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<br />- " - � .i d��1.-�,1 .--_-,_._— - . — -��J � . —
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<br /> [-;-.. .c.ar.- .. . .. . _.����.
<br /> �,��-��_ t��"„'�' �,Q�29� � _ �____� -
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<br /> '!'UGI�I'Ii1�R�VITH nll thr improvcmrnt+ no�e�n hcr�ai'tcr rrcctcd on thc�ru�uy. +md uU uis�u�rnt��,appurtcuiinccy, �_�.- - -
<br /> �_rt_--:-�; -
<br /> "'r`'� "' nntl fix�ures n���v ur herc�dtcr n purt ot'thc p�v�x�rly. All rcplucrmr�ds and nJdiNm�ti sh,�U ui;u hc�avc►�e�t hy ihis Srrurity �_91 -
<br /> ' ...._=
<br /> �TY+ ' In,iiu►ncnt. All af�ho i'u:c�;oinl;i�refc�ytid tu lie this Sccurity Inru�unciU n+Il�r"1'��uFirrry." -
<br /> �� [IOlittU6VE31t CuVt:NAN'1'ti thtu lfun'tia�+:r ir I.n��fully sci+cd��f l►tc estutc hcrcby 4unv��yc�1 antl ht�s thc rlgNl lu�,�'unt � �� =-
<br /> ��.'� - nnd remvey lhu Pr�,perty iut.t that tho 1*rc�prrty iti uuenrumh�r�:�l,exc�pt eor cncumbranec+a4'recur�l, t1ur�•a���er�vnrn+nty nnd �� r - ----.
<br /> ` � � - -
<br /> �._:..... wiU dePetxi grikrally ttu:titte to U�e Prc�pertY u8�+inst�+11 clnimti and demunAs.suhj44t t��uny en�tnnhrnncrr ui'i�c��rd. �_ _
<br /> _- ,.- � 'CHiS SECURI'1'Y INS7'P.l�MfiNT rumhinc� unlPorn� covaniu��+ fur n,�tiunal u�c a�u.l nuu•u�iif��rm ca�enant.r• �3itN � .�-- _-
<br /> — - - ii�►iiiiu��.:iui.Q:t:�h}',����•i�dirU�m to cunsUtut►�a unif��nn sccuriry intih•umcnt cuvc�in�real pruperry. � __ - __ __
<br /> 'rt � UNIFORM COV�NANTS. t3on•wvcr imd Lendcr covcnam und n�rcc ii»fi�Uuws: = i-�: ' �t� 3
<br /> � ; � 1. i'uyment uP Ft9acipul und lntc��st;Pre��itiymeM und Lnte Churl;cv. Nurra�v�:r sh+►11��rumptly pay �vhen�fur Ihc � - _. _
<br /> - principal of nnd Intcrest��n U�c dcbt cvidcnrcd hy thc Notc►�nd+n�y p��cPuymcn�nnd lutc chiuN��du�u�id�r tiic Notr. �`y ,,.,'
<br /> �!� Z. Funds Pur'll�xeg nnd Insurnacc. SuhJcct lo npplicablc Ittw or tc+:��vrittcn wnivcr hy l.rndvr,t3u�ruwrr tihnll � t�� .
<br /> � ::., I..cndcr an thc Qny montldy pi�ymcats uro d��c undcr thu N��tc,wuil thc Nutc is paid In t'ull, u�um C'i�undti')1'ur: (a�)ycurly , .
<br /> � - taxe,and.�ssessm4nts which nutiy attiiin prioriry over this Security Instrument u�n licn�►���h�1�'nIx�NY��h►Y�i�rly I��nsch��ld _ ,
<br /> ,�a,.� , . pnymentF ur 6i�uw�c1 r�nt�; un the F'ruperty, it' i�ny; (c) yriuly hiunrd ur property iu�urnnce premium+; id) yeiirly tlood . . . .
<br /> =;�;L' insurance pi�:mium.r. if nny: (e) yea�ly m�ate;eL�v intiuriuuc pmmiums, if any: and lil uny ,un»puYnhlc hy Norrowcr W
<br />`�"::; � l.cndcr,in accordancc�vith Ihc pruvisiuns ��i��raltr:►ph R, in licu uf thc pi�y�m�m ot murlgufic insuranr� prcmiums. Thesc . .
