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� ` _ri'1� ' ` � a� <br /> �-��� . 2 - , :.. � .. <br /> � j � e <br /> s.�� K t <br /> . .P _ r�,c� ---' --,�-.:_ss_.__�. _-._ <br /> " --`y .. �����`�.``��- , .-.-� _ � . ~ .. �` = .a._ __'-.-.._.- ._`._ . C<_ � . r l= c `.'C ... ` ` . .� 4` . - �� . _. . "'._ *.�' '.._'_ .... - _ <br /> �� . � � . ` 4 t . ��II�� . < < < , - <br /> , c T�E FLfld4�f1� bG�'`1� �d 1�`1Y1106C.�66�t5 fCC 111511Y�Od b�s�Od����N,Y.V��y - <br /> , {� ��L'9�Ci`�if�ISS S��l IRStit1�10�)Ol 10 i�l g�idEli��Ol�C�R�0�.T.d1�Cf�.�y t}1C FY11dS W�itlC _ <br /> `E;�o�w�ttems.I�odec ro�y��goriowe�for boldiq�nd ipQiyiea the�onds:,sm�Y�Y�E We Fscnaa�at�� `. . <br /> .thr Esavw I�aas,mless p►I's Barrower inoe�est gr�t6e Funds�d ap�ticabk law p¢mits t�de�w a�Ee surb : <br /> � - aa�n�Aen�va:LenAer may r�ptiie:�ttrba��m��Y a one-time c�su8e fok an ied�pmd�in trai es�a tax repP�B� � <br /> used fry L.eader in comdction with tLis 1Pan. untc5s applxa6�Pm�othe�wise. tr�ess an sgree�a�t the Funds.� <br /> � appliadsl4law mputes�iK�ta be p�d,I.ender s�il not be to y Bor�o�vd any i�u or arni�s <br /> Boaowet aa�i�Lender�my�gnee in writing.�owever,t1�t i�s6aE!be pai�on the Fauds.l.ender sliall give ta Bocmw�, <br /> • �.wfti�adtc1�ugc,on aaouat�bcoieian8 of tfie�,sbowin8 crod�aad de�sits ta thc Fuads.a�fhe pnt,�i►se f�.��sch . ,--� _--.� <br /> . de6it to ttie Fnnds w�as.m�de.'!'he Funds anc plodgad as ad�tionat for all sums sa�nod by this Sxuri�y IasWmait.. <br /> If the�un�he(d b�La�der accmd th��outNS pertniuod w�bY apglicable law,Izender s6ait aowurn to Bnm�wer- <br /> • far the excess Fw�ds ia acco�taoce witlt the naqni�mts of sppliai6le law.If the a�o�t of fhe Fonds i�eld by i.endei at any <br /> ' nnt�ficie�to�pwy the�sctovµitans whm due.I.e��der may so noti[y.$orrower ia v�iriting,aod.ia sncbt cas�Borrawer <br /> . s�ia11 pay w i.edda the smount neoessa'tY to make aP tl�e de�cuncy_Boaowtr s11�it make aP t6e'.�f�tencS►.in ao mcxr�than ` � ,. <br /> � . twelve mawh[y p�yiae9is,a�I:render's sole df�e�on: . ` • � , <br /> � � 43Po�p�lymeru in full•of ali sams secural bl► this SecurifY Iratnime�u. Iioder sh�ll pr�mptiy �fund�to Burro�� <br /> Fnads held by 3.ender.lf.Undet patagrapt�Zi.Laide�strrti acqaire ot se,tl t6t Pcopetty.�.e�d�r,D�io . � . <br /> -- � 5 of tt�Prope�ty.sdaU apWy anY Funds Neld by iender at the time of acquis�tion or sal�as a credit�utsc the soms socured,bY <br /> - dus 5e�curity i�t. ' `' < <br /> --- ' �.�Iiptiud of 8f� Unless appiica6l�:law provides other�ise.atl paymen[s reoeeivod by Lader urider pacagr.q�hs <br /> -_ •I and 2,shati be appliod: ��Y F�3'���8es c�ae undec thc Note:;sec�nd.t4 amamts�aYable undeE paragra{+1�2; <br /> --- third;to intertst due;fouzth.w pnncipal due;and last,.to a�y late chazges due under the Note. • , <br /> - — � 4,Ciatge�Lia�s.Baf�vwer ahali paY-ail t�es,as�neMs:cMarSes.fines and impcaitions attn'Iwtable tn the Praper�.y, , , <br />-- v�fiich maY�ain PrioritY over this Seauiry Insqun�euc,and leasehold payments or graund rents. if saty. Bnr�ower shalt Qaq . <br /> - ' tl�ese obligadons ia the manner pro�vided a►�2.or if not paid in ehat•rrieaner.BorMwar shatl pay tbem pq tiaoe direcdy <br /> -� w tbe petson owed paym�t.Borrowet sh�{i promptly fumish tn t.endei aA notices of amo�tnts to be pa�d under�tus pat�raph.