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' '. �s.�.�Q, 'Tn�h�tl.I.a�e"m�fedef'�t ia�s sn��ia�bfti5c j�o�n�fiide tl�e�k'c�t�'is��ed ----- <br /> -- -- -- <br /> �e io lres�;�r�afvaaaiarerrt�t�ro�- .. - - - - �- ° - . <br /> . . rtox-t1PU�covENAiV'�s.�.9onowec�ud treodar fi�ber ravanmt�d��ee�tal�s:. : " . -- � <br /> - Z��OOdera�i�;�se�s.I-,a3es�it�tiot ta��eiwer pti�r�;��3�t�1�n�i��'� <br /> '�aE. ..ei�ea�iit.-K.�e�ee�t:i�fiis I�ett�eMt l�t �t i�io�'�� tidet�ra�ra�M.I7.�e�s _ . . <br /> 1�►1�'!�!�ier�ii[�.�'I"i�e�wtiee?i�Y.. _ ts}.tl�d�l�-(y t.�-a�et�w q ifo aie+e 1ie ie�: <br /> _ ts)a iM�:�iac�'3i if�ja`Uun:t�c d�flk�etioe��iia tn�a�i+awe*,Tr�*�ea�ieni�t��e.�ii�e�`iif�irt .< ` -' <br /> ���t faif��i ae�Uic iela�lt w ar�'�r�Yt i�tr s�eilibd'�=t�e�istiet wsy YrwY i��aoaeftiati���i!�e��ws <br /> � �ei�ed�+tiis Secwits L�tsNeM�d srle d tie 1'erpa�t�,�e�tict aM firtiier�fie�.l�nwra�af tie:ei�t 1! r <br /> ' � i+ei�e attv aoaelerafio�e a�i tlrc e�t`ie bii�:ce�rt�acbWS to asr�er�d�e so�ed�teaoe�t i�adt rc a�r�I�rer <br /> ielaMe e[aat+ewrr t�►�aii�14.If tiia�It fs Rnt c�d on�r bdefrt tl�e d�te s�c±citie�`iLe ie�Nee, , <br /> � ' 1.e�er,a f its NKie�+�9�eq�e i�r�p��i�9 e�f al!wii�s�s�ed�ry t�is'See�ritY I��st wit�t , . <br /> • l�ilrcr de�ari a��i�vote We po�er ot sate aei u�other�paf�iued 6�'a�Mea�ltw.I.e�ier sl�i 4e <br /> ����ose�����e�����w�a�ws r.�zi,�ra.a�.e.��a�.r�. - <br /> �,��'r�a.a��rrja���«. � . . . <br /> : U aie po.►e�r et stle�s�ayotea,Tnsta s�•�+eoora i m�Oe ot�tt tu eseb eo�in.i►t�id�a� at ck • <br /> , A+nperty�s ioeattd s�d sdp�nil cnpies oY soch'natia�a t6e maneer p�se�ed bY-lPPfkaWe!aw'to aortnnrer aed to . , <br /> � tl�e atix peeso��persa�bed'hY�@P�e 6�v.Afta�tl�t time r�by'�p�pNa6�le!a�►,Ttwgteq�all;he-P`l�iic�a1�ee <br /> ot s�ie to tre�eeso�e aut!is tl��es p�ed by s�piit�6le hw.'Fne�tae,witlln�t de�d os�oresw��M sd' � <br /> tie P�o�aty at p�61�e a�Won to tbe A�bidder at t6e fime and d�vr��nd�nder tie tes��i�fl�e.Mflae�f <br /> • atk h���e oc ato�e peods aad in ady.onkr T�astee dda�es.7`rastee ais9 P�P�sde af er a�y�noet,at tie <br /> . Pt+upaty 69pu Mir anoowanodmeat �►t Ne time and prace ot any prtvla�usly sd�edoied sa1G t�eetkr or its dd�e�usy <br /> .pun��e tbe Pe�npaty at any•s� <br /> _ UP� �P��PQY�� Of tTIC �M3ce�Ti1L�CC S�It1I�Ytc tO 1��TfOS�C$dRd-OOltrl�ll�"HI! '_.'� <br /> _ -- - Proper�y.Tbe retit�ls in the Tc�ta's deM s6a116e prtina t�ie evide�ce of tlee huth ot tbe staten�etc eade tbe�+eiM. <br /> � � Trastee sbal!�pply We pt+noeeds ot the s�le in t11e lolbrviag arder:fa)to all cous And ezpe��ses ot tza�sia�y tbe po�rer of <br /> - — s�s�d t6e sn1G inclading tl�e p�yment ot tbe Trastee's fees�wUy iacurred,not tb e:ca.d the�of $5�.0� ur �i(, <br /> _ ot ibe�Prloc�iPot ama�t of tl�e ao[e at tbe ttn�e ot t6e decfaration oi defanit,artd reaso�ptbk attorneys'ias as pen� . <br />- _ by lawtt lb)ta�11 sums secarod by t6is Securlty lnsbvmeot,smd(c)aaS'ezce�to tbe pasoe or persoa4lepUy aKitled to . <br /> _ i� : . <br /> 22. Reoo�rYtyanee. Upon payment�of all swns secured 6y this Security Tnstrument, l:ender shatl request Tn�stee to <br /> - reoonvey the�taperty and sh�0 snrnnder this SecurieY Inun�nent asd all ma� evideucing¢ebt�seivred hy this.Sq�urity <br />-- • Instrainent to.Trustee.Tnutec shaU remnvey the Propercy without warramy arxl without charge to the person or petsonc lega]ly <br /> -- enritlod to it.Sttch person ar per.was shall pay aey recardation rnsts. '' <br /> -- � Z3.Substitute Tntstee. l.ender,at its option, may fram time tn time removc Trustce and appaint a suct�sor tnntee to <br /> any Trustee appointed hereunder by an ins�rument recardod in the county in which this Se�.�urity Instrument is recarded.Without <br /> comreyame oi the Property,the+uc¢esu�r tru�tce shall succcrcl tu all the titln.p�wer and du:ies eanferred npon.Trustee herein <br /> and by applicable law. <br /> - , 24.Requeat!or Noti4�c.Earcawer requests that copies of.the rtoticcs ot default and sale be sent to Barrower's address <br /> which is the Property • <br />- ' 23.RWas to this Seeurity Instrumeni.•If ane or more riden are exocuted by Banower artd recorided wgether with tl�is <br /> - Security Insicutttent.ttie ee+venan��a�xl agreements af eaclk+uch rider shall be irtmrporated into and shatl ass�end ard supplemeat <br /> ���� thc mvenants artd agr�ementc of this Securiry Intitnunent ati ii'the rider(+)were'a pan af thit Securiry Instrument, . <br /> _ , ''~-;,� .(Check applicable bnz(es)) - <br /> "�=, - <br /> t J. - [�Adjustable Rate Ridcr Cl Condnminium tiider 01-4 Fs�mily Rider <br /> '''` "' �'' � � []Graduated Payment Rider L�Plannecl Unit Ucvclapment Ridcr - <br /> �Biweekly Payment Rider <br /> K�,.�=: Q Sall�n Rider, C�Rate lmprovcmcnt Rider �second Home Rider <br /> 0_V.A.Rider• � • L8�(hher(���sp�wify� Aclrnowledgement of Po�er of Sale <br /> _�• • , . <br /> _ .°=,s.F_�-;- . � • - <br /> � � , _ <br /> � ��;�, • <br /> . 4a.. . <br /> ''':;•,��Y� = BY 51GNING BELOW.Horrower uccept�anJ agreeti to the ternas ancl cnvenants contained in this 5ecurity instrument and = <br /> `�'`''•`� in an rider(sl caccutaf Bnrn�wer artJ rc�urdrvl a•ith it. ` <br /> :�'�::��:,: y �' <br /> - Witnes.�:, • . G�,�'„'�v _ <br /> vs�r ' -* -- -- --- �.___(Sc:tl) <br /> - _:�^_�* Anton J. vetenskq •t��rn�MC►• �° <br /> �t� .��;' � . �. <br /> � -�...__.__._ _ �`/i����''T ����(Seal) . <br /> . � � 1N8—?Et�y Kvetensk9 . -�c�rnmcr <br /> . - -- -- � <br /> . •(5�t1) , - ---- (Seal) i_' <br /> � • . . , •-Hnrtaacr - .. -fk�rnnacr <br /> ;� � SfA'FL OF N�B8A5KA, . . " ga11 Ccwntv sy: �. • . <br /> -- The foregaing insuument w�s acknawlcdged before mc this ISth day of l�iaq , 1993 � <br /> - by Aaton J. Kvetensky and Mary E. Kvetensky�,�Rusband and Wife • . <br /> ��. <br /> `-' . .. Witncss my dand and notasitil seal ut Grand I�l�d,. N raska . . � in aa' CaUnly.the d�te aforesnid. <br /> : —___---................ .._ �-- , � _ <br /> _. _:_ .. .. _.. ._.. ... . . . . . __ .. - -- --. .. _.. __ _._._ <br /> _ _ <br /> ' My Commission Lspires: 2-14-94 " <br /> .. . � N�:,n run��� � � �: <br /> = � � � � 1f�i , �' , ' � , <br /> . M�I/YLMf�NrilO . . . <br /> _ . �: �x� ' V�qn4o14 • ' � f6fD7.���81� ' <br /> —-_ � � , . . . . �.. <br />