<br /> r..._ . .
<br /> ,.•,;1�, items ure ciilled"�scrmv Items.' l,ender ntay.+U i►ny tinw.cullcet nnd h��ld�unds in un:miuunt nat tu excecd thr muximum , •�'-s��`
<br /> : ;.:,.. umoimt ii lcndcr far u fedrrally eel+ncd mongugc Ic�un miiy r�quiro tor Rurruwrr� escraw +iccaunt undcr th� federol Rcul ,
<br /> ;;;�°•• Esti�to Scalanent Procedure�Act af 1�7a�►s a►mended tYnm timc tu�ime,1'_'U.S.C. ti?6U1 r�sry.("RCSPA"l,unles.r•unu►hcr . �i,�, :
<br /> luw t hn t u p plies t�,thc Flmds sets ii Ic,scr i�maunt. 1P so,i.ender may,iit imy timc,collcct und hold Fundti in nn+►niount nut tu . ' �4��-
<br /> oxcccd tho tesscr umount. l.endcr may cstimatu thc iimaunt oP F1►nd� duc on thc b:►s i� i�f rurrem dnti►iend reusona�hlc � �,i�_
<br /> �' csdmnces��F c�pcnditures af futu����scrow ltcros or��thcrwisc in accordimcc wiU�npplic�iblc law. � '; ,;_
<br /> � �
<br /> � Thc tZ�nd�vhu11 bc tteld in un institudan �vhasr depozity urc insurcJ by i► fedcrul ogcncy,instrumenWUly, or cntitv i . _�n,+
<br /> ' (including Le.n:9cr.ii l.endcr is such i�n in�tiu►tian)��r ia:my Fcdcri�l Humc l.oun Bunk. Lcndcr shnll i�{�ply Ihc f unds to pay , ��_
<br /> � dio Escruw lce�i�c. Lencier mi�y nat churgu 8anowcr t'or holding nnd i►pplylnb thc Funds, annunlly l�ni�lyrinu Ihe e�cmw , ;�.�a,,.
<br /> account, ur verii'ying the E�crow Items, unless Lender pi�ys Bon�wer interest ��n the FiuiAr und upplic;ihle luw permi�s � . ..
<br /> • Lender to mnt�e such a charbe. Na�vever,Lender miry require Burro���cr to puy u onc-dme churge fa• un independen�re�d ;_,h�
<br /> ';� estnte tax repu�iing servicc a�cd by Lcndcr in connectian with this loan,unless upPlicitble It�w providcs utherwisc. Unless un �
<br /> ugrcemcnt is a���1e or up}�licaiblc li�w requires inwrest to he paid,Lcndcr shc+ll not br rc��uired w pay Horcawcr emy interest or �_.
<br /> curnings an Ihe Fl�nd.r•. 8on�►�wcr iind Len�icr mi�y t�gree in wridng,howcvcr,ih.►t inurest shall br pi►id on thc Funds. Lcnder
<br /> •. shnll give to B���rowcr,without rhar�;c,un unnuul c�ceounting of thc Funds,xh���ving credit� i►nd debits w thc Nl�nds und ihc �•
<br /> , . �``.,; purpase far���hinc�i�ch dehit to ihe FUnds wo�mtida 'fhe Funds.►re ��icdged us udditionnl securit}• f��r aU sums securcd by � �
<br /> • this Securit}•lnsirumcnt. ;
<br /> If the hl�nds held by l.ender exceed �hc umoun�s permitteci to he held hy applic��ble I:+�v, �.ender�hall accounl to �
<br /> BmYO«•er ti�r thu excess Funds in uccordunce with the ir��t►iremenis uf aPpNcaMe lc►a'• �f th�iinme+nt ui thu Funds heid by �
<br /> '� Londcr at any time is not .ufficient ta pay the Esrru��•ltems when dua L�nder niay xu notify 8orrawer in�vritin�,.�nd, in �
<br /> -- - __ �uch rase F�orsuwer �hnii pay to L�nder ihc .s:zmtstie ne��ess�uy !�m�Eke up the drficicncy. 8orrowcr sha11 nr,�ke up thc .;� 4
<br /> - - : -
<br /> j
<br /> � � deficiency i�no nioro thnn twelve manthly payntenis,i�t Lender�si�lr�9iscretion. ,
<br /> :' ; Upon payment in full uf all sums�r�urc�i by this Security In�trument,l,endcr sht►II primiptly refund tu H��rrower uny �, '
<br />,.�,� . �
<br /> :� �.: Fl�nds hald bv Lender. If,under pari►grapli z 1,Lcmier sh�ill ucquirc ar�ell thc I'ruperty,Lendrr.��riur tu ihc acquisiuun ur ,
<br /> . _ __._� . �htill i� 1 any IUnds nalq�)� i.cnucr ui tii�i����e :,f•��~::ix�t:c:� :,c •a!� :�•:� credit at�uinst the sunri � �_ - - _ ____ -
<br /> .. . sale of ehc Yrupeny. pP Y '��' ' ` , � ,
<br /> � securcd by this Security Instrument.
