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_ . r _ . - <br /> .c`'..��c' � ', . ` _- ,. <br /> . � <br /> � �. .. <br /> �c , r- -� ..-:-. _ _ .._.... . <br /> . - �-,: ' , �•� _ — <br /> y ' .. _" _ <br /> � .._: . .'...... ... . _... .. _,. . . .._ .__ .. . _ _ , -•^ . . _ , ,_ .�_.. <br /> .__..�_ .'•y t+ , � � . � ;c .b , . ' ` -. ` . •t . � . ° • .- ... . � L 4 .� .a�c t . <br /> .`�. _:,...__: �:. .L � .,�������a -,�+$Or1�AiCt'6�f j���`�.Gldli dCY1�40,1��,,t.i,,'�SIi�C�i0 ,.` , <br /> . . OqlCt�1 O�illG��x�OI�C i11M1�c�E�bC�`���F�����bc�bMed b� • - <br /> �C f�1 tffECt.`�,.t1�!'tllt��OI�K+.��1WIII��GSC�i�tIDCdS iS �1065 TCSElYC ID �Ql� I�It�C'91�OC. 1.O6t iCiCfYC� <br /> ' �p���p�.�!��`lbE OQ�Otf Of�CIIaEf;lf IDOltf�C 7�Iff�IOC COYElJ�C(1R frlt�IpOlft�AOd�l t�1C gR10i� <br /> t <br /> 1�LCO�[ [CQLLIiCS}(y�'pYl�Cd�iU't�SlIICt i�[OVO��by��Gf�.�7CCOIIlGS aVZ1��1C�!S U�lt91D0���ORaWCf S�lil�pi�! <br /> tbe pnm;,,ms rbquuad w,�a mortgsse�uanoe u�tft«x,or�aµwu�+,ae�tos�i�cs«ee,antil we reqainarm r�mp�tp�t <br /> � r` iisutan�±e ends ia aconndance with ac}r writtai�betwew Bornswtr�tt L�ettderor�li�le taw. .. <br /> tta � <br /> •,�.�oe.La�dei or iu�maY mal�e�!e e,n�ias upon�nd inspoctions of the Property.Leider shall give <br /> . B�o�u$rer notioe at t6e-time of or prinr to an inspedion spxifiying teasonable cause•for the iaspxtiu4- c . <br /> ,- - _ . _ . :1l�-��ud�oe.77te proceeds of ariY s►nroad�ur claim for�.du�ct.or c?on�at,in ooanecGon w�th�ny_ � <br /> �aondem�tion�or otber talcIng af mry patt of tpe Pmpefrty.or for eon�reya�e id lieu oT oa�n,a�tienbq ass�8ned and. � - <br /> . shall6e paid to f.eader. ` ' ' < • �, ` ' ' ' <br /> . in'the eve,at of a total raking of the Pr`operty,the pmceeds 3halt be appl'ied to t6e sams soau�ed by this Snauity I�.� . <br /> `whetLer or not then due.wit6 aay a�cess paid w� the e+reat of pertial tatd�ng af dte.pmperty in whicfi�the�f�ir , <br /> �tt vatne of tfie Property imma�'�tel�r b�fene die ffilcing is a�l ip or;�tl��e�ra of tLe sums sccure��r this <br /> � , .,Seairity imtrurnmt immediat�Iy before the t�tcing.untess Bomrnver an�Lender otbexwise agnoe in wripng,the sums secured bg <br /> �this Stcmiry In�um�nc sir.�U 6e reduced by the anaunt of the pmceods multiplied 6y the foriowing fr�Ction: (a�tbt tor�T. <br /> . .�SOUM of ine su�secitneat�ar,atety uefane t1���.diY;aea by(tt1 tme f�r muksc w,�iue of Elie Rropercy immed'�relx <br /> 6efore the�aking. My b�ance shal!be paid to Bornawer. I�t tbe e�wt of�a partia}taYiag of the•Property in afiic�the fair <br /> � 'mazkd vxlae of the Property imniediauly�before ihe tatcing is less than t6e anaunt of tiie sw�secured�mmediately hefore t6e � <br /> talcing,aaless Bortnwet and Lender otheYwise agr�ee in wrihng or,ualess applIcable lavii otherwise pmvides,tfie proceeds shalt <br /> _,- .be�applied m tLe s�ms�secvr�ed by this Se�vrity Insuumeis whether or aat the sums are then due. <br /> -_ If t�ie PmpeRy is-abandoned bp_8orrow4r,ori�aftcr notiee by Lender to Borrower thac the condemnar offcrs to malce an <br /> = awa�d or seute a Naim for duaages,Bormv�re.r fails ta re-pvnd to•�.ender within 30 days