� — <br /> = If Bo�rov�er makes these paymeius dimcdy.Bomnwer shai!pramptly famish to Lender�eceipts evi�kncing the payments. . <br /> _.� $orrower shall pmmptly dischacge aay liea which has pnority over tiiis 3ecurity Insuumert uAless Ba*rowcr:(a)a8rees�� � <br />_' writatg to the payment of tl�e obiigaaon secured by the lien in a manner a�eptable to i.ender:(b)contesu in good faith tde liea < <br />� �' by,.or defeads aga�ast enforcement of the lien i», legal pracerdings wbicb in the Lender's apimon operate to preveM�c' <br /> - enToruea�ent ot the"1'�en;or(c)s�from the trotder of ehe liert•art agreemen�satisfactory ta i,ehder cu6ar���tlte lien-to -- - . <br /> this Security Instrumeiu. If Lender determic�es that anY Pazt af.the Property is,subjoct to a lieri wTiic�may attaie�priority over ` <br /> this Security Insuument,Lender may give Borrower a notice identifying the lieq.Barrower shalt satisfy ihe lien or take one ar <br />_,,,: :4-.•�,,. cnorc of the actions set forth abo4e anthln 10 days of the giving of natice. -- <br /> 5. H�td or Ptnperty lnsurat�oe. Bamnwer sha1� keeP the �mprovemenu now ezistirtg or hereafter erected on the <br /> Property imured against losc by fire.haaards included within the term"extended coverage"a�d any other hazards, iucluding. <br />-- floods or flooding,fur which Lcnder requir+es it�surance.This insi�rance shall be maintained irrthe amounu and for the periods• <br /> . , .. �- _ that L,ender re,quires.The insurancc carrier proviJ'mg the insurance sfrall be�chosen by Borrower subject to I.ender's appmval <br /> which shall noi be unreas4rab�y withheld. If Barrower fails to mainuun coverage described above. l.ender may, at Lender"s . <br /> option.abtain caveragc to procect l.ender's righu in t6e accacdance with P�P�Ph 7. <br /> ' �^�. � ` AII insurance poficies and renewals shall 6e acceptable to Lender and shall irtclude a standard martgage claase.I.ender , __-_ <br /> -• . {.t._= shall have the right ta hotd the poticie.s and renewals. tf Lendar reqairrs.Bormvrer yha11 promp't!y give to t.e�der ali receipu af �_��_- <br /> �-a�. ••:,. , paid premiums and renewal nauces.ln the event�f foss.Borrower s h a l l give prompt notice m�h��nsurance carrier ancl I.ender. ��.--ry-�`-:;_ <br /> �_.J : Lender may make proof of loss if not made promplly hy Borr�wer. �'� s;:..�, <br /> 1 • �'�u.:_'� <br /> _ "�"`.':.'- ' Unfesc i..ender and Borrowcr atherwise agree m wnt�rtg. insurnrn�c praceed�tihaN be applicd tv r►.