<br /> 3. AppUcution aP Puyments. Unle�� upplirablc Inw provideti uthu«•isr. :�p paymenis mccived by Lender uncler
<br /> • �rn hs 1 un�l 2 shall he uppUcd: first,t�ilny prepuyment chi►r�es duc undrr thc Nate;second,w am��unts payublc undrr �
<br /> • parab P
<br /> puragruph 2:third,tn intcrest duc;fourth,lo�1T�11C1{1itl(IUL`:und liist,tu any liuc�h:►r�:�+duc undcr thc otc. �
<br /> 4. ChnrFes; Lieos, Barrmver tih:�11 pay all r,ixc�, assexsmcnts, chargc+. tmez nnd impositicm� attributable to thc
<br /> Ptoperty which muy uunin priurity�vcr thix Secunty ln.trument,und lcatichold paymenu or graund ren�s,ii':►n�, 9orrowcr , ,
<br />'_ , shall p:�y thesc obligi�don�in�he ntunncr pruvided i�p�+tiagruph 2,or i(nut paid in that munner, Borrc�wet'�h�ll � them��n i
<br /> , Hme direcdv to the person��wcd paymcnt. Burru«•rr�hn)1 promptly turni+h ti,l.cndcr ull nutic���uf antuunts to be paid under
<br /> this paragraph. If Barrawer mukes the�e payments dimctly. Eion•u��•er xhull promp►ly f'umish ta Lendcr recuipts evidencin�; i . • .
<br /> , ` thc puymen�s. . -
<br /> � Bonower shall prumptly dischurgc.�ny licn��hirh has priariry�>�er this Security Mstrumm�t unlcs, Borcowcr:(a)agrccs �
<br /> � in wriling ta the puyment of the nbNguti�m serund h��the lien in u munner iicceptablr to Lender;(h)cantests in gaod faith the j, ..-
<br /> lien by.or defend.r•ugninst enforcement ui'the lien in,Iegid pracecdings which in thc l.ender�opinion operntc to prcvent ihe �
<br /> "'` � cnforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from�he haldor of the lien an agreement�aiisi'art��ry to Lcndcr subardinating the lien �
<br /> �_� � to this Security Instrument, li'I.ender det�nnincs�hut any purt��i'�he P�'��perty i� subjcct tu,+lien which may attain priority
<br /> ` � I ovcr this Securlty lnst�ument,l.ender ma}•give Aorr��wer u nuUrc identil'yin�tfic lirn. Hnrru�ti•rr sh.dl�atisfy the licn or t.ike
<br /> on�or more of the actians set forlh Atxrve within IO duyti of the giving uf notice.
<br /> � ' ' S. HuzArd o�Property Insurnnce. Burmwer�hull kcep lhe impravemrnt.nc�w cxi�ting��r h�rcafte�crccted on thc
<br /> �� ' Property in�ured�►gainst lass by fire.hn•r.ards included within the temi"rxtended cuvcraSe"and any inher hai:�rds,includins
<br /> . flaods or tl�ding, for which I.endcr reWuires intiurunrc. This insurancc shall bc mainiaincd in thc amuunt. nnd Por thc
<br /> Form 3028 9l90 Ip��R�•:r,(6 p�i4r.r1 I
<br /> � �
<br /> (
<br />— __-- __ _:,� .,
<br /> � }
<br /> � �� �
<br /> � ` i
<br /> t '
<br /> �
<br />