after the date We notice is given. <br /> -= , Lender is att[hotlzed to collec4�d appiY the�i+optwn.eit�er w restotetlpn o�'repair of the Property ar to the smns <br /> '-- . . st�ctu+ad�6y dns SeCatity i�stttt�tt.wlsether or c�t then c�e: , . <br /> - • Unless'Lendcr and•Borrawer otf�eivoisc agree in w,iiirtg,any�appiication o€p�oc�is to primip�l shall not'extend 4r <br /> - _ postpone the due date of iLe.munthly payments refemed w in I anti 2 or ct�ange ihe amount uf sucb paymeats. <br /> - 11.Bomrnrer Not Rekased;Forbeatstnoe By I.eadei�aiva.Extension of the[ime for payment or modrficatiori <br /> - of amortizatian of the sums secured by ileis Secarity Insuument granted by Lender to any successar in interest of Borrower shall <br /> .i�� ' nat aperate to release the liabifity of the original Borrawer ar Eorrower's succeswrs in irterest_lxr�der sbal!not t�e reqaired to <br /> . c�tptnet�oe}�toceeding�s,against any siuuxxesspt'in inte�cest or�efuse td extend time for payment ar otherwise malify amartization <br /> of the sums secured by this Security imtrument by reasnn of any demattd made by the origirtal Hormwer or,Boaower's <br /> - successors in inten,st. Arry for6rarance by L.ender in exercising any nght or remed�+shall not'be a waiver of or prectude the , <br />_ . _ eaercise af arry right m rcmedy.. <br /> ' 12. Sn�o�s and Assig�s Baond;3ofat an� Several Liability;C�o-signers.The covemants aiid agreements of this <br /> _ , °;- Security Insttument shall bind and bertefit the successary and assigns of I.ender and Barrnwer. subject to the prq�isions�f . <br />°�`�• paragraph 17. Bornnwer's cove�rrdnts and ageements shaU be joint and several. My Borrower wha ca�igns lhis Seeurity <br />- � Inswmem but does rtol execute the Note:(a)is casignin�this 5ecurity ln.titrument anly to mangage. grant and rnnvey ttrat <br /> _- � � ` Barrower's interest in the Praperty under the tem}�,of this ScFUrity In+trument:lb�is nat{�onally obligatecl to pay the suirss - <br /> �� � � ' secured by this Security It�strumee�t:and(c}agree�Yhat Lertder and su►y nther borrower may agree ta extend.modify.forbear or <br /> - ''"��'• "' ' make any accommadatians witlrregard to the teiins of this Security Iqstrumcrtt ar the 1Vote wuhout tfiat Borrower's consertt. <br /> � '`��" "- -- - <br /> + '�r--_ , • 13,Le�n pwEges.if the toan r�ecured by this Securicy Imtrument is+ubjece to a law which sets maximum lpan charg�. _ <br /> . ': t�..,,�:t,��- ' ` and that law is finally interpreted so that the intemst ar ather loan charges c�llected or to be collected in cannectinn with ihe __ _ <br /> -- ':'�'":��.' loan exreed the permittedJimits,then: (a)any such loan charse shall be reduced by the amount n�es.tiary to'reduce the charge �.—_ <br /> to ihe iaed limit:and(b1 any tiumi already collecte� fmm Borrrn;•er uhich exceeded permitted limits will be refurtded ta �'�:;��,__ <br /> -- - .�'�"�'���' .- ' Borrawe�[.ender may cM+��se ta make thiti refund by reducing the principaf rnved uader the N�te or by making a direct �`''�_,�_ <br /> � � ;��,�,,�;... �,s;,n •payment to Sarrower. If a refund reduce� principal, the reduction «•ill He trwteJ a� a panial pre�yment u•ithout atty '�-_�:�;: ,_ <br /> ., x;�,�,-;: �: �:• `} PrepaYmerrt charge under the Notc. . -:y'"�`-- <br /> ',• ' , � :-''-. ��.,.