru�ruph 17 n
<br /> m
<br /> unles.9 uppitct�ble law provides otl�erwisel. The natice sh�ll speciPy: (t�l the dePi�uN:lb)Ihr actian reyuired to cure the .}.
<br /> f
<br /> defAUlt; (cl a dAte,not le�.v thun 30 duys i'ram ihe dute thr nutice ic�iven►o Rarro�ver.by which the dePautt must be '
<br /> �.
<br /> � cured:�+nd ldl thut i'ailure to cure the dei'uuU im ur befaee fhe dAte spt�i�ied In the notice may result in uccelert�don oF
<br /> -- _ - -- '
<br /> ' ihe Sums secure�l by this Security instrumeni r���suiz of ih$°rise-�slti• The s�u!!cN'hv���Lrtber inPurm liarra�ver of r
<br /> �;?:•
<br /> the right to reinstutc ufYer i�cceler�tiun und the ri�ht to 6ring u rnurt i�cUun to assert the nun-t�xistence of u dcfuult��r � t
<br /> •��" Any other dePense of I3orro�►•er ta ircceleruUon und si�le. If the detiiult iti nut cared un or bePore the dute speciiled o
<br /> „ .:..,.. •..
<br /> .•; ment in Pull uPall sums secured by this Securitv Insirtonent .�., ' '
<br /> ---- � !�p s!e!+.�p,!p�!!!�r u�Icv oQtiun may reuui�e immedi�te puy � !l�Qhlp �pw �
<br />. _ - __ _ _ ._.___..._.. _ ,
<br /> w{thout tt�rthe� dcmund and muy iovoke the power or qnte una amy U1�ICP fC111C1'�Ir� �r:r::tle� b, s�� _..__ ___ •� �_�—__ �
<br /> Lender shull be enNded to cullect r►11 expenseti incurred in purcuin� the remediev pruvided in Ihir pura��t�ph 21. � .
<br /> � Includin�,but nat Umited to,rcasonable uttarnevy'fees imd cutity oP title evldence.
<br /> lf the power uP tiale Is invuked.7rustee sh�+ll recard i��oUcr oP defnult in each county in which uny pi��t of the
<br /> � Property Is tuci�ted und shull muil coples of such nutice in the mun�er prescribed by applici�bl'�+ustee�huU};ive pubUc �
<br /> the other pe�sans presc�lbed by upplici�ble I�iw, After the time required bv iippUcable lu�v,'
<br /> noUce af sule to the persuns und In the m�+n�cr prescri6ed by appHcuble I�w. Ihustee,�vithout demund un R��rrower.
<br /> shatl setl the Praperty u1 pubUc i�uctG�n to the hi�hest bidder ul the Ilmr.u�d pluce nnd uader the terms desi�nuted in i
<br /> the noticc as sale in une or mure panels und in i�ny urder'llru,tce deteruilnes. 'll�ustcc muy pustpanc si�lt nf ull nr uny i
<br /> � purcel of the Praperty by public unnauncement u1 the time i�nd pluce uP uny previausly ticheduled sule. l.ender ur its i
<br /> •,� designee mAy purchASe the Pruperty ut i�ny sale. ,
<br /> ��`�'"` Up�m receipt uP payment of the price bid� Trust�t shull dPliver to the purchuser'ilrutitee's deed cu���cyin� the �'
<br /> :,� Property. The recltids in the 7lrustee's deed shull be prima Pacie e��idence us the truth�►f Ihe ytatements made therein. ��', •
<br /> 'Ihustee shull apply Ihe pr�►ceeds of'the sule in the Polla�vin�order: lul lo aU cotitti und expenses��P exerciyi��;lhe po�ver i
<br /> � I
<br /> �
<br /> ,
<br /> i
<br /> .,: �
<br />__ , _ ; ,
<br /> � t E'armsU2N 4iR0 ipa�rt,��r���dtr��
<br /> _ ,_..- —.- _ _ .i , ,
<br /> �. �, .
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