�+toration or repair of the .;' - <br /> � - - '' ' '� � ,� property damaged,if the restorati�m ar repair is econamically feasible and I.ender'�Security�s nnt lesgeened.!f ttte restoratiun iir <br /> '�''''�'�' �''`"�'!' tepair�s nat ecannmically feasible ar i.ertder's,ecurity wauld be lessened.thc iasurdnce proceed+shall be applied to the sums _ <br />= '�'��''' �'� �- r SC�t[ed by lhis SeCUrlty ItlstrulllCet, whether or not then due. with any ezcess paid to Barrower. lf Sanawer abandons the :: - � <br />- - .'��~� •�"� Property. ar daes nc�t ancwet within 30.daye.a noti�e fu�m I.cndcr that thc inwran��c carrier has offered to aettte a claim,then -- <br /> � :��;;.',. : � �. Lender may coffect the in+urance pma,�edc. txndcr may utie the prucceJs t�+ repair or restore thc Property ar sumti �.�� � '' <br />° . tiecured by this 5o�vrity lnstrumen�,whether nr nat then due.The 3(t-day periocl will lxgin when the notice�s grven. <br /> • �= <br /> - - tlnlecs I.ender arnl Honow•er��ihcrwitie agree in writing. any appliratiun uf pro��xl�'to principai st�it nnt exle�d�or ' .. <br /> • . ` • � pntpone the dac datc af thc m�mthly payment�rcferrcd to in paragraph� t and 2 ur changc thc amaum af thc p�ayments. If _. _• <br /> •"=:• � ,, onder paragraph 21 ihe Pmperty iti acyuire�hy l.ender, 8urruwer'�right to any imuraitce.policicw and�roceed�re�ulting from <br /> �• ; � �famage to the Prupr:rty prior tn thc acyuisitian�hall pa�ti tv L c n der to t hc extcnt u f t hc�um.�ecured b y tMs 5ecurit y Instrument <br /> ' immaliatcty prlor t�thc aryuisiti�n. � •�� <br /> . . � 6.Ocrap9ncr. �re.servation,Maintenance and Prntection of thr Prnprny:8nrr����er's I.�n�n Apptication;l.easehotds. .� ��- <br /> . Battower shali cxcupy.cstabli�,h.:nu!u�c the Properry ati E��rru��•cr'ti princi�l rc��de��rc wiU�in.ixt�da�•�after the cxecution of <br /> _ , . : ._". f� Ihis 5ecvrity tnstroment and�ha11 ccmtinuc t�►ar��upy tUc Prupeny�y Harr��a•cr',principal rcridence ti,r ut I.x+,t�»ie year after � , �� <br /> -��=`,t'''s' � • the date of accupartcy.unless I.cnder rnherwi�e writing. Hhinc�un.cnt.hall n��t bL unr��+rnrably withheld. or untesw <br /> ' • extenuating cirwm�n� exitit whicli arc bcynnd &mua�cr'� mntrol. B��rr���vcr .I�ali iwt d�riray. damugc ur imp�sir thc , <br /> ��� pra n allow ihc Pta r1 tn dctcriarutc. ca commil wa,te un thc Propcny. &�rruarr >hall bc in driauft ii'uny fi�tfciturC <br /> .- �':'�, " _--- Pe Y• 4'c Y - =_-- ... <br /> :sction or procecding. wflethcr civil or c�iminal.i.ix�.un U�ut in l.end�r'�g���cl faiih,judgmcnt c�+uW r��ult in fi�rfciturc�►f the <br /> = �;..: : ' Property m athcrurise materially imp�air thc licn cmatcJ by thi�Scrurity Intitrununt or LandC��+Ciurity intctcst. &�rr<�wcr may <br /> • � cure such'a dcfault und}xovidrd in�rugraph 18, hy�cau�ing thr urtiun ur pr�k�wding tu hc ditimi��cd w•ith a ruling <br /> � � , � 'that, in l.endcr'�g��xi fa�th d�tcrminati�n. prrcludc� furt'citurc uf thc &�rr��wcr'� intcrc�t in thr {'rnper(y• ar uthcr nwtcrial . : <br /> � impairmtnt of thc licn crc�.ttc�i by thi�Scrurity lnctru+nent ur IAndcr's yccurity intrrc.t. &�rrua•cr .Irall atw�br in dcfaul� if . <br /> ' � Bnrrower,dur+rtg thc laan applicrtiun pr�u�y�,ga���matcriaUy,faltic ar inarcuratc infum�tiun ut�tutcuuutti t�i lxndcr(�+r failcd • , <br /> � " � tn providc[.cndcr a•ith any m�tcrial'ini�>rmati��n►in c�mimc�iun a•i�li ti►�lir,�n e�idrncud by thc N„tr. �ncluJing. hut ra�t limit��t . ,- <br />` � -- - En,:;..:,_�'�: - - ta.YCpTC�UUiinm conccmmg&�r�a�vcr'�ikcu�rancy u1'thr Nr���xn��.u prinripal n�idrnrc. lf thi.S�YUrity lmtrumcnt i�an.