= . _ . - --. <br /> .�,,�;.�, ,�.,., 14.1Votic�.Ar�y mriicc to Bon�wer provided fiu in thiti Security lmtrument�hall bc�,iv�n hy iteti�•ering it ar by mailing <br /> t...-�-.: <br /> ,. ; • ,. it by ftrst clacs mail untess applic:�ble I:�w teyuireti use i►f another mrtlu�d. The notire�ball he directul to thc Praprrly Addnw� . :��:-_ <br /> . °T s '� os any ather addres.r Borrc�wer clesignate+ by notire to Lendcr. An}� notice u► I.endcr �hap hc gi�•en gy fr,t cta,s maii to .. i�; <br /> , ':.�.<•�'•` <br /> - �- -- � - I.ender's addrecs stateJ herein ar any ��iher:uldresy L.ender desi�rrates by ne�ticc t��&rrruwer. Any nuti��r pn►vided for in this __ <br /> - - -. -- � '.. 5ecurity Instrumcr�t�hall(,e decroieS!to have bcen gi�en to&,rra�vcr nr I.cnJ�r�•hen givcn uti providul in thiy paraLeraph. � , � <br /> ' ' c , 15.Governi��; Sererability. 'fhi. 5��curity In.erumm�t �hall be g�>vernecl by fcderal law and the law•af the • .. <br />� � � �;'�,�'� � � � jurisdietion in whieh the PcopeAy is la�atal. In the ecent that any provitiion or claurr��f thi�Srcurity Inytrumem or ihe Note ' <br /> •::y��6,•' _ rnnflicKs with applicable law.sucb canllict shall nut affcct„thcr pr�n•i.inn.oP d►i.S�wurity ln�trumcnt or.thc yotc which�an hc : . -. ' •� <br /> �• ��»:. . siven effect without the rnntiicting provision.T��thi:end the pravi�i��m of tbi�Sccurin� tmtrumrnt and thc Note are declared . <br /> •� :�r':",-, to be severablc. . - . .' : � <br /> - � 16.Borrnwer's Copy.Bc�ROwer+hall he givcn onc roni'or�ncd cnpy uf tl�c�lote and c►f thiti S�urity lmtrument. . . s-� <br />- .• �:�r� - ; _ .F,�' . ' 17.Transter ot the Pnnperty ur a Ben�ficlal lntercst in Bnrr��uer.If aU ur any purt�►f thc Prupeny ur any imcr��t in it <br /> , is u�ld or transfcrrcd t�r iP:�bcncficial inten�t in Bnrrc�µ•er i����W or iran�fcrnKi aiTd l3��rri»ecr i.m+t;��laturul perti�►n)without ,��` <br /> � ,p�_ ., Lender's priur a�ritten cunrcnt. Lcndcr may. at it���pti�m, myuirr•imnntit�at� payment in fufl nf all �um� �rcvrcd hy thi+ <br /> _.. _?;�,�,�-r . .. _ ' Security lmtrumenu However,this hptinn�hall nut be cxer�i.ed hy lAUdcr iP cxcrcitic�+pru6ibited ba�federal laa•ati of the date - - __ __: <br /> � ' . � of this Security ln�trunicnt. • _ ' <br /> � `• . � lf l.ender cxcrciu�thi.r aption.t.cndet tih:tll gi�c�+rruwcr n��ticc�+f acccicrati��n.7'Itc m�iier.hall ru�•idc a peri�xi uf.ui�t , . <br />'' ,: , les.w th;ut 30 Jay.� from thc datc thc n��ticc i.dcllvcrcd ur ��uiilyd �vithin t�l�irh $urru«�cr niutit p;►�• �I��um.�crurrd hy tbi� . <br />= • � � 5oGUdty ln�'&moa•cr f�its t�+pay�thc�c�u�im priur lu Ihr cxpiratiun ut thi+p�ri�nl. I.�ndrr ma�� incukc any rcmrdic� •, • <br /> ' - permitted by this Security tnctrument a•ithnut furthrr ttuticc ur demand�m Hnrr����cr. .. <br /> .,:_,;;� . 18. Boetooe�er'�c Ri�ht to Iteinsta{e. If li��rruHer m�yt. ccnai�i cnnditinn... f3��rruurr tih.dl ha�•o tN. right tu lravc ... . � - <br /> _ enfc►rccmcm oi't�ii�Srrurity Intitrumrnt Ji.rrw�rtinucJ a1 u��}� timc pri�,r t��thc��rrlirr ul: lu► S da�• I�+r :urh�,thcr (xri�xl u� �,Y ._ --- . <br /> :�;,j;�''�. apPfirable law mliy ��cif'y f��r rcintitatcmcrit) hx:furr s�tic��f tltc Pr��pcttY pur,uuitt t�� any puar� uf .ulc c�mtain��l in thi� . ' <br /> :.��.�•'� � 5ecurity faunimcni:or�b)entry of u jud�rrcnt cnfnrring thi�Sccurit� (n�trumc�u.'fho.c.atditium�rc th�t Borrowcr:lu!pay� i. . <br /> ' _'�;;=L;":,' " � I.ender all surt�whirh thcn wuuld be dae under thi�Serutiry In�lrument anJ the Note us if nu acceleratinn ha�f uccurred:lb) • <br /> :-. - - rures vny default of any other covensnts or ugreemcnts: Ir)p�ay�ull expen�c�inrurr�d in.enfarcing thiy Security lnatrument, t . <br /> ��-,. .. .. <br /> _ `.`:` .^=°��.��' includins.but_not limitod t��.r'ra.umable atturney�Pcry:u�n1 (d)t�kcw tiuch�ctiun ax I.rnJer may rc�aWmafily reyuirc to atisurc . . <br /> • _._._--_„, <br /> � ' that the lien di this 5rcurity ins�rumrnt. l.ender'!.rlghts in thc Pr�perty anci &�rrawcr'�ohli�twn tu p�ay the smn+ticcurcd by - ----_--- <br /> -B�� � this Security Ittstrument tihrli cantinuc unchangcd. Upon rcimtntcment hy &+rnnvcr. �hiti 5ctiurity Imtrument und thr .' <br /> �``� -.b��•':= obligations s�urcd hcrcby st�aH rcmain fnNy cffc�hlvc:n ii ru�acccicration had�xcurnd. Hna•evcr. d�is righi tv rrimtutc�hall <br />_.=��:�-i' ��::Y:_�:-•ti--- , . <br />�_ :T', not appty in the casc af u��lcr�atii►n undcr paragraph.t7. _ ' <br /> 19. Sak ai Nate;Clmnge of Loan 5ervit�er. Thc Notc or u p�rtial int�K�wt in the N��tc(a�c�her with thi� Sec�rity ' . <br /> � ' �-'� lnsttument)may be sold otte nr rtum timcs without priur noticc to Bonowcr. A s�lc may rc�uit in a chan�;r in thc entity Ikurnvn � '. <br /> �''° - as the"l�oan Servicer"1 tfrat wllcrts mnnthly p�yments dur uttder.the Ncrtc and thi�&.vnty lnurumcnl.'r'here s�ls��may hc ime , , � <br /> -- or more changes of 1he l.a�n 5ervicer unretateJ tc�v�tc of the Ndte.lf there is�chairgc af the lar�n Scrvicer.�rr���vrr�vill t�e � <br /> given written notice of the change in�ccordanre with p�.uagruph 14 abave and appfic�hlc l�w.TGr nutiir�vill state the name a�xl ; • <br /> ' �� � addreca df�he�iew Lagn 5eivicer s�t�d the�idres.c M which payments shuWd t+c miJe.Thr n��tice�vill ul��contain:u�y rnher ; . <br /> - .. <br /> �.._ -. ..: -itttbrnzutk+n requiretl�sy s�siic�bi�laac: •._._. � -. - __- _— <br /> :. :_. . --- - . <br /> _. .._ . __. . ... . _ . _ .._.. ._ .__.. . . . <br /> Z0. Haz�rdous 5u6�tances. Botmwer shu11 ttc�t e'ause�r permit the prcccn��r. u�e. dis�wt. storagc.or rctc�asr�of any . � <br /> • . Har�rdws 5ubsfu�es an or in the Property. &�rrmver sltrll nat do. nor atlim �nqcmc clse to da: :mythi� aff�ctinF thr <br /> , � Properly that is in violutiast ot�ny I?nvimnmem�l lrw. The prccedinLe t�vv sentenrrs slw11 m�t apply to the presencc.usr.t�r . <br /> atorage an ttre Prop�ty O�SRtB�I qU8I1�1�C5 O�H:l�II(IULLti SU�3CdIICC9 1I1i11 ilfC�'C11CTitIIy T2COFq�zed to i+e approprivtc tn rwrm�l. . <br /> residenti�l uses nnd to maintc�nre of the Pa�pecty. . ' , ' ' ' <br /> - �, . <br /> ' � . ` P�vo a w a ' Fam 3b28 9J90 <br /> . . � ..." . ., �• <br />