� , , . _. . <br /> ��: --� • le�ehold. Borrawer .rhvll r�nnply with aU the provisian�al' thr I�ase. If &,rruwer acyuires icc tiUc tu Ihc Nn,peny. the . <br /> �'';;�' � �t � leaschnld unJ thc fcc tidr sha)1 n��t mcrgc unlcss Lcndrr ttgmc+tu tfic mcrgcr in writing. <br /> ,,,�,.:� , . <br /> _ -';��-�• - 7,Pt+otectbn ot l.euder's Ri�ts in the 1'roperty.lf Rurrna•cr f�il.ur perPiirm the covcnantti and agrerments cnntained in " . <br /> -_ .:�,,:;: _ `' :,:. . . <br /> -_ ' . ' � this 5ecurity ]nstrumenl.or there i.a Iegal pr�xeeding tt�at muy �i�rnifir�uuly affect l.encter'�ri�fits;in thc pra�xrty t�uch uc a <br /> -__ ,'''"�=L''•`- proceed{ng in banicruptry.pnifratc. fi�r cundemnat��n or fi�rfcitarc ur t�•enfnrce la��•y nr rcgula»cm�). thcn I.rnder m:�y do:�nd ---- - - <br /> ,��� � pay fot wh�tever is rrece5sary t� pn�tect tlte vatuc nf the Prupetty and Lrndct'� t�m Pwperty. l.cnder s uction.m�y • . <br /> ;.y� - include�paying nny sumw xecwree! by A lien which huc pri��rity nver thi. 5ecurity Inst�nt. app�:�ring in cuurt. p�aying . , <br /> ^�� t =•=.r.:-s'��:�� : reasonableattomcys feev und entering im the Prope�y tu irwkc rcpai��. Alth��ugh lAnd�v m�y takc:ullun under thi�paragraph .- - <br />- _ ;�.s,�;,�: l,l.etxlcr does twt havc tu da w. . <br /> - ��--_�,-= .� 'Any am�wnis disbur�ai �y �.endrr undcr this parograph 7 shall b�tionx sdditi�mal dcM af Norr��HCr k�urcd hy thi� : <br /> rt � .._� Seeur�ty instrutnent. lJntesz Borrcnver�rnl I.endcr agree m��thcr h�nns ut`paymm�t,these am�wnts tilwU tkar int�r�� f'r��m din <br /> _ °'`q��.,,� �.� date af dlsbursement at thc Note rnte urnf shs�ll bc �yub(e. with interest, trpon nntiee frum IAndcr to &�rmwer nyu�wting <br /> i -..t�`.i��`-xY��'�. 'fy�ylMn�. . ' . . ' . . . <br /> �'J"� ' �. . <br /> - - 8,ly�e 1tN; l.elxier required tm�tt�ge insurancc ay a cx�nditinn nf makiag thc krsn xtivnYl b.y thi�5ecuritp <br /> . I ' t��,Eorrowr��11 pay the piemiums require�to maintai»thc.m�r�s�e ia�uranrg in effi:a�t, if, inr any rr.�m. thc <br /> • " --. �._. ;...- <br /> . . .. <br />„ • .` • mottgage inaurance coveinge reqwted by LenJe�ia}�ef e�.{cc io be in�mrnver�haff=p.�tirr pm�riu��r�i•ryui tf► -- - _1 _ <br /> ' ' oMaln coverage substaatially'eqnivalen!to the mnrt�gr msuramr ptevinu�ly in effect.�t�c�n1 wtritunti�lly equivalent h�'thr . , <br /> � ' rast tn Borrowcr of the.mort�ge insur�ncc previ��nsly in c1'fect. from an alterrr�tc nwrt�gc insurcr approvai by [.cn+icr. 1t - <br /> � ' ', • . • . , , . . <br />- . •_ ' •' • - . . � ' VaW2u14 FOfh13OZA gf�'. . . , . , <br /> ... . � . <br /> , . . - .. . F . � ' . . . . . . _ �" <br />